Is there an automatic way to simplify EBNF grammars? - grammar

I want to handle the Scala grammar in order to create a data structure and I want to create a graph to model it. The problem that I have is that I want to get rid of some syntax sugar of the EBNF grammar in order to parse it in an efficient way.
For example if I have the following rule:
Expr ::= (Bindings | id | '_') '=>' Expr | Expr1
I want the corresponding rules for it:
Expr ::= LeftExpr '=>' Expr | Expr1
LeftExpr ::= Bindings | id | '_'
What I would really appreciate would be a tool which can automatically convert those rules in order to have left-associativity rules with only OR operators in order to avoid doing it manually. I think it's possible a thing like that, maybe without some semantic sense of the new added rules, e.g. it's the same if LeftExpr is Foo or whatever other name.
I looked at web sources but the argument is so confusing that I cannot find the right answer. Any help is appreciated, also just a link (really) related to the problem. Thank you


Did "!", "^" and "$" had a special meaning in Antlr3?

I dont have any prior knowledge about ANTLR(I recently learned a little bit about ANTLR4), but I have to translate an old grammar to a newer version and eclipse is telling me, that their are no viable alternatives for those characters and shows the syntax error " '!' came as a complete surprise to me".
I already deleted those characters and it does not seam to be a problem, but maybe it had a special function in ANTLR3.
Thanks in advance.
| GLOBALS! define_section!+ END! GLOBALS!
main_block: MAIN sequence? END em=MAIN
-> ^(MAIN MAIN '(' ')' sequence? $em)
^ and -> are related to tree rewriting:
ANTLR4 does not support it (v4 has listeners and visitors for tree traversal, but no rewriting anymore). Just remove all of these ! and -> ... in parser rules (do not remove the -> ... inside lexer rules like -> channel(...), which is still supported in v4).
So in your case, these rules would be valid in ANTLR4:
| GLOBALS define_section+ END GLOBALS
: MAIN sequence? END MAIN
The $ can still be used in ANTLR4: they are used to reference sub-rules or tokens:
: lhs=expression operator=(PLUS | MINUS) rhs=expression
so that in embedded code block, you can do: $lhs.someField.someMethod(). In your case, you can also just remove them because they are probably only used in the tree rewrite rules.
kaby76 has a Github page with some instructions for converting grammars to ANTLR4:

How to make a simple calculator syntax highlighting for IntelliJ?

I'm making a custom language support plugin according to this tutorial and I'm stuck with a few .bnf concepts. Let's say I want to parse a simple calculator language that supports +,-,*,/,unary -, and parentheses. Here's what I currently have:
package com.intellij.circom;
import com.intellij.lexer.FlexLexer;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.circom.psi.CircomTypes;
import com.intellij.psi.TokenType;
%class CircomLexer
%implements FlexLexer
%function advance
%type IElementType
%eof{ return;
WHITESPACE = [ \n\r\t]+
NUMBER = [0-9]+
{WHITESPACE} { return TokenType.WHITE_SPACE; }
{NUMBER} { return CircomTypes.NUMBER; }
expr ::=
expr ('+' | '-') expr
| expr ('*' | '/') expr
| '-' expr
| '(' expr ')'
| literal;
literal ::= NUMBER;
First it complains that expr is recursive. How do I rewrite it to not be recursive? Second, when I try to compile and run it, it freezes idea test instance when trying to parse this syntax, looks like an endless loop.
Calling the grammar files "BNF" is a bit misleading, since they are actually modified PEG (parsing expression grammar) format, which allows certain extended operators, including grouping, repetition and optionality, and ordered choice (which is semantically different from the regular definition of |).
Since the underlying technology is PEG, you cannot use left-recursive rules. Left-recursion will cause an infinite loop in the parser, unless the code generator refuses to generate left-recursive code. Fortunately, repetition operators are available so you only need recursion for syntax involving parentheses, and that's not left-recursion so it presents no problem.
As far as I can see from the documentation I found, grammar kit does not provide for operator precedence declarations. If you really need to produce a correct parse taking operator-precedence into account, you'll need to use multiple precedence levels. However, if your only use case is syntax highlighting, you probably do not require a precisely accurate parse, and it would be sufficient to do something like the following:
expr ::= unary (('+' | '-' | '*' | '/') unary)*
unary ::= '-'* ( '(' expr ')' | literal )
(For precise parsing, you'd need to split expr above into two precedence levels, one for additive operators and another for multiplicative. But I suggest not doing that unless you intend to use the parse for evaluation or code-generation.)
Also, you almost certainly require some lexical rule to recognise the various operator characters and return appropriate single character tokens.

How do I properly parse Regex in ANTLR

I want to parse this
VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /\A[\w+\-.]+#[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i
and other variations of course of regular expressions.
Does someone know how to do this properly?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I tried throwing in all regex signs and chars in one lexer rule like this
REGEX: ( DIV | ('i') | ('#') | ('[') | (']') | ('+') | ('.') | ('*') | ('-') | ('\\') | ('(') | (')') |('A') |('w') |('a') |('z') |('Z')
and then make a parser rule like this:
regex_assignment: (REGEX)+
but there are recognition errors(extraneous input). This is definetly because these signs are ofc used in other rules before.
The thing is I actually don't need to process these regex assignments, I just want it to be recognized correctly without errors. Does anyone have an approach for this in ANTLR? For me a solution would suffice, that just recognzies this as regex and skips it for example.
Unfortunately, there is no regex grammar yet in the ANTLR grammar repository, but similar questions have come up before, e.g. Regex Grammar. Once you have the (E)BNF you can convert that to ANTLR. Or alternatively, you can use the BNF grammar to check your own grammar rules to see if they are correctly defined. Simply throwing together all possible input chars in a single rule won't work.

How do I add parenthesis to this rule?

I have a left-recursive rule like the following:
I need to add parenthesis to it but I'm not sure how to make a left parenthesis depend on a matching right parenthesis yet still optional. Can someone show me how? (Or am I trying to do entirely too much in lexing, and should I leave some or all of this to the parsing?)
You could add a recursive rule:
Yes, you're trying to do too much in the lexer. Here's how to get around the left-recursive rules: (see how the parser rule expr trickles down to the rule atom and then get called recursively from atom again)

BNF grammar for sequence of statements

If I am making a grammar for a c-like language that has a sequence of statements, what is the most standard way for defining the grammar?
My thought is to do something like this:
<program> ::= <statement>
<statement> ::= <statement-head><statement-tail>
<statement-head> ::= <if-statement> | <var-declaration> | <assignment> | <whatever>
<statement-tail> ::= ; | ;<statement>
but that feels a little clunky to me. I've also considered making
<program> ::= <statement>*
<statement> ::= <statement-head> ; | <sequence>
<sequence> ::= <statement> <statement>
type productions.
Is there a standard or accepted way to do this. I want my AST to be as clean as possible.
A very common way would be:
<block-statement> ::= '{' <statement-list> '}' ;
<statement-list> ::= /* empty */ | <statement-list> <statement> ;
<statement> ::= <whatever> ';' ;
And then you define actual statements instead of typing <whatever>. It seems much cleaner to include trailing semicolons as part of individual statements rather than putting them in the definition for the list non-terminal.
You can find the BNF for C here and I think it was taken from K&R, which you could check out. You could also check out the SQL BNF here which may provide more information on formulating good sequences.
This will provide some convention information.
In terms of AST generation, it really doesn't matter how 'clunky' your definition is providing it parses the source correctly for all permutations. Then just add the actions to build your AST.
Just make sure you are constructing your grammer for the right parser generator such as an LL or LR parser as you may run into problems with reduction, which will mean some rules need rewriting in a new way. See this on eliminating left recursion.
You may also want to check out Bison/Yacc examples such as these or these. Also check out the Dragon Book and a book called "Modern Compiler Implementation in C"