File structure of Apache Beam DynamicDestinations write to BigQuery - google-bigquery

I am using DynamicDestinations (from BigQueryIO) to export data from one Cassandra table to multiple Google BigQuery tables. The process consists of several steps including writing prepared data to Google Cloud Storage (as files in JSON format) and then loading the files to BQ via load jobs.
The problem is that export process has ended with out of memory error at the last step (loading files from Google Storage to BQ). But there are prepared files with all of the data in GCS remaining. There are 3 directories in BigQueryWriteTemp location:
And there a lot of files with not obvious names:
The question is what is the storage structure of the files? How can I match the files with tables (table names) they prepared for? How can I use the files to continue export process from load jobs step? Can I use some piece of Beam code for that?

These files, if you're using Beam 2.3.0 or earlier, contain JSON data to be imported into BigQuery using its load job API. However:
This is an implementation detail that you can not rely on, in general. It is very likely to change in future versions of Beam (JSON is horribly inefficient).
It is not possible to match these files with the tables they are intended for - that was stored in the internal state of the pipeline that has failed.
There is also no way to know how much data was written to these files and how much wasn't. The files may contain only partial data: maybe your pipeline failed before creating some of the files, or after some of them were already loaded into BigQuery and deleted.
Basically, you'll need to rerun the pipeline and fix the OOM issue so that it succeeds.
For debugging OOM issues, I suggest using a heap dump. Dataflow can write heap dumps to GCS using --dumpHeapOnOOM --saveHeapDumpsToGcsPath=gs://my_bucket/. You can examine these dumps using any Java memory profiler, such as Eclipse MAT or YourKit. You can also post your code as a separate SO question and ask for advice reducing its memory usage.


Exporting data from the Ignite cache

I see multiple examples of loading and processing data with Apache Ignite. But how do I export data from the ignite cache after it’s been processed?

I'm looking forward to implement processing of some large CSV files on a cluster. Say it’s a simple transformation that preprocesses data in a specific column. After I’m finished w it, how do I get it off the cache to an S3 bucket or some other location. My data will be partitioned across the nodes for speed of loading and loaded as a KV cache.
Is there a standard mechanism to export data from a cache (CSV in / CSV out) ? I've found that ML models can leverage the Exporter APIs. But that's not my use case.
Are scan queries a standard way to achieve what I want?
If you want to export the entire data set, then yes,
ScanQuery in combination with AffinityRun for every partition is probably the most efficient way to iterate over all cache entries and export them.
With affinityRun we ask every node to export its part of data, instead of pulling the data to a single node for export.
sqlline utility comes with Apache Ignite and it can also write CSV files with !outputFormat csv.

Send Bigquery Data to rest endpoint

I want to send data from BigQuery (about 500K rows) to a custom endpoint via post method, how can I do this?
These are my options:
A PHP process to read and send the data (I have already tried this one, but it is too slow and the max execution time pops up).
I was looking for Google Cloud Dataflow, but I don't know Java.
Running it into Google Cloud Function, but I don't know how to send data via post.
Do you know another option?
As mentioned in the comments, 500k rows for a POST method is far too much data to be considered as an option.
Dataflow is a product oriented for pipelines development, intended to run several data transformations during its jobs. You can use BigQueryIO (with python sample codes) but, If you just need to migrate the data to a certain machine/endpoint, creating a Dataflow job will add complexity to your task.
The suggested approach is to export to a GCS bucket and then download the data from it.
For instance, if the size of Data that you are trying to retrieve is less than 1GB, you can export to a GCS bucket from the Command Line Interface like: bq extract --compression GZIP 'mydataset.mytable' gs://example-bucket/myfile.csv. Otherwise, you will need to export the data in more files using wildcard URI defining your bucket destination as indicated ('gs://my-bucket/file-name-*.json').
And finally, using gsutil command gsutil cp gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[OBJECT_NAME] [SAVE_TO_LOCATION] you will download the data from your bucket.
Note: you have more available ways to do that in the Cloud documentation links provided, including the BigQuery web UI.
Also, bear in mind that there are no charges for exporting data from BigQuery, but you do incur charges for storing the exported data in Cloud Storage. BigQuery exports are subject to the limits on export jobs.

Loading Data into BigQuery: Direct Insert from Process vs Process and then loading through Google Drive?

I have a google cloud function that generates files stored on Google Drive.
I want to load those files in Big Query.
What are the pros and cons of loading data directly from the function (skipping the file generation, just doing some kind of insert in BigQuery) vs loading from Google Drive?
I am interested in focusing the question not only in terms of technical stuff and costs, but also in terms of data processing methodology.
I think the question could lead to the dilema loading online or more in a batch process.
PS: This may sound a duplicate from this post but is not exactly the same.
Files Available Locally (in Cloud Function)
If the file is generated within the cloud function (within its local environment0, loading it is pretty similar to loading from your local filesystem. Here is what it comes down to:
The total file size should be <= 10Mbs. If its a CSV, it should have less than 16k rows.
You cannot export multiple files at once to BQ, and have to iterate over each file to load it individually into BQ.
If the file fulfills the above constraints, you will be saving the intermediate local -> GCS upload and can load to BQ directly.
Files Available in Cloud Storage Bucket (GCS)
On the other hand, if you decide to send the locally generated file in the cloud function to GCS and then export it to BQ:
You can use wildcard exports to BQ (i.e. export multiple files simultaneously), significantly increasing the overall export speed.
Size limitations for per file are much more relaxed (4GB in case of uncompressed and 5TB in case of compressed).
Overall export is much faster compared to local/cloud function exports.
Probably the only downside is that if you want to stream data into BQ table, you cannot directly do it if your file is in a GCS bucket. You can achieve that from a locally available file.

Beam - Handling failures during huge data load for bigquery

I have recently started with Apache beam. I am sure I am missing something here. I have a requirement to load from a very huge database to bigquery. These tables are huge. I have written sample beam jobs to load minimal rows from simple tables.
How would I able to load n number of rows from tables using JDBCIO? Is there anyway that i can load these data in batches as we do in conventional data migration jobs.?
Can I do batch read from a database and write in batches to bigquery?
Also i have seen that, the suggested approach to load the data to bigquery is by adding the files to the data store buckets. But, in automated environment, the requirement is to write it as a dataflow job to load from db and write it to bigquery. What should my design approach to solve this issue using apache beam?
Please help.!
It looks[1] like BigQueryIO will write batches of data if it comes from a bounded PCollection (otherwise it uses streaming inserts). It also appears to bound the size of each file and batch, so I don't think you'll need to do any manual batching.
I'd just read from your database via JDBCIO, transform it if needed, and write it to BigQueryIO.

BigQuery best approach for ETL (external tables and views vs Dataflow)

CSV files get uploaded to some FTP server (for which I don't have SSH access) in a daily basis and I need to generate weekly data that merges those files with transformations. That data would go into a history table in BQ and a CSV file in GCS.
My approach goes as follows:
Create a Linux VM and set a cron job that syncs the files from the
FTP server with a GCS bucket (I'm using GCSFS)
Use an external table in BQ for each category of CSV files
Create views with complex queries that transform the data
Use another cron job to create a table with the historic data and also the CSV file on a weekly basis.
My idea is to remove as much middle processes as I can and to make the implementation as easy as possible, including dataflow for ETL, but I have some questions first:
What's the problem with my approach in terms of efficiency and money?
Is there anything DataFlow can provide that my approach can't?
any ideas about other approaches?
BTW, I ran into one problem that might be fixable by parsing the csv files myself rather than using external tables, which is invalid characters, like the null char, so I can get rid of them, while as an external table there is a parsing error.
Probably your ETL will be simplified by Google DataFlow Pipeline batch execution job. Upload your files to the GCS bucket. For transforming use pipeline transformation to strip null values and invalid character (or whatever your need is). On those transformed dataset use your complex queries like grouping it by key, aggregating it (sum or combine) and also if you need side inputs data-flow provides ability to merge other data-sets into the current the data-set too. Finally the transformed output can written to BQ or you can write your own custom implementation for writing those results.
So the data-flow gives you very high flexibility to your solution, you can branch the pipeline and work differently on each branch with same data-set. And regarding the cost, if you run your batch job with three workers, which is the default that should not be very costly, but again if you just want to concentrate on your business logic and not worry about the rest, google data-flow is pretty interesting and its very powerful if used wisely.
Data-flow helps you to keep everything on a single plate and manage them effectively. Go through its pricing and determine if it could be the best fit for you (your problem is completely solvable with google data-flow), Your approach is not bad but needs extra maintenance with those pieces.
Hope this helps.
here are a few thoughts.
If you are working with a very low volume of data then your approach may work just fine. If you are working with more data and need several VMs, dataflow can automatically scale up and down the number of workers your pipeline uses to help it run more efficiently and save costs.
Also, is your linux VM always running? Or does it only spin up when you run your cron job? A batch Dataflow job only runs when it needed, which also helps to save on costs.
In Dataflow you could use TextIO to read each line of the file in, and add your custom parsing logic.
You mention that you have a cron job which puts the files into GCS. Dataflow can read from GCS, so it would probably be simplest to keep that process around and have your dataflow job read from GCS. Otherwise you would need to write a custom source to read from your FTP server.
Here are some useful links: