Twilio import error: Module cannot be null - react-native

I've done npm install --save react-native-twilio and react-native-link in my EXPO react-native project. the code compiles without error. But when I add this line of code:
const Twilio = require('react-native-twilio');
in my file, it reports an error says Module can not be null.
I think it is because I didnt link my twilio library to the project right, but I dont know how to fix it, can someone give me some help?

It looks like react-native-twilio has native dependencies and with EXPO, its not possible to include custom native modules. The only way is for you to eject your app to create native builds.
[Official docs for ejecting] (


How to link native library to react native application and what is the folder structure?

I am trying to build simple app to creative native library and link with react native app.
I am facing issue like
Error : Unable to resolve module react-native-fingerprint from App.js: react-native-fingerprint could not be found within the project.
Note : 'react-native-fingerprint' which is been created and want to link with app.
I guess you're using react-native-fingerprint-scanner. Since library you mentioned doesn't exist.
In case if you using this library react-native-fingerprint-scanner.
npm install react-native-fingerprint-scanner --save
yarn add react-native-fingerprint-scanner
Link to Native Platforms
react-native link react-native-fingerprint-scanner
Even after this it is not working. Following this guide

React Native Video

i'm trying to use 'react-native-video' in my application, i have used the following lines to get it:
npm install --save react-native-video
react-native link react-native-video (since my react native version is 0.59)
after doing so and using "Video" component from 'react-native-vide' i got an error like below:
what is the problem? what can i do? any ideas?
You did not link the library properly.
After having installed the library through npm i --save react-native-video, you'll need to run react-native link react-native-video in order to link it. This may or may not work - if it does not, you'll need to link manually according to the installation instructions of the library.
You might be using CocoaPods in which case you'll need to run these commands as well: cd ios && pod install
If you receive an error, you're most likely not using CocoaPods and this is the wrong approach.
Please note that you'll need to reinstall the app on the phone / simulator afterwards since you've changed the native dependencies. You'll also need to do this if you're using (ejected) Expo or anything alike. If you're using Expo with the managed workflow (= not ejected) you're not able to use libraries that depend on native linking.

How can I insert expo module in a React-native project?

I tried to use react-native-admob but It gives me a lot of problems. So I want to install with npm the expo module to use expoadmob that I'm sure works fine. I created a project with react native and tried to use "npm install expo --save" to add the expo module, but it didn't work. Anyone have a solution?
Not sure to understand.
You have 2 ways to create RN application expo-cli and react-native-cli.
You can't use expo for your module because you need to have a access to the native part (created with react-native-cli)
yarn add react-native-admob#next
AND don't forget to link the dependencies with
react-native link

Still cannot use `react-native link` after ejecting a Create React Native App

I started with a create-react-native app. Then, I wanted to add a dependency. So, I ran react-native link:
`react-native link` can not be used in Create React Native App projects. If you need to include a library that relies on custom native code, you might have to eject first. See for more information.
So, I ran npm run eject and it successfully ejected. There are many changes to the package.json and some scripts have been added.
But, if I now run react-native link, I still get the same error!! How can I successfully run this command? How does it determine that I'm still using create-react-native?
I'm guessing there's some flag somewhere that still says it's using create-react-native, but I don't know where it is. Any help is appreciated.
react-native link
only works when you have added any new package eg:- npm i react-native-vector-icons. then you need to import package name to various class manually but if you dont want to do it you can directly run the command
react-native link react-native-vector-icons OR react-native link
this will automatically add import the package to your ios and android files.
Try these steps it will work.

React Native - Error on importing third party library

I am trying to use a library react-native-tinder-swipe-cards - github
The issue is that it's giving the following error:
"Seems you're trying to access ReactNative.Component from the
'react-native' package. Perhaps you meant to access 'React.Component'
from the 'react' package instead?"
I am using the latest version of react native. Although the error tells me what exactly to do, it's not actually part of my application that is causing the error. It's their library that is causing the issue because removing this line:
import SwipeCards from 'react-native-swipe-cards';
Removes the error. Has anyone had a similar problem and can help me resolve this?
The NPM published version is not up to date with React Native and is using the "old" way to bring in Component (from 'react-native' instead of 'react'). Looking at the github repo the code has actually been updated but nothing has been published to NPM for that update. Your best bet is to either contact the author and get them to publish a update to NPM or use the repo version (npm i git+https// --save)