Get application virtual base path in aspnet core -

I know that is located in HttpContext.Request.PathBase, however I need it to configure my cookie before I have any HttpContext (in Startup.cs).
My problem:
When devops configure application they have to set path twice. Once in IIS application (so hosting knows what should be served) and in my appsettings.json (so application knows where to set cookies - multiple instances can work on server). I would like to configure it once in IIS, and have config passed to my application.

There is a little confustion here that should be clarified.
You want to know application virtual path at application startup. However application virtual path is a concept of the hosting and specific request rather than underlying application. Hosting service uses this virtual path to map incoming url to application root. In IIS you can map multiple virtual paths to the same physical directory, e.g. /myApp1 and /myApp2 will point to the same application. Which of these paths do you want to get at application startup?
That's actually the reason why IHostingEnvironment interface does not provide any property for getting application virtual path. Another thing when application processes the request. In this case specific URL is requested and ASP.NET could provide requested virtual path in HttpContext.Request.PathBase.
You should reconsider your use case and check whether you actually need application virtual path for cookie configuration. It could be the XY problem. If you still have doubts regarding cookie configuration, please formulate it as a new question with specific details for your scenario.

You can check the environment variable ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH. This is the variable AspNetCoreModule provides so that PathBase can be set correctly. See

Just to add you can use #Url.Content("") in Javascript to get virtual directory base path.
<script src="#Url.Content("~/app/myapp.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>


How to enforce Azure Virtual Application base path?

I have an Azure App Service which has two virtual applications (Asp.Net Core Blazor apps, if it's important) hosted within it. The virtual application URLS are something along the lines of
I have noticed that some of the internal routing seems to not be taking the virtual application path into account. For example, a link that takes the site to the "/" route navigates to instead of the appropriate "base" virtual application path. Is there some way of either handling this in my application or within the azure configuration?
Thank you for any assistance!
Adding to Hassan's suggestions, on App Service, Each app has the default root path (/) mapped to D:\home\site\wwwroot, where your code is deployed by default. If your app root is in a different folder, or if your repository has more than one application ( as in your case), you can edit or add virtual applications and directories here.
To configure virtual applications and directories, specify each virtual directory and its corresponding physical path relative to the website root (D:\home). Optionally, you can select the Application checkbox to mark a virtual directory as an application.
From Azure Portal > Navigate to your WebApp -> Settings (Configuration)-> Path Mapping> Virtual applications and directories.
if you browse via console Kudu console in your app service blade you will notice a directory, under wwwroot is the root directory which by default your application routes to. This you can change from App Settings blade option. Also in this directory you will find you can create other folders aka virtual applications which will work the way you want it to.

How to publish WCF service on IIS 7

I have developed and published (via the "publish" feature in VS 2013) a simple WCF web service on IIS on my local machine.
The physical deploy path is the folder : c:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyWCF_Service_On_IIS\
I saw on IIS that the virtual folder has been created under "default Web site" (with the same name : MyWCF_Service_On_IIS). The default web site listens on port 80.
Why there is no way to access the service ? whatever combination of paths and urls fails.
I tried :
localhost/MyWCF_Service_On_IIS/Service1.svc (Service1.svc is the .svc file hosting the only endpoint);
Even if I don't expose metadata endpoints I expect to see a least a help page about the service and how to get the metadata themselves.
But I only get errors
Whatever attempt I do fails miserably.
I would like to know, once and for all, what is the rule IIS uses to map virtual folders to physical folders.
We are supposed to directly deploy all related files/file directories to the root folder of the website by using FileSystem mode.
Moreover, we need to enable windows features to handle the SVC extension for supporting WCF service.
There is no need to use a virtual folder in that case.
Here is the content of the wwwroot folder on my side.
bin folder
The service URL is http://localhost/service.svc
If we specify the URL by using a virtual path. We should convert the virtual path to the application.
Then the service URL is http://localhost/MyWCF/Service1.svc.
Feel free to let me know if the problem still exists.

How to access the moqui web application running on one system from other system

I have moqui running on system1 which is accessible using URL http://localhost:8080/Login.
Trying to access it from other system2 (in network) with URL replacing 'localhost' with the IP of first system; it shows the first (log-in) page, but afterwards, when submitting the pages from system2, the IP in URL automatically gets changed to 'localhost'. I have looked in to the book and also searched in framework code but couldn't find something related to this.
What could be the cause of this, is there any setting in app to fix this?
There are two parts to configuring hosts and ports for a webapp. One is is for the servlet container so it knows what to listen to and the other is in Moqui Framework itself so it knows what to use when generating URLs. It sounds like the issue you are having is with the second, with URL generation.
In your runtime Moqui XML Conf file there should be a webapp element somewhat like this one from the MoquiProductionConf.xml file:
<webapp name="webroot" http-port="" http-host=""
https-port="" https-host="" https-enabled="false"
content-prefix-secure="" content-prefix-standard="" cookie-domain="">
<root-screen host=".*" location="component://webroot/screen/webroot.xml"/>
When no #http-host/etc attribute is specified the values from the HttpServletRequest object will be used. These will vary depending on the settings of the servlet container you are using to deploy Moqui Framework.
To set it to something explicit you can use the http-host and if needed the https-host, http-port, and https-port attributes. For virtual host support the http-host and https-host attributes should be empty and the servlet container (and any proxy/etc in front of it) should be configured to pass through the hostname requested.

Virtual Directory to navigate to http://localhost/MyWebsite instead of http://localhost:8080

I have deployed an ASP.NET MVC 4 application to a new site I have created in IIS 7.5, which I have bound to port 8080. I can reach it by navigating to http://localhost:8080, but I want to reach it via http://localhost/MyWebsite.
I have added a Virtual Directory under my website, which points to "C:\inetput\wwwroot\MyWebsite\". However, when I navigate to http://localhost/MyWebsite, I am presented with a configuration error:
"It is an error to use a section registered as
allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This
error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an
application in IIS."
Here is what my IIS hierarchy looks like (this is a demo since I have no internet access on the server I am working on).
I have two questions:
Why am I getting this error?
Is this the best way to go about achieving what I want? It seems messy to have the list of files and folders underneath the website and then again underneath the Virtual Directory. If there is better practice then please tell!
Virtual Directories cannot execute scripts, reason why you are getting that error. You need to make your MyWebsite folder an Application. Also, you don't necessarily have to create a separate website for your website, you can use the Default Web Site and create an application MyWebsite in there (it might be less confusing maybe?).

Configuring ImageResizer to run as an Azure virtual application

I am trying to configure ImageResizer to run as an Azure virtual application so that it will run in the same web role as our main MVC application but a separate worker process. It appears that AzureReader2 isn't flexible enough to accomodate this.
An Azure virtual application adds an additional subfolder to the url and so does ImageResizer.
The following url results when using the Azure emulator is used and the Azure virtual application name is set to "ir" and the default subfolder of "azure" is used for the AzureReader2 plug-in:
This example works just fine. The problem comes when NO query string is specified and the request is redirected to use blob storage. When I remove the query string the following url is produced:
I'm very confused as to how this url is formed. What I want is for the "/re" subfolder portion to be removed from the url.
Here are my AzureReader2 web.config settings:
<add name="AzureReader2" connectionString="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" endpoint="" />
Is there any way to fix or control the way this url is formed?
This bug has been fixed in the latest development version, and will be included in the next release.
The blob redirect path is incorrect for any application not mounted at the domain root.
E-mail to get a hotfix and claim your bug report reward.