Why does ESRI-Dojo Application build includes dgrid and dgrid1 packages - dojo

I am working on creating an Web Application using ESRI JavaScript API v 3.23 and Dojo v 1.13.
For setting up the application build, I am referring the below link
After doing npm install, I can see two folders (dojo packages) for dgrid (one is dgrid and other is dgrid1)
I wanted to know what is the difference between dgrid and dgrid1 packages ?
Secondly, if I just want to install the contents of dgrid1 package, what configuration change is needed in bower to do that.

Version 3.23 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript include:
- dgrid version 1.2.1 (since version 3.22), and
- dgrid version 0.3.17 (since version 3.13)
You'll need both dgrid and dgrid1 packages installed.


How to publish parallel plugin version streams of an npm package

I'm maintaining a library (MyLib) published on npm that is a vuejs plugin. When I started this library, vuejs was at major version 2.x.x. vuejs now has a new major version 3.x.x that changed how plugins work.
Both 2.x.x and 3.x.x versions of vuejs are supported and will be for a while longer. I want my plugin library (currently version 5.x.x) to be available and supported for both.
Options I've seen or considered so far:
Have 5.x.x as the last version that supports vuejs#2 and 6.x.x and above for vuejs#3.
Easy enough
Doesn't allow me to release a new version with breaking changes that supports vuejs#2 ever if I follow semver rules.
Create a version 6.x.x of my library that supports both versions of vuejs.
Potentially possible, depending on the specifics.
Makes my library bloated because it needs to support both versions of vuejs and have (flaky) runtime version detection to choose the right code path.
Publish a separate library (e.g. MyLib-v2) that supports vuejs#3. Can possibly use a scoped package, but that would force users of 5.x.x of my library to change their dependency name with very poor discoverability.
Not sure how to manage this in a single repo. Monorepo?
Clunky, higher overhead
Is there a better way, or at least a not-awful way of managing publishing my library in this seemingly common scenario?
Use vue-demi. It lets you publish for both vue2 and vue3 in the same project. When using vue2, you have will access to the composition api as well.
From the read me:
Vue Demi (half in French) is a developing utility
allows you to write Universal Vue Libraries for Vue 2 & 3

es5BrowserSupport by Angular

I have updated my Angular CLI, with version 10.0.5 (globally and locally both) And while I am trying to build my angular project by below command-
ng build
I am getting below error-
Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path ""
should NOT have additional properties(es5BrowserSupport).
While I explored this error I found that-
#angular/cli required minimum version 7.3 &
#angular-devkit/build-angular required minimum version 0.13
But I think I have the updated versions because I re-checked and it was showing I already have the updated versions of both the packages.
FYI..I can't comment this option (es5BrowserSupport : true) in Angular.json, I want to keep this because if I comment this option it's giving other issues.
Now I am not understanding what I am doing wrong here. Can anyone suggest some way to resolve this? Because currently I am unable to run my project because of this issue.
FYI, my old Angular CLI version was-
#angular/cli": "^8.3.20"
The property es5BrowserSupport was deprecated and has been removed.
The inclusion for ES5 polyfills will be determined from the browsers listed in the browserslist configuration.
Deprecated browser builder option es5BrowserSupport has been removed. The inclusion for ES5 polyfills will be determined from the browsers listed in the browserslist configuration.

ExtJS 7.0.0-CE ext-charts package is not in sencha.myget.org repo

I'm using ExtJS community edition + open tooling (npm)
Framework and additional sencha modules are distributed through their npm repo at https://sencha.myget.org/ and so far everything worked as it should.
But if I try to use Ext.chart I found oun that this is a separate package. As stated in sencha's docs ext-charts package should be alongside other pkgs i.e ext-modern-theme-material, which is working just fine, but ext-charts is not there!
I get 404 ERR on npm install #sencha/ext-charts and can't find it on repo's web page.
Could someone point me to package location or some other tips regarding ext-charts installation?
Chart is for Premium users in ExtJS 7.0 modern toolkit. However, it is free in classic toolkit. So you need to build in classic toolkit to get charts.

How to use ASP.Net Boilerplate Modul Zero Vue.js template?

I downloaded the free template for a single-page application with ASP.Net Core 2.x and EntityFramework Core 2.x. version 3.9.0.
After unpacking the archive, I did not found the project ProjectName.Web.MVC in the solution. If I understand correctly, I need to somehow generate it. But neither on the official documentation site, nor here I found a single word about how to do it. There is a file 3.9.0/aspnet-core/build/build-mvc.ps1 in the archive, maybe I need to use it somehow?
How to compile/generate/create an ProjectName.Web.MVC project for using Vue.js?
I solved this problem as follows.
First, need to understand that when you debug/start a project in VisualStudio, only WebAPI starts. To start vue, you need installed Node.js, Yarn and following npm packages like so:
npm install -g webpack, vue-cli, babel-cli, babel-preset-env
If any packages are redundant, then tell me in comments.
After that, I started the project from VisualStudio and called following NPM commands in the console in vue folder npm install --save-dev. After this dependencies loaded to node_modules folder. At last run npm command npm run serve. Now vue available at URL http://localhost:8080.

Updating ejs to newer version in Sails.js

My current version of Sails uses ejs#0.88. There is already a 2.0+ version out. How do I update, for sails.js, the ejs package only? Also is there a way to use a local ejs package?
I wouldn't do that since it could break your app because that version is a Sails dependency.
However, if you want to try:
Locate the "ejs": "~X.Y.Z" in your package.json file (dependencies section)
Update X.Y.Z to the current version number
Run the npm install command
Check that everything is still working ...
Update only EJS not working cause sails is not compatible (yet?) with this version.
Like the doc sails http://sailsjs.org/documentation/concepts/views/view-engines#adding-new-custom-view-engines
Sails use consolidate lib template and they work to be compatible with EJS V2 : https://github.com/tj/ejs
You can help them to make it compatible or create your own plugin to make it compatible.