What is the purpose of actual keyword in Kotlin - kotlin

I noticed that some functions for coroutines are marked with actual keyword.
From documentation:
actual denotes a platform-specific implementation in multiplatform
As I understood from documentation actual keyword is used for multiplatform projects and should work in pair with expect keyword.
Something like this:
Common module:
package org.jetbrains.foo
expect class Foo(bar: String) {
fun frob()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Corresponding module:
package org.jetbrains.foo
actual class Foo actual constructor(val bar: String) {
actual fun frob() {
println("Frobbing the $bar")
That case is clear.
But in package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental I noticed that some functions like launch or withContext are marked as actual but there are no expect functions in package.
So what is the purpose of actual keyword without expect?

The kotlinx.coroutines library actually makes use of multiplatform projects since it supports both the JVM and JS compilation targets.
You can find the common module here, and the specific expect declarations for the functions you've mentioned here.

While the source code in the other answer helped, I found this page (linked off of the page #jim-andreas mentioned in the comments above) was much more helpful.
Specifically, this passage:
If you're developing a multiplatform application that needs to access platform-specific APIs that implement the required functionality (for example, generating a UUID), use the Kotlin mechanism of expected and actual declarations.
With this mechanism, a common source set defines an expected
declaration, and platform source sets must provide the actual
declaration that corresponds to the expected declaration. This works
for most Kotlin declarations, such as functions, classes, interfaces,
enumerations, properties, and annotations.
The compiler ensures that every declaration marked with the expect keyword in the common module has the corresponding declarations marked with the actual keyword in all platform modules. The IDE provides tools that help you create the missing actual declarations.
Again, for more information, you can visit this page.


Is the jvm method name of function with inline classes stable?

I declared an inline class
value class Creator<T>(val type: KClass<T>);
, and declared an interface
interface Itf {
fun <T> creator(type: KClass<T>): Creator<T>;
I want to implement this interface by generating the bytecode by asm(https://asm.ow2.io/ 1).
I found java method decompiled from bytecode is
public KClass<T> creator-9k1ZQyY();
The java method name is “creator-9k1ZQyY”. the suffix “-9k1ZQyY” is added by kotlin compiler and I know why kotlin compiler did it.
This suffix is very important for bytecode generator.
My question:
If the interface and inline class are stable, can kotlin compiler guarantee that suffix is stable too? Does that suffix have nothing to do with the version of kotlin-compiler?
The docs seem to suggest the mangling is stable:
functions using inline classes are mangled by adding some stable hashcode to the function name
As noted in the same doc, the mangling scheme has changed once with the version 1.4.30 of the Kotlin compiler, but I would consider it quite stable nonetheless. They even provided a flag to use the old scheme to generate binary compatible code, so I'm assuming it's not only unlikely to change again, but even if it does, it will surely be done with some way to keep compatibility.

Why do we need an explicit function interface modifier in Kotlin?

consider a SAM defined in Java
public interface Transform {
public String apply(String str);
This interface supports lambda to type conversion in Kotlin automatically
fun run(transform: Transform) {
run { x -> "Hello $x!!" } // runs fine without any issues
But now consider a Kotlin interface
interface Transform2 {
fun apply(str: String): String
Now the only way to invoke the run function would be by creating an anonymous instance of Transform2
run(object : Transform2 {
override fun transform(str: String): String = "hello $str!!"
but if we make the Transform2 interface a functional interface then the below is possible
run { str -> "hello $str!!" }
Why the Kotlin compiler cannot automatically type cast lambdas to matching interfaces (just as it does with Java interfaces) without needing to explicitly mark the said interfaces as a functional interface.
I've found some kind of a rationale in a comment in KT-7770:
... treating all the applicable interfaces as SAM might be too
unexpected/implicit: one having a SAM-applicable interface may not
assume that it will be used for SAM-conversions. Thus, adding another
method to the interface becomes more painful since it might require
changing syntax on the call sites (e.g. transforming callable
reference to object literal).
Because of it, current vision is adding some kind of modifier for
interfaces that when being applied:
Adds a check that the interface is a valid SAM
Allows SAM-conversions on call sites for it
Something like this:
fun interface MyRunnable {
fun run()
Basically, he is saying that if the SAM conversion were done implicitly by default, and I add some new methods to the interface, the SAM conversions would no longer be performed, and every place that used the conversion needs to be changed. The word "fun" is there to tell the compiler to check that the interface indeed has only one abstract method, and also to tell the call site that this is indeed a SAM interface, and they can expect the author to not suddenly add new abstract methods to the interface, suddenly breaking their code.
The thread goes on to discuss why can't the same argument can't be applied to Java, and the reason essentially boils down to "Java is not Kotlin".
This is speculation, but I strongly suspect one reason is to avoid encouraging the use of functional interfaces over Kotlin's more natural approach.
Functional interfaces are Java's solution to the problem of adding lambdas to the Java language in a way that involved the least change and risk, and the greatest compatibility with what had been best practice in the nearly 20 years that Java had existed without them: the use of anonymous classes implementing named interfaces. It needs umpteen different named interfaces such as Supplier, BiFunction, DoublePredicate… each with their own method and parameter names, each incompatible with all the others — and with all the other interfaces people have developed over the years. (For example, Java has a whole host of interfaces that are effectively one-parameter functions — Function, UnaryOperator, Consumer, Predicate, ActionListener, AWTEventListener… — but are all unrelated and incompatible.) And all this is to make up for the fact that Java doesn't have first-class functions.
Kotlin has first-class functions, which are a much more general, more elegant, and more powerful approach. (For example, you can write a lambda (or function, or function literal) taking a single parameter, and use it anywhere that you need a function taking a single parameter, without worrying about its exact interface. You don't have to choose between similar-looking interfaces, or write your own if there isn't one. And there are none of the hidden gotchas that occur when Java can't infer the correct interface type.) All the standard library uses function types, as does most other Kotlin code people write. And because they're so widely-used, they're widely supported: as part of the Kotlin ecosystem, everyone benefits.
So Kotlin supports functional interfaces mainly for compatibility with Java. Compared to first-class functions, they're basically a hack. A very ingenious and elegant hack, and arguably a necessary one given how important backward compatibility is to the Java platform — but a hack nonetheless. And so I suspect that JetBrains want to encourage people to use function types in preference to them where possible.
In Kotlin, you have to explicitly request features which improve Java compatibility but can lead to worse Kotlin code (such as #JvmStatic for static methods, or casting to java.lang.Object in order to call wait()/notify()). So it fits into the same pattern that you also have to explicitly request a functional interface (by using fun interface).
(See also my previous answer on the subject.)

Why strip() is deprecated in Kotlin and what should I use instead?

For String.strip() I get warning 'strip(): String!' is deprecated. This member is not fully supported by Kotlin compiler, so it may be absent or have different signature in next major version"
Why is it? "strip" comes from Java String
What should I use?
First of all: String.strip() is a new function in Java 11. Kotlin targets JVM 6 by default, so I was unable to reproduce your issue at first, I got a compilation error. Using JVM 11 as target in Android Studio worked with your compiler warning.
Kotlin's string class (kotlin.String) is not the same as Java's string class (java.lang.String). The Kotlin type is however mapped to the Java type (quote):
Kotlin types such as List, MutableList, String, CharSequence etc. are all compiled to their java equivalents, and thus any runtime checks will not be able to distinguish between them. At compile-time, however, they are distinct types with different sets of members. In particular, the Kotlin types do not have all members that the corresponding Java types have. They have those listed in the Kotlin std lib reference, as well as a few extra JVM specific ones (such as Collection.stream())
kotlin.String does not have a .strip() function. You are just "incidentally" calling java.lang.String.strip() which happens to be there in some target JVMs but not defined in Kotlin. If you look at the kotlin.String source in your IDE you can see it is not defined there.
The reason it is not there is because it was explicitly graylisted by the Kotlin team:
Some methods in JDK classes are undesirable in Kotlin built-ins (e.g. a lot of String methods or List.sort(), because there are Kotlin analogues with better signatures already defined).
.strip() does the same thing as kotlin.String.trim(), so use that instead.
Extended Reading
Extended Reading 2
The commit which put .strip() on the graylist

Can anyone here explain the Kotlin/Native spinner app project structure in detail? Also the specifics on how different modules work

I would like to specifically know how the common module is used by the individual client modules. Which are the truly common parts that is shared by all the clients and the server.
Thank you.
This is easy. I suspect you're talking about Kotlin multiplatform modules.
Consider print and println.
In the common module we can expect a print function:
expect fun print(a: String)
But we don't know how was it implemented, because the common module doesn't know anything about Java's System.out, as well as JavaScript's console.
But the common module can expect such function that prints a String on screen, without providing an implementation.
Since we have print, we can implement println:
fun println(a: String) = print("$a\n")
All codes above are inside the common module.
And all you have to do is to to implement print for JVM/JS spererately.
For JVM:
actual fun print(a: String) = System.out.println(a)
For JS:
actual fun print(a: String) = console.log(a)
(Maybe) For Native:
actual fun print(a: String) = printf(a)
The three code blocks above are inside client modules.
Consider you've designed a data format, you have encoding and decoding code. Those codes are used in your Android device (JVM), your backend server (JVM), your frontend webpage (JS), your native app (Native).
You use Kotlin in all those sub projects but you want to write the encoder/decoder only once. Kotlin multiplatform module solves this probelm.
About the spinner app
It's not using the standard kotlin approach for creating multiplatform project. It's a trick on gradle.
There's a readResources (and randomInit as well, for osx/linux) function that implements differently on platforms but of the same signature, and gradle will decide which Kommon.kt should be compiled with the client projects.
readResources and randomInit should be marked as actual, and there should be a "common module" that has "expect"ed those two functions.
They didn't do this probably because Kotlin 1.2 (which brings stable multiplatform support) isn't out when KotlinConf holds.

Using default function implementation of interface in Kotlin

I have a Kotlin interface with a default implementation, for instance:
interface Foo {
fun bar(): String {
return "baz"
This would be okay until I try to implement this interface from Java. When I do, it says the class need to be marked as abstract or implement the method bar(). Also when I try to implement the method, I am unable to call super.bar().
Generating true default methods callable from Java is an experimental feature of Kotlin 1.2.40.
You need to annotate the methods with the #JvmDefault annotation:
interface Foo {
fun bar(): String {
return "baz"
This feature is still disabled by default, you need to pass the -Xjvm-default=enable flag to the compiler for it to work. (If you need to do this in Gradle, see here).
It really is experimental, however. The blog post warns that both design and implementation may change in the future, and at least in my IDE, Java classes are still marked with errors for not implementing these methods, despite compiling and working fine.
Please see the related issue.
There is a recommendation in the comments:
Write your interface in Java (with default methods) and both the Java and Kotlin classes correctly use those defaults
If you know you won't be overriding the function in any implementations of your interface, you can use extension functions as a nice workaround for this issue. Just put an extension function in the same file as the interface (and at the top level so other files can use it).
For example, what you're doing could be done this way:
interface Foo {
// presumably other stuff
fun Foo.bar(): String {
return "baz"
See the docs on extension functions for more information about them.
One "gotcha" worth noting:
We would like to emphasize that extension functions are dispatched statically, i.e. they are not virtual by receiver type. This means that the extension function being called is determined by the type of the expression on which the function is invoked, not by the type of the result of evaluating that expression at runtime.
Put simply, extension functions don't do what you might expect from regular polymorphism. What this means for this workaround is that the default function cannot be overridden like a regular function. If you try to override it, you'll get some weird behavior, because the "overridden" version will be called whenever you're dealing explicitly with the subclass, but the extension version will be called when you're dealing with the interface generically. For example:
interface MyInterface {
fun a()
fun MyInterface.b() {
println("MyInterface.b() default implementation")
class MyInterfaceImpl : MyInterface {
override fun a() {
fun b() {
println("MyInterfaceImpl.b() \"overridden\" implementation")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val inst1: MyInterface = MyInterfaceImpl()
inst1.b() // calls the "default" implementation
val inst2: MyInterfaceImpl = MyInterfaceImpl() // could also just do "val inst2 = MyInterfaceImpl()" (the type is inferred)
inst2.b() // calls the "overridden" implementation
Since Kotlin 1.4.0, you can use one of the following compiler flags:
-Xjvm-default=all-compatibility (for binary compatibility with old Kotlin code)
This will enable JVM default method compilation for all interfaces.
If you want to read up on how to set these flags in your IDE or Maven/Gradle project, check out the documentation on compiler options.
Progress on this is being tracked in issue KT-4779, which also includes a helpful summary of the current state. The #JvmDefault annotation and the older -Xjvm-default=enable and -Xjvm-default=compatibility compiler flags should no longer be used.
Unlike earlier version of Java8, Kotlin can have default implementation in interface.
When you implement Foo interface into a Java class. Kotlin hides those implementation of interface method. As stated here.
Arrays are used with primitive datatypes on the Java platform to avoid the cost of boxing/unboxing operations. As Kotlin hides those implementation details, a workaround is required to interface with Java code
This is specific for Arrays in above link but it also applies to all the classes (May be to give support for earlier version of Java8).
Above explanation is opinion based.
One thing i came across and that is the main reason.
Kotlin binaries were compiled with java bytecode version 1.8 without default methods in interfaces. And they are facing critical issue solving it.