I got this error when trying to convert dateto week
Could it be the date values not datetime like values?
error screenshot
I think you need convert column to datetime first and assign back to column:
data['DATECREATED'] = pd.to_datetime(data['DATECREATED'])
data['new'] = data['DATECREATED'].dt.strftime('%Y%V')
data['CreatedWW'] = data['DATECREATED'].dt.week
I have a column of date datatype (the column name is orderdate). I want to convert it to 'fa' culture using format function.
I wrote different kind of query such as below, but I got different conversion error.
UPDATE [dbo].[orderstest]
SET [OrderDate] = CAST(FORMAT([OrderDate], 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'fa') AS DATETIME)
try this:
UPDATE [dbo].[orderstest]
SET [OrderDate] = CAST(FORMAT([OrderDate], 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'fa-ir') AS DATETIME)
But this is not the trust way because you are converting the original date to a Persian and then converting it to date time!
I suggest saving all dates as us-date and everywhere you want to get it, convert to Persian
I read other similar question where the answer is to use FORMAT(getdate(),'yyy-MM') or something similar. However the problem for me in using anything like this, is that it changes the date type to a varchar or char. I need it to stay as datetype but just want Year and Month.. I tried the following..-> FORMAT(a.completeddate,'yyy-MM') which works to change to year and month but the date is no longer a datetype or date format. So when I try to do the following -> select #FirstCompletion = (A.completeddate) i get this error..Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. Basically I need to convert the date column to year and month as date format so I can then pass values to variables using select #FirstCompletion = (A.completeddate) and set #secondMonth = DATEADD(month, 2, #FirstCompletion) which are Datetype variables.. Would appreciate any help I can get.. Thanks..
I have a pandas DataFrame which includes a datetime column and I want to filter the data frame between the current hour and 10 hours ago. I have tried different ways to do it but still I cannot handle it. Because when I want to use pandas, the column type is Series and I can't use timedelta to compare them. If I use a for loop to compare the column as a string to my time interval, it is not efficient.
The table is like this:
And I want to filter the 'dateTime' column between current time and 10 hours ago, then filter based on 'weeks' > 80.
I have tried these codes as well But they have not worked:
filter_criteria = main_table['dateTime'].sub(today).abs().apply(lambda x: x.hours <= 10)
This returns an error:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'datetime.datetime'
Similarly this code has the same problem:
main_table.loc[main_table['dateTime'] >= (datetime.datetime.today() - pd.DateOffset(hours=10))]
main_table[(pd.to_datetime('today') - main_table['dateTime'] ).dt.hours.le(10)]
In all of the code above main_table is the name of my data frame.
How can I filter them?
First you need to make sure that your datatype in datetime column is correct. you can check it by using:
If it is not datetime (i.e, object) convert it:
# use proper formatting if this line does not work
main_table['dateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(main_table['dateTime'])
Then you need to find the datetime object of ten hour before current time (ref):
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
date_time_ten_before = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours = 10)
All it remains is to filter the column:
main_table_10 = main_table[main_table['dateTime'] >= date_time_ten_before]
I am looking to convert datetime to date for a pandas datetime series.
I have listed the code below:
df = pd.DataFrame()
df = pandas.io.parsers.read_csv("TestData.csv", low_memory=False)
df['PUDATE'] = pd.Series([pd.to_datetime(date) for date in df['DATE_TIME']])
df['PUDATE2'] = datetime.datetime.date(df['PUDATE']) #Does not work
Can anyone guide me in right direction?
You can access the datetime methods of a Pandas series by using the .dt methods (in a aimilar way to how you would access string methods using .str. For your case, you can extract the date of your datetime column as:
This is a simple way to get day of month, from a pandas
#create a dataframe with dates as a string
test_df = pd.DataFrame({'dob':['2001-01-01', '2002-02-02', '2003-03-03', '2004-04-04']})
#convert column to type datetime
test_df['dob']= pd.to_datetime(test_df['dob'])
# Extract day, month , year using dt accessor
I think you need to specify the format for example
df['PUDATE2']=datetime.datetime.date(df['PUDATE'], format='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
So you just need to know what format you are using
Good Day! I have this problem I have a code like this
tree_model = self.env['hr.reception'].search([('create_date','=',date_from)])
the date_from is only a date only parameter while the column create_date is datetime column I only want to format the create_date as date only format
is this possible just like in postgres
Thanks for the Help
You can achieve it using date() method which will return the date format instead of datetime.
For example:
1. datetime.now() will result in datetime format.
2. datetime.datetime.now().date() will result in date format.
Try : create_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')