FormControl disabled is not working with logic - angular5

I want to make a field disabled from ts file.
it is working fine when I true/false statically. but I want to make it logically. when my form in edit mode I will make the fields editable. when the form in view mode will disable the fields.
It looks like you're using the disabled attribute with a reactive form
directive. If you set disabled to true
when you set up this control in your component class, the disabled attribute will actually be set in the DOM for
you. We recommend using this approach to avoid 'changed after checked' errors.
form = new FormGroup({
first: new FormControl({value: 'Nancy', disabled: true}, Validators.required),
last: new FormControl('Drew', Validators.required)
Logic when i change the mode
editProspectDetails() {
this.editProspectMode = !this.editProspectMode;
FormControl Name:{
prospect_pref_name: new FormControl({value: '', disabled: this.isProspectDisabled()}),
return true; // working
but i want to make it conditionally
console.log(this.editProspectMode); // it will return : true/ false
return this.editProspectMode;

You can simply use disable() to disable field
try this{
prospect_pref_name: new FormControl(''),
and in your editProspectDetails()
editProspectDetails() {
this.editProspectMode = !this.editProspectMode;


What is the proper way of adding a custom field to Keystone (to be included in an admin UI form)?

I can see the nice explanation for fields, and what they are made of, here:
How do you go about adding a custom field?
Is adding a custom field (versioned in my own project which depends on keystone, or perhaps done generic enough that could be pushed to npm) a matter of importing it during the keystone setup script and somehow mutating the keystone instance or whatever in order that it also loads my field along with the built-in ones?
The use case is in the context of the admin UI (e.g. you have a User keystone model, and you want the User form to have a new custom field whose UI is an arbitrary react component you implement)
The framework does support storage fields like local file, s3, azure, cloudinary images and embedly fields. That might satisfy your file field needs.
Custom Fields
It appears that the keystone wiki has a short tutorial on the keystonejs wiki and at time of writing, custom types aren't supported in the admin UI.
The example code in the wiki includes a validation method for a credit card number, so this might be the type of functionality that you're looking for.
Here's a short example of what a custom type would look like. It's a field that only accepts Jeff or Alexander as a valid value. You would put it in its own myNameType.js file.
var keystone = require('keystone');
var util = require('util');
Custom FieldType Constructor
#extends Field
#api public
function myName(list, path, options) {
// add your options to this
// call super_
this._nativeType = Text;, list, path, options);
/* inherit Field */
util.inherits(myName, keystone.Field);
/* override or add methods */
myName.prototype.validateInput = function(data) {
console.log('validate my name');
var isValid = false;
if (data && (data.toLower() === 'jeff' || data.toLower() === 'alexander')) {
isValid = true;
return isValid;
Then register your type in the keystonejs startup file:
// Require keystone
var keystone = require('keystone');
// add a new custom Field Type
get: function() {
// or whatever your path is
return require('./myName.js');
From there you can use it in a model (remember to set it to hidden because of the lack of admin UI support):
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
var Person = new keystone.List('Post', {
map: { name: 'title' },
autokey: { path: 'slug', from: 'title', unique: true },
sortable: 'unshift',
perPage: 5,
track: true,
autocreate: true
name: { type: Types.MyName, label: 'My Name', hidden: true },
heightInInches: { type: Types.Number, label: 'Height (inches)' },

AnyColumn option added as new column in Dojo enhanced grid view

I am working on dojo enhanced grid view. I am able to display the grid in UI. But AnyColumn option is added as new column.
Any help will be appreciated...
Here is the Code
var mygrid = new EnhancedGrid({
id: "grid",
store: gridStore, //Data store passed as input
structure: gridStructure, //Column structure passed as input
autoHeight: true,
autoWidth: true,
initialWidth: width,
canSort : true,
plugins: {
filter: {
//Filter operation
isServerSide: true,
disabledConditions : {"anycolumn" : ["equal","less","lessEqual","larger","largerEqual","contains","startsWith","endsWith","equalTo","notContains","notEqualTo","notStartsWith","notEndsWith"]},
setupFilterQuery: function(commands, request){
if(commands.filter && commands.enable){
//filter operation
}, dojo.byId("mydatagrid"));
First, do not use EnhancedGrid, instead use either dgrid or gridx.
I think by default anycolumn is added to the dropdown. If you want to remove then, I would suggest to
Register for click event on the filter definition
Iterate through the drop-down and remove the first entry which is anyColumn
or you can also try something like
dojo.forEach(this.yourgrid.pluginMgr.getPlugin('filter').filterDefDialog._cboxes, function(dropdownbox) {
Updated answer is. I know this is not the elegant way of doing it but it works.
//reason why I'm showing the dialog is that _cboxes of the filter are empty initially.
dojo.forEach(dijit.byId('grid').pluginMgr.getPlugin('filter').filterDefDialog._cboxes, function(dropdownbox) {
var theSelect = dropdownbox._colSelect;
//Closing the dialog after removing Any Column

Dojo dijit tree with checkbox is not keyboard accessible

I have created a dijit.Tree object where every node is a checkbox. When you select/deselect the parent node, the child nodes get selected/deselected;
when one of the children is deselected, the parent gets deselected; when all the children are selected, the parent gets selected. It works perfectly fine.
However I need it to be keyboard accessible. When I navigate to the tree nodes and press spacebar or Enter, nothing happens.
I tried adding tabindex and aria-role to the checkbox (programmatically), but it did not work.
Here is the fiddle -
"dojo/_base/window", "dojo/store/Memory",
"dijit/Tree", "dijit/form/CheckBox", "dojo/dom",
], function(win, Memory, ObjectStoreModel, Tree, checkBox, dom) {
// Create test store, adding the getChildren() method required by ObjectStoreModel
var myStore = new Memory({
data: [{
id: 'allDocuments',
name: 'All Documents'
}, {
id: 'inboxDocuments',
name: 'Inbox Documents',
parent: 'allDocuments'
}, {
id: 'outboxDocuments',
name: 'Outbox Documents',
parent: 'allDocuments'
}, {
id: 'draftDocuments',
name: 'Draft Documents',
parent: 'allDocuments'
}, {
id: 'finalDocuments',
name: 'Final Documents',
parent: 'allDocuments'
getChildren: function(object) {
return this.query({
// Create the model
var myModel = new ObjectStoreModel({
store: myStore,
query: {
id: 'allDocuments'
// Create the Tree.
var tree = new Tree({
model: myModel,
autoExpand: true,
getIconClass: function(item, opened) {
// console.log('tree getIconClass', item, opened);
// console.log('tree item type',;
onClick: function(item, node, event) {
//node._iconClass= "dijitFolderClosed";
//node.iconNode.className = "dijitFolderClosed";
var _this = this;
var id =,
isNodeSelected = node.checkBox.get('checked');
dojo.query('#' + id + ' .dijitCheckBox').forEach(function(node) {
dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).set('checked', isNodeSelected);
if ( != 'allComments') {
if (!isNodeSelected) {
var parent = node.tree.rootNode; // parent node id
parent.checkBox.set('checked', false);
} else {
var parent = node.tree.rootNode;
var selected = true;
var i = 0;
dojo.query('#' + + '.dijitCheckBox').forEach(function(node) {
if (i > 0) {
var isSet = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node).get('checked');
if (isSet == false) {
selected = false;
if (selected) {
parent.checkBox.set('checked', true);
_createTreeNode: function(args) {
var tnode = new dijit._TreeNode(args);
tnode.labelNode.innerHTML = args.label;
var cb = new dijit.form.CheckBox({
"aria-checked": "false",
"aria-describedby": args.label
cb.placeAt(tnode.labelNode, "first");
tnode.checkBox = cb;
return tnode;
Any ideas as to how to make it keyboard accessible?
Looking into the dijit/Tree source I see that it sets the function _onNodePress() as an event handler for keyboard events. You can override it (or add an aspect after it) and handle the key presses you want manually. It takes as argument the tree node and an event object that you can use to check specifically for the space and the enter key.
I forked your jsfiddle with an example:
_onNodePress: function(/*TreeNode*/ nodeWidget, /*Event*/ e){
// This is the original implementation of _onNodePress:
// This requires "dojo/keys"
if (e.keyCode == keys.ENTER || e.keyCode == keys.SPACE)
var cb = nodeWidget.checkBox;
cb.set('checked', !cb.get('checked'));
Do not add role, aria-checked, nor tabindex to the checkbox. Those are already built into the control, so you are adding risk of breaking it down the road. You can probably also get rid of every role="presentation" as those are on <div>s and <span>s which are presentational by nature. Finally, you need <label> on each block of text that is associated with a checkbox if you want this to be accessible. The aria-describedby is incorrect and is the less good option anyway.
I am getting the error: Uncaught TypeError: tree.checkedItems is not a function (line 159)
You also have a big focus management problem. Put the following in your CSS and you will see that it takes two presses of the Tab key for each single control (if starting at a focused checkbox): :focus {outline:2px solid #f00;}
It looks like you have the containing elements stealing any clicks, meaning the correct element never gets selected. The <span> with classes dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitCheckBox keeps stealing focus as it toggles its tabindex from -1 to 0, taking itself in and out of the tab order. That may be a factor.
I suggest addressing the script error and then looking at focus management.
With dijit, there's all kinds of stuff going on in the background that might be out of your control. As aardrian said, there's lots of role=presentation and all the aria tags on the <input type='checkbox> are superfluous. dijit is probably (incorrectly) setting all that. An <input type='checkbox> already handles selections and it's role is inherently a checkbox. Those aria properties are for when you're making a custom checkbox out of div/span tags.
There is a native checkbox buried down in the code but it has opacity set to 0 so you can't see it. dijit is probably using it for the checkbox events.
The native checkbox also has data-dojo-attach-event="ondijitclick:_onClick". I'm not sure what that means but anytime I see "click" in an event name, I get suspicious that it might not work with a keyboard.
I tried the example on and it works with the keyboard. Hit space will check and uncheck the box. Whether you can see the focus on the checkbox is another issue.
As a side note, it might be nice if your checkbox tree used aria-checked="mixed" for the parent branch. Anytime you have child checkboxes where some are selected and some are not, you can use "mixed" for the parent checkbox to indicate a mixture of selections. Not sure if dijit supports that.

Dijit.tree extension with radio buttons submitting the wrong value

I've written a class that extends dijit.Tree to include a radio button alongside each node. I'm using it in a form to show a folder tree from which the user can select a folder. Here is the code:
['dojo/_base/declare', 'dijit/Tree', 'dijit/form/RadioButton', 'dojo/dom-construct', 'dojo/_base/connect', 'dojo/on', 'dojo/_base/lang'],
function (declare, Tree, RadioButton, domConstruct, connect, on, lang){
var TreeNode = declare(Tree._TreeNode, {
_radiobutton: null,
postCreate: function(){
_createRadioButton: function(){
this._radiobutton = new RadioButton({
value: + '',
checked: false
});, this.iconNode, 'before');
if (, 'checked')) {
var attrValue =, 'checked');
if (attrValue === true) {
this._radiobutton.set('checked', true);
connect.connect(this._radiobutton, 'onClick', this, function(){
// set any checked items as unchecked in the store{
query: {checked: true},
onItem: lang.hitch(, function(item){
console.log('found checked item ' + this.getValue(item, 'name'));
this.setValue(item, 'checked', false);
// check the one that was clicked on
var radioValue = this._radiobutton.get('value');, 'checked', true);
return declare(Tree, {
_createTreeNode: function(/*Object*/ args){
return new TreeNode(args);
The issue is that when the form is submitted, the value that is submitted is always the value of the first radio button that was selected, even if other radio buttons are subsequently clicked on.
I can see by inspecting the dom that the value attribute for the checked radio button has the correct value. But what gets submitted is always the initially selected value.
I have a similar class that uses the checkbox widget instead and that one works fine.
Edit based on some feedback I created an even simpler version of this class that doesn't track the checked state using attribute in the store:
['dojo/_base/declare', 'dijit/Tree', 'dijit/form/RadioButton', 'dojo/dom-construct'],
function (declare, Tree, RadioButton, domConstruct){
var TreeNode = declare(Tree._TreeNode, {
_radiobutton: null,
postCreate: function(){
_createRadioButton: function(){
this._radiobutton = new RadioButton({
value: + '',
checked: false
});, this.iconNode, 'before');
return declare(Tree, {
_createTreeNode: function(/*Object*/ args){
return new TreeNode(args);
but even this still has the same issue - whichever radio button the user clicks on first is the value that will be submitted, regardless of what other buttons are subsequently clicked.
I managed to workaround this issue by hooking on to the onchange event for the radio buttons. The hook explicitly sets checked to false on the unchecked radio button, which seems to fix the problem. I'm unsure why this is required though.
I have this exact same problem. It used to work in older Dojos. Specifically, ALL of the radioButtons incorrectly return true on "dijit.byId("whatever").checked" during the onClicked function. When checked manually after the onClicked function finishes using FireBug console, the above property returns the correct values. I think it is a bug, and I only worked around it by having a different onClicked function for each button, like so:
<form id="locateForm">
<label for="locate">Locate:</label><br />
<input type="radio" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" name="locate" id="locateAddress" value="Address" checked="checked" onClick="enableLocate1();" />
<label for="locateAddress">Address</label>
<input type="radio" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" name="locate" id="locatePlace" value="Place" onClick="enableLocate2();" />
<label for="locatePlace">Place</label>

How to disable dojox.grid.DataGrid

How can I disable dojox.grid.DataGrid. By disable I mean the whole widget should be disabled and not just some aspect of it (sorting,cell selection etc)
You may try with a dojox.widget.Standby as explained here: Loading indicator with dojo XHR requests .
I have never used it on a dojox.grid.DataGrid but it should work...
I think you mean a READ-ONLY grid;
In creation of the grid:
var dataGrid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
id: 'xxx',
store: myStore, structure:myLayout,
canSort:false, //disable sorting //Then do the same thing for every attributes options and disable them all
}, dojo.byId("myDivName"));
You might have to override some default behavior such as:
onHeaderEvent: function (e) {
//make it do nothing
and check on other events from
just clear everything out.
And in your css, you might have to do such thing like:
Just find the class names from your domNodes
Use attribute "canSort : false" to hide or disable sort button in Dojo DataGrid code
var newGrid = new DataGrid({
id : 'newGrid',
store : this.resultStore,
structure : this.resultGridLayout,
Satish M Hiremath