HAProxy number of possible forwarding/dispatching rules? - load-balancing

We are going to uppgrade our web application (A1) to a new plattform (A2). Content will be moved piece by piece and from a user perspective you wont know if you are visiting pages that resides in A1 or A2. To achieve this we have to dispatch visitor to A1 or A2 based on urlpattern and we have been looking to use HAproxy for this but.... Lets say we have about 20000-50000 pages is this even possible to set so many forwarding/dispatching-rules based on url-patterns in HAproxy? Some of them we can use regular expression but a lot of them we must specify exact url-pattern.
Is this possible using HAproxy and still having good performance?
If no I would be glad if someone could point me in right direction how I can solve this in a good way


How to properly use a CDN?

Good evening everyone! Thank you for opening this post.
I currently bought myself the ProCDN from MediaTemple (basically EdgeCast) and have setup a CDN where now I go to cdn-small.DOMAIN.com (or cdn-large.DOMAIN.com) it loads the normal website just fine...
However, I'm not sure which one to use.. Would I use this for the whole complete site to optimize, or use the links to add one by one for each script/stylesheet based on file size? (e.g. All JS/CSS will have the cdn-small while anything larger such as 300kb will have the cdn-large link)
And to say, if the correct way is to load the whole site as one link (e.g. everything is linked normally like js/jquery.js instead of a full link like https://cdn-small.domain.com/js/jquery.js).. Would I set a redirect from DOMAIN.com to cdn-small.DOMAIN.com for the best loading and that they only need to type in the domain not the full sub-CDN-domain?
Apologize if this isn't making sense or anything, but trying to do my best. To put it much more simple terms again is that I'm trying to find the best way to use my cdn-small/cdn-large for my website by having the user enter in the domain (https:// or http://) normally to serve my content as fast as possible near the user.
Kindly appreciate your time for reading this and wish you all a positive weekend.
Here is my live site if it even matters or want to experiement; http://bit.ly/1eGCShX

How to direct multiple clean URL paths to a single page?

(Hi! This is my first time asking a question on Stack Overflow after years of finding answers here... Thanks!)
I have a dynamic page, and I'd like to have fixed URLs that point to different states of that page. So, for example: "www.mypage.co"(/index.php) is the base page, and it rearranges its content based on user choices. I'd then like to be able to point to "www.mypage.co/contentA" or "www.mypage.co/contentB" in order to automatically load base the page at "www.mypage.co" with the desired content.
At heart the problem is an aesthetic one. I know I could simply write www.mypage.co/index.html?state=contentA to reach the desired end, but I want to keep the URL simple and readable (ie, clean). I also, due to limitations in my hosting relationship, would most appreciate a solution that is server-independent (across LAM[PHP] stacks, at least), if possible.
Also, if I just have incorrect assumptions about how to implement clean URLs, I'd appreciate direction to a good, comprehensive explanation. I can't seem to find one...
You could use a htaccess file to redirect all requests to one location and then from there determine what you want to return to the client. Look over the htaccess/dispatch system that Tonic uses.
If you use Apache, you can use mod_rewrite. I have a rule like this where multiple restful urls all go to the same page, using regex and moving parts of the old url into parameters for the new url:
RewriteRule ^/testapp/(name|number|rn|sid|unii|inchikey|formula)(/(startswith))?/?(.*) /testapp/ProxyServlet?objectHandle=Search&actionHandle=drillIn&searchtype=$1&searchterm=$4&startswith=$3 [NC,PT]
That particular regex accepts urls like
and forwards them to the same page.
I also use UrlRewriteFilter for Tomcat, but as you mentioned PHP, that doesn't seem that it would be useful.

Umbraco: A/B testing, links in structure

I'm having a problem when trying to A/B test certain nodes in my node-tree in Umbraco.
What I want to do is to copy a node in the node-tree to a specific spot and use that B-structure to see which of the structures works best, using Google analytics.
For example we have two node structures, let's call them "Private" and "Sweden".
Their structure with childnodes and properties are exactly the same. The only difference between them is the propertyvalues (content). The "Private"-URL is www.mysite.com/Private and the "Sweden"-URL is www.mysite.com/Sweden.
What I would like to do is to change every link on the B-structure, so that it points to its match at the A-structure. The problem is that since it's two different structures, it will have two different alternative links.
With other words, it should be a coinsidence that it enters the B-structure, then be moved back to the A-structure in the next click.
We manage what page it should load (either the A-node or the B-node) with scripts, so that it has a 50% chance for each node, and if it lands on the B-node, Google analytics will save data. What we can't manage is that every link on that page will be to the A-node.
I'd appreciate any help I can get.
There's a couple of ways that seem likely to give you a start at least.
The /config/urlrewriting.config file allows you to set up multiple redirect rules within umbraco so a section like the following might work in sending all requests (whether (/sweden/pagename/ or /private/pagename/) back to the private structure. Not sure how GA will handle it:
rewriteUrlParameter="ExcludeFromClientQueryString" destinationUrl="http://www.mysite.com/private/$1" redirect="Domain" redirectMode="Permanent" ignoreCase="true" />
Secondly a simple httpmodule (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307996) can process all page requests and redirect as required - you could do a gaq_push here directly or indirectly.
I'd be interested to know how you get on - it seems a good area for extension to Umbraco.
I'm not sure I have understood perfectly what you need to do, so please excuse any assumptions that may prove mistaken. Here's what I think:
Since A & B nodes should share the same html content (besides the links of course), why don't you make the link href attribute dynamic by using a bit of razor in the template or macro:
#{var isANode = CurrentPage.Parent.Name == "Sweden"; }
A similar approach would work if you are using web forms.
We finally came to the final decision to use the alternative template-solution. Since there seem to be no generic solution for my case of this problem we had to create an alternative template with specific macros to render the different information for every documenttype we're using.
Creating dynamic links for every page is a hell of a job in this stage in the project, since there are so many pages and links. Also some links are made in javascript, so there's another problem.
I copied the a-structure to another node, only for the reason to be able to change propertyvalues. There might be a problem logging and track the information with Google Analytics though, so that's the next step for us in this project. In our alternative templates we're getting the propertyvalues from the b-structure.
Still, if anyone have some better solution I'd highly appreciate it!

SEO Question, and about Server.Transfer (Asp.net)

So, we're trying to up our application in the rankings in the search engines, and one way our SEO guy told us to do that was to register similar domains...for example we have something like
so..we acquired the domain parks.com (again just an example).
Now when people go to http://www.parks.com ...we want it to display the content of http://www.myapplication.com/parks.html.
I could just put a forwarding page there, but from what i've been told that makes us look bad because it's technically a permanent redirect..and we're trying to get higher in the search engine rankings, not lower.
Is this a situation where we would use the Server.Transfer method of ASP.net?
How are situations like this handled, because I've defiantly seen this done by many websites.
We also don't want to cheat the system, we are showing relevant content and not spam or tricking customers in anyway, so the proper way to do achieve what i'm looking for would be great.
Use your "similar" domain names to host individual and targetted landing pages that will point to your master content.
It's easier to manage and you will get a higher conversion rate.
Having to create individual page will force you to write relevent content and will increase the popularity of the page.
I also suggest you to not only build landing pages, but mini sites (of few pages).
SEO is sa very high demanding task.
Regarding technical aspects: Server.Transfer is what you should use. Never use Response.Redirect, Google and other search engines will drop your ranking.
I used permanent URL rewrite in the past. I changed my website and since lots of traffic was coming from others website linking mine, I wanted to have a permanent solution.
Read more about URL rewriting : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972974.aspx

What's the best way to test a site which displays differently depending on the client location?

I am using an IP location lookup to display localised prices to customers depending on whether they are visiting from the UK, US or general EU and defaulting to the US price if the location can't be determined.
I could easily force the system to believe I'm from a specific country for testing but still there is no way of knowing for sure that it's displaying correctly when a visitor from abroad accesses my site. Is the use of some proxy the only viable way of testing a site like this? If so how would I go about tracking down one that I can use to test my site from various countries of origin?
You should be able to achieve that by using proxies. http://www.proxy4free.com/page1.html has a bunch. That site just came from a Google search; I've never used proxies like this before though, so there may be better sites out there.
This is not about how to test, but rather how you identify your visitors.
Instead of using IP-lookup to determine their geographical location, you should instead grab the information about the locale they use from the useragent string.
F.instance, I'm a norwegian, and when I go to useragent.org I see that my browser sends "nb-NO" as the language my machine uses.
You can easily use that to customize currency, dates etc on your site.
If the website is indexed in Google's cache, you can visit the google with the proper URL address. ex. http://www.google.co.uk/
And see if it's displaying properly in the cache.
Checking system locale in iseragent string might be misleading.
I go to Canada, and set my system locale as French. So it might show the user EU prices as opposed to showing US price. Many such cases are possible where locale wont give accurate info about the end users desired "price class" in this particular application mentioned.
If you want to use geo-ip location to detect a user's language, using a proxy probably is the best way to do so.
There are a lot of lists of open proxies on the web, mostly listed with the countries. Google has quite a lot of search results on this topic. Of the top results, I have used SamAir to test some stuff before.
Searching for a working open proxy with an acceptable speed in the correct country can be a tedious task. Also keep in mind that you should not use any these proxy servers to submit any sensitive data, because you never know who runs them. This could be a kinda trustworthy ISP (ie. not from GB ;D), a honeypot to collect data, or an illegal open proxy hosted by some trojan.