I have a text file like this small example:
chr10:103909786-103910082 147 148 24 BA
chr10:103909786-103910082 149 150 11 BA
chr10:103909786-103910082 150 151 2 BA
chr10:103909786-103910082 152 153 1 BA
chr10:103909786-103910082 274 275 5 CA
chr10:103909786-103910082 288 289 15 CA
chr10:103909786-103910082 294 295 4 CA
chr10:103909786-103910082 295 296 15 CA
chr10:104573088-104576021 2925 2926 134 CA
chr10:104573088-104576021 2926 2927 10 CA
chr10:104573088-104576021 2932 2933 2 CA
chr10:104573088-104576021 58 59 1 BA
chr10:104573088-104576021 689 690 12 BA
chr10:104573088-104576021 819 820 33 BA
in this file there are 5 tab separated columns. the first column is considered as ID. for example in the first row the whole "chr10:103909786-103910082" is ID.
1- in the 1st step I would like to filter out the rows based on the 4th column.
if the number in the 4th column is less than 10 and the same row but in the 5th column the group is BA, that row will be filtered out. also if the number in the 4th column is less than 5 and the same row but in the 5th column the group is CA, that row will be filtered out.
3- 3rd step:
I want to get the ratio of number in 4th column. in fact in the 1st column there are repeated values which represent the same ID. I want to get one ratio per ID, so in the output every ID will be repeated only once. each ID has both BA and CA in the 5th column. for each ID I should get 2 values for CA and BA separately and get the ration of CA/BA as the final value for each ID. to get one value as CA, I should add up all values in the 4th column which belong the same ID and classified as CA and to get one value as BA, I should add up all values in the 4th column which belong the same ID and classified as BA. the last step is to get the ration of CA/BA per ID. the expected output for the small example would look like this:
1- after filtration:
chr10:103909786-103910082 147 148 24 BA
chr10:103909786-103910082 149 150 11 BA
chr10:103909786-103910082 274 275 5 CA
chr10:103909786-103910082 288 289 15 CA
chr10:103909786-103910082 295 296 15 CA
chr10:104573088-104576021 2925 2926 134 CA
chr10:104573088-104576021 2926 2927 10 CA
chr10:104573088-104576021 689 690 12 BA
chr10:104573088-104576021 819 820 33 BA
2- after summarizing each group (CA and BA):
chr10:103909786-103910082 147 148 35 BA
chr10:103909786-103910082 274 275 35 CA
chr10:104573088-104576021 2925 2926 144 CA
chr10:104573088-104576021 819 820 45 BA
3- the final output(this ratio is made using the values in 4th column):
chr10:103909786-103910082 1
chr10:104573088-104576021 3.2
in the above lines, 1 = 35/35 and 3.2 = 144/45.
I am trying to do that in awk
awk 'ID==$1 {
if (ID) {
print ID, a["CA"]/a["BA"]; a["CA"]=a["BA"]=0;
$5=="BA" && $4>=10 || $5=="CA" && $4>=5 { a[$5]+=$4 }
END{ print ID, a["CA"]/a["BA"] }' file.txt
I tried to use the code but did not succeed. this code returns one number. in fact sum of all CA and divides it by sum of all BAs but I want to do that per ID and get the ration per ID. do you know how to solve the problem and correct the code?
awk '$4 >= 5 && $5 == "CA" { a[$1]+=$4 }
$4 >= 10 && $5 == "BA" { b[$1]+=$4 }
END{ for ( i in a) print i,a[i]/b[i]}' file
chr10:103909786-103910082 1
chr10:104573088-104576021 3.2
> head(Conversion_tbl)
X.Product.Code BEC.Product.Code
1 10121 41
2 10129 111
3 10130 41
4 10190 111
5 10221 41
6 10229 111
> tail(Conversion_tbl)
X.Product.Code BEC.Product.Code
5381 970200 61
5382 970300 61
5383 970400 61
5384 970500 61
5385 970600 61
5386 999999 7
I have this df, I need to:
1) transform 2nd variable numbers to one digit, keeping only their first one (61 -> 6)
2) keep only first 2 digits in 1st variable (ex. 970200 -> 97). Note that first 561 observations are one digits shorter than others, hence I need only their first digit, preceded by a "0" (ex. 10121 -> 01, 84022 -> 08)
desired output:
X.Product.Code BEC.Product.Code
1 01 4
5381 97 6
How would I use awk to create a new field that has $2+consistent value?
I am planning to cycle through a list of values but I wouldn't mind using a one liner for each command
awk '$1 == Bob {$4 = $2 + 400}' file
Sample Data
Philip 13 2
Bob 152 8
Bob 4561 2
Bob 234 36
Bob 98 12
Rey 147 152
Rey 15 1547
Expected Output
Philip 13 2
Bob 152 8 408
Bob 4561 2 402
Bob 234 36 436
Bob 98 12 412
Rey 147 152
Rey 15 1547
just quote Bob, also you want to add third field not second
$ awk '$1=="Bob" {$4=$3+400}1' file | column -t
Philip 13 2
Bob 152 8 408
Bob 4561 2 402
Bob 234 36 436
Bob 98 12 412
Rey 147 152
Rey 15 1547
Here , check if $1 is equal to Bob and , reconstruct the record ($0) by appending $2 FS 400 in to $0. Here FS is the field separator used between 3rd and 4th fields. 1 in the end means tell awk to take the default action which is print.
awk '$1=="Bob"{$0=$0 FS $2 + 400}1' file
Philip 13 2
Bob 152 8 552
Bob 4561 2 4961
Bob 234 36 634
Bob 98 12 498
Rey 147 152
Rey 15 1547
Or , if you want to keep name(Bob) as variable
awk -vname="Bob" '$1==name{$0=$0 FS $2 + 400}1' file
1st solutiuon: Could you please try following too once. I am using here NF and NF+1 awk's out of the box variables. Where $NF denotes value of last column of current line and $(NF+1) will create an additional column if condition of st field stringBob` is found is TRUE.
awk '{$(NF+1)=$1=="Bob"?400+$NF:""} 1' OFS="\t" Input_file
2nd solution: In case we don't want to create a new field and simply want to print the values as per condition then try following, this should be more faster I believe.
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{$1=$1;print $0,$1=="Bob"?400+$NF:""}' Input_file
Output will be as follows.
Philip 13 2
Bob 152 8 408
Bob 4561 2 402
Bob 234 36 436
Bob 98 12 412
Rey 147 152
Rey 15 1547
Explanation: Adding explanation for above code now.
awk ' ##Starting awk program here.
$(NF+1)=$1=="Bob"?400+$NF:"" ##Creating a new last field here whose value will be depending upon condition check.
##its checking condition if 1st field is having Bob string in it then add 400 value to last field value or make it NULL.
1 ##awk works on method of condition then action. so by mentioning 1 making condition TRUE here and NO action defined so by default print of current line will happen.
' OFS="\t" Input_file ##Setting OFS as TAB here where OFS ois output field separator and mentioning Input_file name here.
I have a text file like this small example:
chr10:102721669-102724893 3217 3218 5
chr10:102721669-102724893 3218 3219 1
chr10:102721669-102724893 3219 3220 5
chr10:102721669-102724893 421 422 1
chr10:102721669-102724893 858 859 2
chr10:102539319-102568941 13921 13922 1
chr10:102587299-102589074 1560 1561 1
chr10:102587299-102589074 1565 1566 1
chr10:102587299-102589074 1595 1596 1
chr10:102587299-102589074 944 945 1
the expected output would look like this:
chr10:102721669-102724893 3217 3218 5 CA
chr10:102721669-102724893 3218 3219 1 CA
chr10:102721669-102724893 3219 3220 5 CA
chr10:102721669-102724893 421 422 1 BA
chr10:102721669-102724893 858 859 2 BA
chr10:102539319-102568941 13921 13922 1 NON
chr10:102587299-102589074 1560 1561 1 CA
chr10:102587299-102589074 1565 1566 1 CA
chr10:102587299-102589074 1595 1596 1 CA
chr10:102587299-102589074 944 945 1 BA
the input has 4 tab separated columns and in the output, I have one more column with 3 different class (CA, NON or BA).
1- if the 1st column in the input is not repeated, in the 5th column of output it will be classified as NON
2- if (the number just after ":" (in the 1st column) + the 2nd column) - the number just after "-" (in the 1st column) is smaller than -30 (meaning -31 or smaller), that line will be classified as BA. for example in the last line:
(102587299 + 944) - 102589074 = -831 , so this line is classified as BA.
3- if (the number just after ":" (in the 1st column) + the 2nd column) - the number just after "-" (in the 1st column) is equal or bigger than -30 (meaning -30 or -29), that line will be classified as CA. for example the 1st line:
(102721669 + 3217) - 102724893 = -7
I am trying to do that in awk.
awk -F "\t"":""-" '{if($2+$4-$3 < -30) ; print $7 = BA, if($2+$4-$3 >= -30) ; print $7 = CA}' file.txt > out.txt
but it does not returns what I expect. do you know how to fix it?
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} NR==FNR{a[$1]++; next}
{ split($1, b, /[\t:-]/);
$5 = a[$1]==1 ? "NON" : (b[2]+$2-b[3]) < -30 ? "BA" : "CA" }
1' file.txt file.txt
chr10:102721669-102724893 3217 3218 5 CA
chr10:102721669-102724893 3218 3219 1 CA
chr10:102721669-102724893 3219 3220 5 CA
chr10:102721669-102724893 421 422 1 BA
chr10:102721669-102724893 858 859 2 BA
chr10:102539319-102568941 13921 13922 1 NON
chr10:102587299-102589074 1560 1561 1 BA
chr10:102587299-102589074 1565 1566 1 BA
chr10:102587299-102589074 1595 1596 1 BA
chr10:102587299-102589074 944 945 1 BA
BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} set both input/output field separator as tab
NR==FNR{a[$1]++; next} to count how many times first field is present in the file. Input file is passed twice, so that on second pass we can make decision based on count
split($1, b, /[\t:-]/) split the first column further, results saved in b array
rest of the code is assigning 5th field depending on given conditions and printing the modified line
Further reading
Idiomatic awk
split function
I have a text file with 5 columns. If the number of the 5th column is less than the 3rd column, replace the 4th and 5th column as 2nd and 3rd column. If the number of the 5th column is greater than 3rd column, leave that line as same.
1EAD A 396 B 311
1F3B A 118 B 171
1F5V A 179 B 171
1G73 A 162 C 121
1BS0 E 138 G 230
Desired output
1EAD B 311 A 396
1F3B A 118 B 171
1F5V B 171 A 179
1G73 C 121 A 162
1BS0 E 138 G 230
$ awk '{ if ($5 >= $3) print $0; else print $1"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$2"\t"$3; }' foo.txt
Given two tables:
1st Table Name: FACETS_Business_NPI_Provider
Buss_ID NPI Bussiness_Desc
11 222 Eleven 222
12 223 Twelve 223
13 224 Thirteen 224
14 225 Fourteen 225
11 226 Eleven 226
12 227 Tweleve 227
12 228 Tweleve 228
2nd Table : FACETS_PROVIDERs_Practitioners
222 943 P222 PR943
222 942 P222 PR942
223 931 P223 PR931
224 932 P224 PR932
224 933 P224 PR933
226 950 P226 PR950
227 951 P227 PR951
228 952 P228 PR952
228 953 P228 PR953
With below query I'm getting following results whereas it is expected to have the provider counts from table FACETS_Business_NPI_Provider (i.e. 3 instead of 4 for Buss_Id 12 and 2 instead of 3 for Buss_Id 11, etc).
FROM FACETS_Business_NPI_Provider BP
group by BP.Buss_ID
11 3 3
12 4 4
13 2 2
14 1 0
If I understood it correctly, you might want to add a DISTINCT clause to the columns.
Here is an SQL Fiddle, which we can probably use to discuss further.