WHMCS - Disable Module Buttons in Product Page - module

Ive written a provisioning module for WHMCS and attached it to a product but the module presents 6 buttons, Create, Suspend, Terminate, Change Package, and Change Password. I dont need these buttons as they make no sense for my module, instead I have some custom ones that do what I need, how do I remove these buttons from the product page?
Can't find anything on the WHMCS documentation to describe how to remove or even change the text of the buttons.

Did you check Custom Functions in the Provisioning Modules documentation?
To add client area buttons/functions:
function mymodule_ClientAreaCustomButtonArray() {
//Add or remove items as required
$buttonarray = array(
"Reboot Server" => "reboot",
"Custom Label" => "customlabel",
return $buttonarray;
//customlabel implementation
function mymodule_customlabel($params) {
# Code to perform customlabel action goes here...
if ($successful) {
$result = "success";
} else {
$result = "Error Message Goes Here...";
return $result;


Question on How # and # String Trigger Works in Odoo Chatter?

Hope you guys doin well,
I'm curious about how can a certain string like # and # can trigger a popup of a user and channels in Odoo Chatter & Discuss. This chatter has mail.thread Models related to it but i can't seem to understand how is it possible to create my own custom trigger in chatter?
Is it belong to certain views and not in models?
Any help will be appreciated!
Those are suggestion delimiters for the models used to update the suggestion list.
const suggestionDelimiters = ['#', ':', '#', '/'];
For example # is used to fetch partners (mail.partner model) matching a given search term. The _updateSuggestionList function will search the suggestions, sort them then will show (update) the popup list
To add a new custom trigger, you need add the delimiter to the suggestionDelimiters list and alter the _computeSuggestionModelName function to return the related model, the model must be defined like the mail.partner model.
If you want to patch an existing model, check the following example (taken from the hr module):
/** #odoo-module **/
import {
} from '#mail/model/model_core';
import { attr, one2one } from '#mail/model/model_field';
// Patch model
registerInstancePatchModel('mail.partner', 'hr/static/src/models/partner/partner.js', {
async checkIsEmployee() {
await this.async(() => this.messaging.models['hr.employee'].performRpcSearchRead({
context: { active_test: false },
domain: [['user_partner_id', '=', this.id]],
fields: ['user_id', 'user_partner_id'],
this.update({ hasCheckedEmployee: true });
// Patch fields
registerFieldPatchModel('mail.partner', 'hr/static/src/models/partner/partner.js', {
hasCheckedEmployee: attr({
default: false,
There is another way, and that is using the / or "command" popup. You can add your own item in the popup list and trigger any actions when a user selects your item from the popup.
Inherit from mail.channel
class MailChannel(models.Model):
_inherit = 'mail.channel'
Add a new method that starts with _define_command_XXXXX. This registers the item in the popup.
def _define_command_sample(self):
return {'help': _('Here is some sample help')}
Add a new method that starts with _execute_command_XXXXX. This method is executed when the user uses your command.
def _execute_command_sample(self, **kwargs):
# Send a "temporary" message to the user
self._send_transient_message(self.env.user.partner_id, f"Hello! You just successfully used the /sample command. You typed {kwargs['body']}.")
Reference: Github where Odoo defines the /lead command
PS: The above is for Odoo V12.0 - V14.0. Odoo V15.0 works a bit different, but you can check this and this for how to do it.

How to setup one-to-one relation in yii2 and also other functionalities mentioned below

One User has One Profile(obviously). How do I design the logic behind this?
I have two tables namely "tbl_users" and "tbl_profile".
When I open the profile page, I should be able to see the "Create
Profile" button only if the profile does not exist.
Once the profile has been created by the user, "Create Profile"
button should not appear next time.
Please describe me in detail how the columns of both tables are linked and what changes I have to include in both the models and other changes too.
Thank you.
In your controller you could write something like this:
$user = User::findOne(Yii::$app->user->id);
$profile = $user->profile;
return $this->render('view', ['user' => $user, 'profile' => $profile]);
Then in your view
if(null !== $profile) {
/*show your button here. It's going to work once because...*/
} else {
/*...here you could show form to create your profile*/
In your User model use code like this
public function getProfile()
return $this->hasOne(Profile::className(), ['id' => 'profile_id']);
This is just an example to give you idea.

Phalcon\Mvc\View\Simple::render() in mailer causing WSOD

I have a simple controller action that creates a Guest record and renders a template.
// First bind the form to our Guest:
$form->bind( $_POST, $guest );
// Validate and save, or show error messages
if( $form->isValid($_POST, $guest) ) {
if( $guest->save($_POST) ) {
$this->view->setMainView( 'confirm' );
This works fine before I add any mailer stuff. However, when I add an event handler inside the Guest model which happens to render a template, the controller renders a WHITE SCREEN OF DEATH instead of my confirm template.
In Guest model:
public function afterCreate() {
return GuestMailer::sendEmailConfirmation( $this );
In GuestMailer class:
public static function sendEmailConfirmation( $guest ) {
// create/configure $email message
$view = $guest->getDI()->get('simpleView');
$view->render( // Works without this call...
array( 'guest' => $guest )
$content = $view->getContent();
$email->content( $content );
return $email->send();
Note that when I remove the above call to render(), the confirm template is rendered successfully.
I thought components in Phalcon were supposed to be highly decoupled? Why is rendering a completely different template causing my controller's view to get messed up? How can I avoid this?
I think this problem is caused by a peculiar configuration of the templating service, in a normal workflow it doesn't causes issues, they appears when you need to render "manually" a template as in your case, you can refer to this PhalconPHP forum discussion linked, in particular the answer refered by the link anchor:

Make menu tab on user profile visible only to profile owner

I made a "My bookmarks" tab on the user profile page using Views. The tab shows nodes the user has flagged.
However - "My bookmarks" should only be visible on the user's own profile page and at the moment the "My bookmarks" tab is visible on every profile a user visits. How do I check whether the current user matches the profile being viewed? I tried that from the View interface, but the access permissions don't have any options that work.
I think it is this code, but I still need some guidelines as to how to implement that:
global $user;
if (arg(0) == 'user' && $user->uid == arg(1)){
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
I also found this module, I think it helps a lot Views Access Callback
I managed to solve this using the code and module from above.
The custom module contains this code
function MYMODULE_views_access_callbacks() {
return array(
'MYCALLBACK_user_has_access' => t('User can only see tab on his own profile'));
function MYCALLBACK_user_has_access() {
global $user;
if (arg(0) == 'user' && $user->uid == arg(1)){
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
The Views Access Callback module adds your callback to the Views interface and from there, you can use it for your own view.

How To Count Views On Click Of A Button Or Web Page Is There Any Extension

I am a newbie interested to know are there any extension to count views on click of a button as to know no. of registered users or visiters to web page to know the view count on click of a image is there any extension.
Plz let me know if any
thanx :)
I think , there is no need of any extension. Make a Ajax call on click button or image you are interested.
I supposed you have Site as controller and index as action. then, please keep this code on views/site/index.php .
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('logo_as_image_script', '$(document).ready(function() {
$("#logo_as_image").click(function() {
clicked: "1"
function(data, status) {
alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status);
echo CHtml::image(Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/images/logo.png', 'Logo as Image', array('id' => 'logo_as_image'));
And, keep this code on SiteController.php .
public function actionIndex()
// keep record of data ; do more filtering ; other manupulation
$nextCount = Yii::app()->user->getState('clickCount')+1;
Yii::app()->user->setState('clickCount',$nextCount );
echo $nextCount;
#other codes here.
Lets assume that you want to store how many registered users have accessed the page at :
then visit the controller and add the code like so :
public function actionSomeAction()
$model = new CountDbModel();
$model->page = 'This page name here.';
$model->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id;
$model->count = #Add the value here.
#You other code here....
I hope it helped.