Convert to object in VBA - vba

I have a very strange problem. There is a variable Item of type Variant that contains an array of dictionaries. It comes from another module and I cannot change it. I want to assign it to a dictionary value
Dim MyDict as New Dictionary
set MyDict(key)=Item
This gives an error "Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"
Yet this code works fine:
Dim MyDict as New Dictionary
Dim oTemp as Object
set oTemp=Item
set MyDict(key)=oTemp
Why is it happening and can I do it without using oTemp? There is no CObj function in VBA.
UPD: I have simplified the code above to make it more clear but here is the actual code:
Dim item As Variant
Dim JSONDict As New Dictionary
Dim oTemp As Object
Dim i As Integer
Set JSON = ParseJson(JsonString)
For Each item In JSON.Items
For i = 1 To item.Count
Set oTemp = item(i)
Set JSONDict(item(i)("isbn13")) = oTemp
This code works fine but breaks if I don't use the intermediate oTemp variable. I do not understand why.
Here are screens of Local Window


VBA Run-time error 450 from function returning a collection

Context: I am writing a function which returns words/numbers present in a string which are enclosed by parenthesis.
Example: Calling ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}.") should return a collection containing two items, should and doesnt.
Error: The error I receive from the code below is
Run-time error '450': Wrong number of arguments or invalid property
It doesn't appear on a particular line and I just receive an error message with "OK" and "Help" as options.
Public Function ExtractParenthesis(strText As String) As Collection
Dim i As Long
Dim RegExp As Object
Dim Matches As Object
Dim Output As New Collection
Set Output = Nothing
Set RegExp = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
RegExp.Pattern = "{(.*?)}"
RegExp.Global = True
Set Matches = RegExp.Execute(strText)
For i = 0 To (Matches.count - 1)
Output.Add Matches(i).submatches(0)
Next i
Set ExtractParenthesis = Output
End Function
It works exactly the way you want it for me:
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim myColl As New Collection
Set myColl = ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}.")
Debug.Print myColl(1)
Debug.Print myColl(2)
End Sub
Public Function ExtractParenthesis(strText As String) As Collection
Dim i As Long
Dim RegExp As Object
Dim Matches As Object
Dim Output As New Collection
Set Output = Nothing
Set RegExp = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
RegExp.Pattern = "{(.*?)}"
RegExp.Global = True
Set Matches = RegExp.Execute(strText)
For i = 0 To (Matches.Count - 1)
Output.Add Matches(i).submatches(0)
Next i
Set ExtractParenthesis = Output
End Function
I receive "should" and "doesnt" on the immediate window (Ctrl+G). Probably you are not aware that you are returning a collection. It should be used with the Set keyword.
To run it from the immediate window, try like this:
?ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}.")(1)
?ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}.")(2)
From what I understand of your comment to Vityatas answer you mean you want to run it as a worksheet function - running it directly
The changes I've made to your code will let you use it as a function:
In A1:B1 this will work: {=ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}.")}
In A1:A2 use it like this: {=TRANSPOSE(ExtractParenthesis("This {should} work. But {doesnt}."))}
NB: The curly brackets are added by Excel when you enter the formula using Ctrl+Shift+Enter rather than Enter on its own.
The one problem with the code is that you must select the correct number of cells first - if it should return three words, but you've only selected two then you'll only see the first two.
Public Function ExtractParenthesis(strText As String) As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim RegExp As Object
Dim Matches As Object
Dim Output As Variant
Set Output = Nothing
Set RegExp = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
RegExp.Pattern = "{(.*?)}"
RegExp.Global = True
Set Matches = RegExp.Execute(strText)
ReDim Output(1 To Matches.Count)
For i = 1 To (Matches.Count)
Output(i) = Matches(i - 1).submatches(0)
Next i
ExtractParenthesis = Output
End Function

Excel VBA refer to chart seriescollection by string name

I have a need to refer to a seriescollection by name. The MSDN object model page for seriescollection states either an index or a name can be used. However when I try to use a string variable I get error 1004 'Invalid parameter':
Dim sSeriesName As String
dim aRootCats() as string
Dim cSeriesCol As SeriesCollection
For x = 0 To UBound(aRootCats)
sSeriesName = aRootCats(x)
Set cSeriesCol = cChart.ChartGroups(1).SeriesCollection(sSeriesName)
Next x
I've tried the following too:
sSeriesName = CStr(aRootCats(x)) ' just in case, because I filled this array with variant data type earlier
Set cSeriesCol = cChart.ChartGroups(1).SeriesCollection(sSeriesName)
Set cSeriesCol = cChart.ChartGroups(1).SeriesCollection(aRootCats(x))
Set cSeriesCol = cChart.ChartGroups(1).SeriesCollection("Product Support")
UPDATE: I'm also experiencing the same error when looping on the seriescollection:
For c = 1 To cChart.ChartGroups(1).SeriesCollection.Count
Set cSeriesCol = cChart.ChartGroups(1).SeriesCollection(c)
Next c
Any ideas?
Many thanks.
Because you are using a ChartGroup not a Chart, you have to use the Item property of the SeriesCollection and you have to pass a variant. Use either:
(or declare the variable as Variant rather than String)

VBA interpreter stops for apparently no reason

I am writting some function in Excel using VBA.
Here is my code :
Function PresentValue2()
Dim i As Double
i = 1
Dim coll As Collection
coll.add i
PresentValue2 = coll.Item(1)
End Function
I made a break point and the intepreter just stops at the instruction coll.add i and the function return the value "#VALUE!"
Why is that?
I add the same problem with a Dynamic array
A collection is an object. You need to instantiate it before using it. E.g.
Dim col1 as Collection
Set col1 = New Collection
col1.add "item"
Considering that your function seems to want to "persist" the value and check it this will still cause issues because you are instantiating a new collection each time this method is called. You'll need to declare and instantiate the collection outside of your function and use it like this
Dim col1 as New Collection
Function PresentValue2 as Double
Dim i as Double
i = 1
col1.add i
'rest of your code here and return value
End Function
You are missing a Set:
Function PresentValue2()
Dim i As Double
i = 1
Dim coll As Collection
Set coll = New Collection
coll.Add i
PresentValue2 = coll.Item(1)
End Function

How to assign a value to an array from a combobox

The code I have is:
Dim Dbase() As String = Nothing
Dbase(0) = Db_ComboBox.Text
I have declared Dbase as array and assigned Nothing, Db_ComboBox is a combobox.
For that assignment statement, I'm getting the following error: "Reference 'Dbase' has a value of 'Nothing'"
What is the reason for this error, and how can I take the value from the combobox and save it in the array?
You need to change this:
Dim Dbase() As String = Nothing
to this (declare an array of 1 element):
Dim Dbase(0) As String
And then this line will work:
Dbase(0) = Db_ComboBox.Text
If you need to change your array size you can use Redim or Redim preserve, as required.
If you anticipate contents of Dbase to change often, I am all with #Joel's suggestion about switching to List(Of String) instead of handling array sizes manually.
Let's look at your code:
Dim Dbase() As String = Nothing
Dbase(0) = Db_ComboBox.Text
Especially the first line. That first line creates a variable that can refer to an array, but the = Nothing portion explicitly tells it, "Do not create a real array here yet". You have, effectively, a pointer that doesn't point to anything.
I get here that what you really need is a List collection that you can append to over time:
Dim Dbase As New List(Of String)()
Dbase() IS NOTHING. Look at this example:
cargoWeights = New Double(10) {}
atmospherePressures = New Short(2, 2, 4, 10) {}
inquiriesByYearMonthDay = New Byte(20)()() {}
That's how you declare arrays.
More examples:

How to pass a dynamic array into a VBA object. Compile error: Invalid use of property

I'm trying to pass an array into a custom class for storage and further use within that object. The class object has the following definition:
' Class Name: MBRMCurves
Implements ICurves
Private m_lInterpDates() As Long
Public Property Get InterpDates() As Long()
InterpDates = m_lInterpDates
End Property
Public Property Let InterpDates(lInterpDates() As Long)
m_lInterpDates = lInterpDates
End Property
The module that calls this code looks like this:
Dim objResult As New MBRMCurves
'Store the forward prices
Dim fx_fwd() As Double
'Store the interpolation dates
Dim int_dates() As Long
'initially there are no people
Dim NumberTenors As Integer
NumberTenors = 0
Dim cell As range
' Create ranges of Dates
Dim range As range
Dim range_topcell As range
' TODO Pri1 Create the Curves Obj
With Worksheets("test")
' Populate the dates of the FWD rates.
Set range_topcell = .range("B5")
Debug.Print range_topcell.Value
Set range = .range(range_topcell, range_topcell.End(xlDown))
Debug.Print range.Count
' Add more columns to the FWD array
ReDim fx_fwd(0 To range.Count - 1, 0 To 3)
ReDim int_dates(0 To range.Count - 1)
' Set the counter
NumberTenors = 0
' Populate the dates of the FWD rates into the first column of the dates array.
For Each cell In range
NumberTenors = NumberTenors + 1
int_dates(NumberTenors - 1) = cell.Value
Next cell
' Add interpolation dates to Curves object
objResult.InterpDates int_dates
The last line in the above code is giving me the compile error: Invalid use of property.
I believe that the syntax of me Let function is correct, but I might be missing a more subtly nuanced oversight.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I'm working with Excel 2003 and VBA 6.5 on Windows XP.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
a property is not a method call and you need to set it equal to your array:
objResult.InterpDates = int_dates
There still might be an issue with the array your passing in but this is a first step.