Get number from Excel column -

I'm am using the code example below to represent an integer as an alphabetic string
Private Function GetExcelColumnName(columnNumber As Integer) As String
Dim dividend As Integer = columnNumber
Dim columnName As String = String.Empty
Dim modulo As Integer
While dividend > 0
modulo = (dividend - 1) Mod 26
columnName = Convert.ToChar(65 + modulo).ToString() & columnName
dividend = CInt((dividend - modulo) / 26)
End While
Return columnName
End Function
I found the above example here:
Converting Numbers to Excel Letter Column
How do I get the reverse, for example:
123 = DS -- Reverse -- DS = 123
35623789 = BYXUWS -- Reverse -- BYXUWS = 35623789
Is it possible to get the number from the alphabetic string without importing Excel?

I found an answer from another post. This function below will work to get the reverse
Public Function GetCol(c As String) As Long
Dim i As Long, t As Long
c = UCase(c)
For i = Len(c) To 1 Step -1
t = t + ((Asc(Mid(c, i, 1)) - 64) * (26 ^ (Len(c) - i)))
Next i
GetCol = t
End Function


What is different between Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBMath.Rnd and the old VB Rnd() function?

I am trying to convert some old VB code to .Net but am having a problem with the Rnd function.
Old Code
Private Function Decode() As String
Dim r As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dom Code As String = "m[n-Msr0Xn*ca8qiGeIL""7'&;,_*EV{M;[{2bEmg8u!^s*+O37!692{-Y4IS"
x = Int(Rnd(-7))
For r = 1 To Len(Code)
x = Int(Rnd() * 96)
c = Asc(Mid(Code, r, 1))
c = c + x
If c >= 126 Then c = c - 126 + 32
Decode = Decode & Chr$(c)
End Function
The decoded text is "Bet you needed more than a pencil and paper to get this one!"
This is what I have done:
Private Function Decode() As String
Dim r As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim Answer As String
Dim Code As String = "m[n-Msr0Xn*ca8qiGeIL""7'&;,_*EV{M;[{2bEmg8u!^s*+O37!692{-Y4IS"
x = CType(Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBMath.Rnd(-7), Integer)
For r = 0 To sList.Length - 1
x = CType(Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBMath.Rnd() * 96 - 0.5, Integer)
c = Asc(sList.Substring(r, 1))
c = c + x
If c >= 126 Then c = c - 126 + 32
Answer &= Chr(c)
Return Answer
End Function
but this is what I get "Bet you needed morB th(n a pencil and paper to get this one!"
I suspect its how I am castng to an int but I can't figure out how.
When I run your "Old Code" (after correcting the typos) under Office VBA (which should have the same Rnd implementation as VB6), I get the same result as you say you get from VB.Net. Therefore, there must be an error in the string assigned to Code.
Public Function Decode() As String
Dim r As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim c As Integer
Dim Code As String
Code = "m[n-Msr0Xn*ca8qiGeIL""7'&;,_*EV{M;[{2bEmg8u!^s*+O37!692{-Y4IS"
x = Int(Rnd(-7))
For r = 1 To Len(Code)
x = Int(Rnd() * 96)
c = Asc(Mid(Code, r, 1))
c = c + x
If c >= 126 Then c = c - 126 + 32
Decode = Decode & Chr$(c)
End Function
Thanks to TnTinMan for leading me to the solution. The problem was created when I copied the string. I used a I instead of an l. The font that was used has these two characters looking identical. I also mistook ' for `.
so basically all I had to do was subtract .5

Automatic Calculation with given numbers

I would like to make CPU to calculate declared result from the given numbers that are also declared.
So far:
Dim ArrayOperators() As String = {"+", "-", "*", "/", "(", ")"}
Dim GlavniBroj As Integer = GBRnb() 'Number between 1 and 999 that CPU needs to get from the numbers given below:
Dim OsnovniBrojevi() As Integer = {OBRnb(), OBRnb(), OBRnb(), OBRnb()} '4 numbers from 1 to 9
Dim SrednjiBroj As Integer = SBRnb() '1 number, 10, 15 or 20 chosen randomly
Dim KrajnjiBroj As Integer = KBRnb() '25, 50, 75 or 100 are chosen randomly
Private Function GBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((999 * Rnd()) + 1))
Return value
End Function
Private Function OBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((9 * Rnd()) + 1))
Return value
End Function
Private Function SBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((3 * Rnd()) + 1))
If value = 1 Then
Return 10
ElseIf value = 2 Then
Return 15
ElseIf value = 3 Then
Return 20
End If
Return 0
End Function
Private Function KBRnb()
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((4 * Rnd()) + 1))
If value = 1 Then
Return 25
ElseIf value = 2 Then
Return 50
ElseIf value = 3 Then
Return 75
ElseIf value = 4 Then
Return 100
End If
Return 0
End Function
Is there any way to make a program to calculate GlavniBroj(that is GBRnb declared) with the help of the other numbers (also without repeating), and with help of the given operators? Result should be displayed in the textbox, in a form of the whole procedure of how computer got that calculation with that numbers and operators. I tried to make it work by coding operations one by one, but that's a lot of writing... I'm not looking exactly for the code answer, but mainly for the coding algorithm. Any idea? Thanks! :)

Performance loss in equivalent of light weight conversion from hex to byte

I have read through the answers here
I've also tried to produce equivalent code:
Option Strict ON
Public Function ParseHex(hexString As String) As Byte()
If (hexString.Length And 1) <> 0 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Input must have even number of characters")
End If
Dim length As Integer = hexString.Length \ 2
Dim ret(length - 1) As Byte
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim j As Integer = 0
Do While i < length
Dim high As Integer = ParseNybble(hexString.Chars(j))
j += 1
Dim low As Integer = ParseNybble(hexString.Chars(j))
j += 1
ret(i) = CByte((high << 4) Or low)
i += 1
Return ret
End Function
Private Function ParseNybble(c As Char) As Integer
If c >= "0"C AndAlso c <= "9"C Then
Return c - "0"C
End If
c = ChrW(c And Not &H20)
If c >= "A"C AndAlso c <= "F"C Then
Return c - ("A"C - 10)
End If
Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid nybble: " & c)
End Function
Can we remove the compile errors in ParseNybble without introducing data conversions?
Return c - "0"c Operator '-' is not defined for types 'Char' and 'Char'
c = ChrW(c And Not &H20) Operator 'And' is not defined for types 'Char' and 'Integer'
As it stands, no.
However, you could change ParseNybble to take an integer and pass AscW(hexString.Chars(j)) to it, so that the data conversion takes place outside of ParseNybble.
This solution is much much faster than all the alternative i have tried. And it avoids any ParseNybble lookup.
Function hex2byte(s As String) As Byte()
Dim l = s.Length \ 2
Dim hi, lo As Integer
Dim b(l - 1) As Byte
For i = 0 To l - 1
hi = AscW(s(i + i))
lo = AscW(s(i + i + 1))
hi = (hi And 15) + ((hi And 64) >> 6) * 9
lo = (lo And 15) + ((lo And 64) >> 6) * 9
b(i) = CByte((hi << 4) Or lo)
Return b
End Function

Converting Numbers to Excel Letter Column

I am trying to write data to excel files using So I my function which converts number column into excel letter columns.
Public Function ConvertToLetter(ByRef iCol As Integer) As String
Dim Reminder_Part As Integer = iCol Mod 26
Dim Integer_Part As Integer = Int(iCol / 26)
If Integer_Part = 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = Chr(Reminder_Part + 64)
ElseIf Integer_Part > 0 And Reminder_Part <> 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = Chr(Integer_Part + 64) + Chr(Reminder_Part + 64)
ElseIf Integer_Part > 0 And Reminder_Part = 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = Chr(Integer_Part * 26 + 64)
End If
End Function
The Function works ok with any other numbers.
For example,
1 => A
2 => B
26 => Z
27 => AA
51 => AY
52 => t (And here is when it start to went wrong) It is suppose to return AZ, but it returned t.
I couldn't figure out what part I made a mistake. Can someone help me or show me how to code a proper function of converting numbers to excel letter columns using
This should do what you want.
Private Function GetExcelColumnName(columnNumber As Integer) As String
Dim dividend As Integer = columnNumber
Dim columnName As String = String.Empty
Dim modulo As Integer
While dividend > 0
modulo = (dividend - 1) Mod 26
columnName = Convert.ToChar(65 + modulo).ToString() & columnName
dividend = CInt((dividend - modulo) / 26)
End While
Return columnName
End Function
This will work up to 52.
Public Function ConvertToLetterA(ByRef iCol As Integer) As String
Select Case iCol
Case 1 To 26
Return Chr(iCol + 64)
Case 27 To 52
Return "A" & Chr(iCol - 26 + 64)
End Select
End Function
On a side note, you can write XLSX files directly with EPPlus via .Net. You can use letter notation for columns if you wish, or you can use numbers.
There are a couple flaws in the logic, the second else clause is not required and the operations should be zero based.
Public Function ConvertToLetter(ByRef iCol As Integer) As String
Dim col As Integer = iCol - 1
Dim Reminder_Part As Integer = col Mod 26
Dim Integer_Part As Integer = Int(col / 26)
If Integer_Part = 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = Chr(Reminder_Part + 65)
ConvertToLetter = Chr(Integer_Part + 64) + Chr(Reminder_Part + 65)
End If
End Function

Do While - Overflow error

This code looks for the column with header "Quantity Dispensed," then convert the strings in the column by treating the right three digits as decimals, e.i. 00009102" = 9.102
Sub ConvertDec()
Dim colNum As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
colNum = WorksheetFunction.Match("Quantity Dispensed", ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("1:1"), 0)
i = 2
Do While ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(i, colNum).Value <> ""
x = Evaluate(Cells(i, colNum).Value)
Cells(i, colNum) = Int(x / 1000) + (x Mod 1000) / 1000
i = i + 1
End Sub
I'm getting Overflow error on the line "x = Evaluate..." while executing.
The values in the column are in string form. e.g. "0000120000".
120000 is greater than the maximum value of integer 32768. Use the Long type instead.