Spring Reactive Proxy server for file operation on S3 - amazon-s3

I'm building a proxy server that streams large files from clients (iOS, web etc) to S3. I'm planning to use Spring reactive with Netty. I'm catching up with Netty and reactive architecture and so far it looks very promising. Does anyone of you has solved something like this before? If yes, can you please share some pointers or a GitHub URL for a starter project that will be great.
Few questions:
Is this possible to do with my current tech stack? I think it is. But wanted to get feedback.
With Netty and reactive architecture, chunks of data will be coming in an async fashion, how do I make sure I send the packet in sequence to S3?
Also, does AmazonS3 client supports reactive file operations using their Java SDK? If not then probably I will need to directly call their API using Spring reactive WebClient.
I understand this question is not to the point and very broad. The intent here is to find if anyone has solved something like this and if they can provide some tips.

With upcoming AWS SDK 2.0, you should be able to use reactive file operation with S3 as it would call subscribe on the publishing stream you pass to it.


How can I configure Redis as a Spring Cloud Dataflow Source?

I've search for examples and I have not found any.
My intention is to use a Redis Stream as a source to Spring Cloud Dataflow and route messages to AWS Kinesis or S3 data sinks
Redis is not listed as a Spring Cloud Dataflow source. Will I have to create a custom binder?
Redis only seems available as a sink with PubSub
There used to be a redis-binder for Spring Cloud Stream, but that has been deprecated for a while now. We have plans to implement a binder for Redis Streams in the future, though.
That said, if you have data in Redis, it'd be good to start building a redis-source as a custom application. We have many suppliers/sources that you can use as a reference.
There's currently also a blog-series in the works, which can be of further guidance when building custom applications.
Lastly, feel free to contribute the redis-supplier/source to the applications repo, we can collaborate on a pull request.

Spring Cloud Stream RabbitMQ - Partitioning using header instead of routing key

I was going through the documentation but couldn't find anything related to this, so I'm here just to confirm with you.
We'd like to partition Rabbit queues using Spring Cloud Stream, but would like to do so without using routing keys for it. Is there a way to do it by using headers or properties in the messages?
RabbitMQ plugins allow this but, does spring cloud stream allow it in some way?
Thanks and regards.
You can manually provision whatever exchange type you want and set the declareExchange property to false.

Ktor application with spring config server

wanted to try some new stuff and decided to build next micro-app in Ktor + Koin + Exposed. Everything looks really nice but I found one problem that is actually destroying the whole idea.
App needs DB access and the connection cannot be stored within repository but should be encrypted on config-server. Every other micro-app is suing spring boot and fetches configs with lib spring-cloud-config-client but I don't know if it's even possible to use that somehow from Ktor app. Anyone had the same problem and managed to fix it somehow?
Cfg4j seems to be an alternative to Spring Cloud Config Server.
Other than that, there are a few articles and some questions on SO about integrating Spring Cloud Config Server with non Spring Boot projects.
Spring Cloud Config Client Without Spring Boot
Also, I am working on an external configuration parser for Kotlin and am considering to implement similar functionality.

Does javamelody work with spring webflux?

can anyone point me to a resource, how I can get spring-webflux and javamelody to work together?
Seems, that a servletcontext is neccessary for startup, which I don't have/need.
I'm aware of the coll metrics stuff, that comes with spring-boot 2.x, but I don't have anything to display the metrics with, and am locked to a company environment, where just installing something isn't a valid option.
javamelody is mainly based on monitoring of memory, cpu, http requests, sql requests and spring components among other things. See javamelody-spring-boot-starter for example.
But as far as I know, Spring webflux does not use the servlet api. So what do you want to monitor?
If you just want to have graphs in a browser, then start a http server for javamelody reports like in standalone. And if you also want to monitor sql requests and spring components, then add in your application all methods from this example, except monitoringSessionListener and monitoringFilter.
A new spring-boot-starter for javamelody in webflux could be created if it makes sense.

Spring boot websocket test

I have a spring boot project with websocket and I want to test the project sending multiple request to the socket from different users. I want to use threads to imitate the users that send data from the web app but I don't know exactly how to make the test. Can anyone help me, and show one simple test for an websocket using threads?
You can use JMeter for testing your websocket project.
For further reading:
Good example:
When writing a Spring Boot application using STOMP on websockets, I struggled a lot to find out how to configure a test client.
I ended up writing a little library called Jackstomp to make it easier to create type-safe tests for STOMP WS applications using JSON as message body.
I haven't used it with multiple threads, but you should be able to easily use it within each thread to create independent clients for each user and perform basic operations. (Please note that a different client should be used in each thread).
The point is that you can really express a synchronous flow for each client, including actively querying for received events.
Even if you don't use this library, you can look at the code to get a grasp of the different things to setup.