Landing page for shopware using shopping worlds - e-commerce

How do I integrate shopping worlds which I created as Landing page for shopware. I did found in SEO url settings ->SEO URLs landing page template:{$} where you configure this. Is this correct. I also completed seo url rebuild.
But still the landing page is empty. Can anyone explain how to configure the landing page for Shopware eCommerce.


Mailchimp landing page fail to index on Google Search Console because blocked by robots.tx

A mailchimp landing page with a custom subdomain is failing to index on Google Search Console because it's being blocked by robots.txt.
The domain is authenticated on Mailchimp and the landing page subdomain is verified on Mailchimp. SSL is working fine. Google Search Console is able to index other subdomains using other services - just not the Mailchimp landing page. I didn't see anywhere within the Mailchimp portal where the robots.txt file can be modified.
I was expecting Google Search Console to queue up the landing page for indexing. However, I received an alert: Index Request Rejected. Drilling into the alert: Crawl was not allowed because it's blocked by robots.txt.

Is keystone js webapp is SEO friendly?

I am building new web app using keystone js with hbs template. Can google crawl my website?
Yes Google will be able to crawl your site.
Handlebars templates will be rendered on the server before being sent to the client.
You might want to set meta tags in your templates to help with SEO.
On the following web page, there is a section called 3.2. SEO AND SOCIAL OPTIMIZATION which you might find helpful:

Store HTTP_REFERER information for all site hits in Prestashop

Most of the referrers for my website are Search Engines and I would like to store the referrer link so that I can study the keywords that lead to my page being displayed and clicked. I currently notice these links only in my Apache Error Log files when some Warning is thrown. Is there any module that I can make use so that it automatically stores all the HTTP_REFERRER links. Currently in prestashop I noticed only 404 page referrers are stored.
Prestashop already store referrer by default. Check menu Statistics -> Visitors Origin.
If you want a more detailed statistic you should install Google Analytics module.
Good luck

Pull Products To BigCommerce Home Page

We're not trying to host our whole site on B.C. We only wanted to use B.C. to host our products and checkout process. Is there a way to pull all products to the home page? Ideally we want the content on '/categories/' to be displayed on the home page. If not possible we would like to restrict access to the home page and set up a redirect to go to '/categories/'. Is this possible?
Need to figure out how to do this in their templating system.
Redirect is worst-case scenario

google indexing wrong page

When I google for cms tutorial my website is the first link which is obviously great. Unfortunatly it is showing the Under construction title I was using when I was updating my site. When you click on the link you of course you go to my website but the title link still remains "CMS TUTORIAL SITE - Under construction" in google instead of the name of the actual page.
How can I request google to re-index that page, I allready requested to remove the cache for that url with the google webmaster tool.
You could request to update your url here.