bind params in batch insert in yii 1.0 - yii

I want to Copy one record and update sevaral fields and paste it multiple times in same table. I want to do this operation in one SQL query so i'm thinking for batchinsert but i'm not able to use bind params method.
INSERT INTO table (<field>, <field>, <total 100 fields>) VALUES . implode(",", $values);
Please help

There are no any command of batchinsert in YII1
Checkout this link
Might be you can solve your issue with this.


How to update multiple records data through alv reports in SAP ABAP?

How to update multiple records data through ALV REPORT IN SAP ABAP?
Use the Selected Lines, I used to do that task ... If you are going to update random fields, the easiest way to do this is to delete all the data in database and insert it with the new updates ..
for an other solution you need to use the gd-edit functions
You can use a Loop statement with your logic inside to change/update only certain values/fields.
try this....
Use for all entries in select statement and pass updated work area to FM reuse_alv_grid_display.

Hard coding the query in database expert for crystal report( while multiple values needed for parameters)

Due to the complexity of the report ,am feeding sql query in Database expert(Creating a command).Here for a parameter field 'status' which can have multiple values which way I should prepare the query? I am a rookie in crystal reporting,and any help is greatly appreciated.Thanks!
if parameter contains only one values I am giving it this way :
where wrk_status={?dynastatus} ;
Now for multiple input how should I modify the query?
I tried wrk_status IN ('{?dynastatus}') ,but it throwing error.
It should work with wrk_status = {?dynastatus}. If your parameter is set to allow multiple values then you don't have to change the select statement.
If you specify distinct values for your parameter, the syntax would be wrk_status IN [value1, value2, value3, etc]
wrk_status IN {?dynastatus}
When you create a parameter in command there is option Allow Multiple Values use that.

MS Access SQL (Quickbooks) Update Query

I'm trying to create an Update Query in MS Access (2013) to a QuickBooks Database using QODBC.
I need to update the table PriceLevelPerItem. I am trying to update the field in said table called PriceLevelPerItemCustomprice with a value from another table, QueryThreeTable, and a column titled UpdatedPrice.
I need to update the table PriceLevelPerItem where the PriceLevelPerItemItemRefListID matches the value of ItemID from QueryThreeTable and ListID matches the QueryThreeTable.ItemListID (yes I know these are the wrong way around...)
So far this process has been a very annoying trial of many queries and any help would be greatly appreciated
This is what I've been working with:
(PriceLevelPerItemCustomPrice = QueryThreeTable.UpdatedPrice)
QueryThreeTable, PriceLevelPerItem
QueryThreeTable.ItemID = PriceLevelPerItem.PriceLevelPerItemItemRefListID
QueryThreeTable.ItemListID = PriceLevelPerItem.ListID;
I think the problem is that you're trying to use a DAO query inside a QODBC query. I think the two use different Data Access engines.
You're going to need to lookup your UpdatedPrice in your QueryThreeTable using DLookup. Or maybe you need to create a DAO loop using QueryThreeTable that then updates values in your QODBC table from there.
Make your QODBC query work without the use of QueryThreeTable and without any joins. Then come up with a way to dynamically create your query. You're resulting SQL should look something like this:
PriceLevelPerItemCustomPrice = 150.16
PriceLevelPerItem.ListID = '310000-1146238368';

Django: Using custom raw SQL inserts with executemany and MySQL

I need to upload a lot of data to a MySQL db. For most models I use django's ORM, but one of my models will have billions (!) of instances and I would like to optimize its insert operation.
I can't seem to find a way to make executemany() work, and after googling it seems there are almost no examples out there.
I'm looking for the correct sql syntax + correct command syntax + correct values data structure to support an executemany command for the following sql statement:
INSERT INTO `some_table` (`int_column1`, `float_column2`, `string_column3`, `datetime_column4`) VALUES (%d, %f, %s, %s)
Yes, I'm explicitly stating the id (int_column1) for efficiency.
A short example code would be great
Here's a solution that actually uses executemany() !
Basically the idea in the example here will work.
But note that in Django, you need to use the %s placeholder rather than the question mark.
Also, you will want to manage your transactions. I'll not get into that here as there is plenty of documentation available.
from django.db import connection,transaction
cursor = connection.cursor()
query = ''' INSERT INTO table_name
VALUES (%s,%s,%s) '''
query_list = build_query_list()
# here build_query_list() represents some function to populate
# the list with multiple records
# in the tuple format (value1, value2, value3).
cursor.executemany(query, query_list)
are you serisouly suggesting loading billions of rows (sorry instances) of data via some ORM data access layer - how long do you have ?
bulk load if possible -
If you need to modify the data, bulk load with load data into a temporary table as is. Then apply modifications with an insert into select command. IME, this is by far the fastest way to get a lot of data into a table.
I'm not sure how to use the executemany() command, but you can use a single SQL INSERT statement to insert multiple records

Pentaho kettle : how to execute "insert into ... select from" with the sql script step?

I am discovering Pentaho DI and i am stuck with this problem :
I want to insert data from a csv file to a custom DB, which does not support the "insert table" step. So i would like to use the sql script step, with one request :
And my transformation would like this :
I don't know how to get all my data from the csv to be injected in the "myInput" field.
Could someone help me ?
Thanks a lot :)
When you first edit the SQL Script step, click 'Get fields' button. This is going to load the parameters(fields from your csv) into box on the bottom left corner. Delete the parameters(fields) you don't want to insert.
In your sql script write your query something like this where the question marks are your parameters in order.
insert into my_table (field1,field2,field3...) values ('?','?','?'...);
Mark the checkboxes execute for each row and execute as a single statement. That's really about it. Let me know if you have any more questions and if you provide sample data I'll make you a sample ktr file to look at.
I think you get the wrong way. You should get a cvs file input step and a table output step.
As rwilliams said, In cvs file input step Get fields; the more important, in table output there is a Database Fields tab. Enter field mapping is right choise.The guess function is amazing.
And more, system can generate target table create sql statement when target table not exists in target connection Db server.
Use the following code
with cte as
select *
into myTable
from cte;