How to draw a polyline on watchOS WKInterfaceMap? - mapkit

I was about to implement a polyline on my WKInterfaceMap using MKPolyline which I am using in my iOS application, but apparently apple watch doesn't have support for it.
Does anyone know some other way to do a polyline on the map using map coordinates? Thank you in advance.

WKInterfaceMap is very limited and it turns out that you cannot draw a polyline on it. You can also only draw up to 5 annotations at the same time.


How to draw a polyline with webgl earth

I am trying to draw a polyline between multiple coordinates using webgl earth. There is an API for drawing a polygon but I can't seem to find anything equivalent for a polyline.
Thanks for your help!
Use polygon, set 3 waypoint, A/B/A, then you get a super simple polyline !

Drawing maps without base images

I would like to draw a series of maps in an iOS application. Preferably, without using any image files as a base.
For example, I want to draw a map of the United States with states and counties outlined. Does anyone know of a way to do this?
By draw, I mean draw the map in code. Maybe using Apple's Map kit API?
You might want to look in here
to get the data. Then you can use the 2d graphics libraries to draw it.

Titanium Appcelerator - Creating Directions Using a Map?

I'm creating a simple Map application in Titanium Appcelerator, right now focusing only on iOS. I have 2 Annotations specified by the latitude and longitude. I want to draw the directions between the 2 points on the Map.
I see the
method on the MapView object, but it requires you to input all the points in the route to draw it properly?! That doesn't sound right at all - why would it require me to find all the points when the Google Map can do that already.
Is there a way that I'm missing to simply say "here's point A, here's point B, draw the route between the 2 points on the map".
Drawing routes on the map is nothing more than a vector drawing. The same does the mapsapp on your phone.
You will have to interrogate the maps apis for directions,get the directions (points) and use it in your code to draw the route.
If you don't want to do it yourself there is a free module in the marketplace that can help
If you want to get your hands dirty, this post might help you:

Cocos2D making a isometric hexagonal tileMap

I'd like to create a simple game with an isometric map with Cocos2D, but I can't figure how I should use an hexagonal tile (always isometric) map.
Any hints?
This link is probably your best bet for tile maps using cocos2d. I believe that the cocos2d sample code that comes with it has a hex tile map as well.

iOS - UIScrollVIew with layers

Does someone have an example of using a UIScrollView that contains a layer that is playing a CAKeyFrameAnimation or some thing close?
I have the animation playing in there but it doesn't seem to recognize the pinch zoom, I followed a guide for UIImages but the zoom function is specifying a UIView to zoom in on and I would like to zoom in on the layer.
Thanks in advance.
Here is another guide I found with UIImages... Easy enough to figure out from there I think.