Share cookies between WebBrowser and IE - webbrowser-control

I open Internet Explorer 11. Log in to website. Then I create WebBrowser control. Navigate to same site. But cookies are missed, I am not logged in. Possible to share cookies between IE and WebBrowser?

WebBrowser uses IE under the hood but older version by default. In order to use newer you'll need to adjust the registry. In order to retrieve cookies:
[DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool InternetGetCookieEx(string pchURL, string pchCookieName, StringBuilder pchCookieData, ref uint pcchCookieData, int dwFlags, IntPtr lpReserved);
const int INTERNET_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = 0x00002000;
public static string GetGlobalCookies(string uri)
uint datasize = 1024;
StringBuilder cookieData = new StringBuilder((int)datasize);
if (InternetGetCookieEx(uri, null, cookieData, ref datasize,
&& cookieData.Length > 0)
return cookieData.ToString().Replace(';', ',');
return null;
Then you can pass them to web browser control like this:
WebBrowser web = new WebBrowser();
web.Document.Cookie = GetGlobalCookies(uri);


Proxy with CefSharp

how can I set up a proxy that has username and password in CefSharp browser in visual basic?
I tried with this code but doesn't work:
Dim settings As New CefSettings()
settings.CefCommandLineArgs.Add("proxy-server", proxy)
Your browser implement a IBrowser interface with GetHost method that allow you get RequestContext. You can set the proxy:
var requestContext = browser.GetHost().RequestContext;
var values = new Dictionary<string, object>
["mode"] = "fixed_servers",
["server"] = $"{proxyScheme}://{proxyHost}:{proxyPort}"
string error;
bool success = requestContext.SetPreference("proxy", values, out error);
To set user/password, you need to implement an IRequestHandler interface and implement this method:
public bool GetAuthCredentials(
IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, bool isProxy, string host, int port, string realm, string scheme, IAuthCallback callback)
if (isProxy)
var browser2 = browserControl as IChromeRequestHandler;
var proxyOptions = browser2?.ProxySettings;
if (proxyOptions != null)
callback.Continue(proxyOptions.UserName, proxyOptions.Password);
return true;
return false;
Then, you must set the RequestHandler property of your browser:
browser.RequestHandler = new YourIRequestHandlerImplementation();
Sorry for the C# implementation, but I think may be useful to you.

Selenium not inputting the whole text into a text box

I am using Selenium to clear out the existing Shipping Address fields of a Salesforce Account object and to assign new values. I am coding in C# and running on Visual Studio 2019.
I am getting cases where the textboxes are not getting fully populated.
My code is below.
private string shippingStreet = "56789 Liberty Street"; // 80 character limit
private string shippingCity = "Toronto"; // 40 character limit
private string shippingState = "ON"; // 80 character limit
private string shippingZip = "87654"; // 20 character limit
private string shippingCountry = "Canada"; // 80 character limit
IWebElement shStreet = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//textarea[#placeholder='Shipping Street']"));
IWebElement shCity = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[#placeholder='Shipping City']"));
IWebElement shState = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[#placeholder='Shipping State/Province']"));
IWebElement shZip = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[#placeholder='Shipping Zip/Postal Code']"));
IWebElement shCountry = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[#placeholder='Shipping Country']"));
Please see the screenshot.
I fix this issue by adding an extra space after city, state, zip code, and country but I was wondering if there is a better solution.
You can try this method:
Just call it and add the xpath: WaitForElementDisplayed_byXPathTime("//myPath");
public static void WaitForElementDisplayed_byXPathTime(string value)
var wait = new WebDriverWait(Driver, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30));
wait.Until(webDriver => webDriver.FindElement(By.XPath(value)).Displayed);
The other thing I have done on these is create a new type method for individual characters like you would on mobile. This just slows it down a bit.
public static void TypeCharsIndividually(IWebElement element, string expectedValue)
//use your code for element displayed and element enabled
foreach (char c in expectedValue)
java click
public static void ClickJava(IWebElement element)
IJavaScriptExecutor executor = driver IJavaScriptExecutor;
executor.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", element);
public static bool WaitForElementDisplayed_byXPath(string path)
var result = true;
try { _wait.Until(webDriver => driver.FindElement(By.XPath(path)).Displayed); }
catch (StaleElementReferenceException) { WaitForElementDisplayed_byXPath(path); }
catch (NoSuchElementException) { WaitForElementDisplayed_byXPath(path); }
catch (WebDriverTimeoutException) { result = false; }
return result;
This is a Salesforce issue. I see the problem even when i am manually updating a shipping address field and I tab to another field.

Library to verify OAuth 1.0a signature in ASP.NET Core

I need to validate OAuth 1.0a (RFC 5849) requests on an ASP.NET Core site. Upgrading the client to OAuth 2.0 or anything else is not an option. I understand the spec, but implementing the verification process for the oauth_signature seems like it would be a bit fragile, and surely there's no need to reinvent the wheel here.
Does .NET Core have any built-in classes for handling this? Ideally, something where you just pass in the HttpRequest and the secret key and it tells you if the signature is valid?
If there's nothing built in, any recommendations on third-party libraries that could handle this for me?
I really didn't feel comfortable taking a dependency hit on this one by bringing in a third-party NuGet package. Many of the options provided far more than I needed, and most were (understandably) no longer in active development or supported. Taking on an unsupported "black box" dependency with anything related to security doesn't sit quite right with me.
So I rolled my own implementation for just the subset of features that I needed to support (verification only, and OAuth parameters passed as form post data). This is not meant to be a complete implementation, but can serve as a starting point for anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation and isn't interested in bringing in a dependency.
The latest code is on GitHub.
public static class OAuth1Utilities
private static readonly Lazy<bool[]> UnreservedCharacterMask = new Lazy<bool[]>(CreateUnreservedCharacterMask);
public static string EncodeString(string value)
byte[] characterBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
StringBuilder encoded = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte character in characterBytes)
if (UnreservedCharacterMask.Value[character])
return encoded.ToString();
public static string GetBaseStringUri(HttpRequest request)
StringBuilder baseStringUri = new StringBuilder();
return baseStringUri.ToString();
public static string GetNormalizedParameterString(HttpRequest request)
var parameters = new List<(string key, string value)>();
foreach (var queryItem in request.Query)
foreach (var queryValue in queryItem.Value)
parameters.Add((queryItem.Key, queryValue));
foreach (var formItem in request.Form)
foreach (var formValue in formItem.Value)
parameters.Add((formItem.Key, formValue));
parameters.RemoveAll(_ => _.key == "oauth_signature");
parameters = parameters
.Select(_ => (key: EncodeString(_.key), value: EncodeString(_.value)))
.OrderBy(_ => _.key)
.ThenBy(_ => _.value).ToList();
return string.Join("&", parameters.Select(_ => $"{_.key}={_.value}"));
public static string GetSignature(HttpRequest request, string clientSharedSecret, string tokenSharedSecret)
string signatureBaseString = GetSignatureBaseString(request);
return GetSignature(signatureBaseString, clientSharedSecret, tokenSharedSecret);
public static string GetSignature(string signatureBaseString, string clientSharedSecret, string tokenSharedSecret)
string key = $"{EncodeString(clientSharedSecret)}&{EncodeString(tokenSharedSecret)}";
var signatureAlgorithm = new HMACSHA1(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(key));
byte[] digest = signatureAlgorithm.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(signatureBaseString));
return Convert.ToBase64String(digest);
public static string GetSignatureBaseString(HttpRequest request)
StringBuilder signatureBaseString = new StringBuilder();
return signatureBaseString.ToString();
public static bool VerifySignature(HttpRequest request, string clientSharedSecret, string tokenSharedSecret)
string actualSignature = request.Form["oauth_signature"];
string expectedSignature = GetSignature(request, clientSharedSecret, tokenSharedSecret);
return expectedSignature == actualSignature;
private static bool[] CreateUnreservedCharacterMask()
bool[] mask = new bool[byte.MaxValue];
// hyphen
mask[45] = true;
// period
mask[46] = true;
// 0-9
for (int pos = 48; pos <= 57; pos++)
mask[pos] = true;
// A-Z
for (int pos = 65; pos <= 90; pos++)
mask[pos] = true;
// underscore
mask[95] = true;
// a-z
for (int pos = 97; pos <= 122; pos++)
mask[pos] = true;
// tilde
mask[126] = true;
return mask;

Selenium how to work with safari Cookies

I try to work with Selenium and have problem with cookies it return cookie equals null in method FindCookie, with Google Chrome and FireFox all works good
public void SetCookie(string cookieName, string cookieValue)
var cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue);
// driver.Manage().Cookies.AddCookie(new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue, "/"));
public string FindCookie(string cookieName)
var cookieNamed = driver.Manage().Cookies.GetCookieNamed(cookieName);
if (cookieNamed == null)
return null;
return cookieNamed.Value;
How I can do works cookie for Safari?

Twitter API upgrade for Windows Phone

I have tweet poster in my application which uses oAuth 1.0 which will retire soon and will be non functional. I have to upgrade my API to 1.1. Twitter development center says that, If oAuth is used by your application, you can easily transaction to 1.1 by only updating your API endpoint. What exactly is API endpoint?
Here I'm having hard understanding about API endpoint. I think my asyncronous post call URL must be upgraded.
Here is the relevant codes which I think that might include the answer;
private void btnPostTweet_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
namebocx.Text = userScreenName;
if (txtBoxNewTweet.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { return; }
var credentials = new OAuthCredentials
Type = OAuthType.ProtectedResource,
SignatureMethod = OAuthSignatureMethod.HmacSha1,
ParameterHandling = OAuthParameterHandling.HttpAuthorizationHeader,
ConsumerKey = TwitterSettings.consumerKey,
ConsumerSecret = TwitterSettings.consumerKeySecret,
Token = this.accessToken,
TokenSecret = this.accessTokenSecret,
Version = "1.0"
var restClient = new RestClient
Authority = TwitterSettings.StatusUpdateUrl,
HasElevatedPermissions = true,
Credentials = credentials,
Method = WebMethod.Post
restClient.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Create a Rest Request and fire it
var restRequest = new RestRequest
Path = "1/statuses/update.xml?status=" + txtBoxNewTweet.Text //Here must be endpoint of Api??
var ByteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txtBoxNewTweet.Text);
restClient.BeginRequest(restRequest, new RestCallback(PostTweetRequestCallback));
and also here is the authentication settings:
public class TwitterSettings
public static string RequestTokenUri = "";
public static string AuthorizeUri = "";
public static string AccessTokenUri = "";
public static string CallbackUri = "";
public static string StatusUpdateUrl { get { return ""; } }
public static string consumerKey = "myconsumerkeyhere";
public static string consumerKeySecret = "myconsumersecrethere";
public static string oAuthVersion = "1.0a";
Here what twitter says me to replace with this instead of written in my code;
and some parameters told here -->>
How should I update my API endpoint, what kind of changes do I have to do?
If you can help me, I really appreciate
You can change this:
Path = "1/statuses/update.xml?status=" + txtBoxNewTweet.Text
//Here must be endpoint of Api??
to this:
Path = "1.1/statuses/update.json?status=" + txtBoxNewTweet.Text
//Here must be endpoint of Api??