Create a .config folder in the user folder - wix

When installing my program, I'd like to create a .config folder into the user's folder.
For example :
This is what I tried but it doesn't work :
<Directory Id="ConfigUserFolder" Name=".config">
<Directory Id="UserConfig" Name="Config" >
<Component Id="ConfigFolder" Guid="GUID">
<RemoveFolder Id='RemoveConfig' Directory='UserConfig' On='uninstall' />
<RemoveFolder Id='RemoveConfigUserFolder' Directory='ConfigUserFolder' On='uninstall' />
<RegistryValue Root='HKCU' Key='Software\MySoftware' Type='string' Value='' KeyPath='yes' />
Any idea what I'm missing/doing wrong ?

Is this application a regular executable? Or some sort of Web-App or Plug-In? In other words: does it have its own launch sequence?
I sound like a broken record with this advice, but: folders and files in the user profile folder (and HKCU settings) are better created on application launch than during installation.
Just leave this construct out of your setup and make your application smarter and capable of creating this folder on launch for every user - and to be able to copy any data files into the folder from their template locations in your main read-only %ProgramFiles% installation folder.
I previously wrote a whole rant about the problem of user-specific files and settings deployment: Create folder and file on Current user profile, from Admin Profile. I describe options such as MSI self-repair and Active Setup - and list some details on why they are unreliable (and suggest some potentially better approaches).
I'd say: kill complexity and error sources and stay in familiar territory whenever you can. Avoid advanced setup features due to their hard-to-debug nature and unusual and unfamiliar complexity. And what is relevant for your question: avoid per-user deployment done via the installer.
The above is basically all there is to say, but fleshing it out here are the main reasons to use your application launch sequence instead of your setup for per-user stuff:
Predictability & Reliability: this approach reliably creates the folder for any user who launches your application - without relying on Windows Installer to put per-user files and folders in place.
Windows Installer self-repair can be prevented from running by policy on certain machines (for example terminal servers) and your folder will then never be created at all for users who did not run the original install.
If you also want to install user-specific files (not just a folder), then MSI deployment of user-specified files and settings is unreliable at best, and prone to accidental file and settings overwrite (REINSTALLMODE = amus - force overwrite) and user settings and data loss from unexpected uninstall of settings files intended to be permanent, but not marked as such (by accident). A lot of problems can result from this.
Very technical, but MSI's component GUID concept sort of breaks down conceptually when used to reference count files potentially installed multiple times.
Implementation & Debugging: the application launch sequence is "just regular code" whilst Windows Installer and deployment may be unfamiliar territory for many developers. You hence avoid the unexpected problems that results from the complexity of deployment (a blurb on deployment complexity written in the context of the history of WiX).
This is especially true if you move into custom actions with their complex sequencing, impersonation and conditioning aspects featuring very "conspiratory complexity" (problems that are not immediately obvious, but that will surface when least convenient).
Your application launch sequence has predictable user context, full access to the user's environment and interactivity is available with error- and warning messages. Problems can be debugged easily by simply re-launching the application as opposed to compiling and running a setup (and attaching the debugger in the case of custom actions - well beyond the scope of your question).
You avoid an installer's "one shot" nature and difficulty of debugging due to the hard-to-reproduce nature of deployment errors overall (no access to the problem system, generally missing logging, difficulty of cleaning up prior mistakes). For the launch sequence you just have users re-launch the application and report the error seen - or check the event log or whatever other logging is available.
In my experience QA personnel will generally have more experience testing application launch sequences than deployment features.
And I might be making application debugging sound "too rosy" for what it is in the real world, but trust me it is indeed easier than deployment debugging.
Settings Management: your application's launch sequence can (much more) reliably perform any form of "maintenance" on your data and settings files that is impossible to accomplish reliably from a setup.
These are often "resource files" and not data files - in other words templates and settings used during program operation - not just content created by the user (which sometimes also requires "cleaning" - but you can do that on file open instead of application launch).
You want to fix something in files duplicated for each user
Leaking meta-files pictures
Data file errors and glitches
Just bugs caused by per-user settings really...
Enforce new mandatory settings
Move files to a new location or back them up
Remove settings that are no longer valid (or erroneously unencrypted)
Delete binary streams from HKCU that make your application crash
A description of how a setup can "flag" the system to activate an application's "launch sequence maintenance functions": (Feb 2019 converted to WayBack Machine link).
A setup should essentially do anything that requires elevated rights, most other things - do it in your application - and certain elevated things can actually be done over time running as a service - which features no sequencing, conditioning or impersonation variables that plague deployment.

To do this with WiX you need to use the CreateFolder element under the parent component. It's much the same question as this:
how to create folder in Wix?
As a better practice in my opinion, you should use the standard Windows Installer folder properties as locations. The full list is here:
for example ProgramFiles64Folder, AppDataFolder (which might be the best location for your directory), CommonAppDataFolder and so on.


Should the installed entry in the registry be in the Microsoft folder?

When adding a shortcut to an installer created with Wix, according to How To: Create a Shortcut on the Start Menu, you need to add a registry value with like this:
<RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="Software\Microsoft\MyApplicationName" Name="installed" Type="integer" Value="1" KeyPath="yes"/>
Should that value really be inside of Software\Microsoft? In many cases in the Microsoft world I'm seeing the vendor used as the scope so I'm wondering if it shouldn't really be Software\MyVendorName\MyApplicationName.
I would definitely write to my own location as indicated by others:
Ideally your application should not write anywhere else in the registry - except beneath these two parent locations. You "own" these two registry locations - and nowhere else. You shouldn't write anywhere else - and certainly not under the Microsoft key. I believe that is a "generic sample".
The exception is when you need to register certain files (or components) - for example COM files whose registration go into HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes and HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes. These per machine and per-user locations are merged to produce HKCR (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). COM registration can also be isolated, in which case you use manifest files - then the registry is not involved at all. WiX features special COM-related elements that will populate the registry for you via standard MSI mechanisms - the heat.exe tool for harvesting COM registration (among other things) will auto-generate these elements for you and your compiled MSI will have several MSI tables keeping the COM registration information (ProgId, Class, TypeLib, etc...).
UPDATE: Not to compliate things too much, but an MSI can be installed per-user or per-machine based on the values of ALLUSERS and MSIINSTALLPERUSER properties. If you have populated the proper COM tables in the MSI the COM server will be registered per-machine or per-user accordingly.
And there are other cases where installation processes make changes elsewhere in the registry if you install your package. For example when you install drivers, plug-ins, fonts, COM+, COM Interop, file extensions, etc... Your registration in these cases should generally go through APIs that take care of registering your components and you should not poke around i the registry yourself in most cases. A lot of such registration is handled by MSI if you do it right - or built-in constructs in third party tools used to make MSI files.

Is WiX changing the permissions on my Notes.ini file?

I'm using a WiX installer to install a Notes plugin. I use the IniFile action to set the fields in notes.ini telling Notes to load my plugin. I'm using WiX 3.7.1224.0
<IniFile Id="HLBridgeDLLINI" Action="addTag" Directory="LOTUSNOTESINIDIRECTORY" Name="Notes.ini" Section="Notes" Key="AddInMenus" Value="HLBridge.dll"/>
<IniFile Id="HLClientDLLINI" Action="addTag" Directory="LOTUSNOTESINIDIRECTORY" Name="Notes.ini" Section="Notes" Key="EXTMGR_ADDINS" Value="HLClient.dll"/>
Before running the installer, the notes.ini file is writable by Everyone. After the install, the Everyone user is missing from the security attributes. Is WiX doing this, presumably for security reasons? If so, is there a way to disable this? I can write a custom action to change the security back if I have to I suppose.
Short version
Custom permissioning would seem to be applied (unexpectedly) via a WiX element or a custom action during the installation process (other possible causes discussed below - maybe check the major upgrade file revert possibility in particular - or the group policy possibility).
Clues for debugging can be found in the WiX source, or the compiled MSI file, or in a verbose log file (to name a few places to start). Details for each option below.
The below was written very "organically" - it evolved a bit - so it is a bit redundant. I will leave it as it is.
Other Possible Causes
Major upgrade file revert: It is quite odd that the file has less rights after the install. Perhaps this indicates a group policy or a file recreate during installation? The latter sounds very unlikely for such an important file - but it could happen if the update is a major upgrade and the original MSI installed the INI file as a file (instead of as INI file entries) and set it to be a non-permanent file.
In this scenario the INI file will be uninstalled and then reinstalled - likely stripping it of any custom ACL permissioning (ACL permissions are very complicated, they can inherit and override, and deny or grant, etc...). Any custom INI entries added to the old file will also be wiped out - check for such missing custom entries after installation.
This is a common problem (major upgrade file revert): major upgrade file uninstall and reinstall making the file appear reverted or overwritten when it has been wiped out and installed fresh instead and can trigger many other problems than ACL issues.
Other potential sources for the unexpected permissioning are also possible:
repair / modify operation for another Lotus Notes-related MSI package targeting the same INI file?
another MSI run as part of the same setup bundle doing permissioning?
group policy / active directory processes enforcing standard ACLs? (sample)
an executable / service run in admin mode doing something funky?
scheduled tasks interference? (some possibilities)
logon scripts doing something funky? (very unlikely in your case, but login scripts can do pretty much "anything" - and they do)
some other, unexpected source. Something with admin rights does this - that is the obvious common denominator.
My 2 cents: if this is an in-house, corporate package, use group policy to apply permissioning instead and remove the operation from your package (unless you deploy to computers outside group policy control - but then you can have a special package which only does permissioning and keep permissioning out of your main package - making it less error prone).
The problem you describe is very interesting. I am not aware of anything automatic in WiX that would meddle with ACLs, though I can not guarantee it. There are, however, constructs that are designed to change ACLs when you specify them explicitly - and you need to check your MSI for these constructs (described below)
But first of all: I ran a quick smoke test with a WiX MSI to see if I could replicate the problem, and I can not replicate it. My fear was that this could be something changed in a recent Windows Update. In other words some sort of security fix distributed without anyone's awareness which changes core functionality in Windows Installer (it wouldn't be the first one).
Some info on how ACL permissioning can be implemented in your MSI. Essentially you can use ready-made WiX elements, or run your own custom action.
There are several WiX elements that deal with ACL-permissioning and they result either in settings added to standard, built-in MSI tables or they add entries to custom WiX tables. Look for these elements in your WiX source (if available) (samples):
Permission (maps to built-in, standard MSI LockPermissions table).
PermissionEx (WiX-specific Util extension permissioning - maps to custom WiX table).
PermissionEx (maps to built-in, standard MSI MsiLockPermissionsEx table - a feature added in Windows Installer version 5).
FileSharePermission (WiX-specific Util extension file share permissioning - maps to custom WiX table).
I am not sure why the WiX guys decided to support all these different permissioning options - there are surely good reasons - since it must be a lot of work to maintain for them. I have written permissoning code myself, and in my view it is a time bomb of conspiratory complexity to deal with. Permissions permute like you wouldn't believe, but that is off topic here. In my condensed view very few permissions make any sense, but full flexibility is allowed by ACL permissioning - all the rope you need to shoot yourself in the foot. I prefer the generic "macros": GenericAll="yes", GenericExecute="yes", GenericRead="yes", GenericRead="no", etc...
Additionally you can use custom actions to call command line permissioning tools such as subinacl.exe, cacls.exe, xcacls.exe, icacls.exe or several other ones - which I would definitely not recommend for reliability and security reasons. Custom actions are never preferable when there are other options: Why is it a good idea to limit the use of custom actions in my WiX / MSI setups?
The Permission element I would not use for technical reasons, the built-in MsiLockPermissionsEx table I have never tested. The WiX-specific PermissionEx element is probably what I would choose to use if I needed this ACL permissioning at all.
Inspect MSI
If you have WiX source access, you should be able to find the permissioning elements or the custom action elements that cause the problem.
However, if you do not have WiX source access, you can also check your actual, compiled MSI file for any custom features that could apply custom permissioning. I would focus on the Custom Action table and any custom WiX / MSI tables found in the MSI in question.
In other words: inspect the compiled MSI file used for installation for custom actions and custom tables that are used to set ACLs. See MSDN for a list of standard MSI tables. Any table you don't find there is custom.
To inspect the MSI, use Orca or an equivalent tool. See this answer (towards bottom) for a list of tools you can use (commercial or free): How can I compare the content of two (or more) MSI files?
Verbose Logging
You can also do what I always do: create a proper, verbose log for the MSI install in question. This gives you something to start with to figure out what is happening - and as such it might in some cases be better than just inspecting the MSI. You can find some information on how to do logging here.
Alternatively, you can enable logging for all MSI installations. See on logging (section "Globally for all setups on a machine") for how to do this. I prefer this default logging switched on for dev and test boxes, but it does affect installation performance and adds a lot of log files to the temp folder (that you can just zap once in a while). Typically you suddenly see an MSI error and you wish you had a log - now you can, always ready in %tmp%.
I would also make a note of what OS you are on, and determine if the problem is seen only on this OS? And this also involves figuring out if you have the latest hotfixes installed.

WIX/MSI setup writes to HKLM despite MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1

I try to create a MSI Single Package using WIX (3.10). The user can select in the UI whether the package should install Per-User or Per-Machine. The package is initialized with ALLUSERS=2 and MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1. I did not set an InstallScope, as this would limit the Package to one or the other.
If the user selects Per-Machine the setup continues with ALLUSERS=2 and MSIINSTALLPERUSER="". - Everything works as expected.
If the user chooses Per-User installation ALLUSERS=2 and MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1 remain unchanged. If a non-privileged user runs the setup everything works as expected as well.
But if a privileged user executes the setup and chooses Per-User installation, registry keys that should be written to HKCU\Software\Classes\ are still written to HKCR / HKLM\Software\Classes\. This happens without UAC being invoked.
I observed this behavior on a Windows 8.1 (current patch level).
This is not what I want. If the user selects Per-User installation, there should be nothing written to HKLM/HKCR.
Here is sample from the wxs-file:
<Component Id="MyRegistryComponent" Guid="{99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999}">
<RegistryValue Id="MyRegistryComponent_MainKey" Root="HKCU" Key="Software\Classes\myapp.myclass" Value="" Type="string" />
I checked the MSI with Orca. This RegistryValue has Root=1 in the Registry table of the MSI.
I tried/checked already:
I verified that the ALLUSERS and MSIINSTALLPERUSER properties are
indeed set as stated above.
I tried setting ALLUSERS="" MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1 – No effect.
I changed Root="HKCU" to Root="HKMU" in the wxs.
This results in Root=-1 in the MSI, but I does not change the final
result after installation.
What am I missing here?
Is possible that this behavior is caused by previous incomplete (un-)installations?
When you say "This results in Root=-1 in the MSI, but I does not change the final result after installation." it's not clear which of the results you're referring to but:
HKCU will always go to HKCU, HKMU is what you need to switch between HKCU and HKLM in a single package setup. So using HKMU and producing a verbose log would be useful to see if there is a failure somewhere in there.
You will get changes in HKCR. That's usually the normal behavior because as this article explains:
Quote "The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes key contains default settings that can apply to all users on the local computer. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes key contains settings that apply only to the interactive user. The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key provides a view of the registry that merges the information from these two sources. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT also provides this merged view for applications designed for previous versions of Windows."
HKCR is a virtual view that combines class registration for the current user with class registration for the machine to present a view of all class entries on the system. Other accounts (such as the system account) will see only HKLM, so what you see exactly depends on who you are.
I suggest that is what is needed here is a test case that uses HKMU as is required, and maybe post that test case. Keep in mind that seeing HKCR entries is normal, going by the documentation, so maybe that explains all that you are seeing.

Harvesting files leads to LGHT0231 error

I'm using latest votive (Wix v3.5) and created a simple Wix VS 2010 setup project. I added my website reference and set the Harvest option as true.
Now since my INSTALLDIR points to a folder under IISROOT, I get this light.exe error:
[filepath]: error LGHT0231: The component
'cmp93982C4086FF8C75F07339DD7CEA8152' has a key file with path
'TARGETDIR\webdir...[filename].xml'. Since this path is not rooted
in one of the standard directories (like ProgramFilesFolder), this
component does not fit the criteria for having an automatically
generated guid. (This error may also occur if a path contains a
likely standard directory such as nesting a directory with name
"Common Files" under ProgramFilesFolder.)
While I understand the reason behind this error, I don't necessarily agree to its rational (maybe I don't understand the innate workings of Wix MSI generation).
How can I resolve this error?
To provide some context:
I'm trying to set this up in conjunction with Team Build. I can use the legacy format and run Heat/Harvest task against a folder to bypass this issue but do not want to go the legacy route.
I have not played enough with the new workflow based build definition, so not sure how I can incorporate this custom task.
I need to run harvest every time the Setup project is built because I do not want to keep track of hundreds of files manually.
The problem is because the component is rooted in TARGETDIR, which WiX cannot use for automatically generating a guid. You can add Directory/#ComponentGuidGenerationSeed to a directory above this component to avoid the problem. By adding this attribute, you must now take responsibility for ensuring the component doesn't get installed to two different directories across upgrades.
In Windows Installer, components need to have a guid that doesn't change between patches, minor upgrades, and major upgrades. As a convenience, WiX can generate a version 5 UUID for you using the component's directory hierarchy as the seed. But, TARGETDIR is ineligible for this.
I believe the reason is that TARGETDIR changes across installations (it's set to the drive that has the most free space). One of the component rules is "each component must be stored in a single folder". If TARGETDIR changed between major upgrades, then you could end up trying to install the same component to a second folder.

Manage configuration files with WiX

I have an application with several files that contain configuration parameters and other data that changes as the user uses the application. These files can change with newer versions of my software, but the user can also modify them (or they may be changed by the application itself). Basically, I'm looking for a solution to prevent the users' changes to these files from being overwritten but also a way to install the potentially updated files when the user upgrades my software.
With RPM on *NIX you could use the %config function to define a file as a configuration file and RPM would then rename the existing file (if it existed) and install the new one on an upgrade (maybe not ideal, but I could live with something like this for WiX).
I'd like to install my config files to a subdirectory or even a different name (e.g. default.cfg) and then use the <CopyFile> element in WiX to copy the files to their correct locations. This way, the default files would get removed on install and overwritten on an upgrade, but the actual user files would stay the same. Unfortunately with <CopyFile>, Windows Installer still wants to manage (and remove) the destination file.
I've also considered using the QtExec action in WixUtilExtension to basically do "copy default.cfg reallocation.cfg" but this wouldn't quite work and it is a bit of a hack.
What is the correct way to handle this?
My recommendation is usually to have the user editable content in a separate file and manage that via the application instead of the install. That also means the separate file is "user content" and should be left out of the install.
I've found trying to do migration of user data declaratively to be deceptively difficult. Trying to do it at setup time when you need to think through install, uninstall, repair, patching and rollback for all of those cases only makes it worse.
For example, what does the RPM behavior do on "repair". Copy the user data out of the way and replace it with a good file? That's probably correct 60% - 80% of the time. And uninstall, should the file be removed? That's tricky if the user is going to just upgrade to the next version.
Again, better to let them decide what to do with their tweaks to the configuration. IMHO.
I think there is no "clean" way to do this, because a msi project must be able to uninstall itself completely by design. I think the best way to solve this, is by using a custom action which executes a batch file and put your configfile update logic in that batch file. The custom action looks like this (only relevant parts):
<Directory Id="MYDIR" Name="MyDir">
<Component Id="update.cmd" Guid="YOUR-GUID">
<File Id="update.cmd" Name="update.cmd" KeyPath="yes"
Source="source\update.cmd" />
<CustomAction Id='RunUpdate' Directory='MYDIR'
ExeCommand='[SystemFolder]cmd.exe /c update.cmd' Return='ignore'/>
<Custom Action='RunUpdate' After='InstallFinalize'>NOT Installed</Custom>