ngx-bootstrap AlertModule Issue - angular5

It was working nicely when i used "angular4" and "ngx-bootstrap 1.9.3". i have updated project to angular 5.. Seems only Alert is not working.
If i remove alert element from html template it will be fine.
Alert module is imported in shared.module.ts
import { AlertModule } from "ngx-bootstrap/alert";
imports: [AlertModule.forRoot()]})
<alert type="{{alertType}}" dismissible="true">{{alertMessage}}</alert>

ngx-bootstrap 1.9.3 only supports angular 2 and 4. Please update to the latest version (2.0.2) and it will work fine with angular 5


Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '#heroicons/vue/24/outline'

I get the error message as soon as I add this reference in my vue component:
<script setup>
import { ExclamationTriangleIcon, XMarkIcon } from '#heroicons/vue/24/outline'
I am using tailwindcss 3.1.8.
I have executed this:
npm install #headlessui/vue #heroicons/vue
I have version 1.0.6 of heroicons installed. Why is the icon not found?
Looks like heroicons 1.0.6 is outdated. Had to get version 2.0.* by calling
npm install #heroicons/vue#latest
Import of icons had to be changed from '#heroicons/vue/**' to '#heroicons/vue/24/*'
I also had to switch some old icons with new ones, as they may have been renamed or removed. New Icons may be found at (the page does not work as it still contains old ones)

Vuetify blank display using the Edge browser

My VueJS (v2.6.12) application (setup with vuecli) using vuetify v2.0.7 is running smoothly in Firefox/Chrome in local as well as when the application is built and deployed.
When accessing the web application in local using the Edge browser (v44.19041.423.0) it works fine too.
The issue is when I access the application once it is built and deployed + using the Edge browser, I get this error in the console and the display is completely blank:
SCRIPT5022: SCRIPT5022: Expected identifier, string or number
From reading different posts here as well as in the vuetify documentation here:
I added the transpileDependencies: ['vuetify'] in my vue.config.ts
I am also using these imports for polyfills/compatibility in my main.ts file:
import 'core-js/stable'
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'
import vuetify from './plugins/vuetify'
None of these solutions resolves the blank display issue while using Edge.
Also one thing to note is that the application displays fine using the "Edge Insider" browser.
Since Edge works fine in local dev environment I suspect I might be missing a configuration related to the build process maybe?
Any insights appreciated :)
Here is what solved my display issue on Edge:
Add "regenerator-runtime": "^0.13.7" dependency in package.json
Add "core-js": "^3.6.0" dependency in package.json
Make sure these 2 lines are at the top of main.ts:
import 'core-js/stable'
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'
Add #babel/preset-env in babel.config.ts like so:
module.exports = {
presets: [['#babel/preset-env'], ['#vue/app', { useBuiltIns: 'entry' }]]

Vue not working in IE11 despite Babel Polyfill

unfortunately, my most recent application is required to support Internet Explorer 11. This requirement came somewhat suprising to me, so I already built the applications frontend with Vue.js. The backend is written in Laravel, therefore I use laravel-mix/webpack.
This is my app.js:
window.Vue = require('vue');
Obviously, IE11 doesn't support Vue.js so I tried the following ways of transpiling/polyfilling the code.
1. requiring polyfill
Approach: Adding require("#babel/polyfill"); to the top of my app.js as described in
Result: Following Error Message shown in IE console:
SCRIPT1003: ':' expected
Clearly a compatibility issue, since pre data(){} is invalid in ES < 5
2. using mix.babel
Approach: Adding mix.babel(['resources/js/app.js'], 'resources/js/app.js') to my webpack.mix.js as described in (I am using laravel 5.8.36). My webpack.mix.js now looks like this:
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js/app.js')
mix.babel(['resources/js/app.js'], 'resources/js/app.js')
mix.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');
Result: Same Error Message as in 1
3. using an mix extension
Approach: Installing this extension: and configure my webpack.mix.js as described. My webpack.mix.js now looks like this:
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js/app.js')
mix.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');
enabled: true,
useBuiltIns: "usage",
targets: {"firefox": "50", "ie": "11"}
Result: Again, the same Error Message as in 1
4. manually transpiling with babel-cli
Approach: Merely out of desperation I tried to manually transpile my app.js with the following command ./node_modules/.bin/babel ./public/js/app.js --out-dir ./public/js/
Result: Stil no luck, same error as in 1
I am really starting to get frustrated, so any help is much appreciated.
If you can't get Babel-Polyfill to work, you could try using, which automatically polyfills the selected Polyfills if the browser requires them.
All you need to do is go the Create a polyfill bundle page, and select the polyfills you need. Then once you've made your bundle, copy the URL at the top and add a <script> tag with said URL to your head.
I personally haven't used it with Laravel, but I've previously fought with babel-polyfill myself, and ended up using since i couldn't get babel-polyfill to work.

Nuxt error : Unknown custom element

I am using nuxt js. I am trying to install a vue package vue-zoom. Actually few more plugins.
{ src: '~/plugins/zoom', ssr: false },
Here I kept ssr false because it gives errors like document is not defined...
In my plugins/zoom.js file I have this
import Vue from 'vue';
import vZoom from 'vue-zoom'
Now when I am trying to use this plugin like this
<v-zoom :img="`/uploads/${displayImg}`" ></v-zoom>
It gives me the above error.
Any reason or thought how can I use this plugin or similar in nuxt js?
I tried few more all gives similar errors.
Thank you
I got the same error when having the buildDir set to my functions/.nuxt folder, which I was using for SSR via Firebase Functions. I was able to solve the issue by making sure neither nuxt nor vue was installed in the node_modules inside the functions folder.
Are you using a similar setup by chance?

Is it worth to migrate from Angular 2 to Angular 4?

Hello SO community and Angularians!
So, I am midway developing a huge platform in Angular 2. And I realized that many external libraries and dependencies for Angular 2 are migrating to the new Angular 4. Giving me many errors, obviously.
I could fork these libraries and use the forked versions and subscribe to main library development or, I could just upgrade to Angular 4 my project.
Questions to be answered in order to determinate if it's worth for me to migrate:
Compatibility with Angular 2.4
I have found some adaptations to ensure compatibility with legacy, like this:
Changes app wide
Do I have to go through my whole app and start fixing things?
I mean, are main functionalities reworked in such way that I will have to review many of them?
Or, are there many build/core incompatibilities that will keep me days occupied fixing compile errors/warnings instead of developing?
I am not asking for someone to do the research for me, I am asking people that maybe already went through this process or simply know well both versions in order to give me some experience tips, clarifications, etc.
At the moment, I am doing my research here:
I just migrated to Angular 4. The link that #PierreDuc put in his answer is a very nice tool to have a decent guideline in the migration process.
I would recommend:
Read new features and update yourself with Angular 4. This was specially useful:
Follow Angular's guideline and modify your project:
I would also recommend to commit your current project, create a new branch in your dev repository and proceed with migration in that branch.
An issue that I encountered:
Input, Output and ContentChild will be imported from a wrong path.
My case:
import { Component, OnInit, OnDestro } from '#angular/core';
import { Input, ContentChild } from "#angular/core/src/metadata/directives";
import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, Input, ContentChild } from '#angular/core';
If you check the changelog there are a couple things you need to keep in mind:
Before updating
Ensure you don't use extends OnInit, or use extends with any lifecycle event. Instead use implements <lifecycle event>.
Stop using DefaultIterableDiffer, KeyValueDiffers#factories, or IterableDiffers#factories
Stop using deep imports, these symbols are now marked with ɵ and are
not part of our public API.
Stop using Renderer.invokeElementMethod as this method has been
removed. There is not currently a replacement.
During the update
Update all of your dependencies to version 4 and the latest typescript.
If you are using Linux/Mac, you can use: npm install
typescript#latest --save
If you use animations in your application, you should import
BrowserAnimationsModule from #angular/platform-browser/animations in
your App NgModule.
Replace RootRenderer with RendererFactory2.
Replace Renderer with Renderer2.
After the update
Rename your template tags to ng-template.
Replace OpaqueTokens with InjectionTokens.
If you call DifferFactory.create(...) remove the ChangeDetectorRef
Replace ngOutletContext with ngTemplateOutletContext.
Replace CollectionChangeRecord with IterableChangeRecord
Angular team has announced , let's not call angular 2 or angular 4 let's call it Angular and there will be major update for every 6 months.I have faced the issue in angular v4.0.0 so change the configuration in webpack
new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(
// The (\\|\/) piece accounts for path separators in *nix and Windows
helpers.root('./src'), // location of your src
{} // a map of your routes
And install #angular/animations package and import in app.module.ts file
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '#angular/platform-browser/animations';
imports: [
I will prefer to update to latest version of angular. Angular V4.0.0 has reduced the packages weight and they have increased the performance.