VBA code crashes after saving - says the situation lies with the XML "Run-time error '429' - vba

I made a worksheet for the company I work for to help with pricing out custom designs. A few months ago I made a macro that can save the parts to a text file that can be pulled from at a later date if we wanted to quote out the same design. Everything was working perfectly, until one day I go to open it up and got the error message
We found a problem with some content in 'File.xlsm'. Do you want us to try
to recover as much as we can?
When I click yes, it then comes up with the worksheet the macro was on completely un-formatted and says it could only open the file by repairing or removing the following part
Repaired Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet3.xml part.
This is weird because the only xml code I use is just to create a drop-down menu when the saved design names are loaded. Nothing has changed since the final revision of the code other than the amount of designs that have been saved. The boxes I had as buttons tied to macros have been deleted and none of the code for this sheet works. What it shows when I view the code now is Sheet_Thumbnails
All other macros work, the other sheets are fully functional. When I try and run the code on this sheet I get
Run-time error '429':
ActiveX component can't create object
This has to be when compiling because I can't even debug where this is happening. The best answer I get when I look this error up is that I am not using the "New" keyword when calling a file or object from somewhere else. But I have looked through my code and don't see anywhere that applies. Luckily a co-worker saved a copy off our server to her computer so I have a backup, but when I open this and run the macros then save and re-open, the same crash happens.
Here is the code with xml:
Sub MakeList(ByRef r As Range, ByRef Config As String)
If Not Config = "" Then
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Formula1:=Config
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.ErrorTitle = ""
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = ""
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
End If
End Sub
Can anyone help me? I am at a total loss for why this has happened and why it keeps happening. Is it the validation part? Why would it happen after working for months?
Thank you in advance.
Exporting all of the code and creating a new workbook did not solve the problem.
Thanks to Profex, the problem has been found and is in the validation. Essentially one of my lists was too long. The formula used in validation is not supposed to be beyond 255 characters. Even though Excel doesn't give any warning on this, when I would create the drop down menus, although it would populate each item from the list, after saving closing and re-opening, apparently this would corrupt the coded sheet. So now the question lies with how to add values into a drop-down menu without clearing and re-initializing with a longer list. Should I post a new question for that?

In Excel, Cell Validation Lists have a 8191 character limit (which is way too long for a user to pick from anyway).
Anything over 254 characters will corrupt the file upon save/re-open.
Here is something similar to what I have done in the past to create Dynamic Validations lists:
It uses your MakeList() subroutine, and requires another GetList() function to get the validation list for the specified cell.
Since this code is in the Workbook module, I also added another function called IsSheetTheOneICareAboutWithValidations(). If you use the WorksSheet_SelectionChange Event from in a specific sheet module, this isn't required; but you would have to change the scope of m_ValidationCell and m_ValidationList to be Public.
This code is untested and goes in the ThisWorkbook module:
Option Explicit
Private m_ValidationCell As Excel.Range
Private m_ValidationList As String
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If Not m_ValidationCell Is Nothing Then
m_ValidationList = m_ValidationCell.Validation.Value
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_AfterSave(ByVal Success As Boolean)
If m_ValidationList <> vbNullString Then
With m_ValidationCell.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, Formula1:=ValidationList
End With
m_ValidationList = vbNullString
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
If Not m_ValidationCell Is Nothing Then
Set m_ValidationCell = Nothing
End If
If IsSheetTheOneICareAboutWithValidations(Sh) Then
' Since we're changing the Validation each time there is a new Selection;
' It's the Active Cell that matters, not the Target range
' Add a validation list to any cell in column 4, after the header (in row 1).
If ActiveCell.Column = 4 And ActiveCell.Row > 1 Then
List = GetList(ActiveCell)
MakeList ActiveCell, List
' Should probably add this next line to you MakeList() function
Set m_ValidationCell = ActiveCell
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetList(Target As Range) As String
GetList = vbNullString ' or whatever you want
End Function
Private Function IsSheetTheOneICareAboutWithValidations(Sh As Object) As Boolean
IsSheetTheOneICareAboutWithValidations = (Sh.Name = "Pricing")
End Function

It looks like you just had a bad save. Sometimes it just corrupts the file and there isn't much you can do, other then hope you have a backup.
Right Click in the Folder > Properties > Previous Versions
If you don't have a backup, it might just help to move everything to a new file.
Create a New Workbook
Select All cells from your first sheet (click above the 1, left of the A)
Press Ctrl+C to Copy
Select All cells in your New Workbook/Sheet
Press Ctrl+V to Paste
Repeat for all Worksheets
On the VB side of things, you can just Drag the Forms/Modules/Classes from the Old file to the New One.
Did you know that all New Office documents are really just ZIP files...
Go ahead, rename the file to File.xlsm.zip
Inside the file you'll see a folder structure which should have .../xl/worksheets/sheet3.xml
This is what excel is complaining about! That file is either missing or wrong.
I don't know how you're calling Makelist, so I can't verify that the range R that you are passing is valid.
Please remove the Select/Selection from your code. You don't need to select anything in the front end GUI of Excel to access/change the cells. Also you didn't check if R was Nothing.
Sub MakeList(ByRef r As Range, ByRef Config As String)
If Not r Is Nothing then
If Not Config = "" Then
With r.Validation
End With
End If
End If
End Sub


compile error: end sub expected on ActiveDocument.Close after .VBComponents("thisDocument").CodeModule.AddFromFile

Even after looking through all of similar phrased questions and several search engine results I did not find any answer.
I copy the current word document and change the codebase by removing former modules and rewrite the ThisDocument-component by adding from file. For the context, but most probably skippable:
Public Sub DOCMPublish()
'...msoFileDialogSaveAs...and then...'
Application.Documents.Add ThisDocument.FullName
On Error Resume Next
' unlink fields and finalize content to avoid updates within the archived documents
Dim oFld As field
For Each oFld In ActiveDocument.Fields
' rewrite macros and unload modules
On Error Resume Next
Dim Element As Object
For Each Element In ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents
ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove Element
rewriteMain ActiveDocument, "ThisDocument", ThisDocument.path & "\Document_Public_DOCM.vba"
' protect content
ActiveDocument.Protect wdAllowOnlyFormFields, Password:="LoremIpsum"
' msoFileDialogSaveAs does not support filetypes, hence forcing extension
DOCMFile = fileSaveName.SelectedItems(1)
DOCMFile = Replace(DOCMFile, ".doc", ".docm")
DOCMFile = Replace(DOCMFile, ".docmx", ".docm")
' the next line saves the copy to your location and name
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 filename:=DOCMFile, FileFormat:=wdFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled
' next line closes the copy leaving you with the original document
End Sub
This sub worked properly for that over the last years:
Sub rewriteMain(ByRef Workument, ByVal Module, ByVal Source)
'delete code from ThisDocument/ThisWorkbook
Workument.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, Workument.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(1).CodeModule.CountOfLines
'rewrite from file
With Workument.VBProject
.VBComponents(Module).CodeModule.AddFromFile Source
End With
'delete module
Workument.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove Workument.VBProject.VBComponents("Rewrite")
End Sub
The content of Document_Public_DOCM.vba to be imported is
Option Explicit
Private Sub Document_Close()
ThisDocument.Saved = True
End Sub
Private Sub Document_ContentControlOnExit(ByVal ContentControl As ContentControl, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim cc As ContentControl
For Each cc In ThisDocument.ContentControls
'checkboxes have no type attribute to check against, therefore the need of _
error handling on checked-property that is checkbox-only in this usecase
On Error Resume Next
ThisDocument.Bookmarks("text" & cc.Tag).Range.Font.Hidden = Not cc.Checked
ThisDocument.Bookmarks("notext" & cc.Tag).Range.Font.Hidden = cc.Checked
End Sub
I can see no problem here, and the modified and saved file doesn't complain later on. But in the meantime i get the compiling error on closing the ActiveDocument after the import and ActiveDocument.SaveAs2. I get no error without closing the file though, but this is not nice for the work environment, messing up the screen.
Often word crashes, sometimes it just results in a state loss. I also tried encoding as utf-8 and iso 8859-1, disabled screen updating but that does not seem to be the solution as well. What am I missing?
What I tried further without success:
disabling syntax checking in the editor
On Error Resume Next
newDoc.EnableEvents = False (after implementing #Алексей-Р suggestion)
excluding deletion of .VBProject.VBComponents names "ThisDocument"
Also explicitly compiling the modified files code expectedly does not raise any errors. Are there any editor settings I am unaware of?
I try to answer it myself, at least this solved the issue in this case:
I open the file with
Set newDOC = Documents.Add(ThisDocument.FullName, True, wdNewBlankDocument, False)
I can only assume that opening the file in a new blank document and not displaying it might prevent the code executing and therefore having issues being replaced at runtime.
it worked at first, then it didn't. Still don't know why. The following now seems to be failproof:
Set newDOC = Documents.Add("", True, wdNewBlankDocument, False)
dim rng
Set rng = newDoc.Content
rng.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
'clear clipboard, otherwise an annoying msg popy up everytime because huge content is left there from copying
Dim clscb As New DataObject 'object to use the clipboard
clscb.SetText text:=Empty
clscb.PutInClipboard 'put void into clipboard
This solution opens a new blank document and copypasts the content without having macros in the first place. Afterwards I proceed to rewrite the modules as in the initial snippet from the question
Not sure why it worked for #АлексейР with my provided code though. Thanks for caring anyway!

My shortcut key will not allow me to run a message box

Previous versions of this code had no message box, which sometimes resulted in the wrong workbook being closed. I added an okcancel message box to keep this from happening, but the message box doesn't show up when I use a shortcut key to open it. What am I missing?
Sub openerQuick()
Dim myfile As String
Dim clientID As String
Dim PDSfilename As String
Dim myopener As Variant
clientID = ActiveCell
PDSfilename = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
myfile = "N:\DOWNLOAD\FILEDIR\" & clientID & "\original\" & PDSfilename
Set wbOpener = Workbooks.Open(myfile)
If MsgBox("Okay to close?", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then
End If
End Sub
I doubt the MsgBox itself has anything to do with losing the macro shortcut key.
Shortcut keys are defined by a hidden member attribute value, and the VBE has a tendency to lose member attributes when you rewrite a method's signature, or rewrite a module*; it's possible that modifying the code caused the previously existing attribute to somehow get lost.
Remove the module from the project, pick "Yes" when prompted whether to export or not
Open the exported file in Notepad++ your favorite text editor
Locate the procedure
Add the attribute if it's not there
Save the file if it was changed, re-import into the project
The member attribute should look something like this:
Public Sub OpenerQuick()
Attribute OpenerQuick.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "A\n14"
End Sub
That exact attribute associates Ctrl+Shift+A to the macro; change the A for whichever letter rocks your boat to change the shortcut.
When you record a macro in Excel and specify A for a shortcut key, the macro recorder automatically adds this hidden attribute for you.
* Rubberduck's module rewriters have that very problem and it's driving me nuts.
In a module write the following 2 subs:
Public Sub OpenerQuick()
If MsgBox("Okay to close?", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then ActiveWorkbook.Close
End Sub
Public Sub InitiateMe()
Application.OnKey "{a}", "OpenerQuick"
End Sub
Run only InitiateMe. Now, when you press a, InitiateMe would be triggered.

VBA code conflict

I know, I am asking an unusual question. But, please do help me.
I have a below code on Workbook that will take care of copy/paste data on sheets. It would allow me to paste data into the cells without changing format(past only values).
Basically, the code will use destination formatting. similar to "paste values". It would allow the user to paste data from any other format. So that format is consistent across sheets.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Dim vNewValues as Variant
NewValues = Target
Application.EnableEvents = False
Target = NewValues
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Along with above code, I also have another code on the sheet that will help me to clear the contents and code is linked to a button. So, when the button is pressed it will clear the contents of the sheet.
Private Sub ResetKey_Click()
If MsgBox("Content of the sheet will be deleted and cannot be restored", vbOKCancel + vbInformation) = vbOK Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Concern: I see a conflict between these codes. Because, when I click on the button I get the error that will point me to Application.Undo in the first code. I tried debugging the code but I was not able to get both to work. Please Suggest.
This will work:
Private Sub ResetKey_Click()
If MsgBox("Content of the sheet will be deleted and cannot be restored", vbOKCancel + vbInformation) = vbOK Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
That is, you have to suppress the Change event in other macros working on that sheet. Not elegant but doable.
To clarify what the first macro does: it saves the cell's content, undoes a user's paste or input, and then only fills in the value which was pasted, leaving the format intact. The problem with this approach is that the event handler does not return information on the action that triggered it - it could be a paste but clearing cells as well.
You can only use .Undo to undo the last action in the worksheet not to undo vba actions and must be the first line in the macro. As explained in the documentation.Application.Undo. Quote below:
This method undoes only the last action taken by the user before
running the macro, and it must be the first line in the macro. It
cannot be used to undo Visual Basic commands.

Data Validation and Worksheet Change Event

I use a VBA macro to query a database and build a list of available projects when a workbook is opened using the workbook activate event. I have project numbers and project names that are combined into two separate data validation lists and applied to two cells. The worksheet change event tests for changes in these cells, splits their data validation lists into arrays, and chooses the corresponding project information from the other array. For instance, if I pick a project number, the worksheet change event finds the project number's position in the project number array, and then picks the project's name from the name array based on position.
This works perfectly whenever a value is selected from the drop down, but I run into problems when values outside the list are entered. For instance, if I enter a blank cell I may get the data validation error or I may get a type mismatch when I use match to find the entered value in the array. I have an error handler to handle the type mismatch, but I would like the data validation error to trigger every time instead. Another problem is that Events will sometimes be disabled. This is much more serious because users will not have a way to turn these back on.
On top of this, I cannot figure out where or how this is happening. I can't replicate how the Events are disabled using breaks because duplicating the steps that lead to the events being disabled with breaks in place only leads to my error handler. However, when breaks aren't applied, the error handler will sometimes fail to trigger and the events will be disabled. Since I'm disabling events just before I parse arrays, I'm thinking the worksheet change fails at the Loc=Application.Match(Target.Text, NumArr, 0) - 1 line, but I can't figure out why no error would be triggered. At the very least, I should get a message with the error number and description, and events should be re-enabled.
Can anyone advise on the interaction between worksheet change and data validation? What is the call order here? Any other advice? Anything I'm missing?
ETA: I've Googled this, but I haven't found anything that helps. Everything that comes up is about working the data validation into worksheet change, nothing about the interaction or call order.
ETA #2: After trying the experiment in the answer below (Thanks Gary's Student), this gets a little more odd. If I choose "Retry" and choose the old, default value, I get the old value three times. If I hit delete, I get a space in the message box, but only one message box. Then the cell is left blank. I can put DV into a loop by clicking "Retry" and accepting the space. The DV error will come up until I click cancel. Then I will get a series of empty text message boxes, one for each time I retried the empty cell. If I start off with a listed value, clear the cell with backspace, click "Retry," and try to select another value, the worksheet change event fails at Intersect 3 times. I think the answer below sheds more light on what is going on, but it does bring up more questions also.
Here is the code I have:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim NumArr() As String
Dim ProjArr() As String
Dim Loc As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
If Target.Address = "$E$4" Then
'Disable events to prevent worksheet change trigger on cell upates
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Parse validation lists to arrays
NumArr = Split(Target.Validation.Formula1, ",")
ProjArr = Split(Target.Offset(1, 0).Validation.Formula1, ",")
'Change error handler
On Error GoTo SpaceHandler:
'Determine project number location in array
Loc = Application.Match(Target.Text, NumArr, 0) - 1
'Change error handler
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
'Change cell value to corresponding project name based on array location
Target.Offset(1, 0) = ProjArr(Loc)
'Unlock cells to prepare for editing, reset any previously imported codes
Range("C8:G32").Locked = False
'Run revenue code import
'Re-enable events
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
If Target.Address = "$E$5" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
NumArr = Split(Target.Validation.Formula1, ",")
ProjArr = Split(Target.Offset(-1, 0).Validation.Formula1, ",")
Loc = Application.Match(Target.Text, NumArr, 0) - 1
Target.Offset(-1, 0) = ProjArr(Loc)
Range("C8:G32").Locked = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Pick a project from the dropdown.", vbOKOnly, "Error"
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
You have a very open-ended question...........not having the time to do a full whitepaper, here is a simple experiment. I use the Event code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim A1 As Range, rINT As Range
Set A1 = Range("A1")
Set rINT = Intersect(A1, Target)
If rINT Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
MsgBox A1.Value
End Sub
and in A1, I setup DV as follows:
If I use the drop-down, I get the value entered and I also get the MsgBox. However, if I click on the cell and type some junk what happens is:
the DV alert occurs and I touch the CANCEL Button
I get 2 MsgBox occurrences, each with the original contents rather than the attempted junk !!
I have absolutely no idea why the event is raised since the cell is not actually changed, let alone why the Event is raised twice !! It is almost as if
the event is raised on junk entry, but the DV alarm has precedence, the DV reverse the entry and another event is raised, and finally both events get processed.
Hopefully a person smarter than me will chime in.
With ref to the query, Workaround for the DV and change event is managed.
Public strRange As String
Public bCheck As Boolean
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If bCheck Then Exit Sub
MsgBox "Correct Entry!"
strRange = Target.Address
bCheck = True
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address <> strRange Then bCheck = False
End Sub

Why does Excel VBA prompt me for a Macro name when I press Run Sub

I have the following code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim RR As Range
Dim TestArea As Range
Dim foremenList As Range
Dim workerList As Range
Dim workers As Range
Dim Foremen As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim R As Range
Dim EmplList() As Variant
Set TestArea = Sheet90.Range("b4:q8", "b15:q19", "b26:q30")
Set foremenList = Sheet90.Range("V24:V30")
Set RR = Sheet90.Range("AA25:AA46")
i = 0
For Each R In RR.Cells
If Len(R.Value) > 0 Then
EmplList(i) = R.Value
i = i + 1
End If
Next R
Dim ValidStr As String
Set ValidStr = Join(EmplList, ",")
With Sheet90.Range("b26").Validation
.Add xlValidateList, xlValidAlertStop, _
xlBetween, "1,2,3"
End With
Sheet90.Range("b40").Value = "Test"
End Sub
But when I press run to test it, it prompts me for a macro name.
Additionally, it does not trigger on Worksheet_Changeany more.
Is this an error (i.e. I forgot a semicolon or something) that consistently triggers Excel VBA to behave like this? If so, what should I look for in the future?
The reason you can't run this one with the Run Sub button is because it requires a parameter. If you want to run this standalone, one possibility is to run it in the Immediate Window so you can manually pass in the parameter. Since this one is expecting a more complex data type (range) you may want to create a small sub to call it so that you can properly create your range and pass that in. Then you can use the Run Sub on this sub which will call your other one.
As far is it not triggering on Worksheet_Change, I am not able to tell what is causing it just from what you posted. However, you do need to make sure that it is located on the code page for the worksheet you are trying to run it from. If you need the same one to run from multiple sheets, you should put it into a module and call it from each sheet's Worksheet_Change method.
You can't press F5 or the run button to run triggered code. You would have to make a change in the sheet where this code is located in order for the code to run. Also, if this code is not located in Sheet90, then you won't see anything happen because this code only makes changes to Sheet90. Lastly, to make sure events are enabled, you can run this bit of code:
Sub ReEnable_Events()
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Note that you will still have to enable macros.
The problem stems from two lines:
Set ValidStr = Join(EmplList, ",")
was not a valid use of the Set keyword (It's a string and not an object), and
Set TestArea = Sheet90.Range("b4:q8", "b15:q19", "b26:q30")
apparently has too many arguments.
According to Microsoft, it should be a single string argument like:
Set TestArea = Sheet90.Range("b4:q8, b15:q19, b26:q30")
Commenting both of these out made the code run fine both with the run sub button, and on the event.
The "Name Macro" dialog is some kind of error indicator, but I still don't know what it means, other than Code Borked