What's the best way to update LINK fields with path of current document using VBA? - vba

So I have 4 documents, 3 excel spreadsheets and 1 document. All four are in the same directory "test." All four will always remain in the same directory no matter what. However, the goal of the document is to build a report out of the three spreadsheets for multiple properties. This means that the paths would be different for every different computer that it was used on. I want a macro that will auto-update the LINK fields with the current path but I'm running into some trouble.
So far I have
SendKeys "%{F9}"
Dim path As String
path = ActiveDocument.path
With Selection.Find
.Text = "C:\\Users\\Gianni\\Desktop"
.Replacement.Text = path
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
SendKeys "%{F9}"
There are two problems with this from what I can tell. If I just view the fields manually and run the code without the first SendKeys command, the find & replace works. With the first SendKeys command, however, the code doesn't replace the text with the new path. Still, the path that pastes ends up breaking the link anyway. How do I go about fixing these?

Often, it's better in Word to work with the underlying object model of a Word document, than trying to reproduce exactly what you do as a user. Understanding how Word works, from a user point-of-view is very important and there are many things you you're able to do by converting those steps into a macro. But digging into the object model is generally faster and more accurate.
Changing a LINK field code is one of those things - and like many things, there's more than one way to go about it. Here are two possibilities.
The first is close to how you're approaching it, by manipulating the field code. Note that it's not necessary, using VBA, to actually display the field code. The object model lets you manipulate it "behind the scenes".
This procedure loops all the Fields in the document, checks whether each is a LINK field. If it is, the alternate path is substituted in the field code for the original path using the VBA Replace function, then this is written to the field code.
'Assumes the linked Excel workbook is an inline shape
Sub ChangePathInLinkField()
Dim doc As word.Document
Dim fld As word.Field
Dim strSearchPath As String
Dim strReplacePath As String
Dim strNewFieldCode As String
Set doc = ActiveDocument
strSearchPath = "C:\\Users\\[user name]\\Documents\\SampleChart.xlsx"
strReplacePath = "C:\\Test\\SampleChart.xlsx"
For Each fld In doc.Fields
If fld.Type = wdFieldLink Then
strNewFieldCode = Replace(fld.code.Text, strSearchPath, strReplacePath)
fld.code.Text = strNewFieldCode
End If
End Sub
The second procedure shows how the link path can be changed for Shapes as well as InlineShapes (if you have a Shape you can't see the LINK field). It can also be used only on InlineShapes, of course. This loops the collection, checks whether the object is a linked OLE object and, if it is, changes the path.
Which one to use will depend on your situation - test them both and decide based on that.
'Alternate: works with OLE object
Sub ChangePathInLinkedObject()
Dim doc As word.Document
Dim ils As word.InlineShape
Dim shp As word.Shape
Dim strReplacePath As String
Dim i As Long
Set doc = ActiveDocument
strReplacePath = "C:\Users\Cindy Meister\Documents\SampleChart.xlsx"
strReplacePath = "C:\Test\SampleChart.xlsx"
'For Each doesn't work because updating the field
'destroys the object, so it loops over the same object
'For this reason it's also necessary to work backwards through the document
For i = doc.InlineShapes.Count To 1 Step -1
Set ils = doc.InlineShapes(i)
If ils.Type = wdInlineShapeLinkedOLEObject Then
ils.LinkFormat.SourceFullName = strReplacePath
End If
For i = doc.shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
Set shp = doc.shapes(i)
If shp.Type = msoLinkedOLEObject Then
shp.LinkFormat.SourceFullName = strReplacePath
End If
End Sub

Instead of using SendKeys you can show field codes with:
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = True
and to show field values
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = False
That may help with your first problem.

To see how to implement relative paths in Word, check out the solution I've posted at:
Since you're working with LINK fields, you'll need the macro solution there.


How can i change every occurence of a specific font ind a Word document?

i have following problem. Im currently creating a Macro that gets every font thats been used in a Word document. Afterwards it checks, if this font is even installed and changes the font into predefined fonts. (As the Microsoft auto-font-change in Word is pretty bad and changes my fonts into Comic Sans (no joke ...).
Everything works as intended except for one thing.
This here is the code i am using to exchange every occurence of the found
font in the document:
For i = 0 To UBound(missingFont)
For Each oCharacter In ActiveDocument.Range.Characters
If oCharacter.Font.name = missingFont(i) Then
oCharacter.Font.name = fontToUse
If InStr(missingFont(i), "bold") Then
oCharacter.Font.Bold = True
End If
If InStr(missingFont(i), "italic") Then
oCharacter.Font.Italic = True
End If
End If
Next oCharacter
Next i
So basically im checking every Character in my document and change it if needed. Now this only works for Characters that are not inside of textfields, the header or footer. How can i check every, EVERY, character inside of the Document?
First i've tried to use ActiveDocument.Range.Paragraphs instead of ActiveDocument.Range.Characters. I've also tried using the macro given here: http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/showthread.php?55726-find-replace-fonts-macro but couldnt get this to work at all.
It's not clear what is meant by "textfield" as that could be any of five or six different things in Word...
But there is a way to access almost everything (excluding ActiveX controls) in a Word document by looping all StoryRanges. A StoryRange includes the main body of the document, headers, footers, footnotes, text ranges in Shapes, etc.
The following code sample demonstrates how to loop all the "Stories" in a document. I've put the code provided in the question in a separate procedure that's called from the "Stories" loop. (Note that I am not able to test, not having access to either the documents or relevant portions of code used in the question.)
Sub ProcessAllStories()
Dim doc as Word.Document
Dim missingFont as Variant
Dim myStoryRange as Word.StoryRange
'Define missingFont
Set doc = ActiveDocument
For Each myStoryRange In doc.StoryRanges
CheckFonts myStoryRange, missingFont
Do While Not (myStoryRange.NextStoryRange Is Nothing)
Set myStoryRange = myStoryRange.NextStoryRange
CheckFonts myStoryRange, missingFont
Next myStoryRange
End Sub
Sub CheckFonts(rng as Word.Range, missingFont as Variant)
Dim oCharacter as Word.Range
For i = 0 To UBound(missingFont)
For Each oCharacter In rng.Characters
If oCharacter.Font.name = missingFont(i) Then
oCharacter.Font.name = fontToUse
If InStr(missingFont(i), "bold") Then
oCharacter.Font.Bold = True
End If
If InStr(missingFont(i), "italic") Then
oCharacter.Font.Italic = True
End If
End If
Next oCharacter
Next i
End Sub

MS Word updating links: Why does changing a .LinkFormat property reset field Index

I hope my first post will be OK and not offend (I've tried to follow the guide and done a lot of searching).
I've modified the below code from Greg Maxey (https://gregmaxey.com/word_tip_pages/word_fields.html) to update links in my Word document to an Excel workbook. It seems to be the most used code for this purpose. The reason I changed his code was to try to do away with the need to have a counter variable like i, and using a For i = 1 to .Fields.Count Then... Next i structure.
When I run it as is, it gets stuck in a loop only updating the first field in the Word document. To see this, I put in the Debug.Print wrdField.Index line. It repeatedly outputs 1, so it is not moving to the Next wrdField as I expect (the code actually just used Next, but it's the same result if I use Next wrdField).
When I comment out .AutoUpdate = False, it works properly:
Public Sub UpdateExternalLinksToCurrentFolder()
Dim wrdDocument As Word.Document
Dim wrdField As Word.Field
Dim strCurrentLinkedWorkbookPath, strNewLinkedWorkbookPath As String
Dim strCurrentLinkedWorkbookName, strNewLinkedWorkbookName As String
Dim strCurrentLinkedWorkbookFullName, strNewLinkedWorkbookFullName As String
Dim strThisDocumentPath As String
'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler_UpdateExternalLinksToCurrentFolder
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wrdDocument = ActiveDocument
strThisDocumentPath = wrdDocument.Path & Application.PathSeparator
strNewLinkedWorkbookPath = strThisDocumentPath
With wrdDocument
For Each wrdField In .Fields
With wrdField
If .Type = wdFieldLink Then
With .LinkFormat
Debug.Print wrdField.Index
strCurrentLinkedWorkbookPath = .SourcePath & Application.PathSeparator
strCurrentLinkedWorkbookName = .SourceName
strNewLinkedWorkbookName = strCurrentLinkedWorkbookName
strNewLinkedWorkbookFullName = strNewLinkedWorkbookPath & strNewLinkedWorkbookName
.AutoUpdate = False
End With
.Code.Text = VBA.Replace(.Code.Text, Replace(strCurrentLinkedWorkbookPath, "\", "\\"), Replace(strNewLinkedWorkbookPath, "\", "\\"))
End If
End With
End With
Set wrdDocument = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
Can anyone tell my why it's behaving this way? When I set .AutoUpdate = False, am I changing something about the link field or doing something to the Word document that causes the .wrdField.Index to reset to 1? I can't find anything online documenting this behavior and it's driving me nuts.
Behind the scenes, what's happening is that Word recreates the content and the field. The orginal linked content is removed and new content inserted. So that essentially destroys the field and recreates it. A user won't notice this, but VBA does.
When dealing with a loop situation that uses an index and the looped items are being removed, it's therefore customary to loop backwards (from the end of the document to the beginning). Which cannot be done with For...Each.

VBA - WORD Deleting rows after and before specific word

I'm trying to clean up my Word document using VBA.
What i need to do is to find a specific word (usually a website) then select the line it is in and then select and then remove text line above(only 1 line), the lines under that website line as well (sometimes more than 2 - if the text is longer). I'll try to show you how the line looks now.
Something happend at someplace!
website.com 08.01.2019
Something happend at someplace and it was a bad person doing it.
He used spaces instead of tabs in his code.
TAG-important stuff
The website 99% of times doesn't show in the 1st line, so im trying to find the 2nd line.
There are other websites and texts i would like to keep (so it would skip newsbetter.com)
In every document there are about 30-100 pharagraphs like the one I've typed earlier (the ones do delete)
I've been searching on the internet for a possible solution but they usually are for Excel. I think that strings are not working for me here.
Sub ScratchMacroII()
Dim oRng As Word.Range
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
With oRng.Find
.Text = "news.pl"
While .Execute
While oRng.Find.Found
Selection.Expand Unit:=wdParagraph
End With
End Sub
I expected the result to delete the whole pharagraph, but it justs deletes one line and leaves the other ones. I need some pointers since I'm new at VBA.
The following code, based on the sample in the question, searches the term from the beginning to the end of the document. When found, the paragraphs following and preceding the term are deleted. The search Range is then set to the document content following the found instance so that the same instance is not picked up repeatedly.
Note that I included Find.Wrap = wdFindStop to prevent the code from cycling through the document again. It's also necessary to repeat the Execute method within the loop, rather than trying to loop on it. While...Wend is an old type of loop; preferred is Do While...Loop.
Sub ScratchMacroII()
Dim oRng As Word.Range
Dim para As Word.Paragraph
Dim found As Boolean
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
With oRng.Find
.Text = "news.pl"
.wrap = wdFindStop
found = .Execute
Do While found
Set para = oRng.Next(wdParagraph, 1).Paragraphs(1)
Set para = oRng.Next(wdParagraph, -1).Paragraphs(1)
oRng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
oRng.End = ActiveDocument.content.End
found = oRng.Find.Execute
End With
End Sub

Microsoft Word VBA Macro - One Paragraph Find-Replace Styles

I am executing a style search in Microsoft Word using a VBA Macro.
My goal is to perform certain actions once for every style found in the document.
The macro works correctly on documents that have at least two paragraphs, but the macro does not alert the style correctly in a document that has exactly one paragraph in it. It seems strange that when I enter a new paragraph mark, the styles are found, even though I did not add any new text or styles to the document, just an extra blank paragraph mark. Does anyone know what is wrong with my macro and how I can fix this? Thanks for taking a look.
Sub AlertAllStylesInDoc()
Dim Ind As Integer
Dim numberOfDocumentStyles As Integer
Dim styl As String
Dim StyleFound As Boolean
numberOfDocumentStyles = ActiveDocument.styles.count
For Ind = 1 To numberOfDocumentStyles
styl = ActiveDocument.styles(Ind).NameLocal
With ActiveDocument.Content.Find
.text = ""
.Forward = True
.Format = True
.Style = styl
StyleFound = .Execute
If StyleFound = True Then
' actual code does more than alert, but keeping it simple here'
MsgBox styl
GoTo NextStyle
Exit Do
End If
End With
End Sub
I don't understand why ActiveDocument.Content is not working, but replacing it with ActiveDocument.Range(0,0) appears to resolve the issue (tested in Word 2016).
With ActiveDocument.Range(0, 0).Find

vba ".find" stopped working

Currently this code runs with no error message but does not make the requested replacement:
Private Sub TestingButton_Click()
Dim RngFound As Range
Dim FileToProcess As Word.Document
Dim WordInstance As Object
Set WordInstance = CreateObject("Word.Application") 'For these tests I close Word first.
Set FileToProcess = WordInstance.Documents.Open("c:\sarah\junk\Attach.doc")
WordInstance.ActiveDocument.Range.Select 'Gets the whole document
Toolbox.SetupFind (WordInstance.ActiveDocument.Range)
With WordInstance.ActiveDocument.Range.Find
.Text = "rock"
.Replacement.Text = "found it!"
End With
End Sub
In the Toolbox module:
Public Function SetupFind(ByRef RngPassed As Word.Range)
With RngPassed.Find
.Text = ""
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
End Function
The code above is from a test database that I created for troubleshooting. My destination is an Access form whose purpose is to extract some information from a set of documents, and place the information in a database. It was working fine. It stopped working after a particularly spectacular crash. I tried to remove a label while the form was in break mode. (I know,... deep regret) I couldn't close Access even with ctrl-break. Probably the wierdest part is that similar code now no longer works in back-up copies of the database either.
Here are things I've tried that haven't worked:
Re-import all objects into a new database.Similarly, rebuild the backend database. Break the form's code (a couple thousand lines)
into modules. Copy all the code into Notepad, save it, then create a
button in a new empty database. Recreate subs & functions by
typing, then once they exist, paste in the code from Wordpad. Reset
the form's references, which include MSWord. Make a brand new form
in the new database with one button that has only the displayed
code. Use a defined range: This all started when I got a persistent
error in RngToSearch.find.execute findtext:="reason". The error
highlighted .find and said 'Argument not optional.' So among other
things, I switched to a selection rather than a defined range in my
attempts to isolate the problem. But working with a range rather
than a selection is where I really need to end up again.
Possibly relevant observations:
Other forms in the same database with lots of backend code work fine. So do other routines in the same form.
Only one document is open. As far as I can tell, there's nothing unusual about the document. I have tried multiple documents.
The text to find exists in the document, outside of a table.
Things that have worked, as they might be clues:
In Word straight up, no code, no nothing, use 'find' to select the targeted word.
WordInstance.ActiveDocument.Range.Text = Replace(WordInstance.ActiveDocument.Range.Text, "rock", "Found it!"). Trouble is, what I ultimately need to do again is way more complex than Replace can handle.
Specify the scope for the replacement(s). The code worked for me from Access 2010 with this change in TestingButton_Click() ...
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
Toolbox.SetupFind also calls .Execute. Since the find and replacement text are both empty strings at that point and no scope is specified, .Execute doesn't cause harm ... but it doesn't seem useful either.