How to search for a pattern (MRS.) in SQL Server 2008? - sql

How to search for a pattern (MRS.) in SQL Server 2008? I have used escape operator and [], but it was not working

use next wild card, and if the answer is not accurate, provide us with sample and desired data.
ColumnName like '%(MRS.)%'
Create table MyTable (id int , name nvarchar(200))
insert into MyTable values (1 , 'aaaaaa (MRS.)bbbbb')
insert into MyTable values (2 , '1111 (MRS.)2222')
insert into MyTable values (3 , 'qqqqqqqq')
insert into MyTable values (4 , 'ffffffffff')
select * from MyTable
where name like '%(MRS.)%'
id name
1 aaaaaa (MRS.)bbbbb
2 1111 (MRS.)2222


How to create a query to join multiple rows from a different table into single comma delimated column in SQL Server [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Simulating group_concat MySQL function in Microsoft SQL Server 2005?
(12 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am using SQL Server 2014, and I have two tables:
number id
36-23 1
36-23 2
id value
1 asia
2 europe
The number column is of type varchar. I want to write a query to return the following results:
number Name
36-23 asia,europe
I am wondering how can I do this with the help of query or functions in SQL Server.
I think using STUFF is the easiest way to go forward here.
([number] varchar(50), [id] int)
([number], [id])
('36-23', 1),
('36-23', 2)
([id] int, [value] varchar(50))
([id], [value])
(1, 'asia'),
(2, 'europe')
SELECT tableID.number, tableLoc.value INTO temp1
FROM tableID INNER JOIN tableLoc ON =;
SELECT DISTINCT ', ' + value
FROM temp1
WHERE number = t.number
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')
FROM temp1
) t

SQL to combine results into one group in the where clause

I have a query
SELECT name,
COUNT (name)
FROM employee
name coount
alex m 10
alex.m 5 1
alex 500
How can I combine all the alex's into just one Alex
so that I get the output as
name count
alex 516
I need something like if it matches alex%% then consider it as alex
Here is your dynamic solution on the below for SQL Server.
First, let's see the sample data I worked on:
create table #temp
(name varchar(20))
insert into #temp values ('jack')
insert into #temp values ('jack rx')
insert into #temp values ('jack.a')
insert into #temp values ('')
insert into #temp values ('jack.xy')
insert into #temp values ('brandon.12')
insert into #temp values ('brandon')
insert into #temp values ('brandon.k7s')
insert into #temp values ('')
insert into #temp values ('Jonathan')
Then, we need to employ string operators:
;with cte (name, charin, charin_space) as
select name,CHARINDEX('.',name,0) as charin, CHARINDEX(' ',name,0) as charin_space
from #temp
select name,(case when charin = 0 and charin_space = 0 then name
when charin = 0 and charin_space <> 0 then SUBSTRING(name,0,charin_space)
when charin <> 0 and charin_space = 0 then SUBSTRING(name,0,charin)
end) as mainName
into #temp2
from cte
The temp table #temp2 has the names only like jack, brandon and jonathan. All we need is to connect those tables now and use group by like:
select t2.MainName,COUNT(t2.MainName)
from #temp t1
inner join #temp2 t2 on =
group by t2.mainName
I hope it helps!
You need to get part of the name. But this only work for SQL Server. You don't specify which dbms you are using. The query works with your example, but it will also pick up Alexa, Alexander, ...
SELECT LEFT(name, 4),
FROM employee
GROUP BY LEFT(name, 4)

T-SQL Insert Column from Other Table

Hello I am trying to insert values from one table column to another table. I am using SQL Server 2008 R2. Here is example:
Table 1
Declare #Table1 table (file varchar(15), type int, partiesid int)
Table 2
Declare #Table2 table (file varchar(15), ....many other columns)
I would like to insert file from Table 2 into Table 1 as well as some other static values.
So select * from table1 would end up looking like this:
File Type PartiesID
GW100 1 555
GW101 1 555
GW103 1 555
GW104 1 555
where the GW100, GW101, etc come from table2 and the 1 and 555 are static for every row.
I tried insert into table1 (file,type,partiesid) values (select file from table2,1,555) but that doesn't work. Is there a way where it will just insert a row for each unique file and also insert the static fields of 1 and 555 as separate columns?
Insert into #table2
...(other columns for which you need to give static values)
...(static values for columns)
from #table1
You can try the below query:
USE dbName
INSERT INTO table2 (column_name(s))
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1;

Query to display output horizontally

I need to display a query output in a horizontal manner. I have some example data
create table TestTable (id number, name varchar2(10))
insert into TestTable values (1, 'John')
insert into TestTable values (2, 'Mckensy')
insert into TestTable values (3, 'Valneech')
insert into TestTable values (4, 'Zeebra')
select * from TestTable
This gets the output in a vertical view.
ID Name
1 John
2 Mckensy
3 Valneech
4 Zeebra
However, I need to display it horizontally.
ID 1 2 3 4
Name John Mckensy Valneech Zeebra
How can one do this?
To pivot, you should use the pivot clause of the select statement:
select *
from testtable
pivot ( max(name)
for id in (1,2,3,4)
This is not particularly pretty to do in SQL, so you should consider carefully whether this is what you want to do. I normally use Oracle Base for pivoting examples but there are many out there.
Here's a little SQL Fiddle to demonstrate.
Maybe it will help you:
select 'id', LISTAGG(id, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY name)
from testtable
select 'name', LISTAGG(name, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY name)
from testtable
or with pivot:
create table TestTable2 (id varchar2(30), name varchar2(10));
insert into TestTable2 values ('id', 'name');
insert into TestTable2
select cast(id as varchar2(30)) as id , name
from testtable
select *
from testtable2
pivot ( max(name)
for id in ('id',1,2,3,4)
PIVOT operator is what you are looking for.

INSERT INTO With a SubQuery and some operations

I'm trying to insert some data to a table contains two things : "a string" and "maximum number in Order column + 1".
This is my query:
INSERT INTO MyTable ([Text],[Order])
SELECT 'MyText' , (Max([Order]) + 1)
FROM MyTable
What is going wrong with my query?
I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3.
You can test this query like this:
I don't receive error:
create table #MyTable
[Text] varchar(40),
[Order] int NOT NULL
INSERT INTO #MyTable([Text],[Order])
SELECT 'MyText' [Text], isnull(max([order]) + 1, 0) [Order]
FROM #MyTable
drop table #MyTable
INSERT INTO MyTable ([Text],[Order])
SELECT 'MyText' [Text], max([Order]) + 1 [Order]
FROM MyTable
INSERT INTO MyTable ([Text],[Order])
SELECT top 1 'MyText' [Text], max([Order]) + 1 [Order]
FROM MyTable
limit is not valid in SQL Server as far as I know.
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Order', table 'master.dbo.MyTable'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.
This means that the Order column isn't allowed to be null, and that the Max([Order]) + 1 part of your column returns NULL.
This is because your table is empty, as you already noticed by yourself.
You can work around this by replacing NULL by a real number in the query, using ISNULL():
INSERT INTO MyTable ([Text],[Order])
SELECT 'MyText' , (isnull(Max([Order]),0) + 1)
FROM MyTable
Unless he has a column named OrderBy
then he would have to add / assign all values within that Insert especially if the column does not allow for nulls
sounds like fully qualifying the Insert with the dbo.MyTable.Field may make more sense.
also why are you naming fields with SQL Key words...???
INSERT INTO MyTable ([Text],[Order] Values('MyTextTest',1)
try a test insert first..