We have a web app to which I'm building electron app by loading URL in browserWindow. But when i try to share the screen it will give me a popup saying Please install the janus webRTC screen sharing plugin and restart the browser. Please help !
you need to implement your own desktop picker dialog in electron. See here
Often when viewing a website on a mobile device you'll get a notification that a mobile app is available, or if you already have the app downloaded you'll have the option to open the URL in the app.
Is there a native way to do this or are these notifications always custom?
When users click on a link or download a file and the suggestion pops up to open the respective app, that's called deep linking. iOS labels it as Universal Links and Android uses App Links.
Even though the Application is installed in the iPhone, tapping Branchio universal deep-link redirecting to safari and shows a popup to launch the application.
Expected: if the application is already installed, tapping deep link should launch the application.
Pre- requests:
OS: iPhone iOS 13.3.1
Release build in Appcenter
Set custom URL to https://install.appcenter.ms/app (Appcenter)
Generate the Universal deeplink
Steps to reproduce:
Generate the Universal deep-link
Using the deep-link install the application
Again Tap on the same deep-link will redirect to Safari and popup alert with CANCEL and OPEN options
Tap OPEN in safari to launch the application
This is an expected behaviour where Apple prompts the user first time if to open the app. Only if universal links are implemented, it does not ask for the second time. Our AASA validator tool (https://branch.io/resources/aasa-validator/) shows the AASA file to validated correctly but while testing on the install page of your redirected website, it is showing a 404 error. So, we are unable to replicate this on our end to check further.
Could you please share your app store link so as to help us out here.
Also, would request to check our documentation here ( https://help.branch.io/developers-hub/docs/ios-troubleshooting#section-validate-if-aasa-file-successfully-downloaded ) so as to confirm if the device is receiving the generated AASA files. This is a known issue with Apple for iOS 13.x+ where the AASA files do not get ingested into the device and causes the link redirection to show a prompt or a fail.
Since we do have only control over mobile app window,how we can validate a web browser window opened from a native android application,someone please help
I think you need to switch context to webview,
how to use
I have designed a website which is responsive and it opens in Android and iOS.
I also have a supported app for the same which has a feature for sharing links. When the link is clicked it will redirect the user to the website.
Is there a way to find out if the app has been installed on the device (Android/iOS) which the website is running on through MVC?
Please help me with a few suggestions.
Thanks in advance
I have a web-kit app, can any one please help in integrating this web-kit app along with Google chrome browser or is there any other possible way in which I can interrelate this App with a browser?