I am not asking about the various available third-party modules that support Cppcheck in one way or the other.
With CMake 3.10, CMake seems to have gained some official Cppcheck support. See CMAKE_<LANG>_CPPCHECK.
Unfortunately the documentation how to use this variable is a bit sparse. Is there a good example of how Cppcheck is supposed to be used with CMake 3.10 (or later)?
An simple example would be - if you have cppcheck in your PATH and you are not specifying additional parameters - the following by setting global CMAKE_<LANG>_CPPCHECK variable:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
WRITE "main.cpp"
int main()
char a[10];
a[10] = 0;
return 0;
set(CMAKE_CXX_CPPCHECK "cppcheck")
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} "main.cpp")
The files to scan are added automatically to the cppcheck command line. So the above example gives the following output (gcc and cppcheck on Linux system):
# make
Scanning dependencies of target CppCheckTest
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/CppCheckTest.dir/main.cpp.o
Checking .../CppCheckTest/main.cpp...
Warning: cppcheck reported diagnostics:
[/mnt/c/temp/StackOverflow/CppCheckTest/main.cpp:4]: (error) Array 'a[10]' accessed at index 10, which is out of bounds.
[100%] Linking CXX executable CppCheckTest
[100%] Built target CppCheckTest
You could give cppcheck a try in an existing project by simply setting the CMAKE_CXX_CPPCHECK variable via the cmake command line:
A more "daily life" example would probably for you to include something like the following code snippet in your CMakeList.txt:
find_program(CMAKE_CXX_CPPCHECK NAMES cppcheck)
CMake Commit: Add properties to run cppcheck along with the compiler
<LANG>_CPPCHECK target property
This property is supported only when <LANG> is C or CXX.
Specify a ;-list containing a command line for the cppcheck static analysis tool. The Makefile Generators and the Ninja generator will run cppcheck along with the compiler and report any problems.
This property is initialized by the value of the CMAKE_<LANG>_CPPCHECK variable if it is set when a target is created.
I would like to use the IAR compiler. I noticed CMake has already have a bunch of files about this compiler:
From what I read the common solution is to specify manually ALL the toolchain in my CMakeLists.txt:
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER iccarm)
How CMake can link these definitions with `Modules/Compiler/IAR.cmake"?
I thought I would just have to do
What is the correct way to specify my IAR compiler?
When I do
cmake .
It still tries to use gcc instead of my IAR compiler. Why?
To select a specific compiler, you have several solutions, as exaplained in CMake wiki:
Method 1: use environment variables
For C and C++, set the CC and CXX environment variables. This method is not guaranteed to work for all generators. (Specifically, if you are trying to set Xcode's GCC_VERSION, this method confuses Xcode.)
For example:
CC=gcc-4.2 CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.2 cmake -G "Your Generator" path/to/your/source
Method 2: use cmake -D
Set the appropriate CMAKE_FOO_COMPILER variable(s) to a valid compiler name or full path on the command-line using cmake -D.
For example:
cmake -G "Your Generator" -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-4.2 -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-4.2 path/to/your/source
Method 3 (avoid): use set()
Set the appropriate CMAKE_FOO_COMPILER variable(s) to a valid compiler name or full path in a list file using set(). This must be done before any language is set (ie: before any project() or enable_language() command).
For example:
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "gcc-4.2")
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "/usr/bin/g++-4.2")
The wiki doesn't provide reason why 3rd method should be avoided...
I see more and more people who set CMAKE_C_COMPILER and other compiler-related variables in the CMakeLists.txt after the project call and wonder why this approach breaks sometimes.
What happens actually
When CMake executes the project() call, it looks for a default compiler executable and determines the way for use it: default compiler flags, default linker flags, compile features, etc.
And CMake stores path to that default compiler executable in the CMAKE_C_COMPILER variable.
When one sets CMAKE_C_COMPILER variable after the project() call, this only changes the compiler executable: default flags, features all remains set for the default compiler.
AS RESULT: When the project is built, a build system calls the project-specified compiler executable but with parameters suitable for the default compiler.
As one could guess, this approach would work only when one replaces a default compiler with a highly compatible one. E.g. replacement of gcc with clang could work sometimes.
This approach will never work for replacement of cl compiler (used in Visual Studio) with gcc one. Nor this will work when replacing a native compiler with a cross-compiler.
What to do
Never set a compiler in CMakeLists.txt.
If you want, e.g., to use clang instead of defaulted gcc, then either:
Pass -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<compiler> to cmake when configure the project. That way CMake will use this compiler instead of default one and on the project() call it will adjust all flags for the specified compiler.
Set CC environment variable (CXX for C++ compiler). CMake checks this variable when selects a default compiler.
(Only in rare cases) Set CMAKE_C_COMPILER variable before the project() call. This approach is similar to the first one, but makes the project less flexible.
If the ways above do not work
If on setting CMAKE_C_COMPILER in the command line CMake errors that a compiler cannot "compile a simple project", then something wrong in your environment.. or you specify a compiler incompatible for chosen generator or platform.
Visual Studio generators work with cl compiler but cannot work with gcc.
A MinGW compiler usually requires MinGW Makefiles generator.
Incompatible generator cannot be fixed in CMakeLists.txt. One need to pass the proper -G option to the cmake executable (or select the proper generator in CMake GUI).
Cross-compiling usually requires setting CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable, and this setting should normally be done in the toolchain file. That toolchain file is also responsible for set a compiler.
Setting CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME in the CMakeLists.txt is almost always an error.
You need to create a toolchain file, and use the CmakeForceCompiler module.
Here is an example toolchain file for bare-metal ARM development with IAR:
set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic) # Or name of your OS if you have one
set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR arm) # Or whatever
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER iccarm) # Change the arm suffix if appropriate
set(CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE STATIC_LIBRARY) # Required to make the previous line work for a target that requires a custom linker file
The last line is necessary because CMake will try to compile a test program with the compiler to make sure it works and to get some version information from preprocessor defines. Without this line, CMake will use add_executable() for the test program, and you will get the error "The C compiler "XXX" is not able to compile a simple test program." This is because the test program fails to link, as it doesn't have your custom linker file (I'm assuming bare-metal development since this is what IAR is usually used for). This line tells CMake to use add_library() instead, which makes the test succeed without the linker file. Source of this workaround: this CMake mailing list post.
Then, assuming that your toolchain file is named iar-toolchain.cmake, invoke CMake like this:
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=iar-toolchain.cmake .
You can call cmake like this:
cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=iccarm ...
If you don't want to use your PC's standard compiler, you have to give CMake the path to the compiler. You do this via environment variables, a toolchain file or direct definitions in the CMake command line (see e.g. CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (project): No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found).
Putting the compiler's name/path into your CMakeLists.txt would stop your project from being cross-platform.
CMake does check for the compiler ids by compiling special C/C++ files. So no need to manually include from Module/Compiler or Module/Platform.
This will be automatically done by CMake based on its compiler and platform checks.
CMake: In which Order are Files parsed (Cache, Toolchain, …)?
CMake GitLab Commit: Add support files for C, C++ and ASM for the IAR toolchain.
IAR Systems recently published a basic CMake tutorial with examples under their GitHub profile.
I like the the idea of a generic toolchain file which works seamlessly for both Windows and Linux compilers using find_program().
The following snippet will be used for when using C and can be used similarly for CXX:
# IAR C Compiler
"$ENV{ProgramFiles}/IAR Systems/*"
"$ENV{ProgramFiles\(x86\)}/IAR Systems/*"
For ASM, I initially got puzzled with the NAMES but then I realized that the toolchain file was made that way for working with old Assemblers shipped with XLINK:
"$ENV{ProgramFiles\(x86\)}/IAR Systems/*"
Also, take a look at the full toolchain file. It will work automatically for "Arm" when the tools are installed on their default locations, otherwise it is just about updating the TOOLKIT variable and the compilers for all the supported languages should adjust automatically.
If your wanting to specify a compiler in cmake then just do ...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "clang")
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "clang++")
Options 1 is only used if you want to specify what compiler you want to use as default for everything that you might compile on your computer. And I don't even think it would work on windows.
Option 2 would be used if you only want to use a different temporarily.
Option 3 is used if that's the compiler that should be used for that particular project. Also option 3 would be the most cross compatible.
I am using the arm-linux-androideabi-g++ compiler. When I try to compile a simple "Hello, World!" program it compiles fine. When I test it by adding a simple exception handling in that code it works too (after adding -fexceptions .. I guess it is disabled by default).
This is for an Android device, and I only want to use CMake, not ndk-build.
For example - first.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
catch (...)
return 0;
./arm-linux-androideadi-g++ -o first-test first.cpp -fexceptions
It works with no problem...
The problem ... I am trying to compile the file with a CMake file.
I want to add the -fexceptions as a flag. I tried with
set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS -fexceptions ) or set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "fexceptions" )
set ( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "fexceptions")
It still displays an error.
Note: Given CMake evolution since this was answer was written in 2012, most of the suggestions here are now outdated/deprecated and have better alternatives.
Suppose you want to add those flags (better to declare them in a constant):
SET(GCC_COVERAGE_COMPILE_FLAGS "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
There are several ways to add them:
The easiest one (not clean, but easy and convenient, and works only for compile flags, C & C++ at once):
Appending to corresponding CMake variables:
Using target properties, cf. doc CMake compile flag target property and need to know the target name.
get_target_property(TEMP ${THE_TARGET} COMPILE_FLAGS)
SET(TEMP "") # Set to empty string
SET(TEMP "${TEMP} ") # A space to cleanly separate from existing content
# Append our values
set_target_properties(${THE_TARGET} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${TEMP} )
Right now I use method 2.
In newer versions of CMake you can set compiler and linker flags for a single target with target_compile_options and target_link_libraries respectively (yes, the latter sets linker options too):
target_compile_options(first-test PRIVATE -fexceptions)
The advantage of this method is that you can control propagation of options to other targets that depend on this one via PUBLIC and PRIVATE.
As of CMake 3.13 you can also use target_link_options to add linker options which makes the intent more clear.
Try setting the variable CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS instead of CMAKE_C_FLAGS:
set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fexceptions")
The variable CMAKE_C_FLAGS only affects the C compiler, but you are compiling C++ code.
Adding the flag to CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS is redundant.
The preferred way to specify toolchain-specific options is using CMake's toolchain facility. This ensures that there is a clean division between:
instructions on how to organise source files into targets -- expressed in CMakeLists.txt files, entirely toolchain-agnostic; and
details of how certain toolchains should be configured -- separated into CMake script files, extensible by future users of your project, scalable.
Ideally, there should be no compiler/linker flags in your CMakeLists.txt files -- even within if/endif blocks. And your program should build for the native platform with the default toolchain (e.g. GCC on GNU/Linux or MSVC on Windows) without any additional flags.
Steps to add a toolchain:
Create a file, e.g. arm-linux-androideadi-gcc.cmake with global toolchain settings:
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT "-fexceptions")
(You can find an example Linux cross-compiling toolchain file here.)
When you want to generate a build system with this toolchain, specify the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE parameter on the command line:
mkdir android-arm-build && cd android-arm-build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$(pwd)/../arm-linux-androideadi-gcc.cmake ..
(Note: you cannot use a relative path.)
Build as normal:
cmake --build .
Toolchain files make cross-compilation easier, but they have other uses:
Hardened diagnostics for your unit tests.
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT "-Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic")
Tricky-to-configure development tools.
# toolchain file for use with gcov
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT "--coverage -fno-exceptions -g")
Enhanced safety checks.
# toolchain file for use with gdb
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG_INIT "-fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error")
set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT "-fsanitize=address,undefined -static-libasan")
You can also add linker flags to a specific target using the LINK_FLAGS property:
set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS " ${flag}")
If you want to propagate this change to other targets, you can create a dummy target to link to.
This worked for me when I needed a precompile definition named "NO_DEBUG":
Then from code
#ifdef NO_DEBUG
With CMake 3.4+, APPEND can be used with the string command to add flags.
string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " -fexceptions")
I am using the arm-linux-androideabi-g++ compiler. When I try to compile a simple "Hello, World!" program it compiles fine. When I test it by adding a simple exception handling in that code it works too (after adding -fexceptions .. I guess it is disabled by default).
This is for an Android device, and I only want to use CMake, not ndk-build.
For example - first.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
catch (...)
return 0;
./arm-linux-androideadi-g++ -o first-test first.cpp -fexceptions
It works with no problem...
The problem ... I am trying to compile the file with a CMake file.
I want to add the -fexceptions as a flag. I tried with
set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS -fexceptions ) or set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "fexceptions" )
set ( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "fexceptions")
It still displays an error.
Note: Given CMake evolution since this was answer was written in 2012, most of the suggestions here are now outdated/deprecated and have better alternatives.
Suppose you want to add those flags (better to declare them in a constant):
SET(GCC_COVERAGE_COMPILE_FLAGS "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
There are several ways to add them:
The easiest one (not clean, but easy and convenient, and works only for compile flags, C & C++ at once):
Appending to corresponding CMake variables:
Using target properties, cf. doc CMake compile flag target property and need to know the target name.
get_target_property(TEMP ${THE_TARGET} COMPILE_FLAGS)
SET(TEMP "") # Set to empty string
SET(TEMP "${TEMP} ") # A space to cleanly separate from existing content
# Append our values
set_target_properties(${THE_TARGET} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${TEMP} )
Right now I use method 2.
In newer versions of CMake you can set compiler and linker flags for a single target with target_compile_options and target_link_libraries respectively (yes, the latter sets linker options too):
target_compile_options(first-test PRIVATE -fexceptions)
The advantage of this method is that you can control propagation of options to other targets that depend on this one via PUBLIC and PRIVATE.
As of CMake 3.13 you can also use target_link_options to add linker options which makes the intent more clear.
Try setting the variable CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS instead of CMAKE_C_FLAGS:
set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fexceptions")
The variable CMAKE_C_FLAGS only affects the C compiler, but you are compiling C++ code.
Adding the flag to CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS is redundant.
The preferred way to specify toolchain-specific options is using CMake's toolchain facility. This ensures that there is a clean division between:
instructions on how to organise source files into targets -- expressed in CMakeLists.txt files, entirely toolchain-agnostic; and
details of how certain toolchains should be configured -- separated into CMake script files, extensible by future users of your project, scalable.
Ideally, there should be no compiler/linker flags in your CMakeLists.txt files -- even within if/endif blocks. And your program should build for the native platform with the default toolchain (e.g. GCC on GNU/Linux or MSVC on Windows) without any additional flags.
Steps to add a toolchain:
Create a file, e.g. arm-linux-androideadi-gcc.cmake with global toolchain settings:
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT "-fexceptions")
(You can find an example Linux cross-compiling toolchain file here.)
When you want to generate a build system with this toolchain, specify the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE parameter on the command line:
mkdir android-arm-build && cd android-arm-build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$(pwd)/../arm-linux-androideadi-gcc.cmake ..
(Note: you cannot use a relative path.)
Build as normal:
cmake --build .
Toolchain files make cross-compilation easier, but they have other uses:
Hardened diagnostics for your unit tests.
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT "-Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic")
Tricky-to-configure development tools.
# toolchain file for use with gcov
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT "--coverage -fno-exceptions -g")
Enhanced safety checks.
# toolchain file for use with gdb
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG_INIT "-fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error")
set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT "-fsanitize=address,undefined -static-libasan")
You can also add linker flags to a specific target using the LINK_FLAGS property:
set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS " ${flag}")
If you want to propagate this change to other targets, you can create a dummy target to link to.
This worked for me when I needed a precompile definition named "NO_DEBUG":
Then from code
#ifdef NO_DEBUG
With CMake 3.4+, APPEND can be used with the string command to add flags.
string(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " -fexceptions")
I would like to use the IAR compiler. I noticed CMake has already have a bunch of files about this compiler:
From what I read the common solution is to specify manually ALL the toolchain in my CMakeLists.txt:
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER iccarm)
How CMake can link these definitions with `Modules/Compiler/IAR.cmake"?
I thought I would just have to do
What is the correct way to specify my IAR compiler?
When I do
cmake .
It still tries to use gcc instead of my IAR compiler. Why?
To select a specific compiler, you have several solutions, as exaplained in CMake wiki:
Method 1: use environment variables
For C and C++, set the CC and CXX environment variables. This method is not guaranteed to work for all generators. (Specifically, if you are trying to set Xcode's GCC_VERSION, this method confuses Xcode.)
For example:
CC=gcc-4.2 CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.2 cmake -G "Your Generator" path/to/your/source
Method 2: use cmake -D
Set the appropriate CMAKE_FOO_COMPILER variable(s) to a valid compiler name or full path on the command-line using cmake -D.
For example:
cmake -G "Your Generator" -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-4.2 -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-4.2 path/to/your/source
Method 3 (avoid): use set()
Set the appropriate CMAKE_FOO_COMPILER variable(s) to a valid compiler name or full path in a list file using set(). This must be done before any language is set (ie: before any project() or enable_language() command).
For example:
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "gcc-4.2")
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "/usr/bin/g++-4.2")
The wiki doesn't provide reason why 3rd method should be avoided...
I see more and more people who set CMAKE_C_COMPILER and other compiler-related variables in the CMakeLists.txt after the project call and wonder why this approach breaks sometimes.
What happens actually
When CMake executes the project() call, it looks for a default compiler executable and determines the way for use it: default compiler flags, default linker flags, compile features, etc.
And CMake stores path to that default compiler executable in the CMAKE_C_COMPILER variable.
When one sets CMAKE_C_COMPILER variable after the project() call, this only changes the compiler executable: default flags, features all remains set for the default compiler.
AS RESULT: When the project is built, a build system calls the project-specified compiler executable but with parameters suitable for the default compiler.
As one could guess, this approach would work only when one replaces a default compiler with a highly compatible one. E.g. replacement of gcc with clang could work sometimes.
This approach will never work for replacement of cl compiler (used in Visual Studio) with gcc one. Nor this will work when replacing a native compiler with a cross-compiler.
What to do
Never set a compiler in CMakeLists.txt.
If you want, e.g., to use clang instead of defaulted gcc, then either:
Pass -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<compiler> to cmake when configure the project. That way CMake will use this compiler instead of default one and on the project() call it will adjust all flags for the specified compiler.
Set CC environment variable (CXX for C++ compiler). CMake checks this variable when selects a default compiler.
(Only in rare cases) Set CMAKE_C_COMPILER variable before the project() call. This approach is similar to the first one, but makes the project less flexible.
If the ways above do not work
If on setting CMAKE_C_COMPILER in the command line CMake errors that a compiler cannot "compile a simple project", then something wrong in your environment.. or you specify a compiler incompatible for chosen generator or platform.
Visual Studio generators work with cl compiler but cannot work with gcc.
A MinGW compiler usually requires MinGW Makefiles generator.
Incompatible generator cannot be fixed in CMakeLists.txt. One need to pass the proper -G option to the cmake executable (or select the proper generator in CMake GUI).
Cross-compiling usually requires setting CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable, and this setting should normally be done in the toolchain file. That toolchain file is also responsible for set a compiler.
Setting CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME in the CMakeLists.txt is almost always an error.
You need to create a toolchain file, and use the CmakeForceCompiler module.
Here is an example toolchain file for bare-metal ARM development with IAR:
set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic) # Or name of your OS if you have one
set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR arm) # Or whatever
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER iccarm) # Change the arm suffix if appropriate
set(CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE STATIC_LIBRARY) # Required to make the previous line work for a target that requires a custom linker file
The last line is necessary because CMake will try to compile a test program with the compiler to make sure it works and to get some version information from preprocessor defines. Without this line, CMake will use add_executable() for the test program, and you will get the error "The C compiler "XXX" is not able to compile a simple test program." This is because the test program fails to link, as it doesn't have your custom linker file (I'm assuming bare-metal development since this is what IAR is usually used for). This line tells CMake to use add_library() instead, which makes the test succeed without the linker file. Source of this workaround: this CMake mailing list post.
Then, assuming that your toolchain file is named iar-toolchain.cmake, invoke CMake like this:
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=iar-toolchain.cmake .
You can call cmake like this:
cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=iccarm ...
If you don't want to use your PC's standard compiler, you have to give CMake the path to the compiler. You do this via environment variables, a toolchain file or direct definitions in the CMake command line (see e.g. CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (project): No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found).
Putting the compiler's name/path into your CMakeLists.txt would stop your project from being cross-platform.
CMake does check for the compiler ids by compiling special C/C++ files. So no need to manually include from Module/Compiler or Module/Platform.
This will be automatically done by CMake based on its compiler and platform checks.
CMake: In which Order are Files parsed (Cache, Toolchain, …)?
CMake GitLab Commit: Add support files for C, C++ and ASM for the IAR toolchain.
IAR Systems recently published a basic CMake tutorial with examples under their GitHub profile.
I like the the idea of a generic toolchain file which works seamlessly for both Windows and Linux compilers using find_program().
The following snippet will be used for when using C and can be used similarly for CXX:
# IAR C Compiler
"$ENV{ProgramFiles}/IAR Systems/*"
"$ENV{ProgramFiles\(x86\)}/IAR Systems/*"
For ASM, I initially got puzzled with the NAMES but then I realized that the toolchain file was made that way for working with old Assemblers shipped with XLINK:
"$ENV{ProgramFiles\(x86\)}/IAR Systems/*"
Also, take a look at the full toolchain file. It will work automatically for "Arm" when the tools are installed on their default locations, otherwise it is just about updating the TOOLKIT variable and the compilers for all the supported languages should adjust automatically.
If your wanting to specify a compiler in cmake then just do ...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "clang")
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "clang++")
Options 1 is only used if you want to specify what compiler you want to use as default for everything that you might compile on your computer. And I don't even think it would work on windows.
Option 2 would be used if you only want to use a different temporarily.
Option 3 is used if that's the compiler that should be used for that particular project. Also option 3 would be the most cross compatible.
I am using CMake 2.8.7 on a Linux machine with Intel 11.0 compilers. I am trying to use CMake for the first time as I would like to build this project on both Windows and Linux machines.
I though of using a simple approach first and used a standard Hello World example:
My src/HelloWorld.f90:
!Test helloworld in Fortran using Cmake
program hello
print *, "Hello World!"
end program hello
My main CMakeLists.txt:
# States that CMake required version must be greater than 2.8.7
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
enable_language (Fortran)
project(helloworld Fortran)
My src/CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
# Include the directory itself as a path to include directories
# For a large number of source files you can create it in a simpler way
# using file() function:
file(GLOB helloworld_SOURCES *.f90)
I still get an error which says CMAKE_FORTRAN_LINK_EXECUTABLE variable missing. I looked at Abinader's CMake tutorial#1, but haven't had success so far.
any suggestions?? Thanks in advance !
Not a direct answer, as I've never used fortran with cmake, but I can see a few issues here.
First of all: where is your target helloworld defined? project is not a target.
Secondly: where do you use helloworld_SOURCES variable?
Try a more regular way. In your src/CMakeLists.txt add line at the end of file with:
add_executable(helloworld ${helloworld_SOURCES})
Also remove SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(helloworld PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE FORTRAN) from main one as it should not be necessary.
Last advice: try not to use file(GLOB ). It is better to define list of all files manualy.
Probably the upper-case "FORTRAN", when setting the linker language is the problem. Try writing it as "Fortran" as in the enable_language statement. CMake derives the variables it uses from the language and this causes CMake to look for CMAKE_FORTRAN_LINK_EXECUTABLE instead of CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_EXECUTABLE.
As also mentioned by Michal, the add_executable has to be added to your CMakeLists.txt.
I tested your issue with the following CMake configurations files
main CMakeLists.txt:
# States that CMake required version must be greater than 2.8.7
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
enable_language (Fortran)
project(helloworld Fortran)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
add_executable(helloworld HelloWorld.f90)
under Linux for following versions:
ifort (IFORT)
cmake version
I prefer to use cmake-gui. There you can define the ifort compiler as follows:
After definition of source code and binary folder, e.g. build, press "Configure" and select
Click "Next" and define the following compilers
Click "Finish" and "Generate".
Go to build/src folder and execute make. The helloworld executable is generated with ifort successfully and could be called here.
Hint: If ifort is already the default native compiler on your Linux computer then you don't have to specify it in cmake-gui and can go ahead with the first option "Use default native compilers".
Hope it helps.
Let's try this step-by-step:
1) Your Fortran Hello, world is OK!
!Test helloworld in Fortran using Cmake
program hello
print *, "Hello World!"
end program hello
2) Now let's write the "inner" CMakeLists.txt
add_executable(helloworld hello.f90)
Here we've created an executable file, which you haven't in your question. Also, we've set its linker language to Fortran (it's case-sensitive parameter!) and the output directory for the compiled file.
3) Now we'll create the "main" CMakeLists.txt
# States that CMake required version must be greater than 2.8.7
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
project(helloworld Fortran)
Here we've specified the src subdirectory with inner CMakeLists.txt and the compiler language - it's enough to use project() function, there's not need to use it together with enable_language().
4) Finally, let's build our code in out-of-source manner and run it!
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build