VB.net linq left join where null or 0 - vb.net

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do a left join and pull records where the join is null, or the join works, but the column paid is 0. This is the sql I'm trying to recreate
FROM JobsCompleted
LEFT JOIN SqWar ON JobsCompleted.JobFk = SqWar.JobFk
WHERE SqWar.SqWarId IS NULL OR SqWar.Paid = 0
This is what I have so far in linq
'not sure here how I do if the join is null, or joins, but paid is 0
Dim jobIds = (From jc In db.JobsCompleteds
Group Join sqw In db.SqWars On sqw.JobFk Equals jc.JobFk Into SqGroup = Group
Where jc.DateCompleted >= fromInput.SelectedDate And jc.DateCompleted <= toInput.SelectedDate And
SqGroup Is Nothing) 'not sure here how I do if it's null or paid = 0

With a Group Join, if you want a SQL LEFT JOIN, especially since you are wanting to test a field from the right hand side, you need to use a second From clause with DefaultIfEmpty:
Dim jobIds = From jc In db.JobsCompleteds
Group Join sqw In db.SqWars On sqw.JobFk Equals jc.JobFk Into Group
From sqw In Group.DefaultIfEmpty()
Where sqw Is Nothing Or sqw.Paid = 0
Select New With { jc, sqw }
Note that LINQ doesn't have a direct equivalent to SQL SELECT * so I returned an anonymous object with sub-objects. If you wanted the result to be flattened, you would have to explicitly list all fields.
If you wanted to process the join groups you could also filter each group by your criteria:
Dim jobIdsG = From jc In db.JobsCompleteds
Group Join sqw In db.SqWars On sqw.JobFk Equals jc.JobFk Into Group
Select New With {jc, .sqGroup = Group.Where(Function(sq) sq.Paid = 0)}


Speed up SQL query performance with nested queries

Could anyone help me speed this query up? It currently take 17 minutes to run but does return the correct data and it populates a subform in MS Access. Functions in the rest of the VBA are declared as long to try to speed up more.
Here's the full query:
SELECT lots of things
FROM (((((((((((((((ngstest
INNER JOIN patients
ON ngstest.internalpatientid = patients.internalpatientid)
INNER JOIN referral
ON ngstest.referralid = referral.referralid)
INNER JOIN checker
ON ngstest.bookby = checker.check1id)
INNER JOIN ngspanel
ON ngstest.ngspanelid = ngspanel.ngspanelid)
LEFT JOIN ngspanel AS ngspanel_1
ON ngstest.ngspanelid_b = ngspanel_1.ngspanelid)
ON ngstest.statusid = status.statusid)
INNER JOIN dbo_patient_table
ON patients.patientid = dbo_patient_table.patienttrustid)
ON ngstest.dna = dna.dnanumber)
INNER JOIN status AS status_1
ON patients.s_statusoverall = status_1.statusid)
LEFT JOIN gw_gendertable
ON dbo_patient_table.genderid = gw_gendertable.genderid)
LEFT JOIN ngswesbatch
ON ngstest.wesbatch = ngswesbatch.ngswesbatchid)
LEFT JOIN checker AS checker_1
ON ngstest.check1id = checker_1.check1id)
LEFT JOIN checker AS checker_2
ON ngstest.check2id = checker_2.check1id)
LEFT JOIN checker AS checker_3
ON ngstest.check3id = checker_3.check1id)
LEFT JOIN ngspanel AS ngspanel_2
ON ngstest.ngspanelid_c = ngspanel_2.ngspanelid)
LEFT JOIN checker AS checker_4
ON ngstest.check4id = checker_4.check1id
WHERE ((ngstest.referralid IN
(SELECT referralid FROM referral
WHERE grouptypeid = 14)
AND ngstest.ngstestid IN
(SELECT ngstest.ngstestid
FROM ngsanalysis
INNER JOIN ngstest
ON ngsanalysis.ngstestid = ngstest.ngstestid
WHERE ngsanalysis.pedigree = 3302) )
AND status.statusid = 1202218800)
ORDER BY ngstest.priority,
The two nested queries are strings from elsewhere in the code so are called in the vba as " & includereferralls & " And " & ParentsStatusesFilter & "
They are:
ParentsStatusesFilter = "NGSTest.NGSTestID in
FROM NGSAnalysis
ON NGSAnalysis.NGSTestID = NGSTest.NGSTestID
WHERE NGSAnalysis.Pedigree IN (3302,3303,3304)"
includereferrals = "NGSTest.ReferralID
(SELECT referralid FROM referral WHERE referral.grouptypeid = 14)"
The query needs to remain readable (and therefore editable) so can't use things like Distinct, Group By or contain any Unions. Have tried Exists instead of In for the nested queries but that stops it from actually filtering the results.
FROM NGSAnalysis
ON NGSAnalysis.NGSTestID = NGSTest.NGSTestID
WHERE NGSAnalysis.Pedigree IN (3302,3303,3304)
So the exist clause you have there isn't tied to the outer query which would run similar to just added 1 = 1 to the where clause. I took your where clause and converted it. It should look something like this...
SELECT referralid
FROM referral
WHERE grouptypeid = 14 AND ngstest.referralid = referral.referralid)
SELECT ngsanalysis.ngstestid
FROM ngsanalysis
WHERE ngsanalysis.pedigree IN (3302,3303,3304) AND ngstest.ngstestid = ngsanalysis.ngstestid
AND status.statusid = 1202218800
Adding exists will speed it up a bit, but the the bulk of the slowness is the left joins. Access does not handle the left joins as well as SQL Server does. Change all your joins to inner joins and you will see the query runs very fast. This is obviously not ideal since some relationships are optional. What I have done to get around this is add a default record that replaces a null relationship.
Here is what that looks like for you: In the checker table you could add a record that represents a null value. So put a record into the checker table with check1id of -1 or 0. Then default check1id, check2id, check3id on ngstest to -1 or 0. You will need to do that type of thing for all tables you need to left join on.

How do I fix the syntax of a sub query with joins?

I have the following query:
SELECT tours_atp.NAME_T, today_atp.TOUR, today_atp.ID1, odds_atp.K1, today_atp.ID2, odds_atp.K2
FROM (players_atp INNER JOIN (players_atp AS players_atp_1 INNER JOIN (today_atp INNER JOIN odds_atp ON (today_atp.TOUR = odds_atp.ID_T_O) AND (today_atp.ID1 = odds_atp.ID1_O) AND (today_atp.ID2 = odds_atp.ID2_O) AND (today_atp.ROUND = odds_atp.ID_R_O)) ON players_atp_1.ID_P = today_atp.ID2) ON players_atp.ID_P = today_atp.ID1) INNER JOIN tours_atp ON today_atp.TOUR = tours_atp.ID_T
WHERE (((tours_atp.RANK_T) Between 1 And 4) AND ((today_atp.RESULT)="") AND ((players_atp.NAME_P) Not Like "*/*") AND ((players_atp_1.NAME_P) Not Like "*/*") AND ((odds_atp.ID_B_O)=2))
ORDER BY tours_atp.NAME_T;
I'd like to add a field to this query that provides me with the sum of a field in another table (FS) with a few criteria applied.
I've been able to build a stand alone query to get the sum of FS by ID_T as follows:
SELECT tbl_Ts_base_atp.ID_T, Sum(tbl_Ts_mkv_atp.FS) AS SumOfFS
FROM tbl_Ts_base_atp INNER JOIN tbl_Ts_mkv_atp ON tbl_Ts_base_atp.ID_Ts = tbl_Ts_mkv_atp.ID_Ts
WHERE (((tbl_Ts_base_atp.DATE_T)>Date()-2000 And (tbl_Ts_base_atp.DATE_T)<Date()))
GROUP BY tbl_Ts_base_atp.ID_T, tbl_Ts_mkv_atp.ID_Ts;
I now want to match up the sum of FS from the second query to the records of the first query by ID_T. I realise I need to do this using a sub query. I'm confident using these when there's only one table but I consistently get 'syntax errors' when there are joins.
I simplified the first query down to remove all the WHERE conditions so it was easier for me to try and error check but no luck. I guess the resulting SQL will also be easier for you guys to follow:
SELECT today_atp.TOUR, (SELECT Sum(tbl_Ts_mkv_atp.FS)
FROM tbl_Ts_mkv_atp INNER JOIN (tbl_Ts_base_atp INNER JOIN today_atp ON tbl_Ts_base_atp.ID_T = today_atp.TOUR) ON tbl_Ts_mkv_atp.ID_Ts = tbl_Ts_base_atp.ID_Ts AS tt
WHERE tt.DATE_T>Date()-2000 And tt.DATE_T<Date() AND tt.TOUR=today_atp.TOUR
FROM today_atp
Can you spot where I'm going wrong? My hunch is that the issue is in the FROM line of the sub query but I'm not sure. Thanks in advance.
It's difficult to advise an appropriate solution without knowledge of how the database tables relate to one another, but assuming that I've correctly understood what you are looking to achieve, you might wish to try the following solution:
today_atp inner join odds_atp on
today_atp.tour = odds_atp.id_t_o and
today_atp.id1 = odds_atp.id1_o and
today_atp.id2 = odds_atp.id2_o and
today_atp.round = odds_atp.id_r_o
inner join players_atp as players_atp_1 on
players_atp_1.id_p = today_atp.id2
inner join players_atp on
players_atp.id_p = today_atp.id1
inner join tours_atp on
today_atp.tour = tours_atp.id_t
inner join
sum(tbl_ts_mkv_atp.fs) as sumoffs
tbl_ts_base_atp inner join tbl_ts_mkv_atp on
tbl_ts_base_atp.id_ts = tbl_ts_mkv_atp.id_ts
tbl_ts_base_atp.date_t > date()-2000 and tbl_ts_base_atp.date_t < date()
group by
) subq on
tours_atp.tour = subq.id_t
(tours_atp.rank_t between 1 and 4) and
today_atp.result = "" and
players_atp.name_p not like "*/*" and
players_atp_1.name_p not like "*/*" and
odds_atp.id_b_o = 2
order by

SQL Query with counts only returning equivalent counts

I have a query that consists of 1 table and 2 sub queries. The table being a listing of all customers, 1 sub query is a listing all of the quotes given over a period of time for customers and the other sub query is a listing of all of the orders booked for a customer over the same period of time. What I am trying to do is return a result set that is a customer, the number of quotes given, and the number of orders booked over a given period of time. However what I am returning is only a listening of customers over the period of time that have an equivalent quote and order count. I feel like I am missing something obvious within the context of the query but I am unable to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Result Set should look like this
Customer-------Quotes-------Orders Placed
[Customer2].[Name] as [Customer2_Name],
(count( Quotes.UD03_Key3 )) as [Calculated_CustomerQuotes],
(count( Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderNum )) as [Calculated_CustomerBookings]
from Erp.Customer as Customer2
left join (select
[UD03].[Key3] as [UD03_Key3],
[UD03].[Key4] as [UD03_Key4],
[UD03].[Key1] as [UD03_Key1],
[UD03].[Date02] as [UD03_Date02]
from Ice.UD03 as UD03
inner join Ice.UD02 as UD02 on
UD03.Company = UD02.Company
CAST(CAST(UD03.Number09 AS INT) AS VARCHAR(30)) = UD02.Key1
left outer join Erp.Customer as Customer on
UD03.Company = Customer.Company
UD03.Key1 = Customer.Name
left outer join Erp.SalesTer as SalesTer on
Customer.Company = SalesTer.Company
Customer.TerritoryID = SalesTer.TerritoryID
left outer join Erp.CustGrup as CustGrup on
Customer.Company = CustGrup.Company
Customer.GroupCode = CustGrup.GroupCode
where (UD03.Key3 <> '0')) as Quotes on
Customer2.Name = Quotes.UD03_Key1
left join (select
[Customer1].[Name] as [Customer1_Name],
[OrderHed].[OrderNum] as [OrderHed_OrderNum],
[OrderDtl].[OrderLine] as [OrderDtl_OrderLine],
[OrderHed].[OrderDate] as [OrderHed_OrderDate]
from Erp.OrderHed as OrderHed
inner join Erp.Customer as Customer1 on
OrderHed.Company = Customer1.Company
OrderHed.BTCustNum = Customer1.CustNum
inner join Erp.OrderDtl as OrderDtl on
OrderHed.Company = OrderDtl.Company
OrderHed.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum) as Customer_Bookings on
Customer2.Name = Customer_Bookings.Customer1_Name
where Quotes.UD03_Date02 >= '5/15/2018' and Quotes.UD03_Date02 <= '5/15/2018' and Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderDate >='5/15/2018' and Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderDate <= '5/15/2018'
group by [Customer2].[Name]
You have several problems going on here. The first problem is your code is so poorly formatted it is user hostile to look at. Then you have left joins being logically treated an inner joins because of the where clause. You also have date literal strings in language specific format. This should always be the ANSI format YYYYMMDD. But in your case your two predicates are contradicting each other. You have where UD03_Date02 is simultaneously greater than and less than the same date. Thankfully you have =. But if your column is a datetime you have prevented any rows from being returned again (the first being your where clause). You have this same incorrect date logic and join in the second subquery as well.
Here is what your query might look like with some formatting so you can see what is going on. Please note I fixed the logical join issue. You still have the date problems because I don't know what you are trying to accomplish there.
[Customer2].[Name] as [Customer2_Name],
count(Quotes.UD03_Key3) as [Calculated_CustomerQuotes],
count(Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderNum) as [Calculated_CustomerBookings]
from Erp.Customer as Customer2
left join
[UD03].[Key3] as [UD03_Key3],
[UD03].[Key4] as [UD03_Key4],
[UD03].[Key1] as [UD03_Key1],
[UD03].[Date02] as [UD03_Date02]
from Ice.UD03 as UD03
inner join Ice.UD02 as UD02 on UD03.Company = UD02.Company
And CAST(CAST(UD03.Number09 AS INT) AS VARCHAR(30)) = UD02.Key1
left outer join Erp.Customer as Customer on UD03.Company = Customer.Company
And UD03.Key1 = Customer.Name
left outer join Erp.SalesTer as SalesTer on Customer.Company = SalesTer.Company
And Customer.TerritoryID = SalesTer.TerritoryID
left outer join Erp.CustGrup as CustGrup on Customer.Company = CustGrup.Company
And Customer.GroupCode = CustGrup.GroupCode
where UD03.Key3 <> '0'
) as Quotes on Customer2.Name = Quotes.UD03_Key1
and Quotes.UD03_Date02 >= '20180515'
and Quotes.UD03_Date02 <= '20180515'
left join
[Customer1].[Name] as [Customer1_Name],
[OrderHed].[OrderNum] as [OrderHed_OrderNum],
[OrderDtl].[OrderLine] as [OrderDtl_OrderLine],
[OrderHed].[OrderDate] as [OrderHed_OrderDate]
from Erp.OrderHed as OrderHed
inner join Erp.Customer as Customer1 on OrderHed.Company = Customer1.Company
And OrderHed.BTCustNum = Customer1.CustNum
inner join Erp.OrderDtl as OrderDtl on OrderHed.Company = OrderDtl.Company
And OrderHed.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum
) as Customer_Bookings on Customer2.Name = Customer_Bookings.Customer1_Name
and Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderDate >= '20180515'
and Customer_Bookings.OrderHed_OrderDate <= '20180515'
group by [Customer2].[Name]
COUNT() will just give you the number of records. You'd expect this two result columns to be equal. Try structuring it like this:
SUM(CASE WHEN Customer_Bookings.Customer1_Name IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS custBookingCount

select top 1 in subquery?

I'm trying to get a top 1 returned for each code in this query but this is giving me syntax errors. Any ideas what I can do?
SELECT d.doc_no,
(SELECT top 1 di.index_user_id
FROM document_instance
WHERE doc_no = d.doc_no
ORDER BY entry_time DESC) AS 'last indexed by'
FROM documents d
LEFT JOIN document_revision r ON r.doc_no = d.doc_no
LEFT JOIN document_instance di ON di.doc_no = d.doc_no
LEFT JOIN document_type_group dtg ON dtg.doc_no = d.doc_no
Assuming Sybase ASE, the top # clause is only supported in derived tables, ie, it's not supported in correlated sub-queries like you're attempting.
Also note that order by is not supported in any sub-queries (derived table or correlated).
If I'm reading the query correctly, you want the index_user_id for the record with the max(entry_time); if this is correct, and assuming a single record is returned for a given doc_no/entry_time combo, you could try something like:
SELECT d.doc_no,
(SELECT d2.index_user_id
FROM document_instance d2
WHERE d2.doc_no = d1.doc_no
and d2.entry_time = (select max(d3.entry_time)
from document_instance d3
where d3.doc_no = d1.doc_no)
) as 'last indexed by'
FROM documents d
LEFT JOIN document_revision r ON r.doc_no = d.doc_no
LEFT JOIN document_instance d1 ON d1.doc_no = d.doc_no
LEFT JOIN document_type_group dtg ON dtg.doc_no = d.doc_no


I am pretty green with LINQ and brand new to converting LEFT JOINs.
I wrote a query in SQL (which works fine) and I am trying to get it into LINQ. I am missing something, but can't see it. The SQL is:
DECLARE #Version int = 1
SELECT Q.WebFormTemplateQuestionID, Lay.*
FROM WebFormTemplates WFT
INNER JOIN WebFormTemplateQuestions Q ON Q.WebFormTemplateID = WFT.WebFormTemplateID
LEFT JOIN WebFormTemplateLayoutHeaders Hdr ON Hdr.WebFormTemplateID = WFT.WebFormTemplateID and hdr.Version = #Version
LEFT JOIN WebFormTemplateLayouts Lay ON Lay.WebFormTemplateLayoutHeaderID = Hdr.WebFormTemplateLayoutHeaderID AND Lay.WebFormTemplateQuestionID = Q.WebFormTemplateQuestionID
WHERE WFT.WebFormTemplateID = 2
ORDER BY Q.SortOrder
The LINQ I wrote is:
Version = 1
Dim q3 = From WFT In ctx.WebFormTemplates
Join Q In ctx.WebFormTemplateQuestions On Q.WebFormTemplateID Equals WFT.WebFormTemplateID
Group Join Hdr In ctx.WebFormTemplateLayoutHeaders On Hdr.WebFormTemplateID Equals WFT.WebFormTemplateID Into Hdr_join = Group
From Hdr In Hdr_join.Where(Function(x) x.Version = Version).DefaultIfEmpty()
Group Join Lay In ctx.WebFormTemplateLayouts On Lay.WebFormTemplateLayoutHeaderID Equals Hdr.WebFormTemplateLayoutHeaderID And Lay.WebFormTemplateQuestionID Equals Q.WebFormTemplateQuestionID Into Lay_join = Group
From Lay In Lay_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
Where WFT.WebFormTemplateID = 2
With this, I can break the code and in the immediate window get the expected values when I type:
But for the Lay item I need to type:
to get the value.
Why do I need to call FirstOrDefault the second time? What am I missing here?
When I do a Select, the values are all null for Lay I assume because I don't have another FirstOrDefault someplace. Everything from Hdr, WFT, and Q work just fine. Can anyone explain what is going on?
i have written your equivalent Linq query from the SQL in C#.
Update accordingly for VB.
Version = 1
Dim q3 = (from WFT In ctx.WebFormTemplates
join Q In ctx.WebFormTemplateQuestions on Q.WebFormTemplateID equals WFT.WebFormTemplateID
join Hdr In ctx.WebFormTemplateLayoutHeaders on Hdr.WebFormTemplateID equals WFT.WebFormTemplateID into Hdr_join
from Hdr In Hdr_join.Where(Function(x) x.Version = Version).DefaultIfEmpty()
join Lay In ctx.WebFormTemplateLayouts on new { Lay.WebFormTemplateLayoutHeaderID,Lay.WebFormTemplateQuestionID } equals new {Hdr.WebFormTemplateLayoutHeaderID, Q.WebFormTemplateQuestionID} into Lay_join
from Lay In Lay_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
where WFT.WebFormTemplateID = 2
select new {Q.WebFormTemplateQuestionID, Lay});