Can a task ItemGroup glob files? - msbuild

I have an ItemGroup declared as follows:
<MyCustomProjectType Include="..\path_to_my_project">
This is a custom project type that I want to perform some specific manipulations on.
Later I have a Target (example only but it communicates what I am after):
<Target Name="MyTarget">
<Message Text="#(CustomProjectReferenceFiles)" />
So I have a Target based ItemGroup where I am attempting, using a transform, to create a new Include. This does run, but it appears the Include is literally set to:
AKA that glob/wildcards are not expanded.
I'm pretty new to MSBuild so maybe I am missing something in my search of the documentation. One solution I thought of here would be just just create a new Custom Task that handles pulling out the files I need and setting that Output on an intermediate Target.
I also found this SO question:
Which brings up the point about CreateItem being deprecated which leaves me with not knowing what the alternatives are.

The easiest way is to use an intermediate property so that the actual text is used and not the escaped transformed items:


How to use MSBuild transform when ItemGroup files all have identical names?

I have a bunch of files x.txt in various directories throughout my project. As part of my build step, I would like to collect these and place them in a single folder (without needing to declare each one). I can detect them by using:
<MyFiles Include="$(SRCROOT)\**\x.txt"/>
However, if I copy these to a single folder - they all overwrite each other. I have tried using a transform where I append a GUID to each file name, but the GUID is only created once, and then re-used for each transform (thus they overwrite each over). Is there a way of generating unique names in MSBuild when copying an ItemGroup with identically named files? The end naming scheme is not important, as long as all the files end up in that folder.
The transform works but you have to 'force' it to generate new data on each iteration. It took me a while to figure that out and it makes sense now but I couldn't find any documentation explaining this. But it works simply by referencing other existing metadata: msbuild sees that has to be evaluated on every iteration so it will happily evaluate anything part of the new metadata. Example, simply using %(FileName):
<Target Name="CreateUniqueNames">
<MyFiles Include="$(SRCROOT)\**\x.txt"/>
<Message Text="%(MyFiles.Identity) -> %(MyFiles.Dest)"/>
Alternatively you can make use of the unique metadata you already have namely RecursiveDir:
<Target Name="CreateUniqueNames">
<MyFiles Include="$(SRCROOT)\**\x.txt"/>
<Dest>x_$([System.String]::Copy('%(RecursiveDir)').Replace('\', '_')).txt</Dest>
<Message Text="%(MyFiles.Identity) -> %(MyFiles.Dest)"/>

Using the Zip task in MSBuild

I have been attempting to use the zip task of msbuild in a project I am working on at the moment.
My project file looks something like this:
<PropertyGroup> <MSBuildCommunityTasksPath>$(SolutionDir)\.build</MSBuildCommunityTasksPath> </PropertyGroup>
<Import Project="$(MSBuildCommunityTasksPath)\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets" />
<FileToZip include="C:\FilePath"></FilesToZip>
<FileToZip include="C:\FilePath"></FilesToZip>
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Zip Files="#(FilesToZip)" WorkingDirectory="$(ReleasePath)" ZipFileName="HTMLeditor.html" ZipLevel="9" />
However, the zip file updates but does not contain the files specified in the item group FilesToZip. I cannot figure out why they aren't being recognised! I have double checked file paths and they are correct. Any ideas?
I think you want to do something like this:
<FileToZip include="C:\FilePath;C:\FilePath"/>
As I mentioned in my comment, simply creating a variable (FileToZip) and repeating it twice with different values does not give you an array that contains both of the values. You end up with only the last value (and not an array at all). Your include attribute is a selector which is used to build the array and it can contain multiple values, wildcards and other patterns which are used to build out that array for you.
Here's a link to MSDN that gives you more information on how to use the Include attribute:
I ditched the ItemGroup in the end, and went with another way of doing it.
<Target Name="Zip">
<CreateItem Include="FilesToInclude" >
<Output ItemName="ZipFiles" TaskParameter="Include"/>
<Zip ZipFileName="" WorkingDirectory="FolderToWriteZipTo" Files="#(ZipFiles)" />
This method seemed to be easier and wasn't adding files to the root of the file.
Thanks for the help though guys.

Pass list item to Properties when calling reusable msbuild target

I'm trying to create a reusable Target in msbuild, following the basic model outlined in How to invoke the same msbuild target twice?
I'm stuck trying to pass a property that I want interpreted as a list. I haven't found an example online that deals with this situation. As I understand it, the problem is that Properties is already treated as a list item, so it doesn't like having a list item passed in as well. Is there a way to get msbuild to pack and unpack the list correctly here?
Msbuild is complaining with:
error MSB4012: The expression "FilesToZip=#(Scripts)" cannot be used in this context. Item lists cannot be concatenated with other strings where an item list is expected. Use a semicolon to separate multiple item lists.
Here's an example caller:
<Target Name="BuildMigrationZip">
<MSBuild Projects="BuildZip.msbuild"
<Message Text="Created database migration zip: $(MigrationPackageFilePath)" Importance="high"/>
And the base target:
<Target Name="BuildZip">
<MakeDir Directories="$(OutputFolder)"/>
<Zip Files="#(FilesToZip)"
ParallelCompression="false" />
I'm basically at the point of just going back to cut and paste for these, although I want to package up a number of zips here.
UPDATE: The same issue applies to setting Inputs on the reusable target. My question up to this point addresses the raw functionality, but it would be nice to keep dependencies working. So for example:
<Target Name="BuildZip"
<MakeDir Directories="$(OutputFolder)"/>
<Zip Files="#(FilesToZip)"
ParallelCompression="false" />
They key is to pass the list around as a property. So when your Scripts list is defined as
<Scripts Include="A"/>
<Scripts Include="B"/>
<Scripts Include="C"/>
then you first convert it into a property (which just makes semicolon seperated items, but msbuild knows how to pass this via the Properties of the MSBuild target) then pass it to the target:
<Target Name="BuildMigrationZip">
<MSBuild Projects="$(MSBuildThisFile)" Targets="BuildZip"
Properties="FilesToZip=$(ScriptsProperty)" />
(note I'm using $(MSBuildThisFile) here: you don't necessarily need to create seperate build files for every single target, in fact for small targets like yours it's much more convenient to put it in the same file)
Then in your destination target you turn the property into a list again:
<Target Name="BuildZip">
<FilesToZipList Include="$(FilesToZip)"/>
<Message Text="BuildZip: #(FilesToZipList)" />
BuildZip: A;B;C
When working with Inputs, you cannot pass #(FilesToZip) since that expands to nothing because is not a list: it's a property - which happens to be a number of semicolon-seperated strings. And as such, it is usable for Inputs you just have to expand it as the property it is i.e. $(FilesToZip):
<Target Name="BuildZip"
Output of second run:
Skipping target "BuildZip" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files.

msbuild, overwriting property value in different file

I am trying to modify property value depending on certain condition in another file.
For ex.
I have one file that calls target file.
<Import Project="sample.vcxproj"/>
<Target Name="Build">
<callTarget Targets="SetName"/>
<Message Text="$(Person)"/>
I have one file that includes item group to decide and target that modifies
<Name Include="UNIQUE_NAME">
<Target Name="SetName">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Search)'=='#(Name)'">
But when I print 'Person' I get empty string. And I checked that 'SetName' is called and correct name is set.
What am I missing here?
This has to do with the accessibility of MSBuild properties, depending on whether you are using DependsOnTargets or CallTarget. When using DependsOnTargets you will have greater access to properties. That is why your example works when using that method.
There is an existing stackoverflow article that speaks to this issue.
It works fine using 'DependsOnTarget' attrib instead of callTarget task

Including files with directory specified separately in MSBuild

This seems like it should be simple but I can't work it out from the reference and my google-fu is apparently weak.
I just want to specify the file names and base folder separately in the build file...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Target Name="Build">
<TestFilesGroupWithFolder Include="$(TestFilesWithFolder)" />
<TestFilesGroup Include="$(TestFileRoot)\$(TestFiles)" />
<Warning Text="Source files with folder: #(TestFilesGroupWithFolder)" />
<Warning Text="Source files: #(TestFilesGroup)" />
When I run this, the first warning shows both files as expected, but the second warning only shows the first file (since the straight string concat put the folder name on the first but not second).
How would I get the ItemGroup "TestFilesGroup" to include both the files given the "TestFiles" and "TestFileRoot" properties?
It is possible to convert a semicolon delimited list of things into an item, which would make this possible, except that the items in your property contain wildcards, so if you want to have MSBuild treat them as items in a list, at the moment MSBuild first sees it the path must be valid. There may be a way to do that but I can't think of one. In other words...
<TestFiles Include="$(TestFiles)" />
...only works if $(TestFiles) contains a delimited list of either things with no wildcards, or qualified paths that actually exist.
Further, MSBuild can't compose a path with a wildcard inside the Include attribute and evaluate it at the same time, so you need a trick to first compose the full path separately, then feed it into the Include attribute. The following will work, but it requires changing your delimited property into a set of items. It batches a dependent target on this item list, with each batched target execution calculating a meta value for one item, which is stored off in a new meta value. When the original target executes, it is able to use that meta value in a subsequent Include.
<TestFilePattern Include="TestFilePattern">
<TestFilePattern Include="TestFilePattern">
<Target Name="Compose" Outputs="%(TestFilePattern.Pattern)">
<TestFilePattern Include="TestFilePattern">
<Target Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="Compose">
<TestFilesGroupWithFolder Include="$(TestFilesWithFolder)" />
<Warning Text="Source files with folder: #(TestFilesGroupWithFolder)" />
<ComposedTestFiles Include="%(TestFilePattern.ComposedPath)" />
<Warning Text="Source files: #(ComposedTestFiles)" />
Which produces the following output:
(Build target) ->
d:\Code\My.proj(80,5): warning : Source files with folder:
d:\Code\My.proj(84,5): warning : Source files: