Get blog post custom field in template head - Sitefinity - sitefinity

I need to set several meta tag values in my page head to values set in blog post custom fields.
How do I access the blog item viewmodel from the head?
I've created a separate MVC view snippet for my custom head and referenced it in my template's layout, that much works.
I grab some of the same custom field values inside my blog template via references like Model.Item.Fields.MyFieldName.Fields.Title.
Adding this same line to the head template throws a
System.Web.HttpCompileException with little useful information attached. I somewhat expected this, as I suspect that viewmodel for the blog post only exists in the context of the blog widget.
Ends up that I need to rebuild after every change to the head cshtml file or I get this error. Seeing as this is about a four-minute process with Sitefinity (15 seconds to build, 3:45 to do whatever Sitefinity does for about four minutes), this is a gruelingly horrid thing to have to do.
However the Model is null at this level.
Also tried
Per the ever-helpful and highly knowledgeable #Veselin Vasilev, I looked into passing the data up via MetaDataFields. I didn't see these options in my admin section for the widget. To clarify, I'm using the built-in "Blog posts" widget with a customized view file.
But if it's possible to do this, it gives me hope that there's a way to pass more data up, even if it's going to take some work.

EDIT: Sitefinity v.10.2 and above:
There is an easier way to achieve what you are trying - in Page edit mode, in the Blog Posts widget click Edit and then Advanced. Then you should see a MetaDataFields button. Click it and you should see several meta data related fields.
In the MetaTitle field put the name of your custom field and save.
Also, from the docs:
If you leave MetaTitle field empty, Sitefinity CMS adds takes its value from the Title field of the static content item or from the identifier field of a dynamic content item. Otherwise, the tag is populated with the contents of the field that you have entered in MetaTitle field.
More details here:
Sitefinity 10.1 and below:
Check this article
Basically, in your view you get a reference to the Page object and then update its Header with the meta data you need.


Sitefinity widgets not showing on News Detail page

Inherited a Sitefinity website. There's a news list page, which I discovered is reused by the news detail pages to display content. If I update the list page, the changes are reflected on the detail pages.
I have a content block that contains a "header" text - updating this in the list page is replicated across the details pages. Adding a javascript widget to the page to inject some custom javascript replicates across the details pages as well.
Adding a new content block or css widget does not replicate across the details pages.
Is there some rhyme or reason to this behavior that I'm missing?
My specifics:
I've successfully created widgets in the MVC several times now. I essentially need to add a new widget to just the news pages. Which seemed simple enough until I discovered that news pages are not individually created pages like... well, pages... but instead are just a content piece that is dynamically inserted in the news widget on the "parent" listing page. At least as far as I can tell that's how it appears to be working.
Adding my widget to the page didn't work, as I explained above. I then tried recreating it in the page itself using javascript, content block, and css widgets, at which time I discovered that the javascript is the only one making it to the details pages. I imagine this has to do with the way javascript widgets actually make it to the page - their placement is selected in advanced options, rather than simply appearing inline.
Sitefinity widgets go beyond presentation, and actually control routing.
As such content widgets (baseline or custom) have two 'modes' that they operate in: list and detail. Slugs for details are automatically generated in the following format.
Of course, a list and a detail should look very different. To accommodate that, the widgets have two separate configurable templates.
So, add your custom html and javascript to the appropriate template to have it only apply in a given mode.

Lucene SearchResult.Fields collection is missing some properties

I have asked the following question at the Our Umbraco community site also, but I've had no luck there so far.
I've got a task where I need to manually add database records for a media image file, which is to appear in an Umbraco site for our client.
My SQL consists of:
Adding a record in umbracoNode for the image.
Adding a record in cmsContent
Adding a record in cmsContentXml
Adding records to cmsPropertyData for the image's umbracoFile, umbracoWidth, umbracoHeight, umbracoBytes, umbracoExtension
After executing the above, and logging into Umbraco, I can see the image in the Media area and all looks fine.
The problem is the call the #Model.MediaById() (in a Razor file) when I want to display that image - basically no image is displayed since the img 'src' attribute is not set.
I've stepped through the Umbraco code and found the problem. Basically when the code uses Lucene to search for the media (ExaminedBackendMedia.GetUmbracoMedia()), it does find the image file, however there are a number of fields missing for the SearchResult. For example, none of the "umbraco*" properties adde to cmsPropertyData appear in the fields collection. When I step through the code for another image (one that was added manually) I can see an extra 5 or so properties in the fields collection - including all the "umbraco*" properties.
So I can see that I have missing data here. Basically the SearchResult object is missing some fields. Can someone suggest what I may have missed please? Why is Lucene not picking up the "umbraco*" properties that I've added via SQL scripts?
You need to make sure that you republish the nodes, which will take them from the database entries that you created and put them into the XML cache that umbraco actually uses when serving up data.

Extend Page Property with custom controls in Sharepoint

Sharepoint is quite limited when it comes to multi-Lookups because it saves that information in strings. So I changed the Page-Property
"Elements (MultiLookup-> elementIds" on the propertyPage
to an inserted List "PageElements":
(SingleLookup)pageId , (singleLookup) elementId"
Because this is quite hard to maintain for my content admins I want that they can enter that information in the page properties like before instead of adding lines into "PageElements"
Therefore I want to add a control that handles that.
I do not need a solution for the task how to achieve that specific function, but a general hint how to add any custom control into a Page property.
I starting point link would be very nice. I just doen't seem to find the right words to feed google with my topic.
Solved this by using a custom field type with that logic. Basicly Described here:

Sitefinity 5.X: Override how page title is generated
I would like to override how the page titles for all pages on a site are generated. The client wants the title to be similar to the site breadcrumb where it is a concatenated list of ancestral page names plus the current page.
I figure that this could be generated when a page is saved but I would have to alter the page title of the current page and all child pages. If I did it this way then if they changed their mind later then I would have to regenerate all of the page names.
Alternatively if I could just override how the page titles are put on the page then I could go get the ancestors and generate the title when the page is viewed by a user.
I lean toward the second but I don't know how to do either. Any ideas?
I am working on 5.X.
just cross posting the answer you got on the forums in case anyone is looking here.
The answer from Liam was to refer to this KB article:
which allows you to use global.asax to override the properties globally. pretty slick, I wasn't aware of it!
My suggestion was if you need to do it at the template level to use the SiteMapBase.GetActualCurrentNode() method to do it manually.
hope you got it all worked out!

Sitefinity 4.4 - Dynamically change page title and description at runtime

Does anyone know how to dynamically change the page title in Sitefinity from a regular user control?
Our scenario is simple. We have a real estate website with a search feature. On the search results page we have a control showing the search results, but we need to be able to change the Page title, description and keywords based on the search performed.
We posted on Telerik, but they gave vague answers and pointed us to incorrect objects or objects that didn't actually work.
The way I've usually done this in the past is by using an external widget template.
By mapping your widget template to an external file, you can use a full User Control (.ascx file) which means you can also run code behind.
From there it's just a matter of running something like
Page.Title = "whatever";
For more info on using an external template for Sitefinity Widgets, check out this post:
Hope this is helpful!