Why does my Vue component require :key? - vue.js

I have a small Vue.js component which displays a favorite star icon. Clicking on the icon favorites/unfavorites the element. So far I have only implemented the UI part, which looks like this:
<div :key="favorite">
<a v-on:click="toggleFavorite" style="cursor: pointer">
<i v-show="favorite" class="text-warning fas fa-star"></i>
<i v-show="!favorite" class="text-warning far fa-star"></i>
export default {
data() {
return {
favorite: true,
mounted() {
methods: {
toggleFavorite() {
this.favorite = !this.favorite
props: ['team-id'],
<style scoped>
As you can see, the logic is pretty simple.
This works well, but one thing that bothers me is that, if I remove the :key property from my template, the icon is not updated when I click on it (even though I have checked that the underlying property is indeed updated correctly). Adding :key makes it work, I imagine because it forces Vue.js to completely re-render the component when favorite is updated.
Why is this happening? I'm fairly new to the world of JS frameworks, so forgive any obvious stuff I might be missing. I did some research online but couldn't find an explanation. I just want to make sure I'm doing things the right way and not merely hacking around the issue here.

Vue patches with the virtual DOM whenever it is necessary. That is, whenever vue detects the changes on the DOM, it patches them for faster performance. And patching in the DOM will not change the icon or image. You need to replace the DOM instead.
Thus, vue provides the way for us whenever we need to change the DOM by replacing method, we can use :key binding.
So, :key binding can be used to force replacement of an element/component instead of reusing it.
The following whole html div will be replaced whenever there is change in favorite data as we're :key binding on it:
<div :key="favorite">
<a v-on:click="toggleFavorite" style="cursor: pointer">
<i v-show="favorite" class="text-warning fas fa-star"></i>
<i v-show="!favorite" class="text-warning far fa-star"></i>
This is why vue forcefully allows us to use :key binding inside a loop as there's need of replacing the elements inside the loop whenever it detects the changes in the data. This is made compulsory from 2.2.0+ and ESLint also have implemented this feature so that if you miss :key binding inside the loop, then you'll see the error on that line when you use editor that supports eslint, so that you can fix the error.
Just an opinion, the strict requirement of the :key binding should be removed from the vue as we might want a loop of predefined data and don't want to change the DOM but we still use the v-for loop for listing bigger data. But it might be rare case though.
Read carefully on the documentation for :key binding and then you'll have an idea.
The :key binding can be useful when you want to:
Properly trigger lifecycle hooks of a component
Trigger transitions
Use :key binding to replace the DOM. Remember it slower the performance as it replace the whole DOM that is bound to the element.
Don't use :key binding when you don't want to replace the DOM or
you think there's no data changes detection required. This will
allow vue to perform better without :key binding.

Its seems to be a general issue of FontAwesome CSS regardless the framework.
There is an issue on github and here the same issue with react https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues/11967
To prove that, here is a simplified version of the same example but using bootstrap icons
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
fav: true
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<div id="app">
<a v-on:click="fav = !fav" style="cursor: pointer">
<i v-show="fav" class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></i>
<i v-show="!fav" class="glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty"></i>

You shouldn't need the :key, it's only necessary in v-for loops. I would suggest you remove it and replace your v-show with a v-if and v-else directive.
<i v-if="favorite" class="text-warning fas fa-star"></i>
<i v-else class="text-warning far fa-star"></i>
v-if removes and addes the section to the DOM whereas v-show just hides it so this way well resolve your issue

Ok I think the problem here is that you're changing your root data object. To preserve reactivity, you shouldn't change the root data object after you've instantiated Vue.
Here is your code in a simple Vue. I didn't need :key to make it work. I would keep :key for inside loops.
<div id="vueRoot">
<a v-on:click="toggleFavorite" style="cursor: pointer">
<i v-show="store.favorite" class="text-warning fas fa-star">Fav</i>
<i v-show="!store.favorite" class="text-warning far fa-star">Not fav</i>
vm = new Vue({
el : "#vueRoot",
data() {
return { store :{
favorite: true
mounted() {
methods: {
toggleFavorite() {
this.store.favorite = !this.store.favorite
This is a working example with minimal changes. From what you've showed us, you should just have <i> element, then do what you want with a dynamic class list, like...
<i :class="['text-warning','fa-star',store.favorite?'fas':'far']"></i>


Vue Custom directive not working with template tag

I'm facing issue with the below directive, it is working with any tag except the template tag
new Vue({
el: "#app" ,
<div id="app">
<button #click="value+=1">
inc value
<template v-count="value">
<!-- <div v-count="value">
</div> -->
If the comment on the div is removed, the directive logs the value, but with the template tag directive's hooks are not triggered
Here jsfiddle for the issue
The template tag doesn't actually mount anything on its own, so it has no place in the DOM and doesn't bind. In your case, an easy solution is to just put v-count="value" on the button tag. If there is a more specialized need for this directive and you're just giving us placeholder code, putting it on a SPAN or DIV will make more sense than a template anyway.

Conditional wrapper rendering in vue

I'm making a link/button component which either can have a button or an anchor wrapper, a text and an optional icon. My template code below is currently rendering either an anchor or a button (with the exact same content) based on an if statement on the wrapper element, resulting in duplicate code.
<a v-if="link" v-bind:href="url" class="btn" :class="modifier" :id="id" role="button" :disabled="disabled">
<svg class="icon" v-if="icon" :class="iconModifier">
<use v-bind="{ 'xlink:href':'#sprite-' + icon }"></use>
<button v-else type="button" class="btn" :class="modifier" :id="id" :disabled="disabled">
<svg class="icon" v-if="icon" :class="iconModifier">
<use v-bind="{ 'xlink:href':'#sprite-' + icon }"></use>
Is there a more clean way for wrapping my buttonText and icon inside either an anchor or button?
I've solved my issue by intensive Google-ing! Found this issue regarding Vue on Github which pointed me in the right direction.
Small piece of backstory
I'm using Vue in combination with Storybook to build a component library in which a button can either be a button or an anchor. All buttons look alike (apart from color) and can be used for submitting or linking. To keep my folder structure ordered, I would like a solution that generates a multiple buttons types (with or without link) from one single file.
Using computed properties I'm able to "calculate" the necessary tag, based on the url property of my component. When a url is passed, I know that my button has to link to another page. If there is no url property it should submit something or preform a custom click handler (not in the sample code below).
I've created the returnComponentTag computed property to avoid placing any complex or bulky logic (like my original solution) in my template. This returns either an a or a button tag based on the existence of the url property.
Next, as suggested by ajobi, using the :is attribute I'm able to define the component tag based on the result of my computed property. Below a stripped sample of my final (and working) solution:
<component :is="returnComponentTag" v-bind:href="url ? url : ''" class="btn" :class="modifier" :id="id">
export default {
name: "Button",
props: {
id: {
type: Number
buttonText: {
type: String,
required: true,
default: "Button"
modifier: {
type: String,
default: "btn-cta-01"
url: {
type: String,
default: ""
computed: {
returnComponentTag() {
return this.url ? "a" : "button"
You could extract the wrapping element into a dedicated component.
<a v-if="link" v-bind:href="url" class="btn" :class="modifier" :id="id" role="button" :disabled="disabled">
<button v-else type="button" class="btn" :class="modifier" :id="id" :disabled="disabled">
// You would use it like this
<SomeComponent /* your props here */ >
<svg class="icon" v-if="icon" :class="iconModifier">
<use v-bind="{ 'xlink:href':'#sprite-' + icon }"></use>
There are multiple ways of doing this. Two examples would be the following based on the point of view:
You are defining two different components (Button or Anchor) and want to use a wrapper to render either one of them.
You could seperate the Wrapper Content into two components so that the wrapper only decides on which of the components to render (either the Button or the Anchor).
The problem with this approach could be you will have doubled code for methods and styling for the button and anchor component.
You are defining the content as a component and use the wrapper to define what to wrap the content in.
See Answer of https://stackoverflow.com/a/60052780/11930769
It would be great to know, why you would want to achive this. Maybe there are better solutions for your usecase. Cheers!

Using plain JS in Vue.js Component

So, I want to create a navbar and rather than re-invent the wheel, I am using some public code to speed up my MVP dev.
Essentially, I am using this nav-bar code - https://codepen.io/PaulVanO/pen/GgGeyE.
But I am not sure of how I can implement jquery part within my Vue code (I have made a component, copied over html and css, now just need to integrate the jquery functionality within it.)
Here is the Jquery code I need to integrate.
$('#toggle').click(function() {
It would be really thankful if anyone could help me accomplish with this.
Assuming you have your markup (html and css) as part of one component, getting the toggle to add/remove a class would be really simple, you just need to have a method toggle the active state and a data property to keep the data. An example would be better, so here it goes.
In your component object:
data() {
return {
isActive: false
methods: {
this.isActive = !this.isActive
In your markup you need this
<div class="button_container" id="toggle" :class="{'active': isActive}" #click="toggleMenu">
<span class="top"></span>
<span class="middle"></span>
<span class="bottom"></span>
<div class="overlay" id="overlay" :class="{'open': isActive}">
<nav class="overlay-menu">
<li >Home</li>
That should get you going, just note i used the shorthand form for v-on and for v-bind
Here's also a link to an updated pen with the whole example

vue.js Mount component to app root

I have a modal.vue component as follows:
<transition name="modal-transition">
<div class="modal-body" v-if="displayed">
<div class="modal-overlay" #click="displayed = false"></div>
<div class="modal-content">
How do I mount this component to the applications root element rather than in place?
For crude inaccurate example:
<div id="app">
<div class="header"></div>
<div class="nav"></div>
<div class="stage">
<div class="sub-nav"></div>
<div class="content">
<modal :display.sync="display">MY MODAL</modal> <-- Don't mount here...
<-- Mount here instead...
The current issue is that my sites header and navigation is layered on top of my modal and it's darkened full screen overlay instead of layered behind the modal overlay.
Update for Vue 3
There is now a built in feature called teleport which allows mounting parts of your component template to any DOM element.
The example from the OP would look like something like this
<!-- MyModal.vue -->
<transition name="modal-transition">
<div class="modal-body" v-if="displayed">
<div class="modal-overlay" #click="displayed = false"></div>
<div class="modal-content">
<!-- SomeDeeplyNestedComponent.vue -->
<teleport to="#app">
<!-- Can still receive props from parent -->
<MyModal :my-prop="foo">
<!-- slot content -->
Vue 2
Move the elements own self to the element of applications root may be achieved in two ways, Using a portal as a preferred solution or using an append.
Using a Portal (Preferred Method)
PortalVue is a set of two components that allow you to render a
component's template (or a part of it) anywhere in the document - even
outside the part controlled by your Vue App!
Using an Append (Not best practice)
If adding a portal library is too heavy, using an append is allowed but lightly discouraged officially in the VUE docs.
Typically this particular mount position will satisfy a z-index overlay for your own modal or dialog popup that you require to render over the top of the entire app. You can always substitute this.$root.$el in this example for a different element target using standard getElementBy or querySelector functions.
Here the element is being moved not destroyed and re-added, all reactive functionality will remain in tact.
export default {
name: 'modal',
mounted: function() {
destroyed: function() {
On mounted the element is moved inside of where the top level VUE app instance is mounted.
On destroyed removes the placeholder DOM comment for the migrated component from the new parent to prevent orphaned duplication each time the component remounts it's self.
VUE officially states not to destroy an element outside of VUE so this is not to be confused with that statement, here the component has already been destroyed.
This DOM comment duplication will typically happen when for example switching views with vue-router as this mechanism mounts and dismounts all components in a router view each time vue-router view state changes.
This behaviour is a bug cause by vue-router, the object is destroyed properly by VUE render manager but an index reference remains by mistake, using a portal package resolves this issue.
Here is the result:

Multiple templates declared in one .vue file

I have a component inside a .vue file that can benefit from reusing a chunk of code. I know I can move that code to a separate .vue file and import it as a new component. However, this component would not be used anywhere else and I'd like to avoid cluttering the directory. Is it possible to declare this component's template inside the parent without using the in-code template:"<div>.....</div>" stuff?
This is the idea:
...some html here...
<div v-for="item in items">
<div v-if="item.available">YES!</div>
<div v-else>NO :(</div>
...some other components and data here...
<div v-for="item in items">
<div v-if="item.available">YES!</div>
<div v-else>NO :(</div>
I would like to be able to do something like this:
...some html here...
<div v-for="item in items">
<itemizer inline-template v-model="item">
<div v-if="value.available">YES!</div>
<div v-else>NO :(</div>
...some other components and data here...
<div v-for="item in items">
<itemizer v-model="item"/>
However, from what I understand this is not possible.
Unfortunately this pattern does not appear to be supported by the creator of Vue:
I personally feel the syntax is less maintainable than [Single File Components]
Note that we want to keep the SFC syntax as consistent possible, because it involves a big ecosystem of tools that need to support any new features added (e.g. Vetur would need to do something very different for handling SFCs with multiple scripts/templates). The proposed syntax, IMO, does not justify adding the new syntax.
That's too bad, as even beyond flexibility and developer choice, there is a good argument for inlining small functions that are not used by other components in order to reduce complexity. It's a common pattern in React and does not inhibit Single File Components when they're needed. In fact it allows gradual migration as inline components grow.
Here's one of the only resources currently that offers some potential workarounds:
I've tried them all and am not satisfied with any of them at this time. At best you can set runtimerCompiler: true and use template strings, but it'll add 10KB to your bundle and you'll likely miss out on full syntax highlighting available in the <template> element. Maybe you can hack Teleport, but I have not made a dedicated attempt.
Actually, this should work. Just register your Vue inline-template like this in the section of your parent .vue file:
<div v-for="item in items">
<test-template :item="item">
Vue.component('test-template', {
props: {
item: Object
export default {...}
In your parent HTML file, put this:
<script type="text/x-template" id="hello-world-template">
<p>Hello hello hello</p>
With vue3 there are multiple options:
with vue-jsx you can just declare a component in your script setup section and use that
const Named = defineComponent(() => {
const count = ref(0)
const inc = () => count.value++
return () => (
<button class="named" onClick={inc}>
named {count.value}
There is another option described by Michael Thiessen here
Also you can have multiple render function components in one file:
Although it is not supported in Vue core yet, there is a way to use this through vue macros project. See discussion here