Concurrent limitations when querying -

anybody can tell me query concurrency?Our website traffic will be more than 50,000 a day,I need to know how many concurrency a app can handle,thanks

I asked them some months ago, they said:
We have no hard limit on concurrent API calls, and one of the
developers did perform some load test at about 400 QPS.


Receiving 403 (rate limited) errors from Google Calendar API

We are using the Google Calendar API to keep a sync between our app and events in our users' google calendar.
We have started regularly getting rate limiting errors (403).
However our usage according the APIs and Services page of the google cloud console is well below the stated limits (10,000 queries per minute and 600 per user per minute). We are also using the batch API to send our requests so cannot implement exponential backoff
Anyone got any advice on avoiding these rate limiting errors?
Rate limiting errors with google are basically flood protection you are going to fast. Dont hold to much stock in what the status shows on the Google developer console the numbers in those graphs are guesstimates at best and they are not Realtime.
The main cause for rate limit is that when you send a request there is no way of know which server your request is going to be run on. There is also no way of knowing what other requests are being run on the same server. So your request may run faster or slower than you would expect sometimes which makes it hard to track down exactly what 10,000 queries per minute and 600 per user per minute actually is.
10000 requests run on an overloaded server may run in 2 minutes while on a server that is not being overloaded it could be run in 30 seconds meaning the next request you send will blow out the quota.
As there is really no way of avoiding it you you should just ensure that your application is capable of responding to it by sending the request again. I wrote an article a number of years ago about how i would track my requests locally in my application and then ensured that it kept things at the right speed flood buster
Really as long as your application responds by sending the request again you should be ok.

ibm visual recognition limits

I was not able to find any information about the maximum number of concurrent requests and maximum number of requests in one second to the Visual Recognition service.
Can you provide me with information or link where I can read about limits in general?
There is not a hard limit on concurrency per user. The service is designed to support many users simultaneously, and therefore has capacity to process many requests in parallel. During periods of heavy use however you may occasionally receive a 500 return code, in which case the request should be resubmitted.
Unfortunately there is a legacy error message in the system that tells users they may be submitting too many concurrent requests , but it is very unlikely that the error is actually caused by a users' concurrency. They should be treated like a 500 error code - just resubmit the request.
You should have no problem submitting 30 or 40 requests concurrently.
Standard API keys are limited to 25,000 events per day by default to prevent something like an infinite loop from generating a huge bill. You can have that limit increased by creating a bluemix support ticket. If you really want to do some large scale processing in parallel it would also make sense to get in touch with Support with a bluemix ticket so that we can guide you in the most cost effective and efficient way to use the service.

/d2l/api/le/1.0/" grade.getCourseId() "/grades/" gradeId, "PUT"

The problem is that my application sends a large user data, say around 1000+ entries. The API works in a linear fashion where one user grade data is inserted at a time, which results in my product's session timeout. While we can always increase the session timeout at this end, however just wanted to check if D2L provides any API that PUTs/Pushes multiple user grades. Or any alternative approach will be appreciated.
Currently, the Valence Learning Framework API does not provide a way to do bulk-creation of grade objects or values. This is a feature that several clients have asked for and it is on the development roadmap for the platform; however, D2L does not yet have a firm estimate on delivery for this functionality.

How does LinkedIn Throttling count my calls?

I've been using LinkedIn API in my application and I noticed that the call count for profile requests in LinkedIn dashboard is significantly higher than the amount of calls I'm doing (something like 10 times the amount of calls I've been doing).
I'm using bulk calls and field selectors.
Did anyone else have such experience? Any idea why this happens?
From the Throttle Limits documentation:
Note: Bulk requests are throttled as if you make multiple individual requests, so they provide efficiency, not extra information.
So each part of your bulk requests counts as one request.
But without knowing what exactly you are doing, there's no chance to say if this really is the reason for what you experience.

"reasonable" use of web APIs to sync data

My goal is to synchronize a web-application with an internal database. The web-application has a public API, but in order to fully synchronize the two sources I would need to make around 2000 separate API calls every time. My instinct tells me that this is excessive and possibly irresponsible, but I lack the experience to know for sure.
In this particular case the web-application is Asana, but I've encountered similar situations before with other services. Is there any way to know if you're abusing a service through excessive API calls? I know I'm not going to DOS a company like Asana, but I can't shake the feeling that there must be a better way than making ~150k requests per day.
The only other option I can think of is to update the web-service only when I know there's been a change in the database, but I'll lose a lot of capability that way.
I apologize for the subjectivity of this question, but I'm really hoping that someone can explain if there's any kind of etiquette that's expected when using public APIs.
(I work at Asana)
This is an excellent question, or rather set of questions.
You are designing a system that will repeatedly make requests for every object. What will happen as the number of objects grows? Even if your initial request rate were reasonable, this would suffer problems with scalability. A more scalable solution is one that scales with the number of changes in the system. This will also grow over time, but much more slowly - the number of changes a single user can make per day is relatively constant, but the total number of objects they've created over time grows and grows. So my first piece of advice would be to avoid doing things this way, and instead find a way to detect changes and just act on those. It would be interesting to know why you feel you'll lose capability by taking this approach.
Now, I happen to know that the Asana API does not currently provide you with any friendly mechanism to just detect changes in the system. This is a commonly requested feature and we are looking into it, though I unfortunately cannot promise a delivery date. So you might be left with no choice but to poll our system for now.
As for being polite to the API, many service providers set limits on their API usage to prevent accidental or malicious use of the API from impacting the service to their other customers -- Asana is no exception. Sometimes these limits are published, other times not, and there is no standard limit: it all depends on the service. But it is very thoughtful of you to be curious about service limitations.
That said, 150k requests per day is, for the Asana API, kind of a lot. If all of our API users gave us that much traffic, we might be serving more requests per day than Google Web Search, and we're not quite that scalable yet. :) Technically, sometimes, we might handle requests at that volume from a single user.
If you must poll, try to poll on intervals like 15 minutes. But please do not poll your entire workspace on this time period; it's likely to be too much traffic/data. We're working on trying to provide you with a better solution.
If you do happen to make too many requests of the Asana API, you will get back HTTP status code 429 instead of your desired response; you can read more about that here (