ERROR:22PO2 in PostgreSQL - sql

SELECT COALESCE(REPLACE(substr(,strpos(,':')),':',''),'0') from book C
Here in the above query the column abc contains values as "21:34" / "text" which is in the character varying which has to be converted to BIGINT.
The above query is just converting small length of string but it's not converting bigger length of string.
I know that a regular expression can be used but unable to do implementation as I'm new to this.


What is a type of my value 675763582022462206:57 in sql creating data table query?

I am creating a table with several columns in sql:
and one of them is going to have values like this: 675763582022462206:57. As you see it has : in it. So what is a type of it? Is it UInt16 or String?
It must be varchar or nvarchar in this case. The database doesn't recognize ":" as a part of a number, unless you say to Windows in advanced region settings that this is your decimal point. If you can store 57 (after ":") in a different column, then you can save the number before ":" as a bigint if you wish
This value can't be stored in a numeric type due to the colon (:), so you'll have to use one of the character types - i.e., a sufficiently long char or varchar.

Minimum length of double value in a column in Impala table

I am trying to find the minimum length by getting the length of each values in a column (double) in a table and running a min function on top of it to get the minimum length.
This works well when the column is a string type but the 'length' function does not work for double datatype in impala, what is the other way to address this?
All double columns are 8 bytes, as explained in the documentation. LENGTH() is a string function and it doesn't really make sense on a numeric value (although you can convert to a string and then measure the length).

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'AAAR78509883' to data type int

I have a nvarchar column in one of my tables that I have imported from Access. I am trying to change to an int. To move to a new table.
The original query:
insert into members_exams_answer
ua.members_exams_id, ua.exams_questions_id,
ua.members_exams_answers_value, ua.members_exams_answers_timestamp
members_exams as me
full join
UserAnswers1 as ua on me.members_exams_username = ua.members_exams_id
full join
exams_questions as eq on eq.exams_questions_id = ua.exams_questions_id
This throws an error:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'AAAR78509883' to data type int.
I have tired:
select convert (int, UserAnswers1.members_exams_id)
from UserAnswers1
select cast(members_exams_id as integer) int_members_exams_id
from UserAnswers1
select cast (members_exams_id as int)
from UserAnswers1
All result in the same error
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'AAAR78509883' to data type int.
Clearly you are trying to convert data that is alphanumeric to an int and that cannot be done.
Looking at your data why are you insisting on converting it to an int when it cannot be an int? Why not just process it as an nvarchar?
Your problem could be systemic where all data has a leading alpha characters that you need to strip out (and hopefully the same number of alpha characters)
In that case use a substring to strip off the alphas (this assumes the name number of alphabetic characters in each record). Or use a varchar or nvarchar field instead of an int. If the number of leading characters varies or if they can be leading or trailing or some other combination, it will much more complex to fix than we can probably describe on the Internet.
The other possibility is that you simply have some bad data. In which case identify the records which are not numeric and fix them or null the value out if they cannot be fixed. This happens frequently when you have stored the data in an incorrect datatype.

AS400 thousand delimiter on numeric field

Is there a way to get a number formatted with a comma for thousand in numbers?
According to IBM documentation, this is the syntax:
DECIMAL(:newsalary, 9, 2, ',')
newsalary is the string (field)
9 is the precision
2 is the scale
, is the delimiter.
I tried:
When trying it, I am getting the following error:
Message: [SQL0171] Argument 4 of function DECIMAL not valid.
DECIMAL converts from string type to a numeric type.
Numeric types don't have separators; only character representations of numbers have separators.
What tool are you using STRSQL, Run SQL Scripts or something else? Once you convert the string to a number, the tool should add the language appropriate separators when it displays the numeric data. For example, in STRSQL:
select decimal('12345.67', 12,2) as mynum
from sysibm.sysdummy1
Using SQL to format strings is usually a bad idea. That should be left to whatever is consuming the data.
But if you really, really, really want to do it. You should create a user defined function (UDF) that does it for you. Here's an article, Make SQL Edit the Way You Want It To that includes source for for an EDITDEC function written in ILE RPG along with the SQL function definition you need to use it in an SQL statement.

Character values being represented as inf

I have a SQL SERVER database full of part numbers that are alphanumeric, such as 19E378. When I query these values using the sqlQuery() function of the RODBC package, R immediately recognizes this value as Inf. I assume it is considering scientific notation and thinks that 19E378 means 19 * 10 to the 378th power (corrected).
I have tried casting and converting the values in the SQL query to varchar to no avail. I tried as.character() around the entire query but simply got "Inf" as a string.
myConn <- odbcConnect('ServerName')
sqlQuery(myConn, "SELECT DISTINCT TOP 1 Sku, ProdUrl FROM dbo.GSR_Aux_Source WHERE Sku = '19E378')
How can I get R to display the value as a string, instead of trying to interpret it at as a number?
I found a workaround by doing 'A'+Sku as Sku and then using a regular expression to remove the A, this forces R to store the data as a character string before converting to "Inf" value.