How to integrate TestRail with Jest tests? - testing

I'm running Jest integration tests on Jenkins and I want to integrate them with TestRail in order to automatically put test results to TestRail. In this way I will know easily how many tests are passed/failed?
Does anyone tried that?

I guess you are looking for something like this one . Although your question is too old but it might help someone else. This is not official plugin but it may help you.
Adding a suggestion here, we should choose the tool after analyzing all the requirements in your software testing services and product. Because there is no official plugin for this except this (haven't tried). But you still can do this without plugin with this library/code

You can probably have a look at Agiletestware Pangolin solution which allows you to export results of your tests into TestRail automatically from popular CI systems.
In order to be able to upload test results, Pangolin requires you to create report in JUnit format which can be done by using
Disclaimer: I'm a developer of Agiletestware Pangolin


How can I attach a screenshot to a testcase for a failed test with XUnit

We are going with XUnit to run Selenium Functional Tests. In Microsoft Azure Devops, we have a pipeline stage which runs our functional tests.
If the test fails, I want to take a screenshot using the Web Driver and attach it to the test results output.
I know it can be done with NUnit (using TestContext), but how can I achieve this using XUnit? Not sure if this is correct, but is there a way using REST APIs that I could somehow achieve this?
XUnit still doesn't support TestContext, check here:
After taking the screenshots, you may consider using Attachments - Create Test Result Attachment API to attach the screenshot to a test result:
Looks like xUnit will support it in version 3.0. Currently the teams I work on use the API listed by Cece to push screenshots per-test.

Cross Browser Platform Testing

My team is currently starting to develop a web application with vue.js. We are currently discussing the test framework and a team member prefers cypress. The only issue is, that cypress is not cross platform testing framework. We have requirements to support Chrome, Safari, Edge, tablet and mobile devices.
Most of the modern frameworks such as vuejs promise cross platform functionality. And the raised discussion that we had in the team is the need of cross platform testing. Is it still so important in 2018(almost 2019) to do cross browser and cross OS Platform tests? What do you use for testing and how do you test your web application?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Of cource the alternative is Selenium using selenium wrappers like Protractor or or Nightwatch.js.
For same reason, we are not using Cypress. We are using Nightwatch.js. Coz in the above list of wrappers it only has everything inbuilt like cypress. For others in the list we have to find the respective npm for test runner, assertion reporting, parallelisation, etc.
Mainly we have choosed it for internal test runner and junit xml reporting for ci which it gives along with selenium wrapping functionality.
Also one more good thing cypress is working on cross browser support. Recently they have progress in firefox browser.
Refer this issue tracker
We have this same dilemma at my organization. I find Cypress so easy to use that I am ok using it for 99% of my test (that does not include my unit or api test). If I need something special for another browser, which is probably going to be minimal, I would then use a selenium wrapper, for me that would be protractor since we mainly do Angular. I hear a lot of argument not to choose cypress due to the issue that it currently only runs in Chrome, I think sometimes it is an excuse for someone to hate it because they don't want to learn something new. I would bet 90% or more of your test cases Cypress will be just fine, where I need something else I do something else. When I look at the testing triangle, I know most of my test should be UNIT test so I don't have enough UI automation test to worry about it. I will say I have ran into this same argument at my job from developers who say why don't use protractor, and they have the freedom to use protractor, but I notice they never get around to using it. They like to argue about what someone else wants to do, but then they don't even use what they say they prefer. I would ask myself what is going to be the cheapest to implement and be the most effective for me. For me that is mainly cypress and then protractor if I have some special case..

Can i have test management tool named Xray while i have older one named Zephyr?

In my project, test cases located in Jira Zephyr. I have some troubles with Zephyr as you know ( lack of preconditions for test cases, native support for BDD ...). So I decided to switch test management tool to Xray.
I haven't found any solution to migration my test cases from Zephyr to Xray.
After that new issue is:
Is there any problem if i install Xray to Jira account while Zephyr is staying on?
Both plugins uses the issue type "Test", so that's a problem. But you can configure anohter name for the issue type of one plugin, i.e. "zephyr test".
Those 2 tools are two different plugins for JIRA, so they can co-exists and be used in parallel (by the same or different teams).
In order to migrate data you have 3 ways:
Migrate by yourself (complicated)
Ask Xray to help you with the
Ask a 3-rd party consultant/vendor company to help you
with this. Here are a few
.. many more (just google)
Ask a consultant (me or somebody else)

Automated testing for tmLanguage and sublime-syntax files?

Is it possible to create automated tests for a *.tmLanguage or *.sublime-syntax file? What is the best practices for doing that?
I'd probably use SublimeLinter with plugins, since you get instant feedback while working on a file. xmllint works for *.tmLanguage, and pyyaml for *.sublime-syntax.
Personally, I'm using a gruntfile to test my packages, but that's not as integrated as using SublimeLinter. However, it can be used with Travis CI and the likes.

Any good command-line tools (for a build server) for validating websites?

My team creates a number of dynamic/data-driven websites. We use a CruiseControl.NET to download the code, create test data, run unit tests, and install each site into IIS for manual testing. However we haven't found a good tool (or tools) that can actually run through some simple tests of the websites, such as checking for broken links or invalid HTML.
Are there any good tools that we can incorporate into our build process to automate basic website testing? E.g. check for broken links, check for HTML/JavaScript/CSS coding errors, and so on? Load testing would be great too.
Looking for something totally generic; we don't need to write/record scripts for playback. Just something to cover the basics.
Thank you!
For link checking you could always look at if that isn't suitable they list other alternatives.
It also seems like it is an active project.
JSLint does javascript validation and there are two options for executing it via the commandline so that might be worth a look too