Yarn add does not install dependencies - npm

I am using the latest version of stable yarn 1.3.2. Everytime I run yarn add <package> it adds it to my package.jsonand yarn.lock but the node_modules does not get installed.
I have tried yarn install --force and still no result. The only way to get it to work is to delete my node_modules folder and run yarn install. This is annoying to do for every package I add mid project.
Has anyone faced this issue?

uninstalled angular/cli and reinstalled.. it is now working fine


Can't remove Expo-cli

For some reasons I can't update or remove my version of Expo-cli.
I'm stuck on the 3.11.7 version. When I launch the update, it ends correctly but without being taken into account.
I've tested all the methods I've found but I haven't been able to uninstall it yet.
When I launch my project, it continues to launch normally with the v.3.11.7.
here are the commands line i already try :
yarn global remove expo-cli
npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save
sudo apt-get --purge remove expo-cli
yarn uninstall expo-cli
the expo --version commands is not working anymore ...
I need help please.
screenShot of the update request:
Please confirm OS. Mine is Windows 10.
Look in appdata for yarn or npm install directories. You can find the globally installed package files and delete expo.
Essentially an npm or yarn version other than the one you're using has installed the expo-cli and now your current version can't find it.
I solved this by deleting the expo files in that dir
Had the same problem. Here's how I decided it ( Win 10 )
Open cmd as administrator and type npm cache verify
After that type npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save, if it freezing terminate it.
Remove from your user folder ".expo" folder.
Than try npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save in cmd, if it freezing terminate it and open some expo project.
type yarn remove global expo-cli and then yarn add global expo-cli in the project
Hope it helps somebody else too.

PNPM install did work but ProdBuild is failing

I've used pnpm install and it did work for me. But when doing ProdBuild it failed:
For the same project earlier using npm install and npm run ProdBuild worked without having any issues. But doing a prod build using pnpm is failing. Can someone help me out please?
I see that you use Angular. Angular projects currently work only when shamefully-hoist is true. You can create a .npmrc file in the root of your project and put shamefully-hoist=true there. Then reinstall the dependencies with pnpm install.
Also, if typescript is not in you dependencies, you may have to install it with pnpm add -D typescript

How to fix Something went wrong installing the "sharp" module and Cannot find module '../build/Release/sharp.node' in expo

I tried to install expo after I executed the command exp start but I got:
Something went wrong installing the "sharp" module
Cannot find module '../build/Release/sharp.node'.
How can I fix this problem?
I had the same problem and this single line command did the trick.
npm rebuild --verbose sharp
Consult the installation documentation at Common problems.
Find the latest version of sharp and install it.
npm install sharp#0.28.3 --save
This worked for me.
I am not using expo but faced this issue in react native.
All I did is "deleted node_modules/sharp" folder.
run npm install.
fixed the issue.
Maybe you configured npm to ignore installation scripts. In that case delete the sharp module and run:
npm install --ignore-scripts=false
This causes after i updated, npm,angular version.
just try
npm i cordova-res
it solves above problem.
I was facing same issue in mac when I update my developer tools using xcode-select install then node project stop working on local
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/Cellar/python3.8
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/Cellar/python3.9
rm yarn.lock
rm package-lock.json
rm -rf node_modules
brew upgrade
yarn install
worked for me
If anyone has this problem and other solutions didn't solve it. Try to uninstall vips globally, it worked for me.
npm -g uninstall libvips
brew uninstall vips
yarn clean
yarn install
gatsby develop
if trying some quick command fixes don't work you can try rebuilding the node_modules.
Delete the whole node_modules folder and run npm install
npm install
Upgrading of gatsby-transformer-sharp helped me in my case.
You may need to completely reinstall expo-cli package.
yarn global remove expo-cli
yarn global add expo-cli
npm uninstall expo-cli -g
npm install expo-cli -g
(If you don't have expo-cli installed globally, remove global / -f flags)

React-native-maps failed to install

I am new to react-native and I want to install react-native-maps. However whenever I run npm install react-native-maps --save in the project folder, the project breaks with node_modules/react-native become empty with only an empty folder node_modules inside. I am following the installation guide from the official github now and using react-native 0.55.3.
Below attached with a dump when I call npm install react-native-maps --save:
screen_dump: react-native-maps install failure:
There is a known issue which is fixed with v5.7.0 (As far as I know. Didn't try it myself).
After updating your npm to a newer version, you should delete node_modules and do a clean install with npm install to reinstall all necessary packages.
One other option is to use yarn. I think it is a little better tool for package management. (Personal preference. You don't have to use it). If you decide to use yarn, you should still delete node_modules and do a clean install with yarn install
Install yarn package manager from the following link
enter link description here
Use following command to install the package.
yarn add react-native-maps
This might be works. Yarn packager is better than npm for me.

Command invalid: run always ask to create a project

I have a project about 4 months and suddenly the aurelia's CLI commands are not working.
When I try to execute au run --watch I receive a message with options to create a new project under the path.
I have already tried to uninstall and reinstall the aurelia CLI, It's not work.
The last thing I have done was to execute a git clean -xdf
I think that could be something on my project. Someone could help me?
After some attempts I fixed the problem:
1) I reinstall Git and Node;
2) I have deleted all the files under the \AppData\Roaming\npm-cache path;
3) I have checked if the Git and Node were in the PATH of environment variables;
4) I run the npm install command;
Is aurelia-cli included in the devDependencies of the project and also installed globally?
First, install globally:
npm i -g aurelia-cli
Then, in the project directory, install & save to devDependencies:
npm i --save-dev aurelia-cli
You should then be able to run au in the project directory and see that the build and run commands are now available.
Note that you'll also need to install the necessary gulp dependencies required by the tasks in your project devDependencies.
EDIT: See aurelia/cli/issues/485 which confirms that installing aurelia-cli as a local dependency fixes this issue.