GameMaker Studio 2 - Path Not Found - game-engine

I am using GameMaker Studio 2 to make a 2D platformer game. But when I tried to run the game I am encountering this error:
It says: Path doesn't exists.
I don't even have a Z drive.

I finally find the solution! The problem is all about the subst.exe. If you don't know what subst.exe is:
There are 2 steps to solve the problem:
1. You need to check Windows\System32 for subst.exe. If it is not there, copy it from a subfolder of winsxs.
2. If it is there but still not working, check your "Path" from "Environment Variables". If there is no "%SystemRoot%\System32;" add it to its beginning.
3. Then restart GameMaker.


unreal engine 4 open level (by name) does not work?

Hi, I am new in unreal engine platform. Now, I am studying a first person shooter project. I did everything but I could not make work start button. I tried a lot of thing to start button work. Firstly, I fixed the name of map because the name of map should be same. Secondly, I have entered the map files to the packages in the project settings. But I could not find any other thing to fix the mistake. There are no error except building color errors. İs it related to it or are there any other thing to fix it? Also, İt works for other maps. However, it does not work for first person shooter map. What should I do. I really worked hard to do this project and I was too excited.
Make sure capitalization is correct, if not try opening level by string instead of object reference. Also try putting a print string after your button is clicked to make sure the program is actually running. If the program is not running than make sure that the z order is at like 10 in the add to viewport block. As a last resort, add the open level to your player character, if that dosen't work, consider making a new project, verifying the engine (epic games launcher only) or install a later engine version (i.e 4.27 or 4.26) if you are on an older one (though I think open level by object reference is only in 4.27)
here are some opening levels with widget examples:
Opening level by object reference
Open level by name
Edit: Click the blue text (hyperlinks) to open the imgur website with the images (idk why there isnt a preview)
I never thought I should try to not use the name,
My issue was in UE5, but it also has the open level by Object reference
this solved my issue.
speaking of long names, there is something in the editor settings > Enable support for long paths ( >260 characters) - even in 4.27

Why am I getting this error? Visual Basic 2010

I accidentally uploaded an image to "My resources" which had the same name as another image in my resources and since then VB is showing up over 100 errors, but I don't know what I can do to resolve it and restore the program?
It's a very large program that I have been working on for months and really don't want to have to restart!
I have looked online and even found posts on here, but it doesn't work.
I have deleted the repeating image name, in my resources, but still doesn't resolve it. Whenever I go onto "My Project" > "Resources" it comes up with "There is already another resource with the name "Back_button."
But I removed it?
This is the error that comes up for all of the images/items that were in my resources:
"Beach_Text" is not a member of 'Top_of_the_Class.My.Resources'.
I also have a warning:
The designer cannot process the code at line 74: Me.btnInstructions.Image = Global.Top_of_the_Class.My.Resources.Resources.Instructions_button
The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.
I hope this makes sense and I know others have asked similar questions, but I have tried them methods. I just want my program back :(
Many thanks.
I had the same problem. I didn't wanted to restart my whole program and also I didn't used version control. If I went to the resources tab there was an error saying: There is already another resource with the name "Donkey_Kong". I pressed on ctrl-shift-F and searched for Donkey_kong and deleted every posible resource and code with the name Donkey_Kong in it. After I did that the error dissapeared and it was solved.
I had a picture with the name Donkey_Kong and a sound file with the name Donkey_Kong. Changed the names and continued :)
I had the same problem ("There is already another resource with the name "Salary")
Removed two lines of codes with the same resource name and
I went to Project--->Properties of my project--> went to resources tab and DELETED all files/images... with the same name "Salary" and the problem was fixed (All my codes were still there)

Type 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Section' is not defined.

Been working on an workorder application and its been going along just fine. I downloaded and install Crystal reports the other day and designed a report in my project. After coding for a bit i decided to test it out. When I rebuilt my solution in VS 2010 I suddenly came up with 66 errors.
I have a felling the main ones are:
Type 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Section' is not defined
Type 'CrystalDecisions.Shared.IParameterField' is not defined.
Type 'CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.ICachedReport' is not defined.
I have searched online and it seems to be a lack of references causing this.
I found a guide and located the following files:
Then I right clicked on my project, went to add reference, then browse, then selected those files listed above.
All my errors went away. Then I rebuilt my project and the 66 errors came right back.
So did I add my references wrong or is there something else i need to do?
I cant even build my project anymore, it just fails. If you need some of my code let me know. Im not sure what code would be relevant to this.
OK, i figured it out. It was a framework problem. Here is a where i found the answer...
this is the solution...
Right click your project, select properties, under the first "Application" tab, CHANGE your "Target framework" to .net Framework 4, because the message above is saying it is currently ".net 4 Client Profile"
That dll will ONLY work if your project is .net 4 FULL profile, NOT client profile.

How in the earth my aplication is still running even when the appdelegate and main.m is missing

I restore the apps from time machine.
The app run just fine.
However, when I check the project, my appDelegate is gone. I can't see the file in the editor. It becomes red.
What is going on?
The files are still in finder though.
Restarting xcode doesn't work. Removing and adding files is kind of risky, though I'll give it a try tomorrow.
Maybe xcode just "forget" where the file is. But I get my app compiled.
Note: The problem is solved. Restarting iMac works. It's one of those get fixed by it self eventually. However, if someone can explain why the hell this happened in the first place it'll be great.
Check the target's Build Phases. The files being compiled can be shown in Finder using a context menu.
u can do a dirty move trick in deleting and re-adding ur file into Xcode. They'be correctly added into the build phase as well.
Deleting the reference is not risky because the references are lost. If you do a clean project, you may have a compiler build error.
U just has to drop again ur already added file into your Xcode project, but don't check "Copy items into destination group's folder" since your files are already included in your folder.
This happening to me lot of time when i'm using svn.
All those are good answer. I restarted iMac and things work fine.
I think this has happened several times. It's one of those fixed by itself problem eventually. This one it ticked me off that I asked question.
I still do not understand why it actually happens. So I'll wait for more people to answer this.

TFS2010: Output Directory of completed build

I'm trying to get the path to the final output directory where the assemblies are copied to.
For example: C:\Builds\My_Task\My_Build.DATE.BUILDNUMBER
(After a finished build, everything is located here)
Each of the macros $(OutDir) and $(TargetDir) points to a Directory called:
Does such a macro that points to the first described location exists? Or how can I get that path into a macro so that I can use it in my msbuild-scripts?
So I finally got around my Problem, but I didn't found a way to get the real drop location directly into an msbuild-Skript.
I found the following question, and editing the Build-Process template works fine:
How can I get TFS 2010 to build each project to a separate directory?
Please try using the $(DropLocation) macro to point to C:\Builds\My_Task\My_Build.DATE.BUILDNUMBER and see how that works out for you.