Negamax: what to do with "partial" results after canceling a search? - chess

I'm implementing negamax with alpha/beta transposition table based on the pseudo code here, with roughly this algorithm:
1. Transposition Table lookup
2. Loop through moves
2a. **Bail if I'm out of time**
2b. Make move, call -NegaMax, undo move
2c. Update bestvalue, alpha/beta but if appropriate
3. Transposition table store/update
4. Return bestvalue
I'm also using iterative deepening, calling NegaMax with progressively higher depths.
My question is: when I determine I've run out of time (2a. in the beginning of move loop) what is the right thing to do? Do I bail immediately (not updating the transposition table) or do I just break the loop (saving whatever partial work I've done)?
Currently, I return null at that point, signifying that the search was canceled before "completing" that node (whether by trying every move or the alpha/beta cut). The null gets propagated up and up the stack, and each node on the way up bails by return, so step 3 never runs.
Essentially, I only store values in the TT if the node "completed". The scenario I keep seeing with the iterative deepening:
I get through depths 1-5 really quick, so the TT has a depth = 5, type = Exact entry.
The depth = 6 search is taking a long time, so I bail.
I ultimately return the best move in the transposition table, which is the move I found during the depth = 5 search. The problem is, if I start a new depth = 6 search, it feels like I'm starting it from scratch. However, if I save whatever partial results I found, I worry that I'll have corrupted my TT, potentially by overwriting the completed depth = 5 entry with an incomplete depth = 6 entry.

If the search wasn't completed, the score is inaccurate and should likely not be added to the TT. If you have a best move from the previous ply and it is still best and the score hasn't dropped significantly, you might play that.
On the other hand, if at depth 6 you discover that the opponent has a mate in 3 (oops!) or could win your queen, you might have to spend even more time to try to resolve that.
That would leave you with less time for the remaining moves (if any...), but it might be better to be slightly short on time than to get mated with plenty of time remaining. :-)


Text editor with multipe undo/redo in c

I'm starting a school project: we have to code an efficient text editor in c. To command this i can use:
These commands are used to change text between row1 and row2 (the c), delete text between row1 and row2 (the d, the text will be replaced with a single dot), print on stdout rows between row1 and row2 (the p), undo (number) times or redo (number times) (this last two commands doesn't affect print, just c and d).
To start I was thinking what data structure I can use.
I thought, for the rows, to use a single link list with number of row and a second list (for the text itself).
This because the code has to be efficient in time and space
But I don't find a good way to implement undo/redo in my case: I was thinking two create two stacks, one for undo and one for redo. Every command I give it's inserted in undo stack and, if I undo something i delete the first action in undo stack and put it in redo stack
But I don't know ho to write how to write these commands: i was thinking to save a complementary command, so I can run this command and return in a previous statement. Then, when I undo, i create complementary command in redo stack, and I delete this stack every new command to free space
I hope it's understandable, I just want your opinion about this possible structure
NB I can code only in c11 with stdlib and stdio theoretically, but I can copy and modify other libraries' functions if it's needed
I was thinking if it's better to use a R/B Tree for keeping the rows structure. This because it would take O(log(n)) to search the X-th row and edit it, instead of O(n)
The only problem it's, when I have to change many rows in just a command (e.g 1,521c) it takes longer to search every row
Maybe a sort of hybrid could be a good choice: i use RBT structure to find the start row address, then I use the list structure to find the others. So every node of this tree has 2 address for RBT and 1 address for list
Your design ideas are spot on.
The part needed is how to represent the undo and redo entries.
A redo entry could be a struct that indicates what span of text to replace and the text to replace it with. A "span" here gives the offsets into the text, and since it could be an empty span (just a position), that suggests using a half-open interval [start .. end) or a start and length. That can express any single text-change operation. In theory the replacement text could be a 0-length string; if not yet, anticipate that future assignments may add feature requests.
An undo entry can be the same struct, describing as you noted the complementary text replacement operation.
The other design decision is how to represent the document text. The simplest thing is a sequential buffer of characters, in which case every insertion requires moving all following text downwards after ensuring the memory buffer is large enough.
An alternative is a list of lines of text, each line being a separate memory node. That way, inserting, deleting, and replacing lines doesn't have to move the bulk of the text around in memory, just some of the line node pointers. Furthermore, for line replacement commands the redo/undo entries can just list which range of line pointers to replace with other line pointers.
Suppose you create just one stack (array?) and call it 'history'. As commands are made, add their 'antidote' (or pointers to them) to the stack, and adjust a pointer/counter to the last command. As your user steps back ('undo'), replace each command with it's 'antidote' (The code to put it there in the first place could be reused), so it's there for subsequent 'redo', and reposition the counter as needed . You'll have to allocate storage for deleted text, and link it to the stack position (2 dimensional (pointer?) array, or perhaps a struct?). If your stack gets full, delete the oldest- it's now 'out of range', and move everything accordingly... Or... Just allocate more memory... ;-)
Just an idea...
Remember, if it works properly, it isn't wrong. Perhaps just not the most efficient or effective way of doing it...
Don't forget to clear the stack on 'save', and most importantly, release any allocated memory on 'terminate'.

How to discard / ignore one of a stored procedure's many return values

I have a stored procedure that returns 2 values.
In another procedure, I call this (edit: NOT selectable) procedure but only need one of the two returned values.
Is there a way to discard the other value? I'm wondering what is a good practice, and hoping for a small performance gain.
Here is how I call the procedure without error:
CREATE or ALTER procedure my_proc1
declare variable v_out1 integer default null;
declare variable v_out2 varchar(10) default null;
execute procedure my_proc2('my_param')
returning_values :v_out1, :v_out2;
That is the only way I found to call this procedure without getting a -607 error 'unsuccessful metadata update request depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?)' whenever I use only one variable v_out1.
So my actual question is: can I avoid creating a v_out2 variable for nothing, as I will never use it (that value is only used in other procedures which also call my_proc2)?
Edit: the stored procedure my_proc2 is actually not selectable. But I made it selectable after all.
Because your stored procedure is selectable, you should call it by SELECT statement, ie
select out1, out2 from my_proc2('my_param')
and in that case you can indeed omit some of the return value(s). However, I wouldn't expect noticeable performance gain as the logic inside the SP which calculates the omitted field is still executed.
If your procedure is not selectable, then creating a wrapper SP is the only way, but again, it woulnd't give any performance gain as the code which does the hard work inside the original SP is still executed.
The answer is made to use text formatting while demonstrating "race conditions" in the multithreading programming (which SQL is) when [ab]using out-of-transaction objects (SQL sequences aka Firebird Generators).
So, the "use case".
Initial condition: table is empty, generator=0.
You start two concurrent transactions, A and B. For ease of imagining you may think those transactions were started from concurrent connections made by two persons working with your program on two networked computers. Though actually it does not matter much, if you open them transactions from one same connection - the scenario would not change a bit. Just for the ease of imagining.
The Tx.A issues UPDATE-OR-INSERT which inserts new row into the table. Doing so it up-ticks the generator. The transaction is not committed yet. Database condition: the table has one invisible (non-committed) row with auto_id=1, the generator = 1.
The Tx.B issues UPDATE-OR-INSERT too which inserts yet another row into the table. Doing so it also up-ticks the generator. The transaction maybe commits now, or maybe later, irrelevant. Database condition: the table has two rows (one or both are invisible (non-committed)) with auto_id=1 and auto_id=2, the generator = 2.
The Tx.A meets some error, throws the exception, DOWNTICKS the generator and rolls back. Database condition: the table has one row with auto_id=2 the generator = 1.
If Tx.B was not committed before, it is committed now. (this "if" just to demonstrate that it does not matter when other transactions would be committed, earlier or later, it only matters that Tx.A downticks the generator after any other transaction upticked it)
So, the final database condition: the table has one committed=visible row with auto_id=2 and the generator = 1.
Any next attempt to add yet one more row would try to up the generator 1+1=2 and then fail to insert new row with PK violation, then it would down the generator to 1 to recreate the faulty condition outlined above.
Your database stuck and without direct intervention by DB Administrator can not have data added further.
The very idea of rolling back the generator is defeating all intentions generators were created for and all expectations about generators behavior that the database and connection libraries and other programmers have.
You just placed a trap on the highway. It is only a matter of time until someone will be caught into it.
Even if you would continue guarding this hack by other hacks for now - wasting a lot of time and attention to do that scrupulously and pervasively - still one unlucky day in the future there would be another programmer, or even you would forget this gory details - and you would start using the generator in standard intended way - and would run into the trap.
Generators were not made to be backtracked during normal work.
existence of primary key is checked in the procedure before doing anything
Yep, that is the first reaction when multithreading programmer meets his first race condition. Let's just add more prior checks.
First few checks indeed can decrease probability of a clash, but it never can alleviate it completely. And the more use your program would see, the more transactions would get opened by more and more concurrent and active users - it is only a matter of time until this somewhat lowered probability would turn out still too much.
Think about it, SQL is about transactions, yet they had to invent and introduce explicitly out-of-transactions device Generator/Sequence is. If there was reliable solution without them - it would be just used instead of creating that so non-SQLish transaction boundary breaking tool.
When you say your SP "checks for PK violation" it is exactly the same as if you would drop the generator altogether and instead just issue "good old"
:new_id = ( select max(auto_id)+1 from MyTable );
By your description you actually do something like that, but in some indirect way. Something like
while exists( select * from MyTable where auto_id = gen_id(MyGen, +1))
do ;
:new_id = gen_id(MyGen, 0);
You may feel, that because you mentioned generators, you somehow overcame the cross-transaction invisibility problem. But you did not, because the very check "if PK was already taken" is done against in-transaction table.
That changes nothing, your two transactions Tx.A and Tx.B would not see each other's records, because they both did not committed yet. Now it only takes some unlucky Tx.C that would fail and downtick the generator to them collide on the same ID.
Or not, you do not even need Tx.C and downticking at all!
Here we bump into the multithreading idea about "atomic operations".
Let's look at it again.
while exists( select * from MyTable where auto_id = gen_id(MyGen, +1))
do ;
:new_id = gen_id(MyGen, 0);
In a single-threaded application that code is okay: you just keep running the generator up until the free slot, then you just query the value without changing it. "What could possibly go wrong?" But in multithreaded environment it is rooks waiting to be stepped over. Example:
Initial condition, table has 100 rows (auto_id goes from 1 to 100), the generator = 100.
Tx.A starts adding the row, upticks the generator in the while loop and exits the loop. It does not yet pass to the second line where local variable gets assigned. Not yet. The generator = 101, rows not added yet.
Tx.B starts adding the row, upticks the generator in the while loop and exits the loop. The generator = 102, rows not added yet.
Tx.A goes to the second line and reads gen_id(MyGen,0) into a variable for new row. While it was 101 out of the loop, it is 102 now!
Tx.B goes to the second line and reads gen_id(MyGen,0) and gets 102 too.
Tx.A and Tx.B both try to insert new row with auto_id=102
RACE CONDITIONS - both Tx.A and Tx.B try to commit their work. One of them succeeds, another fails. Which one? It is not predictable. A lucky one commits, an unlucky one fails.
The failed transaction downticks the generator.
Final condition: the table has 101 rows, the auto_id consistently goes from 1 to 100 and then skips to 102. The generator = 101, which his less than MAX(auto_id)
Now you might want to add more hacks, I mean more prior checks before actually inserting rows and committing. It will make mistakes yet less probable, right? Wrong. The more checks you do - the slower gets the code. The slower gets the code - the greater gets probability, that while one thread runs throw all them checks there happens another thread that interferes and alters the situation that was checked a moment ago.
The fundamental issue with multithreading is that any check is SEPARATE action. And between those actions the situation MAY change. Your procedure may check whatever it wants BEFORE actually inserting the row. It would not warrant much. Because when you finally gets at the row inserting statement, all the checks you did in the PAST are a matter of past. And the situation is potentially already altered. And warrants your checks were giving in the PAST only belong to that past, not to the moment at hands.
And even if you no more look for warranting sure thing, still adding every new check you can not even be sure if doing so you just decreased or increased probability of failure. Because multithreading is a bitch, it is flowing chaotically out of your control.
So, remember the KISS principle. Until proven otherwise - you most probably do not need SP2 at all, you only need one single UPDATE-OR-INSERT statement.
PS. There was a pretty fun game in my school days, it was called Pascal Robots. There are also C Robots I heard and probably implementation for other many languages. With Pascal Robots though came a number of already coded robots, demonstrating different strategies and approaches. Some of them were really thought out in very intrinsic details. And there was one robot which program was PRIMITIVE. It only had two loops: if you do not see an enemy - keep turning your radar around, if you do see an enemy - keep running to it and shooting at it. That was all. What could this idiot do against sophisticated robots having creative attack and defense strategies, flanking maneuvers, optimal distance to maintain by back and forth movements, escape tricks and more? Those sophisticated robots employed very extensive checks and very thought through hacks to be triggered by those checks. So... that primitive idiot was second or maybe third best robot in the shipped set. there was only one or two smarties who could outwit it. With ALL the other robots this lean-and-fast idiot finished them before they could run through all their checks and hacks thrice. That is what multithreading does to programming. It was astonishing to watch those battles, which went so against out single-threaded intuition.

Using multiple threads for faster execution

Approximate program behavior:
I have a map image with data associated with the map indicated by RGB index. The data has been populated into an MS Access database. I imported the information in the database into my program as an array and sorted them to go in the order I want the program to run.
I want the program to find the nearest pixel that has a different color from the incumbent pixel being compared. (Colors are stored as string attributes of object Pixel)
First question: Should I use integers to represent my colors instead of string? Would this make the comparison function run significantly faster?
In order to find the nearest pixel of different color, the program begins with all 8 adjacent pixels around the incumbent. If a nonMatch is not found, it then continues onto the next "degree", and in this fashion, it spirals out from the incumbent pixel until it hits a nonMatch. When found, the color of the nonMatch is saved as an attribute of incumbent. After I find the nonMatch for each of the Pixels, the data is re-inserted into the database
The program accomplishes what I want in the manner I've written it, but it is very very slow. After 24 hours, I am only about 3% through with execution.
Question Two: Does my program behavior sound about right? Is this algorithm you would use if you had to accomplish this task?
Question Three: Would it be appropriate for me to use threads in order to finish execution of the program faster? How exactly does that work? (I am brand new to threads, but know a little of the syntax)
Question Four: Would it be more "intelligent" for my program to find the nonMatch for each pixel and insert it into the database immediately after finding it? (I'm making a guess that this would be good in multi-threading, because while one record is accessing the database (to insert), another record is accessing the array of pixels (shared global variable in program).
Question Five: If threading is a good idea, I'm guessing I would split the records up into more manageable chunks (i.e. quarters), and have each thread run the same functions for their specified number of records? Am I close at all?
Please let me know if I can clarify or provide code samples, I just figured that this is more of a conceptual topic so do not want to overburden the post.
1.) Yes, integers compare much faster than strings. Additionally the y use much less memory
2.) I would adapt the algorithm in this way:
E.g.: #1: Let's say, for pixel(87,23) you found the nearest nonMatch to be (88,24) at degree=1 - you can immediately invert the relation and record, that the nearest nonMatch to (88,24) is (87,23). On degree=1 you finished 2 pixels with 1 search.
E.g. #2: Let's say, for pixel (17,18) you found the nearest nonMatch to be (17,20) at degree=2. You can immediately record, that all pixels, that border on both (16,19), (17,19) and (18,19) have the nearest noMatch (17,20) at degree=1, and that one of them is the nearest noMatch to (17,20). On degree=2 (or higher), you finished 5 pixels with 1 search.
3.) Using threads is a two-sided sword: You can do searches in parallel, but you need locking if you write to your array. So this depends on how many CPU cores you can throw at the problem. If this is 3 or more, threads will surely speed up the search.
4.) The results from 2.) make it necessary to mark a pixel as "done" in your array, as you might have finished up to 5 pixels with 1 search. I recommend you put those into a queue and use a dedicated thread to write the queue back into the database: MS Access can't handle concurrent updates, so a single database writer thread looks like a good idea.
5.) I recommend you NOT chunk up the array: You will run into problems with pixels on the edges of a chunk having their nearest nonMatch in a different chunk. Instead if you use e.g. 4 Threads, let them run 1.) From NW corner E, then S 2.) From SE Corner W, then N 3.) From NE Corner S, then W 4. From SW Corner N, then E
Yes. Using a integer would make it much faster
You can reuse the work you have done for previous pixel. Eg. If (a,b) is the nearest non-equal pixel of (x,y), it is likely that points around (x,y) might also have (a,b) as the nearest non-equal pixel
You can use different threads to work on different pixels instead of dividing searching for one pixel
IMHO, steps 1&2 should make your program much faster and you might not need multi-threading.
Yes, I'd convert colour strings to Integers for speed, or even Color structures if you intend to display them on the screen.
Don't work directly with the database if you can avoid it. Copy the necessary data out of the database into an array before you start, and copy your results back when you're finished.

Storage algorithm question - verify sequential data with little memory

I found this on an "interview questions" site and have been pondering it for a couple of days. I will keep churning, but am interested what you guys think
"10 Gbytes of 32-bit numbers on a magnetic tape, all there from 0 to 10G in random order. You have 64 32 bit words of memory available: design an algorithm to check that each number from 0 to 10G occurs once and only once on the tape, with minimum passes of the tape by a read head connected to your algorithm."
32-bit numbers can take 4G = 2^32 different values. There are 2.5*2^32 numbers on tape total. So after 2^32 count one of numbers will repeat 100%. If there were <= 2^32 numbers on tape then it was possible that there are two different cases – when all numbers are different or when at least one repeats.
It's a trick question, as Michael Anderson and I have figured out. You can't store 10G 32b numbers on a 10G tape. The interviewer (a) is messing with you and (b) is trying to find out how much you think about a problem before you start solving it.
The utterly naive algorithm, which takes as many passes as there are numbers to check, would be to walk through and verify that the lowest number is there. Then do it again checking that the next lowest is there. And so on.
This requires one word of storage to keep track of where you are - you could cut down the number of passes by a factor of 64 by using all 64 words to keep track of where you're up to in several different locations in the search space - checking all of your current ones on each pass. Still O(n) passes, of course.
You could probably cut it down even more by using portions of the words - given that your search space for each segment is smaller, you won't need to keep track of the full 32-bit range.
Perform an in-place mergesort or quicksort, using tape for storage? Then iterate through the numbers in sequence, tracking to see that each number = previous+1.
Requires cleverly implemented sort, and is fairly slow, but achieves the goal I believe.
Edit: oh bugger, it's never specified you can write.
Here's a second approach: scan through trying to build up to 30-ish ranges of contiginous numbers. IE 1,2,3,4,5 would be one range, 8,9,10,11,12 would be another, etc. If ranges overlap with existing, then they are merged. I think you only need to make a limited number of passes to either get the complete range or prove there are gaps... much less than just scanning through in blocks of a couple thousand to see if all digits are present.
It'll take me a bit to prove or disprove the limits for this though.
Do 2 reduces on the numbers, a sum and a bitwise XOR.
The sum should be (10G + 1) * 10G / 2
The XOR should be ... something
It looks like there is a catch in the question that no one has talked about so far; the interviewer has only asked the interviewee to write a program that CHECKS
(i) if each number that makes up the 10G is present once and only once--- what should the interviewee do if the numbers in the given list are present multple times? should he assume that he should stop execting the programme and throw exception or should he assume that he should correct the mistake by removing the repeating number and replace it with another (this may actually be a costly excercise as this involves complete reshuffle of the number set)? correcting this is required to perform the second step in the question, i.e. to verify that the data is stored in the best possible way that it requires least possible passes.
(ii) When the interviewee was asked to only check if the 10G weight data set of numbers are stored in such a way that they require least paases to access any of those numbers;
what should the interviewee do? should he stop and throw exception the moment he finds an issue in the algorithm they were stored in, or correct the mistake and continue till all the elements are sorted in the order of least possible passes?
If the intension of the interviewer is to ask the interviewee to write an algorithm that finds the best combinaton of numbers that can be stored in 10GB, given 64 32 Bit registers; and also to write an algorithm to save these chosen set of numbers in the best possible way that require least number of passes to access each; he should have asked this directly, woudn't he?
I suppose the intension of the interviewer may be to only see how the interviewee is approaching the problem rather than to actually extract a working solution from the interviewee; wold any buy this notion?

Represent Ordering in a Relational Database

I have a collection of objects in a database. Images in a photo gallery, products in a catalog, chapters in a book, etc. Each object is represented as a row. I want to be able to arbitrarily order these images, storing that ordering in the database so when I display the objects, they will be in the right order.
For example, let's say I'm writing a book, and each chapter is an object. I write my book, and put the chapters in the following order:
Introduction, Accessibility, Form vs. Function, Errors, Consistency, Conclusion, Index
It goes to the editor, and comes back with the following suggested order:
Introduction, Form, Function, Accessibility, Consistency, Errors, Conclusion, Index
How can I store this ordering in the database in a robust, efficient way?
I've had the following ideas, but I'm not thrilled with any of them:
Array. Each row has an ordering ID, when order is changed (via a removal followed by an insertion), the order IDs are updated. This makes retrieval easy, since it's just ORDER BY, but it seems easy to break.
UPDATE ... SET orderingID=NULL WHERE orderingID=removedID
UPDATE ... SET orderingID=orderingID-1 WHERE orderingID > removedID
UPDATE ... SET orderingID=orderingID+1 WHERE orderingID > insertionID
UPDATE ... SET orderID=insertionID WHERE ID=addedID
Linked list. Each row has a column for the id of the next row in the ordering. Traversal seems costly here, though there may by some way to use ORDER BY that I'm not thinking of.
Spaced array. Set the orderingID (as used in #1) to be large, so the first object is 100, the second is 200, etc. Then when an insertion happens, you just place it at (objectBefore + objectAfter)/2. Of course, this would need to be rebalanced occasionally, so you don't have things too close together (even with floats, you'd eventually run into rounding errors).
None of these seem particularly elegant to me. Does anyone have a better way to do it?
An other alternative would be (if your RDBMS supports it) to use columns of type array. While this breaks the normalization rules, it can be useful in situations like this. One database which I know about that has arrays is PostgreSQL.
The acts_as_list mixin in Rails handles this basically the way you outlined in #1. It looks for an INTEGER column called position (of which you can override to name of course) and using that to do an ORDER BY. When you want to re-order things you update the positions. It has served me just fine every time I've used it.
As a side note, you can remove the need to always do re-positioning on INSERTS/DELETES by using sparse numbering -- kind of like basic back in the day... you can number your positions 10, 20, 30, etc. and if you need to insert something in between 10 and 20 you just insert it with a position of 15. Likewise when deleting you can just delete the row and leave the gap. You only need to do re-numbering when you actually change the order or if you try to do an insert and there is no appropriate gap to insert into.
Of course depending on your particular situation (e.g. whether you have the other rows already loaded into memory or not) it may or may not make sense to use the gap approach.
If the objects aren't heavily keyed by other tables, and the lists are short, deleting everything in the domain and just re-inserting the correct list is the easiest. But that's not practical if the lists are large and you have lots of constraints to slow down the delete. I think your first method is really the cleanest. If you run it in a transaction you can be sure nothing odd happens while you're in the middle of the update to screw up the order.
Just a thought considering option #1 vs #3: doesn't the spaced array option (#3) only postpone the problem of the normal array (#1)? Whatever algorithm you choose, either it's broken, and you'll run into problems with #3 later, or it works, and then #1 should work just as well.
I did this in my last project, but it was for a table that only occasionally needed to be specifically ordered, and wasn't accessed too often. I think the spaced array would be the best option, because it reordering would be cheapest in the average case, just involving a change to one value and a query on two).
Also, I would imagine ORDER BY would be pretty heavily optimized by database vendors, so leveraging that function would be advantageous for performance as opposed to the linked list implementation.
Use a floating point number to represent the position of each item:
Item 1 -> 0.0
Item 2 -> 1.0
Item 3 -> 2.0
Item 4 -> 3.0
You can place any item between any other two items by simple bisection:
Item 1 -> 0.0
Item 4 -> 0.5
Item 2 -> 1.0
Item 3 -> 2.0
(Moved item 4 between items 1 and 2).
The bisection process can continue almost indefinitely due to the way floating point numbers are encoded in a computer system.
Item 4 -> 0.5
Item 1 -> 0.75
Item 2 -> 1.0
Item 3 -> 2.0
(Move item 1 to the position just after Item 4)
Since I've mostly run into this with Django, I've found this solution to be the most workable. It seems that there isn't any "right way" to do this in a relational database.
I'd do a consecutive number, with a trigger on the table that "makes room" for a priority if it already exists.
I had this problem as well. I was under heavy time pressure (aren't we all) and I went with option #1, and only updated rows that changed.
If you swap item 1 with item 10, just do two updates to update the order numbers of item 1 and item 10. I know it is algorithmically simple, and it is O(n) worst case, but that worst case is when you have a total permutation of the list. How often is that going to happen? That's for you to answer.
I had the same issue and have probably spent at least a week concerning myself about the proper data modeling, but I think I've finally got it. Using the array datatype in PostgreSQL, you can store the primary key of each ordered item and update that array accordingly using insertions or deletions when your order changes. Referencing a single row will allow you to map all your objects based on the ordering in the array column.
It's still a bit choppy of a solution but it will likely work better than option #1, since option 1 requires updating the order number of all the other rows when ordering changes.
Scheme #1 and Scheme #3 have the same complexity in every operation except INSERT writes. Scheme #1 has O(n) writes on INSERT and Scheme #3 has O(1) writes on INSERT.
For every other database operation, the complexity is the same.
Scheme #2 should not even be considered because its DELETE requires O(n) reads and writes. Scheme #1 and Scheme #3 have O(1) DELETE for both read and write.
New method
If your elements have a distinct parent element (i.e. they share a foreign key row), then you can try the following ...
Django offers a database-agnostic solution to storing lists of integers within CharField(). One drawback is that the max length of the stored string can't be greater than max_length, which is DB-dependent.
In terms of complexity, this would give Scheme #1 O(1) writes for INSERT, because the ordering information would be stored as a single field in the parent element's row.
Another drawback is that a JOIN to the parent row is now required to update ordering.