I'm currently using Redshift and I have a table that has a list of zip codes along with their latitudes and longitudes. I'm trying to write a sql statement where I can specify a given zip code and have it return all of the zip codes within a 5 mile radius.
Any ideas on how I can approach this?
Here's what I had tried:
SELECT zip, city, latitude, longitude,
* COS(RADIANS(latitude))
* COS(RADIANS(longpoint) - RADIANS(longitude))
+ SIN(RADIANS(latpoint))
* SIN(RADIANS(latitude)))) AS distance_in_miles
FROM zip_code_db
SELECT 42.81 AS latpoint, -70.81 AS longpoint
) AS p ON 1=1
ORDER BY distance_in_miles
I'm trying to see if there is a way to use zip codes instead of specifying latitues and longitudes
I have the following code whick works fine:
select vissoort, count(1), ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(5.341248 51.615590)',4326):: geography, 2500)
from visvangsten
where st_intersects(visvangsten.locatie,
ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(5.3412480 51.615590)',4326):: geography, 2500))
group by vissoort
order by 2 desc
Now I want the same function but then selecting the features within a polygon instead of the circle/buffer.
I tried things like this but nothing worked:
select vissoort, count(1), ST_asText( ST_Polygon('LINESTRING(5.303 51.629, 5.387 51.626, 5.393 51.588, 5.281 51.592)'::geometry, 4326) )
from visvangsten
where st_contains(ST_asText( ST_Polygon('LINESTRING(5.303 51.629, 5.387 51.626, 5.393 51.588, 5.281 51.592)'::geometry, 4326) ), visvangsten.locatie);
group by vissoort
order by 2 desc limit 1
The database table looks like this:
id ([PK]bigint)
vissoort(character varying)
Does someone know the answer?
Keep in mind that to transform a LineString into a Polygon you need to have a closed ring - in other words, the first and last coordinate pairs must be identical. That being said, you can convert a LineString into a Polygon using the function ST_MakePolygon. The following example is probably what you're looking for:
WITH j (geom) AS (
(ST_MakePolygon('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-4.59 54.19,-4.55 54.23,-4.52 54.19,-4.59 54.19)'::geometry)),
(ST_Buffer('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-4.59 54.19,-4.55 54.23,-4.52 54.19,-4.59 54.19)'::geometry,0.1))
SELECT ST_Contains(geom,'SRID=4326;POINT(-4.5541 54.2043)'::geometry) FROM j;
(2 Zeilen)
I have two tables:
address_points table columns: ID address Latitude1 Longitude2
kmldata table columns: Locname Lat Long
Now I want to see all the records of the address_points table whose Latitude1 and Longitude2 values fall in the range of Lat and Long values of kmldata table.
I have not handled comparison of locations before in the SQL server so don't know which function I can use here. I thought of the BETWEEN operator but can seem to use it here properly here. Any guidance on how I can acheive this?
You need to use the spatial functions within SQL Server. First you will need to aggregate all the points in your kmldata table to create an area, and then use STWithin to check which points fall within that area:
declare #kmlarea geography
select #kmlarea = geography::EnvelopeAggregate(geography::Point(Lat, Long, 4326))
from kmldata
select *
from address_points a
where geography::Point(Latitude1, Longitude2, 4326).STWithin(#kmlarea) = 1
There are several ways of calculating the geographical distance between two sets of coordinates. Already posted is the built in Geography method. There are also several good "home grown" functions based on a round earth model.
The hard part is making the actual comparison when you have large row counts in your source and destination tables. Comparing every source to every destination creates an unnecessarily large Cartesian product. I say "unnecessarily" because there's no point in calculating the distance between a source in Florida and a destination in California when I'm only interested in destinations withing 15 miles of the source.
To solve the problem, I created a "bounding box" function that calculates a square(ish) box around a single set of coordinates. The code is posted below...
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.tfn_LatLngBoundingBox
/* ===================================================================
12/03/2019 JL, Created: Calculates the bounding box for a given set of Lat/Lng coordinates.
=================================================================== */
--===== Define I/O parameters
#Lat DECIMAL(8,5),
#Lng DECIMAL(8,5),
#MaxDistance DECIMAL(8,3),
#DistanceUnit CHAR(1) -- 'M'=miles ; 'K'=kilometers
MinLat = CONVERT(decimal(8, 5), (x.MinLat / PI()) * 180),
MaxLat = CONVERT(decimal(8, 5), (x.MaxLat / PI()) * 180),
MinLng = CONVERT(decimal(8, 5), (y.MinLng / PI()) * 180),
MaxLng = CONVERT(decimal(8, 5), (y.MaxLng / PI()) * 180)
WHEN #DistanceUnit = 'K' THEN #MaxDistance / 6366.707019 -- Earth sphere radius in kilometers
WHEN #DistanceUnit = 'M' THEN (#MaxDistance * 1.609344) / 6366.707019
(#Lat / 180) * PI(),
(#Lng / 180) * PI()
) ) r (DistRad, rLat, rLng)
CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (r.rLat - r.DistRad, r.rLat + r.DistRad) ) x (MinLat, MaxLat)
CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (ASIN(SIN(r.rLat) / COS(r.DistRad))) ) lt (LatT) -- = 1.4942 rad
CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (ACOS( ( COS(r.DistRad) - sin(lt.LatT) * sin(r.rLat) ) / ( cos(lt.LatT) * cos(r.rLat) ) ) ) ) dl (DeltaLng)
CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (r.rLng - dl.DeltaLng, r.rLng + dl.DeltaLng) ) y (MinLng, MaxLng);
The use case looks like the following...
dbo.[Source] s
CROSS APPLY dbo.tfn_LatLngBoundingBox(s.Lat, s.Lng, 15, 'M') bb
LEFT JOIN dbo.Destination d
ON d.lat BETWEEN bb.MinLat AND bb.MaxLat
AND d.Lng BETWEEN bb.MinLng AND bb.MaxLng
CROSS APPLY dbo.tfn_LatLonDistanceInMiles(s.Lat, s.Lng, d.Lat, d.Lng) dm
dm.DistanceInMiles <= 15;
DBMS: SQL Server
I am trying to calculate the percentage of how many times a certain language is used for subtitles, for this I tried to retrieve how many times a language is used from my database
The calculation I am trying to do is: languagesusedforsubtitles / totalamountofsubtitlesused * 100
My guess is that during my SELECT statement I need to or retrieve the values in a different manner but I can't seem to figure out how.
This is my so far "working" query which displays how many times one language is used for subtitling:
-- Sorted language count / total used languages * 100
SELECT DISTINCT [language].name AS "Taal", COUNT(*) AS "Percentage"
FROM [profile]
INNER JOIN [watched_media] ON [watched_media].profileid = [profile].profile_ID
INNER JOIN subtitles ON [watched_media].subtitlesid = [subtitles].subtitles_ID
INNER JOIN language ON [language].language_ID = [subtitles].languageid
GROUP BY [language].name;
And this is what I tried in the first place but it only comes up 0's as a result:
SELECT DISTINCT [language].name AS "Taal", COUNT(*) / (SELECT COUNT(watched_media_ID) FROM [watched_media]) * 100 AS "Hoevaak gebruikt"
FROM [profile]
INNER JOIN [watched_media] ON [watched_media].profileid = [profile].profile_ID
INNER JOIN subtitles ON [watched_media].subtitlesid = [subtitles].subtitles_ID
INNER JOIN language ON [language].language_ID = [subtitles].languageid
GROUP BY [language].name;
Here are the results of my first query:
SQL Server does integer division, so 0/1 is 0 rather than 0.5. A simple solution for you is:
COUNT(*) * 100.0 / (SELECT COUNT(watched_media_ID) FROM [watched_media]
The .0 changes the value from an integer to a decimal number -- and division works more intuitively.
I have a Hive UDF named find_distance which calculates the coordinate distance between a pair of lat-long coordinates.
I also have a table containing a list of city names and their respective lat-long coordinates.
So currently if I need to find the distance between two cities, say Denver and San Jose, I need to perform a self join:
Select find_Distance(cityA.latitude, cityA.longitude, cityB.latitude, cityB.longitude) from
(select latitude, longitude from city_data.map_info where city = 'Denver') cityA
(select latitude, longitude from city_data.map_info where city = 'San Jose') cityB;
How would I go about building a view that would accept just the city names as parameters? So in effect I could just use
SELECT distance from city_distance where cityA = 'Denver' and cityB = 'San Jose'
Try this VIEW:
CREATE VIEW city_distance AS
cityA.city as city_from,
cityA.city as city_to,
find_Distance(cityA.latitude, cityA.longitude, cityB.latitude, cityB.longitude) as distance
(SELECT city, latitude, longitude FROM city_data.map_info) cityA
(SELECT city, latitude, longitude FROM city_data.map_info) cityB;
SQL noob here needing some help. I've got an idea of how to do this in PHP/SQL, but I would really like to condense this into one SELECT statement. OK:
The site I am working on is a list of concerts and venues. Venues have a latitude and longitude, and so do accounts corresponding to that users location.
I have three tables, accounts (users), concerts, I would like to SELECT a list of concerts (and join on venues for that info) that are happening at venues within x miles of the account, using this cheap formula for distance calculation (the site only lists venues in the UK so the error is acceptable):
x = 69.1 * (accountLatitude - venueLatitude);
y = 69.1 * (accountLongitude - venueLongitude) * cos(venueLatitude / 57.3);
distance = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
How can I achieve this in a single query?
Thanks in advance xD
This is done exactly as your formulas suggest.
Just substitute x and y into the distance formula.
If this is for MySQL the below should work (just replace the correct table names / column names).
SELECT concert.name, venue.name,
SQRT(POW(69.1 * (account.Latitude - venue.Latitude), 2) + POW(69.1 * (account.Longitude - venue.Longitude) * cos(venue.Latitude / 57.3), 2)) AS distance
FROM account, venue
LEFT JOIN concert ON conert.ID = venue.concertID
WHERE account.id = UserWhoIsLoggedIn
This should return all concert names, venue names and distance from user order by the distance.
If you are not using MySQL you may need to change either the POW or SQRT functions.
Also be aware that sin & cos functions take there inputs in Radians.
For everyone elses benefit heres now I did it in the end:
$q = 'SELECT gigs.date, bands.idbands, venues.latitude, venues.longitude, venues.idvenues, bands.name AS band, venues.name AS venue,
SQRT(POW(69.1 * (' . $lat . ' - venues.latitude), 2) + POW(69.1 * (' . $lon . ' - venues.longitude) * cos(venues.latitude / 57.3), 2)) AS distance
FROM gigs
LEFT JOIN bands ON bands.idbands=gigs.bands_idbands
LEFT JOIN venues ON venues.idvenues=gigs.venues_idvenues
ORDER BY distance';
where $lat and $lon are the latitude and longitude of the user currently logged in!
this selects every single gig thats happening at every venue, and arranges them in order of distance