vue js resolve parent data before child - vue.js

I wonder whats the best practice to fetch data between rotues.
I have parent route, which contains a list of items, and child route which renders when selecting an item from the list.
By entering the main route, I fetch the list from vuex store.
By entering the child route, I look for the proper item inside the items list.
The issue is, that the list isnt fetch before the child route is rendered.
Whats the best way to load the parent's data before the child?


Validate dynamically created child components and pass the validation to parent component

I want to achieve 2 tasks through validation in Quasar.
Firstly, I have a parent component that contains a few child components. The user is allowed to create another set of child components under the same parent components to add more data. If a user creates a new set of child components, I now have 2 different items array.
I want to achieve the following:
Validate each item according to a certain rule
Send the validation results to the parent component so that it displays a 'check icon' if all the child components are filled correctly or a 'negative icon' if any of them are invalid.
I am able to validate each item of the child component individually but I am not able to collect the validations and pass the status to the parent component.

Passing data to sub-components in Vue JS. Best practices?

I'm confused about best practices for passing data from parent to child components and modularity strategies.
As I know there are 2 ways:
Fetching data in parent component and send Array/object to the child via props
Send parent_id to the child via props and fetching data within the child component
Let's assume a use case working with a product edit view, having:
A parent component product
A child form component to edit basic product information
A child related_products component where other products can be linked/unlinked.
As per my experience, the first way works smoothly since it's all done in 1 request to the API: fetching a product object in parent component and passing through props the product itself to the form component and the nested objects to the related_products component. In addition, it can be done in beforeRouteEnter guard so the parent and all its children are shown with all the information at once. The cons I see here is that we have to send the correct object structure to the child component to avoid any error, having a strong dependency between components.
On the other hand, by sending the parent_id to every child component through props we release the parent from any logic. In this case, every child component acts as a "black box" and fetch/handles the information. The cons I see here is that we would have to perform 2 API requests for getting the product and the related products. In addition, the beforeRouteEnter is not viable at all, so we get an empty form/table until the data is retrieved.
This is not about how to code it, it's just about what's the best implementation as per your experience.
As far as my experience is concerned, 1-st way is better. Parent component acts as "smart" and you have access to it's life cycle hooks in order to trigger your api-requests, reset timers, e.t.c... I would also suggest to use vuex, as it allows you to make clean interface of communication between your parent component and "outer world", utilizing actions and getters.
With that being said, your "dumb" child component communicates with it's parent through props and emits interface. And because it is "dumb" - it's easier to test it or utilize something like "storybook".
we have to send the correct object structure to the child component to avoid any error
I guess, at the end of the day, you'll need correct object structure anyway, right? It could not be just random...

Best way to use props passing to multiple children componets

I have parent component that contains form component and detail component for created_at and updated_at in editing Product page.
Form is to edit the existing data and detail component will be next to the form.
I didn't have the detail component before so I fetch data from form component and use it in the component however I need some of the data in detail component which is the child of the parent of the form component.
So I moved the fetch axios to parent component and pass the data to both children now.
Is it better to do this way or is it better to send axios request both in form component and detail component?
The form is also used in adding new product.
My opinion is that you should fire requests from most top level possible. This way your children components (building blocks) can work independently from your current context. It's called presentational component and it's role is to output some markup. The container component feeds the data to the presentational component making the data flow go from top to the bottom nicely.
So in short, you did it right! However you should be careful, when your data changes in the edit form, then you probably want to fire the request on parent again, so that the data is updated for the whole app. This kind of flow is highly facilitated by Vuex. It serves as single source of truth (data) that your whole application can rely on.

find Vue routes siblings

okay I have this problem. I'm trying to make a generic Vue component which should look at the route, and determine id the route has any siblings, and if it has, the component will make tabs for each sibling including current route.
is there any way to achieve this?

Modifying child data from parent vue

I have a component that represents an option in a form, with data representing the currently selected option. There is a parent component which represents the full form, with a submit button and a reset button. I keep track of what options are currently selected in the form by emitting events from the child to the parent (this is important because the form updates dynamically)
I'm trying to design the reset button, which clears all fields in the form (sets the currently selected option to an empty string). I would need to modify the data of the child component. Should I do this using a Vue instance as a bus? That seems overkill. Is there a better way to design these components?
I think you want to use sync on the properties your passing into the child component. I use it to load my child component like:
<textbox :content.sync="new_comment" placeholder="Add a comment..."></textbox>
If you already emitting from your child component then changes to new_comment will automatically be passed through.
You can find a lot of ways to do this here.
For me, after a lot of playing around with props, i found that the best and safest way is to use this.$refs.
Even if you have more than one child component with the same ref name, you can go through each child with a forEach.
You can create a custom event to listen to the reset button on each form field. Check out the documentation for this here
Just put a method in the child, perhaps Clear, and call it from the parent. You use $refs in the parent to get to the children.