Downloading a CSV file, secured by authorization, with a click on a button - vba

I'm trying to get Excel to download a CSV file, from a link that changes by the day, with a click on a button. The thing is, it's locked behind an agreement-number, ID and password.
I, however, got two API tokens:
The link is:
If people have another way, than using a VBA-code, to download this file with a click on a button, don't hold back with the suggestion.
I appreciate any help I can get, thank you. :-)
EDIT: It's not a duplicate for another question, as this uses Tokens, and or 3 login informations.
EDIT2: nvm. that the link is changing from day-to-day, I figured out that I can just put the date as far out in the future, as I like.

I assume that the login call needs to be an POST request, but this is only a guess as I can't test it with the information you have given
Just change the loginBody with the information you need or change it to the format that the URL needs (like JSON) and you can send as many information as need
If needed you can also set more headers for any other tokens you have
loginBody = "username=username&password=password&token=token"
HttpObj.Open("POST", URL)
Old answer:
As I'm not allowed to comment it seems what you are trying to do is explained here:
How do i download a file using VBA (Without internet explorer)


Localhost API for TD Ameritrade

I was creating an API for TD Ameritrade (my first time creating or dealing with APIs) and I needed to put in my own call back URL. I know that callback URL is where the API sends information to and i heard that I can just use my localhost API. I scoured the internet and I dont know how that would work and I was wondering if i can just use http://localhost?
Sorry if I seem like a noob because I am
In short, yes.
Follow the excellent directions at (Even with them, I spent excessive time on trial and error!)
Since stackoverflow has a limit of 8 links in a response, and the localhost text string looks like a link, I’m showing it with the colon replaced by a semicolon, i.e., http;//localhost to reduce the link count. Sorry.
I used the Chrome browser after first trying Brave, which did not work for, possibly because of my option selections.
Go to
Add a new app using http;//localhost (delete existing app if there is one).
Copy the resulting consumer key text string (AKA client_id or OAuth User ID).
Go to, follow instructions. Note: leading/trailing blanks were inserted by MSWord due to copy/paste of the auth code, which had to be manually deleted after wasting excessive time identifying the problem. The address string looks like:
This returns a page stating the server refused to connect, but the address bar now contains a VeryLongStringOfCharacters in the address bar:
https;//localhost/?code= VeryLongStringOfCharacters
Copy the contents of the address bar, go to, decode the above, and extract the text after “code=”. This is your refresh_token
Go to:, fill out the fields with
Press SEND.
If the resulting page starts with HTTP/1.1 200 OK, you have succeeded.
Try updating your redirect to:
They may require https now and you need a colon instead of a semicolon. Everything looks correct. This process generally takes me more then one attempt, and 15 minutes to an hour to get my refresh token squared away every 90 days.
dont use #AMER.OAUTHAP in client_id
If you generate a new code and based on that try to get a new access token. it should work.

How to get github edit history of issue and issue comments via api?

I only found api to get issue list, issue content, issue comments list and content, no issue content edit history, no issue comments edit history.
No, this cannot currently be done purely from the API.
However, if we reverse engineer the way GitHub loads past edits in the web interface, and do a bit of scraping, we can accomplish the same thing without the API. Unfortunately, this means that we don't have the reliability of an API - GitHub's web interface is liable to change at any time, breaking our code. But it's better than nothing!
So, first we need a log of all the edits for a comment. Let's do this with the comment (from a test repo provided by the gentleman who set the bounty on this question). On order to get a log of this issue's comments, we will need to base64 encode the issue number with '05:' then the word 'Issue' at the beginning. Why '05:'? I have no idea. But it's always there and it won't work with out it. So we'll be base64 encoding the string "05:Issue874033952", which gives us MDU6SXNzdWU4NzQwMzM5NTI=
Great, now we insert MDU6SXNzdWU4NzQwMzM5NTI= into this URL scheme:{BASE64 ENCODING HERE}/comments/comment_edit_history_log, resulting in a link to
Following that link, we see an edit history, but not the contents of the edits themselves:
However, this gives us the information we need! If we look at the HTML, we see that all edits prior to the current edit are defined as buttons with a link to that edit:
class="btn-link dropdown-item p-2"
The URL pointed to by the data-edit-history-url is the same URL loaded via the browser's networking tab when clicking to view a past edit in the web interface!
Unfortunately, if you attempt to view that page on it's own, you get a 404. It is intended to be viewed only from the web interface. But that's no problem, just go to the web interface, view one of the edits, and copy the headers it sends along. In my case I'm using Chromium, so I just find the request to the edit in my networking tab, right click and hit 'copy as Fetch request (nodejs)' and viola, with those headers I'm good to go!
For example, for the comment we've been using this whole time, I make that request and get back a bunch of HTML. The content of the original edit is near the end:
<ins><p class="rich-diff-level-zero">before edit</p></ins>
There it is! I could write a script to automate this, but then I'd be doing everything for you :3 Suffice it to say that with a day's work of cleverly organized scraping, this is roughly what you must to in order to view these revisions. If someone does make such a tool, the OSINT community will surely be immensely grateful!
To see the features of github api, it is better to read the following link
The best source to get the answer:
Check the issues you mentioned, ie issue comments, edit history issue, etc. in the link above
As far as I saw it is possible to receive issue comments but I did not see a section for edit history issue
I also suggest you see the following links for the edit history issue:

How to get web data which can be opened from a specific website into a different tab in excel

I wont to pull data from a webpage on the basis of a criteria's into excel however I am unable to do so.
Website from which I wont to pull data can be logged in only via another website and not by just url.
For E.g. My site name is Elsc and to login into it I have to via another site Gatekeeper and elsc cannot be logged into in any other way.
So is there a solution to get data from such website by Macro.
Thanks in advance :)
I don't think Excel will give you this kind of control (controlling one URL from another URL). I tried to do this a long time ago; it never worked right. Can you just login to that URL and then run a simple VBA script to download the data? Also, consider using a Power Query to do this for you.

Sending Data to JS Form from iOS App

The Red Cross has a locator page where you can submit a zip code by means of a form and that runs through a JSP to return contact information for your local Red Cross office.
From an iOS app, I have the user's zip code and would like to run this process and get that contact information back... or at least the appropriate URL to link to. I was hoping I could find some way to pass the zip code by URL but it doesn't look like it's going to be that easy.
Could anyone offer some direction as to how to go about this? I've done some simple things with forms before but I'm not quite sure where to start with this one.
According to the <form> action parameter, that's the URL you have to post your data to:;jsessionid=MWwKPvjSWmvz8p4XrRtNLVL0VCTM7fcwfnFnKHpwRhJTnwLMMDcv!-1938881463!-1334769155?javax.portlet.tpst=2bd907ea326f7e9e934afa36c23f78a0_ws_MX&javax.portlet.prp_2bd907ea326f7e9e934afa36c23f78a0_viewID=result&javax.portlet.begCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken&javax.portlet.endCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken&vgnextoid=6d65e821cbdf9110VgnVCM1000002bf3870aRCRD
The field name is zipcode. The AFNetworking documentation is quite okay explaining how to send a POST request. I would also recommend the nsscreencasts series, he has an episode on AFNetworking as well.
I hope this helps. :)
You can use NSURLConnection to execute a post request and return the result, you may have to do some parsing of the result though depending on the format it is returned in.
Here is an example:
NSURLConnection documentation:

Pass a string to various websites

I have a product code which I need to enter into 6 different websites in order to pull different information from them about the product. Is there away to save this product code into some sort of variable and pass it into each websites input box and it return all the information from each one automatically? Really have no idea where to go/start with this so if anyone can brainstorm a few ideas to get me moving that would be great.
In order get what you are planning for:
You need a script which visits the specified web site,
then at the website, you can get the element by tag.
For instance in javascript,
var textBox = document.getElementByTag(Input);
This will give you a reference to text field to enter the text. It can be done as follows:
textBox.value = "any string";
Once you have done this, you will have to retrieve the results from the page, based on the website layout.
So if you can specify about your work in detail, you would get better response.
Assuming you're talking about using an ordinary GUI browser, the best you can do is copy it to your system clipboard, and paste it into each page on the browser.
If you're talking about a programmatic web-access like wget or curl, it depends on what language you are writing your script in.
you have to create the web request for each web site and find a way to parse the response which will be HTML
have a look at the HttpWebRequest you can find lots of example on internet that shows how you can create an HTTP POST to a website.