List or array is always empty in Kotlin - kotlin

I'm trying to write simple Stack on Kotlin, but all data containers are always throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. I can't find out what can cause this problem:
class StackX(size: Int) {
private var maxSize: Int = size
private var stackArray: Array<Long> = arrayOf(maxSize.toLong())
private var top = -1
fun push(data: Long) {
stackArray[++top] = data
fun pop() : Long {
return stackArray[top--]
fun peek() : Long {
return stackArray[top]
fun isEmpty() : Boolean {
return (top == -1)
fun isFull() : Boolean {
return (top == maxSize -1)
Could you please explain me the right patter of arrays declaration in this case? I want just this:
int a[] = new int[10];
P.S. It's test code, I even doesn't call pop. It throws on push. I'm just trying to understand what's wrong with declaration.

This line is the problem
private var stackArray: ArrayList<Long> = arrayListOf().
It creates an array which length is 0.
Perhaps, you want something like this
val stackArray: LongArray = LongArray(size).

The problem is in your push() method.
private var stackArray: ArrayList<Long> = arrayListOf() // size = 0
private var top = -1
fun push(data: Long) {
stackArray[++top] = data // top = 0
What you're trying to do is to get the 0th element of an empty list.
Possible fix:
fun push(data: Long) {
Creating an int array of the specified size:
int[] a = new int[10]; // Java
val a = IntArray(10) // Kotlin
All elements are initialized to zero.
Creating a DataItem array:
DataItem[] b = new DataItem[10]; // Java
val b = arrayOfNulls<DataItem>(10) // Kotlin
All elements are initialized to null.


Creating an object builder with error handling using Arrow - Pattern match multiple Eithers

I have class A:
class A (private var z: String, private var y: String, private var x: Int)
I want to create a failsafe builder for it. The builder should return Either the list of Exceptions (e.g. when values are missing) or the created values. What is the recommended way to create something like this? Or is there a conceptually better approach?
My own approach to it:
sealed class ABuilderException {
object MissingXValue : ABuilderException()
object MissingYValue : ABuilderException()
object MissingZValue : ABuilderException()
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.Option
import arrow.core.none
import arrow.core.some
class ABuilder {
private var x : Option<Int> = none()
private var y : Option<String> = none()
private var z : Option<String> = none()
fun withX(x : Int) : ABuilder {
this.x = x.some();
return this;
fun withY(y : String) : ABuilder {
this.y = y.some();
return this;
fun withZ(z : String) : ABuilder {
this.z = z.some();
return this;
fun build() : Either<A, List<ABuilderException>> {
var xEither = x.toEither { ABuilderException.MissingXValue }
var yEither = y.toEither { ABuilderException.MissingYValue }
var zEither = z.toEither { ABuilderException.MissingZValue }
// If all values are not an exception, create A
// otherwise: Return the list of exceptions
How could I best complete the build code?
I favor a solution that avoids deep nesting (e.g. orElse or similar methods) and avoids repeating values (e.g. by recreating Tuples), because this may lead to typos and makes it harder to add/remove properties later.
First you need to change the signature of build to:
fun build() : Either<List<ABuilderException>, A>
The reason for doing that is because Either is right biased - functions like map, flatMap etc operate on the Right value and are no-op in case the value is Left.
For combining Either values you can use zip:
val e1 = 2.right()
val e2 = 3.right()
// By default it gives you a `Pair` of the two
val c1 = // Either.Right((2, 3))
// Or you can pass a custom combine function
val c2 = { two, three -> two + three } // Either.Right(5)
However there is an issue here, in case of an error (one of them is Left) it will fail fast and give you only the first one.
To accumulate the errors we can use Validated:
val x = none<Int>()
val y = none<String>()
val z = none<String>()
// Validated<String, Int>
val xa = Validated.fromOption(x) { "X is missing" }
// Validated<String, String>
val ya = Validated.fromOption(y) { "Y is missing" }
// Validated<String, String>
val za = Validated.fromOption(z) { "Z is missing" }
) { x, y, z -> TODO() }
Validated, like Either has a zip function for combining values. The difference is that Validated will accumulate the errors. In the lambda you have access to the valid values (Int, String, String) and you can create your valid object.
toValidatedNel() here converts from Validated<String, String> to Validated<Nel<String>, String> where Nel is a list that can NOT be empty. Accumulating errors as a List is common so it's built in.
For more you can check the Error Handling tutorial in the docs.

How to find last node that satisfies where predicate in singly linked list?

write a method "lastWhere" that accepts a function called "where" of type (T) -> Boolean. The method returns the last element of type T to which the "where" function applies. If no matching element is found, null is returned.
call the method "lastwhere" on the linked list below. Find the last game that is more than 10 euros.
So far I've got this Code going for me.
I assume the only important piece of Code I need to edit is the "fun lastWhere" for task number 1)
the second task wants me to implement a way on the main function to find the last Game that is cheaper than 10 Euros.
class LinkedList<T> {
data class Node<T>(val data: T, var next: Node<T>?)
private var first: Node<T>? = null
override fun toString(): String = first?.toString() ?: "-"
fun isEmpty() = first == null
fun addLast(data: T) {
if (first == null) {
first = Node(data, first)
var runPointer = first
while (runPointer?.next != null) {
runPointer =
runPointer?.next = Node(data, null)
fun lastWhere (where: (T) -> Boolean): T? { // "where" function needs to be implemented
if (isEmpty()) return null
else {
var runPointer = first
while (runPointer?.next != null ) {
runPointer =
return runPointer?.data
data class Game(val title: String, val price: Double)
fun main() {
val list = LinkedList<Game>()
list.addLast(Game("Minecraft", 9.99))
list.addLast(Game("Overwatch", 29.99))
list.addLast(Game("Mario Kart", 59.99))
list.addLast(Game("World of Warcraft", 19.99))
var test = list.lastWhere ({it.price >= 10.00}) // This is probably wrong too, since I haven't got task 1) working
println (test)
Would appreciate any help!
Since you only store a reference to first node, you don't have any choice but to start at first and iterate. you will also have to keep a reference to last item that satisfied the where predicate, and keep updating this reference with every iteration.
fun lastWhere (where: (T) -> Boolean): T? {
var runPointer = first
var item: T? = null // init item to null, if nothing is found we return null
while (runPointer != null ) {
// For every node, execute the where function and if it returns true
// then update the return value
if(where( { item = }
runPointer =
return item

ArrayList field not correctly gathered

I'm actually new at Kotlin, and I encounter the following problematic:
I have a class holding an ArrayList of EnsembleVerifier class.
This other class is instantiated with an ArrayList of Square.
When I tried to get this ArrayList, I discovered that this one has no element inside.
Is there any absurdity/misconception in my code? Is it something else? Thank you in advance! :)
class GridVerifiers(private val grid: Grid) {
private var verifiers: ArrayList<EnsembleVerifier> = ArrayList()
init {
private fun generateVerifiers() {
private fun generateLineVerifiers() {
val line: ArrayList<Square> = ArrayList()
for (lineIndex in grid.gridState.indices) {
for (columnIndex in grid.gridState.indices)
println(line.size) // returns 9
class EnsembleVerifier(private val squares: ArrayList<Square>) {
fun isValid(): Boolean {
val buffer: ArrayList<Int> = ArrayList()
println(squares.size) // returns 0!
for (square in squares) {
if (square.value in buffer) return false
return true
In java most of the time you are working with references to objects. This means in your case, that your are always working with the same array line. Therefore, when you call line.clear you are cleaning the array that that reference is pointing at, and that's causing your issue with empty arrays.
You need to generate new objects every time instead of cleaning the list.
private fun generateLineVerifiers() {
for (lineIndex in grid.gridState.indices) {
val line: ArrayList<Square> = ArrayList()
for (columnIndex in grid.gridState.indices)
println(line.size) // returns 9

Kotlin Data class copy extension

I am trying to find a solution for a nice kotlin data class solution. I have already this:
data class Object(
var classMember: Boolean,
var otherClassMember: Boolean,
var example: Int = 0) {
fun set(block: Object.() -> kotlin.Unit): Object {
val copiedObject = this.copy()
copiedObject.apply {
return copiedObject
fun touch(block: Object.() -> kotlin.Unit): Object {
return this.set {
classMember = true
otherClassMember = false
block() }
val test = Object(true,true,1)
val changedTest = test.touch { example = 2 }
the result of this method is that the changedTest object has classMember = true, otherClassMember = false and example = 2
The problem with this solution is, the class properties are not immutable with var declaration. Does somebody have an idea how to optimize my methods to change var to val?
val says that a variable can't change it's value after initialization at the definition point. Kotlin's generated copy method does not modify an existing copy after construction: this method actually uses retrieved values from an object, replaces these values with ones that provided in copy method (if any), and after that just constructs a new object using these values.
So, it is not possible to perform such an optimization if you are going to change object's state after construction.
If I understood what you want correctly, you can do
data class Object(
val classMember: Boolean,
val otherClassMember: Boolean,
val example: Int = 0) {
fun touch(example: Int = this.example): Object {
return copy(
classMember = true,
otherClassMember = false,
example = example)
val test = Object(true,true,1)
val changedTest = test.touch(example = 2)
Though you need to repeat parameters other than classMember and otherClassMember but without reflection you can't do better.

Can I monitor a variable in Kotlin?

I hope to monitor a variable, I will do sometings when the variable changed, maybe just like Code A.
How can I write these code in Kotlin? Thanks!
Code A
var myList: List<Int>
fun onVariableChange(){
if (myList.size>=1){
To ice1000
Thanks! but the following code doesn't work! I don't know how to init allList when I need set property.
private lateinit var allList: MutableList<MSetting> set(value) {
field = value
private var allList=mutableListOf<MSetting>() set(value) {
field = value
fun onVariableChange(){
if (allList.size>=1){
To humazed:
Thanks! why isn't the following code correct?
private var allList: MutableList<MSetting> by Delegates.vetoable(mutableListOf<MSetting>())
{ property, oldValue, newValue ->
btnRestore.isEnabled=(newValue.size >= 1)
btnBackup.isEnabled=(newValue.size >= 1)
To humazed and ice1000
Thanks! The system can't monitor the change of the var allList when I use Code 2
private var allList: MutableList<MSetting> by Delegates.observable(mutableListOf<MSetting>())
{ property, oldValue, newValue ->
btnRestore.isEnabled = newValue.size >= 1
Code 1
allList=SettingHandler().getListAllSetting().toMutableList() // Observable Work
Code 2
allList.addAll(SettingHandler().getListAllSetting().toMutableList()) //Observable Doesn't Work
Kotlin observable and vetoable is perfect for this use case.
vetoable is doing just what you want. from the doc:
Returns a property delegate for a read/write property that
calls a specified callback function when changed, allowing the
callback to veto the modification.
for your example, you can use:
var myList: List<Int> by Delegates.vetoable(listOf()) { property, oldValue, newValue ->
if (newValue.size >= 1)
true // apply the change to myList
false // ignore the change. ie. myList stay the same.
or simply:
var myList: List<Int> by Delegates.vetoable(listOf()) { property, oldValue, newValue ->
After your edit. I see in your next example observable is more suitable as you seem to want the list to be changed regardless of any condition.
var allList: MutableList<String> by Delegates.observable(mutableListOf<String>()) { property, oldValue, newValue ->
btnRestore.isEnabled = newValue.size >= 1
btnBackup.isEnabled = newValue.size >= 1
your code didn't work because you added unnecessary {} and used vetoable without returning neither true nor false.
For the edited answer. it deserves its own question but I'm going to answer it here anyway.
you could use list and when you want to change the list replace it with the new list. this has performance implications since you creating a new list every time you need to add or remove an item.
or you could extend the list class or use extension functions to react to add and delete operations. ex:-
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val myList = mutableListOf<Int>()
myList.addAllAndNotify(listOf(1, 2, 3, 4))
myList.addAllAndNotify(listOf(1, 2, 88, 9))
fun <E> MutableList<E>.addAllAndNotify(elements: Collection<E>) {
fun <E> doStuff(list: List<E>) {
println("list = ${list}")
the output:
list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 88, 9]
finally, you could take a look at this nice lib which has ObservableList if this what you need you better of using it instead of writing it yourself.
You can override the and setter.
var myList: List<Int> // maybe here's a missing initialization
set(value) {
field = value
fun onVariableChange() {
if (myList.size >= 1) {
btnDelete.enabled = true
By this, if you do myList = blabla, onVariableChange will be called.
To the edit, why doesn't
private var allList = mutableListOf<String>()
set(value) {
field = value
fun onVariableChange() {
if (allList.size >= 1) {
This code work?
To the comment, you may use this:
private var allList = listOf<String>()
set(value) {
field = value