Ghostscript generate quality thumbnail jpg from pdf - pdf

I am generating .jpg thumbnails out of .pdf pages with ghostscript.
This is the code I'm using:
gswin64c -dNumRenderingThreads=4 -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -g125x175 -
dPDFFitPage -sOutputFile=./h%d.jpg -dJPEGQ=100 -r300 -q input.pdf -c quit
Everything is fine except the quality of thumbnails is really bad. I'm hoping for some ghostscript command to increase the quality to imagemagick quality.
Btw. Imagemagick generates good quality thumbnails, but it's too slow.
Here is an example thumbnail with ghostscript:
And here is the image I want. Generated by imagemagick:

It would be helpful to supply the original file, without that its speculation as regards better parameters.
Personally I wouldn't use JPEG, I doubt it offers much compression at such low resolution/media size. It also doesn't perform well on linework and text, which is what your page looks like to me. The combination leads to considerable artefacts in the output.
The ImageMagick output appears to be heavily anti-aliased, you can get that from Ghostscript by setting -dGraphicsAlphaBits, -dTextAlphaBits OR by oversampling the resolution and then downsampling, using -dDownScaleFactor.
Of course, the performance of Ghostscript when producing anti-aliased output will be reduced compared to the normal output. You can't get something for nothing 'better quality' is going to cost you somewhere along the line.
Note that at the page size you are using -dNumRenderingThreads will have no effect whatsoever. You have to be running a display list for that to have any effect, and such a tiny page will be rendered as a bitmap in memory.


Losing color when rasterizing some vectors

I have a process that rasterize PDFs with lots os vector objects in form of clothes pieces into high definition PNGs using Ghostscript in python. In some cases I'm seeing that some of these pieces are losing the color in the output. My believe its that its related to the fact that there are lots (maybe thousands?) of vectors in each piece.
You can notice that the image on the left (opened in illustrator) has a piece that's not showing in the rasterized image (right). I may be wrong and it's not the quantity of vectors that are affecting but I don't have another lead at the moment since there is not error message or anything. Why could this be happening?
Ghostcript version: Ghostscript 9.53.3
Command I'm using to run it:
gs -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r300 -o output_file_path -dBufferSpace=2000000000 -dNumRenderingThreads=4 -dMaxBitmap=2147483647 -f input_file_path

How can I use Ghostscript to pre-process pdfs for older Kindles?

I have an old Kindle Dx. Owing to disabilities, I can't use tablets or other touch devices, and I transfer pdfs to the Kindle to read them. It requires pre-processing.
What is a good option to pre-process pdfs without rasterizing them?
[When rasterizing is acceptable:
k2pdfopt -mode copy for maps or for small text. This rasterizes, enhances contrast, and makes everything 1.4-compatible.
k2pdfopt -mode copy -dev dx for other works. This rasterizes to 800x1080, downsamples as needed, enhances contrast while making everything grayscale, and makes everything 1.4-compatible.
When rasterizing text is not acceptable:
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -sstdout=%sstderr -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf if you want to preserve graphics. This makes minimal changes to make everything 1.4 compatible.
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \
-g800x1080 -r150 -dPDFFitPage \
-dFastWebView -sColorConversionStrategy=RGB \
-dDownsampleColorImages=true -dDownsampleGrayImages=true -dDownsampleMonoImages=true -dColorImageResolution=150 -dGrayImageResolution=150 -dMonoImageResolution=300 -dColorImageDownsampleThreshold=1.0 -dGrayImageDownsampleThreshold=1.0 -dMonoImageDownsampleThreshold=1.0 \
-sstdout=%sstderr -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf if you want moderate downsampling. This re-rasterizes existing raster images to fit 800x1080 and makes everything 1.4 compatible.
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \
-g800x1080 -r150 -dPDFFitPage \
-dFastWebView -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray \
-dDownsampleColorImages=true -dDownsampleGrayImages=true -dDownsampleMonoImages=true -dColorImageResolution=75 -dGrayImageResolution=75 -dMonoImageResolution=150 -dColorImageDownsampleThreshold=1.0 -dGrayImageDownsampleThreshold=1.0 -dMonoImageDownsampleThreshold=1.0 \
-sstdout=%sstderr -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf if you want more aggressive downsampling. This re-rasterizes raster images to fit 400x540, makes them grayscale, and makes everything 1.4 compatible. Low image quality, but usually still recognizable.
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dFILTERIMAGE -dFILTERVECTOR -sstdout=%sstderr -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf if you want to cut all graphics.
If using any of these options to pre-process for another device check its screen size in pixels. Don't worry too much about pixels per inch.]
[I.S. My goals are to fix pdfs so they 1. don't crash my Kindle, 2. don't freeze my Kindle or take too long to load each page, and 3. don't take up too much of the limited disk space on my Kindle. Preferably also 4. not rasterizing text, 5. not cutting out all images, which can sometimes lose tables, etc. and 6. not reflowing text, which will generally lose tabled. But I'm happy to downsample most images.]
[I.S. Note that I'm keeping copies of the originals. This is not a way to save disk space!]
For scanned pdfs, Willus's k2pdfopt is a great option. I've set up Mac Automator for
k2opt -mode copy -dev dx
or occasionally just -mode copy.
For pdf-born-pdfs, I'd rather not rasterize everything.
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -sstdout=%stderr
can usually convert files, so the Kindle Dx can open them, but the Kindle will still slow, freeze, or crash with some pages.
One option is to combine Ghostscript and Mutool as follows:
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -sstdout=%stderr -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH to pre-process pdfs to remove passwords,
mutool clean -g -g -d -s -l to sort out the junk, and then
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -sstdout=%stderr -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH again to get a smaller and faster pdf.
Note: I think Mutool's 3rd -g is the equivalent of Ghostscript's -dDetectDuplicateImages. Since it slows rendering down it may be better to do the opposite. I'm not sure how to set it to false. -dDetectDuplicateImages false? -uDetectDuplicateImages?
Note: I'm using gtime to time pdf rendering.
A single-step tool in a single application would help. And an image-reduction too would also help. Ghostscript's documentation is hard to follow.
For cleanup, as an alternative to running mutool:
-dFastWebView might help.
-dNOGC indicates that Ghostscript does garbage collection by default.
For image reduction:
-dPDFSETTINGS=/screen seems to work better in 9.50 than 9.23. /ebook might be better since it embeds all fonts.
-dFILTERIMAGE -dFILTERVECTOR also work better in 9.50 than 9.23, but are more drastic than I'd like.
A lot of settings seem to rely in input resolution and/or input page size.
-r seems to rely on input page size, rather than output page size. The Kindle Dx is 800 pixels by 1180 pixels.
-dDownScaleFactor reduces relative to input resolution.
-g800x1080 seems to crop pages, not shrink them.
I think -sDEVICE=pdfimage8 rasterizes everything, like k2pdfopt.
In some cases
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dFastWebView
-uDetectDuplicateImages -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -sstdout=%sstderr -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH yields larger and slower files than just -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -sstdout=%sstderr -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH
... I'm not sure what to make of these results.
You've asked an awful lot in here, which makes it rather difficult to read and answer cogently. You haven't really made it clear exactly what it is you want to achieve (you also haven't said what version of GS and MuPDF you are using).
Here are some points;
You don't need to 'clean out the junk' from PDF files produced by Ghostscript, these rarely have anything which can be removed, that's one reason people run PDF files through GS+pdfwrite (despite my saying constantly its a bad idea).
Using the -g switch with Mutool twice doesn't (AFAIK) do anything extra, but adding -d decompresses the files. You can have Ghostscript produce uncompressed PDF files too, use -dCompressPages=false -dCompressFonts=false -dCompressStreams=false.
When you pass your PDF through pdfwrite, then MuPDF, then pdfwrite again, you are risking quality degradation at every step, and the intermediate MUPDF step is unlikely to achieve anything. Most likely what you are doing is reducing the compression (and quality) of any JPEG compressed images, I doubt much else of use is happening.
I can't think why you'd want to not detect duplicate images, it really just makes the file bigger but if you want to you use the switch the same way as all the other GS switches; -dDetectDuplicateImages=false. Note this won't change the processing speed (and generally pdfwrite doesn't do rendering, but perhaps you mean on the target device...), the detection is done by applying an MD5 filter to every image as it is read, then comparing the MD5 hashes. Switching that off doesn't stop the MD5 it just stops the comparison.
If you find Ghostscript's documentation hard to follow, then use the Adobe documentation for distillerparams, that's where the majority of the pdfwrite settings come from (ie blame Adobe for this ;-)
-dFastWebView is (IMO) totally pointless, its there purely for compatibility with Adobe, and because a lot of people won't accept that its useless and insist on it. All it does is speed up loading of the first page of a PDF file, by PDF consumers which support it (which is practically none). And to do this it makes the file slightly bigger and more complicated.
Do NOT use -dNOGC, I keep telling people not to do this, its a debugging tool, it has no practical value in production other than to potentially make Ghostscript use more memory. Everything else you hear about it is cargo cult.
-r has nothing to do with the media szie at all, and does (more or less) nothing with pdfwrite. It sets the resolution of a page when rendering. Since you don't want to render to an image, setting the resolution is not a useful thing to do.
No pdfwrite settings rely on the "input resolution" because PDF (and PostScript) files don't have a resolution, they are vector page descriptions.
-dDownscaleFactor is a switch which only applies to the downscaling devices; tiffscaled and friends, which are rendering devices, it has no effect at all on pdfwrite.
Setting a fixed media size (using -g) does indeed rely on the resolution (because its specified in device pixesl) and does indeed only alter the media size, not the content. If you want to rescale the content to fit the new media, then you need to use -dFitPage. I can't really see why you would do that. Note that it doesn't affect the content of a PDF file (unless its a rendered image), it just makes all the numberic values smaller.
The pdfimage devices do indeed produce a PDF file where the entire content is an image; hence the name....
Now, if you could define what you actually want to achieve, I could make some suggestions.....
image downsampling
Firstly there are three controls which turn this feature on/off altogether;
-dDownsampleMonoImages, -dDownsampleGrayImages and -dDownsampleColorImages. Assuming you don't select a PDFSETTINGS (I would recommend you do not) these are all initially false. If you want to downsample any images you need to set the relevant mono/gray/color switch to true.
Once downsampling is enabled then you need to set the relevant ImageResolution and DownsamplingThreshold, there are again switches for each colour depth.
Now although PDF files don't have a resolution the images have an effective resolution, but its not easy to calculate (actually without a lot of effort its impossible). Its the number of image samples in the bitmap in each direction, divided by the area of the media covered by the image.
As an example if I have an image 100x100 samples, and that is placed on the page in a 1 inch square, then the resolution of the image is 100 dpi. If I then scale the image up so that it covers 2 inches square (but don't change the image data) then its 50 dpi.
So you need to decide what resolution looks OK on your device. You then set -dColorImageResolution=, -dMonoImageResolution, -dGrayImageResolution.
That's the 'target' resolution. But if the image is already close to that it can be wasteful to process it, so the Downsampling threshold is consulted. The actual resolution of the image in the input has to be the target resolution times the threshold, or more, to be reduced for output.
If we consider, for example, a target resolution of 300 and a threshold of 1.5 then the actual resolution of an image in the input file would have to exceed 450 dpi to be considered for downsampling.
Obviously you can set the threshold to 1.0 eg -dColorImageDownsampleThreshold=1.0
Finally there is the downsampling type, this is the filter used to create the lower resolution image from the higher. The simplest is /Subsample; basically throw away enough lines and columns until we reach the required resolution (this is only filter available for monochrome imsages, as all the others would change the colour depth). Then there's /Average which averages the value in each direction, effectively a bilinear filter. Finally there's /Bicubic which probably does the 'best' job but will be the slowest to process.
On top of all that you can choose the Image Filter (the compression filter) used to write the image data. We don't support JPXEncode in the AGPL version of Ghostscript and pdfwrite. That leaves you /CCITTFaxEncode (for monochrome) DCTEncode (JPEG) and FlateEncode (basically Zip compression). That's MonImageFilter, GrayImageFilter and ColorImageFilter.
If you want to use these you must first set AutoFilterGrayImages to false and/or AutoFilterColorImages to false, because if these are true the pdfwrite device will choose a compression method by looking to see which one compresses most. For Gray and Color images this will almost certainly be JPEG.
Final point is that linework (vector data) cannot be selectively rendered; either everything is rendered or everything is maintained 'as it was'. The only time (in general) that pdfwrite renders content is when transaprecny is present and the output CompatibilityLevel doesn't support transparency (1.3 or below). There are exceptions but they are quite uncommon.
You might want to consider setting the ColorConversionStrategy to either /DeviceRGB or /DeviceGray. I've no idea if you are using colour or grayscale devices, but if they are grayscale creating a gray PDF file would reduce the size and processing significantly. Creating an RGB file for colour devices probably makes sense too, in case the input is CMYK.

Quality of tiff output Imagemagick vs. Ghostscript

I'm currently working on a Google tesseract ocr workflow. There are two options for generating tif's from PDF:
gswin64c.exe -r300x300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiff24nc -sOutputFile=thetif.tif -sCompression=lzw thepdf.pdf -c quit -q
Imagemagick - convert:
convert -background white -alpha off -density 300 thepdf.pdf -depth 8 -compress zip thetif.tif
For an (arbitrary) example file, the extracted tif is for gswin64c about five times as large as the result of convert. Also the text is nevertheless much smoother and higher quality with convert (!) then with gswin64c. So I would prefer to use convert, but it takes unfortunately about 4 times the time of gswin64c to extract e.g. 30 pages from a multipage pdf (170 sec vs. 40 sec).
Is there any chance to improve the quality of gswin64c (without extremely enlarge the output files) or to speed up convert?
To me this appears to be the usual trade off of speed versus quality. You like the convert quality, but its too slow, you like Ghostscript's speed but you feel the quality is lower.
Surely that would suggest that you can't have both ?
Anyway do you realise that ImageMagick convert calls Ghostscript to render the PDF file ? So whichever route you use, you are using Ghostscript.
It is (of course) entirely possible that convert is post=-processing the image, but I would suspect it is not. If you look into how convert works you can probably find out what command line its feeding to Ghostscript and use that.
It also looks like convert is using a different compression filter (Flate instead of LZW), and may be specifying anti-aliasing. You can get anti-aliasing either by using TextAlphaBits and GraphcisAlphaBits or the tiffscaled devices.
Of course, using anti-aliasing will result in smoother text (if you like blurred text) but it will take longer.
I do not use google tesseract ocr workflow but your command looks odd. Why two converts?
The input image usually comes after the convert but in your case the -density would come first.
I would try something like this and see what happens:
imagemagick - convert -density 300 thepdf.pdf -background white -alpha off -depth 8 -compress zip thetif.tif

Scale to fit and resize page

I am using (PDF)LaTeX to make a document, and I also need to embed already existing PDF documents in it. The problem is that I have PDF documents in several different page sizes (letter, a4, etc) and I want to compile all of them into a single b5 PDF document.
If I use the pdfpages package from CTAN, all hyperlinks from the original PDFs are removed. So I tried to do it with GhostScript.
This sounds like something normal to do but I have failed to find a working solution.
I have, in the meanwhile, read a few question and answers, but failed to figure out what I am doing wrong and what I am missing.
This doesn't seem to address my problem of scaling.
Neither does that.
This seems to go in the right direction but I couldn't make use of the information :-(.
To make the problem easier, let's just try to resize a single PDF so that:
its contents are scaled to fit the page
the new page has the size I want
Sounds easy, and it is easy to do, for example with pdfjam:
pdfjam --outfile b5-foo.pdf --paper b5paper foo.pdf
Now the problem with this is that pdfjam throws away hyperlinks. From its website:
A potential drawback of pdfjam and other scripts based upon it is that any hyperlinks in the source PDF are lost.
This must be because it seems to use pdfpages mentioned above.
Unlike pdfjam, GhostScript keeps hyperlinks. However, it either:
crops the original when I downscale; or
does not put the scaled content on a page of the size I need -- instead, I get a page that seems to be scaled down, while keeping the original aspect ratio.
This is what I have installed:
$ gs --version
(Installed on Linux)
This is how I can use GhostScript to crop the content:
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFIXEDMEDIA -sPAPERSIZE=isob5 \
-o b5-foo.pdf foo.pdf
... and here is how I can use -dPDFFitPage to scale the content but also keep the aspect ratio of the original page size:
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFIXEDMEDIA -sPAPERSIZE=isob5 -dPDFFitPage \
-o b5-foo.pdf foo.pdf
To be even clearer: I seem to get a page that is scaled so that it would fit inside the b5 I am asking for, but it is not b5: it still has the H/W ratio the original (letter) had!
I'd be happy if this can be done just using switches but if I need to use PostScript that's perfectly fine.
The solution seems to be to use -dPSFitPage instead of -dPDFFitPage. This might have something to do with the PDF files that I am trying to resize. Unfortunately, I cannot share those :-(. When I tried to reproduce this with files that I generated and the problem does not reproduce. I don't know why this is or how I should have known it.
To summarize, using PDF files for both input and output:
-dFitPage and -dPDFFitPage give me scaled pages with the original aspect ratio
-dPSFitPage gives me scaled content on the page size I request with -sPAPERSIZE="$PAPERSIZE"
This seems to go against what the documentation says.

Obey the MediaBox/CropBox in PDF when using Ghostscript to render a PDF to a PNG

I've been using Ghostscript to convert my single figure plots rendered in PDF to PNG:
gswin32c -sDEVICE=png16m -r300x300 -sOutputFile=junk.png ^
-dBATCH -dNOPAUSE Figure_001-a.pdf
This works in the sense I get a PNG out and it contains the plot.
But it contains a huge amount of white space as well (an example source image:
If you view it in Acrobat you'll note there is no white space around the plot. If you use the above command line you'll find the plot is only about 1/3 of the space.
When doing the same thing with an EPS file I run into the same problem. However, there is the command-line parameter -dEPSCrop that one can pass to get the PS rendering engine to pay attention to the BoundingBox.
I need the similar argument for rendering PDFs. I was not able to find it in docs (nor even the -dEPSCrop, actually).
I had exactly the same issue. I fixed it by adding -dUseArtBox switch.
/usr/bin/gs -dUseArtBox -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=output.png input.pdf
Note: -dUseArtBox switch is supported since ghostscript version 9.07
Sets the page size to the ArtBox rather than the MediaBox. The art box defines the extent of the page's meaningful content (including potential white space) as intended by the page's creator. The art box is likely to be the smallest box. It can be useful when one wants to crop the page as much as possible without losing the content.
There are various options to control which "media size" Ghostscript renders a given input:
With PDFFitPage Ghostscript will render to the current page device size (usually the default page size).
With UseTrimBox it will use the TrimBox (and it will at the same time set the PageSize to that value).
With UseCropBox it will use the CropBox (and it will at the same time set the PageSize to that value).
By default (give no parameter), Ghostscript will render using the MediaBox.
For your example, it looks like adding "-dUseCropBox" will do the job you're expecting.
Note, you can additionally control the overall size of your output by using "-sPAPERSIZE" (select amongst all pre-defined values Ghostscript knows) or (for more flexibility) use "-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=NNN -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=NNN".
Have you tried using pdfcrop using pdftex (comes with texlive for example) or (not tried yet) the python script pdfcrop?
I have a similar workflow using the first tool mentioned.