I've added custom key via [CrashlyticsKit setObjectValue:#"free" forKey:#"user_type"];.
Can I somehow filter out only those crashes which had this custom value? Also, can I get a number of crashes for this key? I know I can use search, but it's not very convenient.
I am writing an app in which I have two UITextFields...
Starting Text
Destination Text
Now once I place values and hit the search or whatever function I want to call, I Want to reuse these values. The app should record and save these values as cache. And should show them when typing or upon a button click. Is that possible to show them just like Dictionary words show up or Which is more preferable tableView or PickerView? If there is any other please let me know.
Definitely use a UITableView. A UIPicherView is used modally most of the time and not for optional suggestions.
Table view is used in Safari, and a lots of other apps:
As for how to cache the data, you have lots of options. It also depends on how much data you expect.
One easy way would be to simply use NSArray. You can very easily write an NSArray to disk in a plist file and read it back when you need it.
Or you could use Core Data, if you expect lots of data and still want high performance. It will be a lot more difficult though to get used to that API if you've never tried it before. Basically you'll need a simple model with one entity called something like SearchEntry that has a single property text. Then you keep adding new instances to your managed object context and can easily filter the existing values.
Does anybody know how to reproduce the ZoomedOutView like in the following picture:
Picture http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/2981/84364982.png
I have a solution that probably works but I think we can do that differently.
My solution :
Add all the keys in the binded and grouped collection
Create a converter Int32 to Booleab
Bind the enabled property to Group.Values.Count and apply the converter
Modify the GridViewItem style to change the Background property
Is there an easier way to do that ?
Thanks in advance
Those steps sound about right and should be the most straightforward way to get to what you want.
One place you might run into trouble is with getting the Group counts. Depending on what you're using for grouping you may get an IEnumerable with only the Count() extension method available and not a real Count property that would be bindable. This would be the case if you were using LINQ's GroupBy for example.
I'm new to Titanium Properties API. I'm getting a weird error when using setObject() method.
Following is my code.
Titanium.App.Properties.setObject(view.idAttr, view);
Where view.idAttr is a string acting as a key for this property and view is a View type object. Upon calling above method, I get following message.
2012-09-14 17:47:25.947 SumMeUp[14033:4a03] *** -[NSUserDefaults setObject:forKey:]: Attempt to insert non-property value '[object TiUIView]' of class 'TiUIViewProxy'. Note that dictionaries and arrays in property lists must also contain only property values.
I couldn't understand this behavior. If anyone knows a solution to, please reply.
setObject() is meant for objects only, not for views.
A object would be something you write yourself in JavaScript.
Even if it could, it would be bad behaviour of the app to store it in a property. Remember the property is being stored cross-session. So if you want something stored, store data there to generate the view later again, not the view itself. Also saves a lot of memory!
How I can create a code in XCode 4.2.1 what will create NSTableView and add just couple of items to it?
All what I wanted to do is:
1) Window where is NSTableView
2) I have an array of strings in NSArray which I like to show in that NSTableView
3) All of this should be done in code. So I don't want to learn how to add this action happen when you press button (I know already how to do actions when user click buttons etc), I just want that application launch -> draws the table where is those items from my array. That's it, nothing more.
And yeah I have understood that I do not add items to NSTableView directly. That is not the point in this question. I just mean that I want to show couple of items in that table but I have no and kind of clue WHERE I should add my data from my array.
I have tried to google for example pages for hours (just too many and have not find help) but I will always be stucked in the part when
a) I must do something in the Interface Builder and the images of the interface builder are from version 2.x or 3.x and I have 4.2.1 and it is totally different (new to XCode...). Surely I have drawn my TableView element to UI but I mean delegations etc. Are those necessary at all? Can those be made from source code?
b) Code just does not work anymore because language (Cocoa or Objective-C, I don't know) has changed and I don't know how and what I have to do to make it work on newest version of XCode.
c) There is too much different ways told: "use binding", "you must create new class what is NSTableViewDataSource" etc. I have no any kind of clue what is preferred way, is another way optional or it is "you should use this because another is going deprecated soon" or something.
So please, can somebody give help in step-by-step what I exactly have to do? Should I create some bindings? If so, how and where? Do I have to create DataSource component myself? Are those ways valid any more? If I have to, how I can create it? Create a new class and implement it as a NSTableViewDataSource and then use it? Is that way valid any more and if it is, can sombody show code what is as simple as possible?
I have also checked Apple Documentation page many many times, checked those example codes but there is just too much totally unrelated stuff that I just don't understand at this point so they are totally useless (I mean, I don't know what is required for this task, what are not etc.
I would be very happy if somebody can help short tutorial step-by-step what to do. I mean "step-by-step" like:
1) Create new project
2) Draw NSTableView in project
3) Create new class with this name
4) Write this code: blah blah blah
5) Create another class with this name
6) Write this code
7) Run and see those items from array in NSTableView using (bindings/datasource/whatever is preferred).
Thanks :)
Your tableview needs a datasource. Your datasource is a custom class, it implements the "NSTableViewDataSource" protocol. This protocol contains a few methods that you can use to tell the tableview what data you got.
this includes the objectValue ( the value of the NSCell that is displaying your data on the specified row, and a method that returns the amount of rows the tableview has ( the amount of items in your array ).
Here a tutorial I found by googling:
CocoaDev.com NSTableView tutorial
You can also implement the NSTableViewDelegate protocol which allows some greater control. Like what rows you can select, or some extra configuring of a custom tableview cell.
I must say that back in the day when I started developing desktop applications ( only had experience with web technologies ) that this design pattern confused me as well. Hope you will get your mind round it soon.
I want to create a new object so as to instantiate and use it several times;
For example, if I want to create an object that has a label and a button inside, how do I? I created a new NSObject but inside it has nothing, then how do I make everything from scratch since there was a viewDidLoad for example (obviously, since it has a view)?
Your questions lead me to think that you're really just starting out. There's nothing wrong with that, but rather than trying to summarize several megabytes of documentation in a few paragraphs, I'm just going to point you to the iOS Starting Point. I think that you're just trying to create a container that can hold other UI components? If so, use a UIView for that. However, don't jump in and try to get something specific done without first reading through some of the Getting Started documents -- you'll just end up back here, and we'll just point you back to the docs. You might like the Your First iOS Application guide, as that lets you get your feet wet but explains things along the way.