Can not assign var i = window.location.href - window.location

Somehow I can not assign
var i = window.location.href;
While this work
I am using JQuery 3.3.1

It must works.
i = window.location.href
document.write( i )


Translate an entire page with Google Translate API

I'm using the google Translate API to translate content that's inside an IFRAME. When using the API, I notice that it returns a array(string) with the translated texts, but when inserting it in the DOM, the entire structure disappears, leaving only the text.
The original Page
The result page after the response of the Google API (translate in Portuguese)
This is the code that I'm using:
function translate(lang) {
var iframe = document.getElementById('mainIframe');
var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
var iframeBody = iframeDoc.body;
var iframeHTML = iframeDoc.documentElement;
var iframeText = iframeBody.innerText || iframeHTML.innerText;
var url = '' + encodeURI(iframeText);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var translatedText = ''
for (var i = 0; i < response[0].length; i++) {
translatedText += response[0][i][0];
iframeDoc.body.innerHTML = translatedText;
How can I not affect the structure within the Iframe (Not to be like the second image I sent above)? Just replace the original text with what comes in the response and leave the original look.
I've already tried using functions to find the original text in the DOM to replace it with the translated text but without success. In this case, the idea was just to replace the text correspondence literally.
Thanks for your help and thanks in advance

can i send xhttp request using blogger tags like this

I have this
const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET",``, true);
xhttp.onload = function() {
let responseJSON = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
its working fine but i want to do same thing with blogger tags like
<b:eval expr='data:xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest()'/>
<b:eval expr='data:xhttp.onload = function(){data:responseJSON = JSON.parse(this.responseText);}'/>
<b:eval expr='"GET","",true);}'/>
<b:eval expr='data:xhttp.send();}'/>
<b:if cond='data:responseJSON.labels[0]==="html"'>
can i do this if posible
its not showing error but also not working

Show a route on a map with Vue

I am working on a project with Vue and Leaflet that for now just shows a map and I want that when you give the start and end coordinates it colours the route from between those points (or many points and a route than goes through all of them). Unfortunately, I found that the plugin for Leaflet that uses OSRM for automating routing "will not work unless you configure a routing backend yourself". Is there an alternative to that? Any other open-source plugin for Vue Leaflet (or alternatively for OpenLayers(VueLayers) that can auto-track existing routes? Thank you in advance.
You could interface Openlayers directly with a service such as OpenRouteService{profile}/json/post This code assumes a map routesMap with a vector layer orsRoute, and array routeComplete of coordinate pairs in view projection for start, optional waypoint, and end, and API key orsKey
var viewProj = routesMap.getView().getProjection();
var startA = ol.proj.transform(routeComplete[0], viewProj, 'EPSG:4326');
var viaA = routeComplete[1] ? ol.proj.transform(routeComplete[1], viewProj, 'EPSG:4326') : null;
var endA = ol.proj.transform(routeComplete[2], viewProj, 'EPSG:4326');
var startN = startA.toString();
var viaN = viaA ? viaA.toString() : null;
var endN = endA.toString();
var url = '';
var params = '{"coordinates":[[' + startN + '],[' + (viaN ? viaN + '],[' : '') + endN + ']]}';
var orsXhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
orsXhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (orsXhr.readyState == 4) {
if (orsXhr.status == 200) {
var route = JSON.parse(orsXhr.responseText).routes[0];
var linestring = route.geometry;
var distance = route.summary.distance;
var duration = route.summary.duration;
new ol.Feature({
geometry: new ol.format.Polyline().readGeometry(linestring).transform('EPSG:4326', viewProj),
name: 'Openrouteservice',
distance: distance,
duration: duration
orsRoute.getSource().setAttributions('© Powered by openrouteservice');
orsXhr.onerror = function(e) { console.log('error'); }
orsXhr.ontimeout = function(e) { console.log('timeout'); }'POST', url, true);
orsXhr.timeout = 3000;
orsXhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
orsXhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', orsKey);

Jsreport Malformed URI error when rendering Async

Since I am sending lots of data with the request, I have to use renderAsync to use POST. When the stream came back, I use the following JS code to open it
jsreport.renderAsync(request).then(function(arrayBuffer) {"data:application/pdf;base64," + arrayBuffer
But then the error showed. Is there alternative way to do it?
This seems to work
jsreport.renderAsync(request).then(function(response) {
var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(response);
var i = uInt8Array.length;
var binaryString = new Array(i);
while (i--)
binaryString[i] = String.fromCharCode(uInt8Array[i]);
var data = binaryString.join('');
var base64 = window.btoa(data);"data:application/pdf;base64, " + base64);

function + module.exports

I have a problem with module.export on titanium. I tried following but it doesn't work at all.
I have 2 little pieces of code. App.js:
var fenetreBase = Titanium.UI.createWindow({fullscreen:true,backgroundColor:"white",exitOnClose:true});;
var vueimage = new (require('UI/viewimage'))();
and viewimage.js in the folder UI.
function viewimage() {
var lavue = Ti.UI.createView({backgroundColor:'red' });
var item =...
return lavue;
viewimage.prototype.test = function() {"test");
module.exports = viewimage;
I have an error saying
Object #<view> has no method 'test' in app.js vueimage.test()
In my mind, I follow the example of "Instantiable Objects" in the wiki above but I may have not understand something. I expect I made a stupid mistake. I tried many other things, each uglier than other and it doesn't work anyway.
Can somebody tell me where the mistake is?
your mistake is assuming that you have an instance of viewimage when you run:
var vueimage = new (require('UI/viewimage'))();
you are getting an instance of
var lavue = Ti.UI.createView({backgroundColor:'red' });
which doesn't have a test property.
Perhaps you could use an object like this instead:
function viewimage() {
var result = {};
var lavue = Ti.UI.createView({backgroundColor:'red' });
var item =...
result.lavue = lavue;
result.test = function() {"test");
return result;
In your App.js:
var vueimage = new (require('UI/viewimage'))();