how to write a case statement like sql in pivotal gemfire query - gemfire

Sample sql query:
select name,
case when city='Mumbai' then '01' else '02' end as Code
from products
How to write above query in pivotal gemfire using case statement?

This is currently not supported when using native OQL, you need to implement the use case using another approach, like executing a function that filters the results directly on server side before returning the objects. More details about this can be found in Function Execution.
That said, there's already an improvement request created for this functionality, you can follow the progress by adding yourself as a watcher to GEODE-4040.
Hope this helps.


Mulesoft not able to pass dynamic SQL queries based on environments

Hello for demonstration purposes I trimmed out my actual sql query.
I have a SQL query
where dbdev is my DEV database table name. When I migrate to TEST env, I want my query to dynamically change to
I tried using input parameters like {env: p('db_name')} and using in the query as
SELECT * FROM (:env)
but none of them worked. I don't want my SQL query in properties file.
Can you please suggest a way to write my SQL query dynamically based on environment?
The only alternative way is to deploy separate jars for different environments with different code.
You can set the value of the property to a variable and then use the variable with string interpolation.
Warning: creating dynamic SQL queries using any kind of string manipulation may expose your application to SQL injection security vulnerabilities.
#['SELECT * FROM $(vars.database default "dbtest")']
Actually, you can do a completely dynamic or partially dynamic query using the MuleSoft DB connector.
Please see this repo:
Also, I'm about to post an update that allows joins.
At a high level, this is a "Query Builder" where the code that builds the query is written in DataWeave 2. I'm working on another version that allows joins between entities, too.
If you have questions, feel free to reply.
One way to do it is :
Create a variable before DB Connector:
getTableName - ${env}
Write SQL Query :
Select * from $(getTableName);

Database: retrieve data before the end of query execution

Can database return partial results like a stream before the end of query execution? i know for some queries with like group by or order by we may need all the information before building the result. But for simple select, is it possible for a database to return data whenever it finds any? If it is, will it still be possible with JDBC.
I'm using Vertica, but it's a general question.
Thank you in advance.

Choose different division of Exact Online when using distributed query with Invantive SQL

I have a set of SQL statements using distributed option of Invantive SQL that extract shipped goods information from Exact Online and create for each serial number shipped a ticket in Freshdesk, together with the consumer as a contact.
This works fine when connected to Exact Online and Freshdesk under one log on code. However, the end user uses a different log on code. In that case the set of SQL statements retrieves data from their test division in Exact Online instead of the correct production division.
When using no distributed option, I can change the division using:
use 123123
Where 123123 is the unique division number in the Exact Online country.
When connected both to Exact Online and Freshdesk, I get a:
itgenuse002: List of partitions could not be determined.
How can I enforce that the set of SQL statements is executed for a specific Exact Online division instead of the default one set at that moment for the log on code?
Sample SQL query that shows the problem:
create or replace table fulladdress#inmemorystorage --STAP 1.
, acad.addressline1 || ' ' || acad.postcode || ' ' || fulladdress
from ExactonlineREST..Accounts#eolnl acad
where acad.status = 'C'
The use statement shown is for databases with exactly one data container. In that case, there is only one data container that can handle the question and everything runs smooth.
With a distributed query in Invantive SQL, you need to direct the use statement which data container to use. Otherwise, the first data container will try to handle it (in this case probably Freshdesk which has no concept of partitioning). That is similar to appending the data container alias to each tables as in:
select ...
from table#eolnl
join table2#freshdesk
on ...
Here eolnl and freshdesk specify where the tables should looked up.
So, in this case use:
use 123123#eolnl
The same also holds for the set statement.
From your code it seems you have multiple data containers running in your connection. From the user interface you can only set the partitions on the default data container.
However, there is an easy code solution to use. You have to know the alias of the data container you want to set the partition for. The use that alias in a use call (in this sample 123123 is the partition you want to choose):
use 123123#eolnl
Or to use all partitions available:
use all#eolnl

Identify DBMS from dialect SQL syntax?

I'm working with a third party API for which I have no documentation. There is a method that takes a SQL string and returns a resultset. Based on valid SQL syntax, I want to identify the SQL DBMS vendor, product and version.
Syntax that works as expected as part of a valid SELECT query:
CAST('Catatonic' AS CHAR(3))
SELECT TOP 1 valid_column FROM ValidTable
Syntax that causes syntax errors:
SELECT version()
statements terminated by ; (though this could be an API thing)
Any other SQL syntax to try?
My attempt at an answer, given your tests and the comments above:
Tell the 3rd-party that hosts the API, as well as your boss and/or customer, that you cannot work with an API that does not have documentation, and you MUST have further support from the API vendor to perform your work effectively.
If the documentation says "ANSI SQL Compliant", then that is obviously not true, since your tests include various (well thought-out) instances that would seem to suggest SQL Server, but obviously do not support all queries that SQL Server itself would allow.
So, the 3rd party is apparently filtering, re-parsing, or otherwise modifying the SQL you provide to it, and without further information about what that layer is and what it does/doesn't do, you're hands are more or less tied, and your limited to guesswork and trial-and-error.

Dynamically building WHERE clauses in SQL statements

I have a question regarding SQL. I have the following SQL statement:
SELECT id, First, Last, E_Mail, Notes
FROM mytable
I know that the SOMETHING_SHOULD_BE_HERE should be a column(attribute) in my table. Is their a way I can put a variable that can refer to the column I'm trying to access? In my case their are 30 columns. Can I have a string for SOMETHING_SHOULD_BE_HERE that can be assigned in my program to the column in which I want to search?
No. Variables in SQL can refer to data, but not to object names (columns, functions or other database objects).
If you are building the SQL query, you'll need to use string operations to build your query.
The column can't be variable, but the value of the column can. The parser needs to know what to bind to.
If you elaborate on what you're trying to solve and which platform you're using it would allow for more complete answers.
You can have different SQLs queries in your code and use each one according to the case.
Another way is generate dynamically the query according the fields you want.
Without dynamic SQL, this is probably your best bet:
id, first, last, email, notes
CASE #column_name_variable
WHEN 'column_1' THEN column_1
WHEN 'column_2' THEN column_2
ELSE 'not null'
There might be some issues with data type conversions, so you might need to explicitly cast all of the columns to one data type (VARCHAR is probably the best bet). Also, there's a good chance that performance will be horrendous on this query. I'd test it thoroughly before even thinking about implementing something like this.
I mentioned this in my comment, but for completeness I'll put it here too... you can probably also accomplish this with dynamic SQL, but how you do that will depend on your database server (MS SQL Server, Oracle, mySQL, etc.) and there are usually some caveats to using dynamic SQL.
In JDBC program, yes,the select statement can be composed like string operation.
for(String colName: colList)
String sql="Select id, First, Last, E_Mail, Notes From mytable where "+colName+" IS NOT NULL";
//execute the sql statement
It depends on how you are going to find out the value of SOMETHING_SHOULD_BE_HERE.
If you are in an Oracle PLS/SQL environment you could build up the WHERE clause using dynamic SQL and then use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to execute it.
If you have a small set number of possibilities you could use CASE to workaround your problem possibly.
Your question is unclear.
However I am quite sure that what you have in mind is the so-called dynamic SQL (and related). "Dynamic SQL" allows you to dynamically build and submit queries at runtime. However such functionalities may not exist for your RDBMS.
There are several ways to do this.
When your query would return one and only one row
then you have to consider the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statements (along with sp_executesql in tSQL : ; or the USING clause in PL/SQL : to specify a list of input/output bind arguments) and/or PREPARED statements (
When your query can return more than one row
then you have to consider techniques such as the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement with the BULK COLLECT INTO clause or the OPEN-FOR, FETCH, and CLOSE statements (explicit cursors in PL/SQL :
Please note that except in some particular cases, most conventional techniques like IF-THEN-ELSE and CASE statements should be preferred (along with a good algorithm). Furthermore they work with almost all RDBMS.