"handshake_failure" error trying to connect IDEA to Jira - intellij-idea

I am trying to set up jira as a task server in IDEA IntelliJ.
I am getting handshake_failure error when I try to test my connection.
Reading about it in SO and Atlassion forums, I tried several things but none worked:
downloading the certificate from jira server and installing it in intellij
adding -Dhttps.protocols="TLSv1" to my .vmoptions IDEA startup config file
It happens both to my corporate jira instance and to external public jira servers.
In addition, it also happened with IntelliJ 2016.
Has anyone managed to get this working?

The problem was that the server used a cipher that was disabled in my jvm.
In order to fix, I uncommented
in my jre <jre-home>\lib\security\java.security
see this SO question or this one for more details about security policies


Can't get connected mode to work in PhpStorm

I'm struggling to get the connected mode to connect to my local instance of SonarQube.
I'm suspecting it has something to do with the way my system is set up.
I'm using a Mac (OS X 10.11.x) and I have PHP and Apache set up according to this tutorial. I think perhaps there is an issue with a firewall rule or something.
When I connect to http://localhost:9000/api/system/status with a browser, there is no problem. telnet localhost 9000 works fine too.
But when I enter credentials and create a configuration in SonarLint, I always get:
error testing connection: Fail to request http://localhost:9000/api/system/status
Anybody have a clue?
It is also worth to check SonarLint issue tracker. Issue looks related rather to the plugin than PhpStorm itself.
Check your Phpstorm log folder ~/Library/Logs/PhpStormVERSION/FILE.log (FILE - some log file for phpstorm, in Intellij it's idea.log)
I see the tutorial you followed enabled SSL and I guess that should be because of a certificate.


I'm catching the error gsk error 408 (GSK_ERROR_BAD_KEYFILE_PASSWORD) from the IHS plugins logs. IBM is recommending me the next steps to fix it:
What are the .kdb and .sth files function? If I want to generete the .sth file again, Do I need to keep the application servers (liberty) running? Where can I find more information about these files related to the IBM platform?
The *.kdb is a collection of SSL certificates and keys. It's password-protected. The *.sth is where the obfuscated password is stored.
You can recate the *.sth with the command line tools provided by IHS and the WAS plugin. See $IHSROOT/bin/gskcapicmd -keydb -stashpw.
The *.sth file has no real relationship the application server or any JVM. It's read by the WebServer Plugin at startup.

SonarQube LDAP plugin deployed but not "enabled"

SQ 5.6, LDAP plugin 2.0.
I've successfully installed the LDAP plugin and restarted the SQ server. In the log (/opt/sonar/logs/sonar.log) the plugin is apparently deployed, but seemingly no attempt is made to initialize/enable it or connect to the LDAP server.
INFO web[o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin LDAP / 2.0 / 2910f3981167a70a201ccfae01471dfd26c794b7
INFO web[o.s.s.p.RailsAppsDeployer] Deploying app: ldap
These are the only mentions of ldap/LDAP in the log.
Relevant part of the conf/sonar.properties file:
I believe I've verified ldap.url and ldap.user.baseDn via JXplorer (an LDAP browser).
What really puzzles me is that I don't see anything like the following in the logs, which is what I'd expect from the SQ docs:
INFO org.sonar.INFO Security realm: LDAP ...
INFO o.s.p.l.LdapContextFactory Test LDAP connection: OK
No errors of any kind are noted in the log.
Any idea why SQ is not even apparently trying to kick off LDAP authentication on a restart?
I had the same problem. I'm running Sonarqube using docker. It did not pick up on changes when I restart the server from the Sonarqube UI. Only after restarting the docker image it could pick up the changed file.
Well, now it just started working. I don't have an answer as to why though. Maybe something changed with my LDAP server, or there was some latency that needed to be overcome. I didn't change anything on my end that I'm aware of. In any case, thanks to those that responded.

Can't configure Glassfish for new JavaMail session

When I go to Glassfish web console localhost 4848 and go to Resources JavaMail and hit the "new" button, I get this error class java.lang.RuntimeException I'm fairly new to Glassfish and am trying to follow the mail tutorials. Can anyone give me some advice on where to start? Thx in advance!!
This is a bug introduced in the GlassFish 4.1.1 release. GlassFish 4.1 should work.
For any one struggling to do this via the Web Console and doesn't want to downgrade, just use the sub-command line option to create the mail session then continue on the web console to add additional properties.
asadmin> create-javamail-resource --mailhost localhost
--mailuser sample --fromaddress sample\#sun\.com mail/MyMailSession
Fortunately I was able to get the email to work. The problem was that they had setup Exchange for an Anonymous user with no security (SMTP not SMTPS). However, I never did get the JavaMail in Glassfish to work. Due to some other reasons, the decision was made to stick with the current version of Glassfish. I did try to go back to 4.1 as noted, but had similar issues in getting JavaMail setup as a Resource. Once I got the basic issue resolved, I abandoned the effort to go back to 4.1, so I'm not sure if that would have changed anything.

Can I ignore CWWKS3005E messages on worklight server logs?

I have an application running on Worklight 6.1 and I am seeing this messages on the log.
CWWKS3005E: A configuration exception has occurred. No UserRegistry implementation service is available
I don't need to authenticate the users on my application, can I ignore this message?
I'm not sure, but you can try to cancel logging for this specific package using following log configuration in server.xml:
<logging traceSpecification="XXX.XXX.*=off=disabled"/>
where XXX.XXX.* is the package where the error was occurred.
Here is a list of all available log levels: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSCKBL_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/ae/utrb_loglevel.html
I understand that you are not asked how to remove these messages from the log file, but you asked should you worry about these messages.
Anyway this log is not of Worklight server, it generated by Liberty server. It means you have something wrong in server configuration.
I found that this messages is because my server.xml configuration file of WebSphere Liberty Profile contains this feature
And I am not defining any User Registry.
I am not running the Application Center in this profile and I am securing the Worklight console using properties in the worklight.properties file.
So, the question is can I remove the appSecurity feature?
Add <basicRegistry></basicRegistry> to your server.xml.