Include ListHeaderComponent in numColumns - React-Native - react-native

Does anyone know how I can include the header of a flatlist in the columns?
For example, in the image below I would like "Design" to follow "New +" in the same row.
Example Screenshot
Here is my code in render:
keyExtractor={item => item.goal_id}
and in _renderGoal:
_renderGoal = ({ item }) => (
onPress={() => this.openOptions(item)}
style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<Text style={[styles.normalText]}>{}</Text>
<View style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
and in _renderGoalHeader:
_renderGoalHeader = () => (
onPress={() => this.openAddGoal()}
style={{ padding: 10 }}>
<Bubble style={[styles.newGoal]}>
<Text style={[styles.touchableText]}>New +</Text>
Thanks in advance.
As a temporary fix, I removed numColums from the flatList and added the following:
contentContainerStyle={{ flexWrap: 'wrap', flexDirection: 'row', width: 345 }}

I would love to be proven wrong here, but as far as I can tell, this cannot be done using numColumns. There is a workaround which I'll list at the end, but first the reasoning:
I ran into this same issue but with the footer and did a code dive into the React Native source to see what was happening. First thing I did was use the inspector and I noticed that the header and footer of a FlatList are wrapped in a View while each row of columns is wrapped in CellRenderer > View. This is the first clue that FlatList does not account for headers and footers in numColumns. This is problematic because FlatList does not support masonry type layouts. This hints at the fact that there are many assumptions being made about how they are handling rendering the rows - that is, items are separated into rows to be rendered.
With these clues, I went into the source and found that FlatList passes its own custom renderItem down to VirtualizedList. Meanwhile, ListHeaderComponent and ListFooterComponent are passed down as is. They are never used in FlatList. Not a good sign as you'll see that the aforementioned _renderItem is what handles grouping the items together into columns to render using flexDirection: 'row' and whatever is passed down with columnWrapperStyle.
But perhaps VirtualizedList is smart enough to combine the header and footer into data that gets passed into renderItem?
Sadly, this is not the case. If you follow the code in VirtualizedList, you'll eventually see all the logic get played out in render() where:
a cells array is created
that first has the header pushed into it
followed by all of the data pushed into it via its _pushCells helper method
This is where CellRenderer appears;
hence why headers and footers are not wrapped by this whereas the rows are.
This is also where FlatLists _renderItem is used explaining why you get numColumns number of items wrapped in a CellRenderer.
and then finished with the footer being pushed in the same manner as the header.
This cells array of React components is then eventually cloned which helps with things such as keeping scroll position.
And finally rendered.
Do to this implementation, you will always get a fixed CellRenderer component which prevents headers and footers from being included as part of numColumns.
Workaround (not recommended)
If you've used React Native prior to FlatList being released, you'll know that one old workaround was to be very careful with your dimensions and use flexWrap: 'wrap'. It's actually documented within the source code as it will spit out a warning if you use this method of handling columns. Do note that it is NOT recommended to do this (I believe performance and perhaps scroll position may be some of the reasons against using this method).
If you are willing to do this though, add these styles to your contentContainerStyle:
flexDirection: 'row',
flexWrap: 'wrap',
// You'll probably also want this for handling empty cells at the end:
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
and remove the numColumns prop. Then make sure to manually size your component dimensions to get the correct looking column style layout you desire. This should allow your header and footer to render as part of the columns.

If you want to do it with numOfColumns, than use flexDirection:'row' within your header component
_renderGoalHeader = () => (
<View style={{flexDirection:'row'}}>
onPress={() => this.openAddGoal()}
style={{ flex:1, padding: 10, }}>
<Bubble style={[styles.newGoal]}>
<Text style={[styles.touchableText]}>New +</Text>
<View style={{flex:1}}/> //this view is just to cover half width


React Native missing pixels, when we put some separator or border in Flatlist separator or in map method for executing mutiple JSX items

In my React Native Project, I am trying to make some kind of lists using Flatlist or sometimes using map method, for executing JSX Element. I am getting the result correctly, But there is a bit of a problem in separate.
Let's take chatting app example, When we open WhatsApp there are a lot of people showing up, but there is also a tiny separator after each item, That looks great, Now exactly when I try to put that separator in my React Native application using ItemSeparatorComponent attribute in Flatlist, It's working but still in some places, meaning in some items that separator not showing up, its looks missing, it feels that there is no border/separator. And actually what's going on is that, the below item from that separator which is hidden or which height looks smaller than others, that below View go a little bit towards the upside, so the separator gets to hide, That's the main problem, Why is that happening, I tried everything but still, I am getting that UI problem.
Here is code example:
keyExtractor={(_, index) => index}
renderItem={({item, index}) => <ActionSheetClickableItem data={item} index={index}/> }
ItemSeparatorComponent={() => (
height: 1,
width: '100%',
backgroundColor: 'red'
{, index) => (
<ActionSheetClickableItem data={item} index={index} key={index}/>
height: 1,
width: '100%',
backgroundColor: 'red'
So according to the above code, I know for sure, that everything is correct, But why is that separator get hidden, If we look at this picture in the area of the green rectangles, there is no border showing up, Why... I want to show it here, I tried to put zIndex property, that trick working correctly but that isn't the solution, It have to correct view as we expecting, why its behave like this, any solution??????
I was facing the same issue.
That might be with Emulator or Your screen.
You can use also increase the height of itemSeparater or make the background color more darker.
If you check it in real device then it displays all the separaters.

React-Native Flatlist not rendering when record is single

My React-Native Flatlist have refused render data when my json data is just one. My flatlist renders properly when the data on my Json is more than one.
I have tried all the ricks i can think of but yet, its not working.
This is happening to all the Flatlist in all my program and its sickining already.
I have tried getting the array side using Object.keys(jsonResponse.Product).length;
before choosing to either render to a Flatlist or return a single data View which refused to also work for me as the Object.key returns the same size when the data item is one and same when its two. (really strange)
I have also tried effecting the styling of the Flatlist my using
height:((Dimensions.get('screen').height)) and width:((Dimensions.get('screen').width))
in the Flatlist contentContainerStyle props, yet it does not render when data is single
Also tried using Array.from() to make sure that the data the flatlist will render is well converted to an object/array
I have also tried using which still does not render when the data item is just one (single) like the flatlist
borderWidth: 0,
// marginTop:30
data={ Array.from(this.state.PC_list_data) || []}
keyExtractor={(item) =>item.Product_id}
return (<CategoryProduct_List
HrefNav={this.navigateToSubProduct.bind(this, {...item})}
///CODE ON THE CategoryProduct_List Component
const CategoryProduct_List = props =>
return (<View style={[{
flex: 1,
flexDirection: "row",
backgroundColor: 'rgb(243,243,243)',
width: 90+'%',
<View style={{
activeOpacity={0.7} onPress={()=> props.HrefNav()}>
<View style={{ alignItems: "flex-end",}}>
<IconSet color='#80146D' onPress={()=> props.HrefNav()} size={25} name="arrow-forward"/>
export default CategoryProduct_List;
What i want to know is how i can make the Flatlist render my single records and what i am not doing right here
It may not be flatlist, since it works with one item ... it may be the data
Some API's return an array of json for multiple data Ex: [{1...},{2...},{3...}] and that is well received by the faltlist component. But when requesting only one item , the apis return an individual json Ex: {1...} , and faltlist only accepts an array of json, not an individual json...
For that you can use a validator function that will check if the data is array, or an individual json , and call it before using it as the flatlist data. it would help if you placed the response from both an item group, or an individual item
function format(data){
var result = []
if(!Array.isArray(data)){//if is not an array
result.push(data) // push it as the first item of an array
return result
can you post a sample of this.state.PC_list_data when you have 1 item and when you have multiple items please?
i also face this problem
Solution :
some time flatlist cant't be show single record you have to add extra data in flatlist
extraData={this.state} />
its work fine

Inconsistent width of separator while displaying list items

Following is the code to display list items with separators
<Text style={{padding: 10}}>List Item</Text>
<View style={{height: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth, backgroundColor: 'grey'}} />
(Kindly assume that I have repeated above piece of code multiple times to get the list view appearence)
there is some inconsistency in separators
this issue had already been posted in stack overflow and in github, but there hasn't been any permanent fix for this issue and it's been almost 2 years since these issue has been posted.
So, I just want to know that has anybody found permanent fix for this in recent times.
One solution I found that works usually well enough is to add a small margin to the divider.
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
divider: {
borderBottomColor: '#ccc',
borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
marginVertical: 1,
return <View style={styles.divider} />
As far as I know this is an issue related to emulators and IOS simulator because of scaling. This is just a visual mispresentation. I don't think it would happen on a real device.
Try your code with a real device or if its possible try with no scaling with device emulators or simulators.
I found that this is a bug in React-Native for Android where React-Native renders a separator for the bottom of one FlatList item, and then a second separator for the top of the next FlatList item, when the FlatList should really only render one separator between each FlatList item. I figured this out when I added marginVertical: 1 to my ItemSeparatorComponent and noticed the two distinct separators in between each FlatList item. The fix I found was to set my ItemSeparatorComponent height to 2 pixels, and then set marginVertical to -1 pixel:
keyExtractor={item => `${Math.random()}`}
ItemSeparatorComponent={() => <View style={{ width: windowWidth, height: 2, marginVertical: -1, backgroundColor: lessBlack }}></View>}

Stacking Order: How to render component so it appears on top of parents' sibling who renders afterwards

I'm having some problems with zIndex and position whilst styling a drop down list (react-native-menu). I want to make the drop down list appear on top of all other components on this scene when it's clicked. I'm trying to use zIndex and position but maybe not doing it correctly?
In my code (below), I'm rendering a hierarchy where Card > CardSection > various subcomponents of each. The drop down list consists of the components MenuContext (config) and TopNavigation (main drop down list).
return (
<CardSection style={{zIndex: 2}}>
<View style={thumbnailContainerStyle}>
<Image style={thumbnailStyle}
source={{ uri: "" }}
<View style={headerContentStyle}>
<Text style={headerTextStyle}>Tam</Text>
<MenuContext style={{ flex:1, zIndex:6, position:'absolute', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'flex-end' }} >
<TopNavigation/> //this is
<CardSection style={{zIndex: 1}}>
<Text style={{zIndex: 2}}>{}</Text>
So the drop down is a child of the first CardSection. I've got it to appear over it's own parent CardSection but I can't get it to appear on top of the second CardSection that renders after. So I can't get it to show on top of it's parent's sibling.
I'm reluctant to use some plugin or workaround.
Any ideas? Thanks!!
So what was making it so hard to render the popup menu above things on the z-axis was the sibling of it's parent. So what helped me get the results I needed was looking more macro and moving <ContextMenu/> higher in the component hierarchy, out of this component altogether and into it's parent.
I should have inferred this since the docs for the original package I used had ContextMenu in the entry point to the app and comments such as:
// You need to place a MenuContext somewhere in your application,usually at the root.
// Menus will open within the context, and only one menu can open at a time per context.
My mistake was getting lost in the micro world of zIndex and position and assuming that what looked like a styling problem should be solved with a styling solution. I forgot about the bigger picture.

Flexbox align images with different size to fill the area

I am using React Native's flexbox (not css flexbox). I am creating an image gallery and the first image has to be double the size, and the rest of the images smaller. Works good, but I have a problem that the third image is displayed in new row, instead where the blank space is.
Is it possible to achieve such behaviour with flex-box, so that the third image would be below the first small image?
I tried all combinations with aligning items, self aligning, flex directions, but no success. If needed I can provide a small example of the code which I already have.
I don't have a fully responsive answer, but this may be helpful here:
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'column' }}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
{render rest...}
Try this component. Maybe it will help you