How to get Previous date from given date ex. If today is 5-Feb-2018 then i wants 5-Jan-2018 - sql

For ex. in case of 5-Jan-2018 I wants to get 05-December-2017 like in case of February i need only month back remain year was same but in case of January I need month back and year back also
if date is 05-March-2018
i need 05-february-2018
If date is 05-January-2018
i need 05-December-2017

Try this:
select DATEADD(mm,-1,getdate())


Specific Month-day select statement query

I would like to select from a table where the date falls within a specific time each year f.e:
select * from Customer where date >= August 15th and date <= December 20th
Since this will be for a report that runs every year, I do not want to hardcore the date as I will have to change it every year. I would like to have it dynamic to pick the date from August 15th to December 20th of the current year.
I have the below query where I can retrieve the Month and Date:
SELECT DATENAME(month, date) AS Month,DATENAME(day, date) AS Day from Customer
However, I am struggling to have this selection date range.
maybe this can help you:
This add the current year to a concatenated date you want, then convert it all into datetime type..

SQL if last day of pervious month has value change the beginning date of next month to start from that day

Need help with this sql code, I would like to roll back start day of new month if last day of pervious month has values.
I would suggest nesting EOMONTH() in an IF statement.
Not sure what table(s) you're working with, but general layout would be:
IF(MAX(date_column) = EOMONTH(MAX(date_column), MAX(date_column), new_date)
Reference for EOMONTH():

What method can I use to get a different date value for a stored field in my database?

I am working on a project that is asking me to return different date values based on the scenario and I am not quite sure how to write this out. I think that I'm just not understanding how to apply the logic:
PAYFREQ is A then TRANS_DATE is 1st of the Year of COMPEFFDT
PAYFREQ is M then TRANS_DATE is 1st of the Month of COMPEFFDT
PAYFREQ is B then 1st day of the biweekly period ending with COMPEFFDT
PAYFREQ <> A and the only non-zero FIC amount for a calendar year has COMPEFFDT of December 31, then TRANS DATE is 1st of the Year of COMPEFFDT
Can anyone give me at least a base starting point in how to formulate this statement?
Assuming this is in a query, try the SWITCH statement. I'm not sure what you mean by the "1st of year of COMPEFFDT" though.
PAYFREQ = "A", "1st of year of COMPEFFDT",
PAYFREQ = "M", "1st of the Month of COMPEFFDT",
) AS Result
Also, you should look at the guide for submitted a new question.

How do I summarise month to date forecast for current month in Power Pivot?

I have a table in a data model that has forecast figures for the next 3 months. What I want to do is to show what the forecast number for the current month to date is.
When I use the DATESMTD function like this:
I get the last month of my data summarised as a total. I assume that is because the DATESMTD function takes the last date in the column and that is 3 months away.
How do I make sure I get this current month MTD total rather then the end of the calendar? The formula should be clever enough to realise I am in May and want the May MTD not the August MTD.
Any ideas?
The way to do this is to do this:
Forecast_Transaction_MTD:=CALCULATE(sum('ATO Online'[2017 Transaction Forecast]), DATESINPERIOD('ATO Online'[Current Year],TODAY(),-day(TODAY()),day))
the last -day(TODAY()) gets the day number for the current day and subtract it from today's date. So, today is the 25 May. the -day(TODAY())),day)) extracts the day (25) and subtracts it from the current date to get me to the 1 May.
The rest of the formula just adds the total for the dates.

Oracle Week Number from a Date

I am brand new to Oracle. I have figured out most of what I need but one field is driving me absolutely crazy. Seems like it should be simple but I think my brain is fried and I just can't get my head around it. I am trying to produce a Sales report. I am doing all kinds of crazy things based on the Invoice Date. The last thing I need to do is to be able to create a Week Number so I can report on weekly sales year vs year. For purposes of this report my fiscal year starts exactly on December 1 (regardless of day of week it falls on) every year. For example, Dec 1-7 will be week 1, etc. I can get the week number using various functions but all of them are based on either calendar year or ISO weeks. How can I easily generate a field that will give me the number of the week since December 1? Thanks so much for your help.
Forget about the default week number formats as that won't work for this specific requirement. I'd probably subtract the previous 1 December from invoice date and divide that by 7. Round down, add 1 and you should be fine.
select floor(
trunc(invoiceDate) -
-- if December is current month, than use 1st of this month
when to_char(invoiceDate, 'MM') = '12' then trunc(invoiceDate, 'MM')
-- else, use 1st December of previous year
else add_months(trunc(invoiceDate, 'YYYY'), -1)
) / 7
) + 1
from dual;