Why do self sign ssl certificates throw secutity warnings? - ssl

Why does self signed SSL certs throw an unsafe warning? They actually have a smaller attack profile, and not as easily cracked like commercial ssl from a CA. So in reality, a third party cert is more unsafe than a self signed one. Even the wiki page says this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-signed_certificate

A self-signed certificate does not create a security warning if it is configured as trusted in the browser. If it is not known as trusted yet the browser has no way to find out who issued the certificate: it can be the original certificate from the target server or it can be a certificate created by man-in-the-middle attacker. And that's why it is throwing a security warning.
With a CA signed certificate instead the browser can forward the trust it has in the CA (i.e. it is in the local trust store) to the certificates issued by this CA. This means does not need any more to trust every new certificate explicitly up-front but it is enough to trust the specific CA which signed the certificate. This makes the process of rolling out certificates much simpler.
Of course, the risk of the CA model is that one might put too much trust into a CA. The problem of the self-signed model is that you have to find a way to distribute the certificate before connecting to a site in a secure way to the browser - which means that you somehow need to trust this secure distribution of the certificate and that you will run into the same or even worse problems with this than you have in the CA model.

Self-signed carts throw an unsafe warning because your computer does not trust your CA, but (instructions different depending on the environment) you can set your computer to trust your CA.


Why does SSLLabs say my certificate is fine when my CA's cert is expired?

I did a scan of my domain using ssllabs.com, and this is what it says:
From what I can tell, one of my CAs is USERTrust RSA Certification Authority, and their certificate is expired, which SSLLabs flagged red, but it still says that there are no chain issues, and no browsers complain about talking to my domain.
I did the check after curl was complaining about an expired cert when talking to my domain, which may or may not be related.
What's going on here? How can an expired CA certificate not be a problem?
The expired certificate is actually not used for validation. It is unnecessarily send by your server, i.e. you could remove it from the certificate chain you send since modern system have a trusted CA builtin which effectively replaces this expired intermediate CA. For more details see for example USERTrust Intermediate Expiration in 2020. To cite:
This is an old intermediate certificate and modern operating systems have a new version available and won't be affected. ... Based on what we know, equipment released or receiving security updates after June 2010 will most likely not be affected. ...

How can I trust a certificate authority

A certificate authority is supposed to verify a website is truly who they say they are, right. But certificate authorities sign there own certificates. So those certs are self signed. Is there a way I can find out if the self signed certificates they use on their website is reputable and trustable?
You have to trust the CA who issued the certificate. Otherwise, we encounter the classic chicken-egg problem where there is no concrete boundary for trust and certainty.
Once you trust the CA issuer, you can check whether the certificate you have was actually issued by the concerned CA by writing the following on a command line:
$ openssl verify -verbose -CAfile cacert.pem server.crt
Expected Output: server.crt: OK
If you get any other message, the certificate was not issued by that CA.
Visit https://kb.wisc.edu/middleware/page.php?id=4543 for more info
No, you just trust them! The most common way is to follow the herd... for example, extracting them from the browsers (http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html). We are always assuming the browsers are verifying it for us... as well as the operating systems...
Is there a way [you] can find out if the self signed certificates they use
on their website is reputable and trustable?
You can research the certificate authority yourself.
Some people may not trust a certificate authority, including Google. Google posted a list of authorities they did not trust back in May of 2016:
You either have to trust that the pre-installed certificates that came with your tools (web browser, etc) are trusted by the producers of those tools, or you can do some research and see if you really trust them yourself. It's basically like asking how you can trust anyone or anything. Can I trust you?
I trust the CA's that come installed with my browser because well, if I can't trust them then we all have a problem and that problem is bigger than me. I think it's good to ask questions like this and I wonder if anyone other than Google are questioning certificate authorities.

Is it possible to prevent man-in-the-middle attack when using self-signed certificates?

I'm not sure is similar question has been asked before (I couldn't find any), but is it possible to protect Client/Server from Man-In-The-Middle attack?
I'm writing a Client application to communicate with Server. Communication will be SSLv3 based.
I am OK with server's self-signed certificates, but worried about someone else generating same self-signed certificate in the same server name and pretend to be it. My Client application uses OpenSSL library. [Client and Server are thrift based, if it makes any difference]. Can I avoid such attack at the same time maintaining support for self-signed certificates?
In short, a self signed certificate is more insecure than a CA certificate only when the client does not know the certificate in advance and therefore has no way to validate that the server is who it says it is.
If you add the self signed certificate to the client and don't accept any other certificate, you're actually as secure (or, one could argue, even more so) than having a certificate authority signed certificate.
The important parts to keep SSL secure with or without a certificate authority are;
The server private key (and in the case of a CA, the private keys of all its roots) is kept secret.
The client knows the server certificate (or its CA root).
You can hard-code the server's certificate and compare it against what you receive.
Or better yet, create a CA certificate and server certificate, signed by the CA. Have the CA trusted on the client (again by hardcoding it in your application) and validate received server certificate using the CA certificate.
If you can protect your private keys well enough, a middleman will not be able to masquerade as you, assuming the user actually looks at the certificate. The problem with self-signed is that if you want the user to add the exception to their browser, or just ignore the warning, then you are exposed to man-in-the-middle attack, because anyone else may create their own certificate.
Of course, "protecting your private keys well enough" is not trivial at all. When you pay for a "Verisign" certificate, you're not paying for their software creating the certificate - you're paying for the security forces they have guarding the building in which the private keys are stored.
That's easy! NOOOO !!! Not anymore than you could prevent a man-in-the-middle attack from certificate issued-by a well-know authority. >:)

Issuing SSL certificates myself for subdomains of a domain I have an SSL cert for

I guess it can't be done, but if so, I'd like to know why.
Let's say I get an SSL certificate for example.com from one of the official certificate authorities around. Let's also say I'm running a.example.com and b.c.d.example.com and would like to have SSL certificates for those as well.
Can I use the example.com certificate to issue certificates for a.example.com and b.c.d.example.com myself? And will they be recognized by users' browsers? If not, why not?
(My guess that it can't be done is because it would break the very lucrative wildcard cert business model, wouldn't it?)
Clarification: can't I act as a "self-signed" certificate authority using the keypair for which I obtained the official cert, and simply add my official cert in the validation chain?
You cannot use Your certificate to issue other certificates, because the purposes of the
certificate are encoded in Your certificate and "Certificate Authority" is certainly not included in that list.
Web browsers check the "certificate chain" beginning from Your certificate, the certificate that was used to sign it, the signer of that certificate etc.
Your certificate must match the current use case (mostly "identify web site") and all signing certificates must include the "Certificate Authority" flag. The last certificate must be known to the browser (root cert).
As You already guess, wildcard certificates might help in Your case.
You're correct, you cannot issue certificates from a certificate. You need a Certificate Authority to issue certificates.
The whole point of a Certificate Authority is that they are a trusted 3rd party. CA's like Verisign are trusted by default by most browsers so that you dont have to manually accept certificates from them. They have what is termed a trusted root certificate.
If you create your own Certificate Authority and start dishing out certificates, web browsers will not know you and hance not trust you. The user will be prompted.

What's means of Self-Signed Certificate in OpenSSL

I'm a beginner in OpenSSL tools. I don't understand some concepts. Can you explain these concepts to me?
I want to understand concepts such as CA,Self-Signed Certificate or any concept for better understanding.
(Sorry if I am using the wrong terminology or grammar, I am learning english language.)
The purpose of certificates is to assert a piece of information in a way that you can verify. Public key certificates, more specifically X.509 certificates in this context, assert the binding between a public key, identifiers (the Subject Distinguished Name and/or Subject Alternative Names) and various other attributes. Altogether, these pieces of informations are signed so as to form the certificate.
X.509 certificates have both an issuer and a subject. The subject is the identifier representing who or what that certificate identifies (and who or what owns the private key matching the public key within this certificate). The issuer represents the identifier of the person or organisation that what used their private key to sign this certificate.
Certificate usage can be broadly split into two different categories: certificates that are used for a specific application or service (e.g. authenticating an SSL/TLS server), and certificates that are used to prove the validity of other certificates.
For the latter, certificates are used as building blocks of Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs). A Certification Authority (CA) is an institution that issues certificates: it signs the assertion that binds the public key in the certificate to the subject. When doing so, it puts its own name as the issuer name in the certificate it issues.
If you compare a certificate to a passport (which binds together your picture and your name), the CA would be your passport authority: those who actually certify that what the passport says is true, for others to be able to verify it.
Trusting a CA allows you to trust the certificates it has issued. You can build a chain of trust between a CA you trust and certificates issued by this CAs which you haven't seen before.
Along with this comes a "bootstrapping" problem: how do you trust the CAs themselves?
Self-signed certificates are certificates where the issuer and the subject are identical; they are signed with the private key matching the public key they contain. They are at the top of the chain of trust. They tend to be CA certificates (unless bespoke for a particular service, which you wouldn't be able to trust without external verification).
CA certificates are certificates that can be used for issuing/validating other certificates. (They can be intermediate CA certificates if they are in the middle of the chain between a root/self-signed CA certificate and a certificate you wish to verify.) The rules defining how certificates can be used to verify other certificates are defined in the PKIX specification (RFC 3280/5280).
Browsers and operating systems come with a pre-installed list of CA certificates that you trust by default. These are mostly commercial CAs which check the information about the service in the certificate, often for a fee. In counterpart, you can trust the content of the certificates they issue (most of the time, it's not a perfect system). There is a "leap of faith" involved here, since you need to trust the browser/OS to have included only reputable CA certificates.
If you use openssl s_client and you see a message like "self-signed certificate in the chain" or "unable to verify certificate", it doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong, but openssl doesn't use a pre-defined list of trusted CA certificates by default. Most of its command have an options like -CAfile or CApath that allow you to specify which CA certificates you are willing to trust.
Self-signed certificates for a service are a specific case, whereby the service self-asserted its content. You generally have no way of verifying the authenticity of such a certificate, unless you have an external way of trusting it (for example, if you have installed it yourself on a machine and change check its content manually, or if someone you trust gave it to you).
(You may also be interested in this question about how an HTTPS server certificate is used.)
Generally the purpose of a certificate is to establish a trust chain: "I trust this 3rd party company, they trust you, therefore I can trust you." Self-signed certificate means you generated it yourself, and therefore I'm really not gaining trust in you. (These are great for testing, but not much else.) The other type is a trusted certificate, obtained by getting a reputable company to sell you one (like Verisign). It's a commodity market, so their prices are pretty consistent between companies. It does depend on the intended use and the scope of the certificate. (e.g. a certificate for signing an Android app is very different from a certificate used for validating https://www.example.com/.)
The "CA" or Certificate Authority is the company that issued the certificate. In the case of a trusted certificate, it's that company -- e.g. Verisign. In the case of a self-signed certificate, the CA is you -- you issued the certificate.
Self-signed certificates will cause some kind of "untrusted" alert in most browsers, asking you if you want to proceed and add an exception, etc. This does not mean the connection is any less secure though -- it is still over SSL.
Generally CA's charge a fee but there are some free ones around if you search.