Loss function for GCN(semi-supervised classification) - supervised-learning

When i read ICLR 2017,"Semi-supervised classification with GCN" .
I'm confused about the loss function.
Intuitively, how can i understand this.
Thank you.

I am also a beginner in this.
For intuition, Z_l is the vector of representation you learnt with number of F features/multi-class. and Y_l is the same size vector of multi-class label you have already knew. What you want is to minimize the loss between Z and F.
This format of loss function is called entropy, which is a classic one.
Compared with the 1-norm or 2-norm, this format can converge faster.


What's the complete loss function used by yolov4?

I am unable to find the explanation for the loss function of yolov4.
First, to understand the YOLOv4 loss, I think you should read about the original YOLO loss that was released in YOLO first paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.02640), you can find it here.
In YOLOv4, you will have the exact same ideas, but with:
Binary cross entropy for the objectness and classification scores,
Box-per-cell level prediction instead of cell level prediction for the class probabilities, so a slightly different penalization for the classification terms,
CIoU Loss instead of MSE for the regression terms (x,y,w,h). CIoU stands for Complete Intersection over Union, and is not so far from the MSE loss. It proposes to compare width and height a bit more interestingly (consistency between aspect ratios), but it keeps the MSE for the comparison between bounding box centers. You can find more details in this paper.
Finally, YOLOv4 loss can be written this way. With the complete CIoU loss terms, it looks like this.

Loss function variational Autoencoder in Tensorflow example

I have a question regarding the loss function in variational autoencoder. I followed the tensorflow example https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/generative/cvae to create a LSTM-VAE, for sampling a sinus function.
My encoder-input is a set of points (x_i,sin(x_i)) for a specific range (randomly sampled), and as output of the decoder I expect similar values.
In the tensorflow guide, there is cross-entropy used to compare the encoder input with the decoder output.
cross_ent = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=x_logit, labels=x)
This makes sense, because the input and output are treated as probabilities. But in reality these probabily functions represent the sets of my sinus function.
Can't I simply use a mean-squared-error instead of the cross-entropy (I tried it and it works well) or causes this a wrong behaviour of the architecture at some point?
Best regards and thanks for your help!
Well, such questions happen when you work too much and stop thinking properly. For the sake of solving this, it makes sense to think about what I'm trying to do.
p(x|z) is the decoder reconstruction, what means, that by sampling from z the value x is generated with the probability of p. In the tensorflow-example image-classification/generation is used, in that case crossentropy makes sense. I simply want to minimize the distance between my input and output. The use of mse is kind of logical.
Hope that helps someone at some point.

Custom external loss metric for Gradient Optimizer?

I have an external function which takes y and y_prediction (in matrix format), and computes a metric which depicts how good or bad the prediction actually is.
Unfortunately the metric is no simple y - ypred or confusion matrix, but still very useful and important. How can I use this number computed for the loss or as an argument for optimizer.minimize?
If i understood correctly i think there is two way to do this:
Either the loss you want to compute can be writen as tensorflow ops which gradient is defined (for exemple SVD has no gradient defined in tensorflow library saddly) then the optimisation is direct.
Or you can always write your loss function with numpy operators and use tf.py_func() https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/py_func and then you have to explicit the gradient by hand as said in here : How to make a custom activation function with only Python in Tensorflow?
But you have to know an explicit formula of your gradient ...

When we do supervised classification with NN, why do we train for cross-entropy and not for classification error?

The standard supervised classification setup: we have a bunch of samples, each with the correct label out of N labels. We build a NN with N outputs, transform those to probabilities with softmax, and the loss is the mean cross-entropy between each NN output and the corresponding true label, represented as a 1-hot vector with 1 in the true label and 0 elsewhere. We then optimize this loss by following its gradient. The classification error is used just to measure our model quality.
HOWEVER, I know that when doing policy gradient we can use the likelihood ratio trick, and we no longer need to use cross-entropy! our loss simply tf.gather the NN output corresponding to the correct label. E.g. this solution of OpenAI gym CartPole.
WHY can't we use the same trick when doing supervised learning? I was thinking that the reason we used cross-entropy is because it is differentiable, but apparently tf.gather is differentiable as well.
I mean - IF we measure ourselves on classification error, and we CAN optimize for classification error as it's differentiable, isn't it BETTER to also optimize for classification error instead of this weird cross-entropy proxy?
Policy gradient is using cross entropy (or KL divergence, as Ishant pointed out). For supervised learning tf.gather is really just implementational trick, nothing else. For RL on the other hand it is a must because you do not know "what would happen" if you would execute other action. Consequently you end up with high variance estimator of your gradients, something that you would like to avoid for all costs, if possible.
Going back to supervised learning though
CE(p||q) = - SUM_i q_i log p_i
Lets assume that q_i is one hot encoded, with 1 at k'th position, then
CE(p||q) = - q_k log p_k = - log p_k
So if you want, you can implement this as tf.gather, it simply does not matter. The cross-entropy is simply more generic because it handles more complex targets. In particular, in TF you have sparse cross entropy which does exactly what you describe - exploits one hot encoding, that's it. Mathematically there is no difference, there is small difference computation-wise, and there are functions doing exactly what you want.
Minimization of cross-entropy loss minimizes the KL divergence between the predicted distribution and the target distribution. Which is indeed the same as maximizing the likelihood of the predicted distribution.

Which is the loss function for multi-class classification in XGBoost?

I'm trying to know which loss function uses XGBoost for multi-class classification. I found in this question the loss function for logistic classification in the binary case.
I had though that for the multi-class case it might be the same as in GBM (for K classes) which can be seen here, where y_k=1 if x's label is k and 0 in any other case, and p_k(x) is the softmax function. However, I have made the first and second order gradient using this loss function and the hessian doesn't match the one defined in the code here (in function GetGradient in SoftmaxMultiClassObj) by a constant 2.
Could you please tell me which is the loss function used?
Thank you in advance.
The loss function used for multiclass is, as you suspect, the softmax objective function. As of now the only options for multiclass are shown in the quote below, the multi:softprob returning all probabilities instead of just those of the most likely class.
“multi:softmax” –set XGBoost to do multiclass classification using the softmax objective, you also need to set num_class(number of classes)
“multi:softprob” –same as softmax, but output a vector of ndata * nclass, which can be further reshaped to ndata, nclass matrix. The result contains predicted probability of each data point belonging to each class.
See https://xgboost.readthedocs.io/en/latest//parameter.html#learning-task-parameters.