How to call a JavaScript function from a Vue.js v-bind - vue.js

I want to call a plain JavaScript function from inside a Vue.js v-bind attribute. I can do it by channeling it through a Vue.js data variable, but calling a plain JavaScript function directly from v-bind produces an error.
How can I call a JavaScript function directly without having to map to a variable or method in Vue.js?
<div id="app">
The URL is: {{url}}
<a target="_blank" v-bind:href="url">goto URL</a>
<a target="_blank" v-bind:href="url2">goto URL2</a>
<a target="_blank" v-bind:href="getUrl()">goto URL2 using javascript function</a>
function getUrl() {
return '';
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
url: '',
url2: getUrl()

In order for Vue to be able to bind itself, it needs to be part of the Vue instance. Whilst your function might be accessible under normal circumstances, it's not part of the vue instance and in turn can't be accessed.
As you have already stated, using a data prop moves it into scope of the vue instance. You could also use a computed prop for this if the value is likely to mutate.
As per this post from the vue author(Evan You) regarding using global functions:
Because implicitly falling back to globals will be a maintainability nightmare. When you look at a template you will have no idea whether a variable belongs to the component, or some globals defined by someone you have no idea where.
It's worth noting that if you feel this is something you want to do a lot, you could have a global mixin and specify some methods on there to get the Urls.
There is a way to do this but I don't recommend it:
See this fiddle
Basically, you add your own function to the Vue.prototype (this is how things like Vue Router and Vuex work):
Vue.prototype.$myFunc = function getUrl() {
return '';
Make sure you declare it before you create your var vm = new Vue() call.
Then you can access it via $myFunc() from the template or this.$myFunc() from the vue instance itself.


Vue3 Reactivity in script setup for translation

I am adding some DOM elements in the script setup side but I want the messages to change when I change the language. I am using vue-i18n plugin. It's easy to do it in the template section because I can basically use the useI18n().t method but how can I do this in the script setup section. Using the useI18n().t method doesn't ensure reactivity.
Example Code:
$(".time")[0].innerHTML = `
Manipulating DOM directly inside the script leads to inconsistence in your app, you should drive your component by different reactive data to achieve your goal.
In your current situation try to define a computed property based on the translation then render it inside the template based on its different properties :
<script setup>
const {t} =useI18n()
const time = computed(()=>{
return {
<div class="time">

Vue replaces "open" attribute to value "open" in any tag

I'm using vue.js (v2.6.12) components in laravel blade templates.
For the project, I'm also using MathML in which I need to use the open attribute of <mfenced> tag to be set to some custom values. Here is the example of the math expressing in mathml.
<math xmlns="">
<mfenced close="]" open="[">
But as soon as the page renders, the open attribute is converted into this open="open". I'm 100% sure there is no other library or script is loaded that updates like so, just plain vue. This actually breaks the math expression. So it looks like this:
<math xmlns="">
<mfenced close="]" open="open">
Later I realized that not only in math expression, litaratily any tag, be it <div open="anything">...</div>, <span open="anything">...</span>, <custom-element open="something">...</custom-element> having open attribute behaves the same. even if I use v-pre attribute to exclude it from vue js templete compiler.
And this do not happen, as soon I disable the vue app initialization.
The question here are:
Why vue is changing the open attribute like so?
How can I stop this behaviour, to the entire page within the vue application area or at least where I choose (something like using v-pre), is there ary config or any other way around?
In HTML spec there are some attributes called boolean attributes. Spec dictates what can be a value of such attribute:
If the attribute is present, its value must either be the empty string or a value that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the attribute's canonical name, with no leading or trailing whitespace.
The values "true" and "false" are not allowed on boolean attributes. To represent a false value, the attribute has to be omitted altogether.
open is one of the boolean attributes - it is defined for the <details> element
Problem with Vue 2 is, that it treats most of the boolean attributes as global - without considering the element it is placed on. Result is that open attribute is always rendered with value "open" or removed if the value is falsy (when v-binding). This is fixed in Vue 3 as shown in 2nd example...
The use of v-pre is the way to go but unfortunately for you there is a bug.
See this issue. The bug was already fixed with this commit(Sep 21, 2020) but it was not released yet...
example - the "With v-pre" should work in Vue version > 2.6.12
const vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
message: 'Hi!',
html: `<div open="[" close="]">Hi from html</div>`
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div open="[" close="]">{{ message }}</div>
<div v-html="html"></div>
<div v-pre>
<p open="[" close="]">With v-pre</p>
example - it works in Vue 3 - open is treated as boolean attribute only if placed on <details>
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
message: 'This works in Vue 3!',
<script src="" integrity="sha512-1gHWIGJfX0pBsPJHfyoAV4NiZ0wjjE1regXVSwglTejjna0/x/XG8tg+i3ZAsDtuci24LLxW8azhp1+VYE5daw==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<div id="app">
<div open="[" close="]">{{ message }}</div>
<details open="[">
open attribute on details element is treated as boolean (renders empty value)
One workaround is to create a directive (named "attr") that sets the attribute:
Vue.directive('attr', (el, binding) => el.setAttribute(binding.arg, binding.value || ''))
Then use it in your template like v-bind but with v-attr:
<mfenced v-attr:open="'['">
Vue.directive('attr', (el, binding) => el.setAttribute(binding.arg, binding.value || ''))
new Vue({ el: '#app' })
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<math xmlns="">
<mfenced close="]" v-attr:open="'['">
I've found a simple hack to solve this problem.
Why hack?
Because it is eventually going to be fixed in the comming release as pointed by #Michal, so just a quick & dirty hack is enough for now to go for it.
What I did is I placed the math content in the content and also added it to the data attribute and replacing the original content after vue has done its bad work (sorry just using blade syntax here, but it will make sense). I keep it in both places just for SEO purposes.
The template where I need math expression to be displayed.
<div class="proxy-content" data-proxy-content="{{ $article->content }}">
{!! $article->content !!}
I was using it along with jQuery, but you can easily substitute with vue.js' $el. This is what it looks in my app.js file.
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
proxyContent() {
// Set Proxy Content.
jQuery('.proxy-content').each((i, el) => {
const $el = jQuery(el);
$el.html( jQuery('<textarea />').html( $'proxy-content')).text() );
loadMathJax() {
// Load & Initialize MathJax Library.
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "";
// Enable proxy content after mount, so we are sure no more rendering issue for templates.
// Load MathJax library with a little delay to make sure everything is ready before loading the library.
setTimeout(() => this.loadMathJax(), 10);
One might argue, that I'm mixing up things outside of the scope of the vue application. For me that is not an issue, as the whole page is using vue.js and also the single thing don't make any harm even if there is another scope that is using mathml (though it depends on actual implementation).
In that case, if you want to scope it well, just use $el of vue.

Access v-for model used within Vue 2 custom directive

How can I update the model data used within a Vue 2 custom directive?
<li v-for="item in items">
<select my-directive="item">...</select>
So let's say I have a directive with a hook like this:
Vue.directive('chosenjs', {
inserted: function (el, binding, vnode) {
// Here, I'm setting up a callback with the jQuery Chosen library, but this could be any callback.
jQuery(el).chosen().change(function(event, change) {
In the CODE HERE... section, if binding.value is a pointer (array/object), then this is straight-forward. For example, for an array, I'd do e.g. binding.value.push(someValue), and Vue's observable will handle it. But if the value is a primitive, then what can be done?
If the directive is not used within a v-for loop, you can use the vnode to modify the data in the component. It works great as I show here.
But if it is in a v-for, it seems there's no way. Even with access to the binding.expression, there's no way to get at the v-for item.
I'm trying to work with Vue and the ChosenJS jQuery library. I got most of the way there with this answer, but there is a bug when the directive is used within a v-for loop.

Use global functions in vue directives

I'm trying to use lodash methods (_.isEmpty) in vue directives like this:
<div class="post" v-for="post in posts"></div>
<div class="comments" v-if="! _.isEmpty(post.comments)">
<div class="comment" v-for="comment in post.comments"></div>
but getting the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isEmpty' of undefined
It seems vue is looking for the _.isEmpty method inside the current scope. How should I call global functions in this case?
You can only access functions of the current Vue instance/component in a template:
No "third-party" code can be run.
So, you would have to create a method in the Vue component to proxy to the lodash methods:
methods: {
isEmpty: function (arr) { return _.isEmpty(arr)}
and use this method in the template instead:
<div class="comments" v-if="! isEmpty(post.comments)">
Why not just add _ to your Vue component:
return {
_:require('lodash') //or however you include it. maybe just window._
Then it would be accessible. Not positive if _ is a valid object key, so might just call it lo or lodash if needed.
Also, assuming that comments is an array, there would be no problem using v-if='post.comments.length'. Lo-dash is great but unnecessary if you already know it's an array.

Vue JS rc-1 Passing Data Through Props Not Working

In the release notes for Vue 1.0.0-rc.1, we are told
"The inherit option has been deprecated. Alway pass data to child
components via props."
However, the Component API section says
"$data can no longer be used as a prop."
I have been trying to pass data to child components of my root Vue instance, and have had no luck whatsoever.
In version 0.12.*, if you want/need access to a parent instance's data, methods, etc., you would simply add...
inherit: true a child component.
Now, in attempting to access the parent data via props, I continue to hit a brick wall. Here is a simplified example:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
authorized: false,
currentView: 'welcome-view'
components: {
'welcome-view': require('./views/welcome')
module.exports = {
props: ['authorized'],
template: require('./welcome.template.html')
<div v-if="authorized"><p>You Are Logged In</p></div>
<div v-else>Please Log In</div>
Main View File (app.blade.php)
<body id="app">
<component :is="currentView"></component>
The 'authorized' prop is not recognized at all this way. It works outside of the component (within the "app" id) just fine, but not within the template.
At the moment, I can access the data I need by using $root everywhere I need it. For instance:
<div v-if="$root.authorized"><p>You Are Logged In</p></div>
But, my understanding is that this is 'bad form' all around, as the docs say:
Although it’s possible to access any instance the parent chain, you
should avoid directly relying on parent data in a child component and
prefer passing data down explicitly using props.
So, what I need to know is... how can I explicitly use props? I am clearly going about it the wrong way, since they are not available to my child components if I just list them in the 'props: []' array. What am I missing here?
At the end of the day, what is the best way (standards and practices) to refactor my current code to replace 'inherit: true', and still have access to the root instance data and functions? Any help/advice on this would be most welcome. Thanks in advance.
See #StephenHallgren's answer on this page for the correct way to access props in the HTML.
As for the rest of it, (how to properly refactor code to replace 'inherit:true', I am including here the answer I received from Evan Y. on the official Vue forum, in case anyone else runs across this in the future.
His answer to the question posed above was:
If you are fairly certain about the structure, you can use
Alternatively, don't put the authorized state in the root at all. Have
a dedicated module for user state that can be imported in any
component. See
My take-away from this is that - where there are concrete, global variables that will not change, and the app structure is sound, it is okay to use $root (or $parent as the case may be), and - where elements have state that will sometimes change (such as whether or not a user is authorized/logged in), the key is to use a state management module.
Meanwhile, when passing down props between parent and child, one must declare the props in the props array, then bind them to the component in the HTML.
For example...
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
authorized: false,
currentView: 'welcome-view'
components: {
'welcome-view': require('./views/welcome')
module.exports = {
props: ['authorized'],
template: require('./welcome.template.html')
<div v-if="authorized"><p>You Are Logged In</p></div>
<div v-else>Please Log In</div>
main HTML
<body id="app">
<component :is="currentView" v-bind:authorized="authorized"></component>
(or shorthand)
<body id="app">
<component :is="currentView" :authorized="authorized"></component>
I was having the same issue and didn't realize that you also have to bind the value to the component prop like this:
or the shorthand
Here's an example of something that I had been working on that illustrates the solution: