Issue when model changes within AJAX call in ngx-admin - angular2-components

I downloaded the latest build of ngx-admin (, and served it up locally. In the ./#core/data/users.service.ts file I have added the following method
getHeroes (): Observable<any[]> {
return this.http.get<any[]>('http://localhost:63468/api/clubs/heroes');
That endpoint just returns some JSON like so:
[{"id":11,"name":"Mr. Nice"},{"id":12,"name":"Mr. Nice2"},{"id":13,"name":"Mr. Nice3"},{"id":14,"name":"Mr. Nice4"},{"id":15,"name":"Mr. Nice5"},{"id":16,"name":"Mr. Nice6"},{"id":17,"name":"Mr. Nice7"},{"id":18,"name":"Mr. Nice8"},{"id":19,"name":"Mr. Nice9"},{"id":20,"name":"Mr. Nice0"}]
In ./#theme/components/header/header.component.ts I have added a click handler method:
getHero() {
.subscribe(heroes => {
this.hero = heroes[0]
In ./#theme/components/header/header.component.html I added a button and click event like:
<button (click)="getHero()">
add hero
I have done this to the same example project on (
The issue is:
In the ngx-admin application, once that debugger line is hit, the this.hero = heroes[0] is properly set with the data I expect. Once the execution leaves that line of code, the view is not updated. If I inject private ref: ChangeDetectorRef, and call this.ref.detectChanges(); immediately after this.hero = heroes[0], then the view is properly updated. However, in the example of heroes, the view is properly updated within the context of the subscribe call. In that application no this.ref.detectChanges(); is required.
Is there something in the ngx-admin project that is messing up the Angular change detection?


Vue2-Dropzone process form when files manually added

Is it possible to manually process the dropzone form (or queue) when the file is manually loaded?
We have the concept of a drivers license. The user uploads a photo and enters other information such as the license number, expiration date, etc.. The user clicks the save button and I call processQueue() which submit the entire form. This all works just fine.
Next, we display this license in a non-form way with an edit button. When they click the "Edit" button, I display the form again and populate the fields with previously entered data including manually adding the previously submitted photo of their license. Basically like this from the documentation:
mounted: () {
var file = { size: 300, name: "Icon", type: "image/png" };
var url = "";
this.$refs.myVueDropzone.manuallyAddFile(file, url);
This appears to all work as expected. I see the dropzone with a thumbnail of the previously uploaded file. The input fields are all populated with previously entered data.
The problem occurs when I try to process this form again with:
onSubmit() {
If they only make changes to the input fields like the license number and do not upload a new file, the onSubmit() or processQueue() does not work. It only works if I remove and re-add a file or add a second file. It's as if it does not recognize a file has been added. Is manuallyAddFile only for displaying and not actually adding the file?
How can I submit this form when the file is manually added?
After a bit of research on Vue2 Dropzone
Manually adding files
Using the manuallyAddFile method allows you to programatically add files to your dropzone area. For example if you already have files on your server that you'd like to pre-populate your dropzone area with then simply use the function when the vdropzone-mounted event is fired.
So the solutions is to check and see if anything needs to be processed in your queue. Since you manually added the file you already have it, it does not need to be uploaded again. Only if the user adds a new file does it need to be uploaded.
You could do this a few ways, but I would recommend something like the example below for it's simplicity:
onSubmit() {
if (this.$refs.myVueDropzone.getQueuedFiles().length) {
If you need to wait until the queue has finished processing to send your form you can leverage vdropzone-queue-complete. Below is a quick example:
<button #click="saveForm">Save</button>
export default {
methods: {
saveForm () {
if (this.$refs.myVueDropzone.getQueuedFiles().length) {
} else {
errorUploading (file, message, xhr) {
// do something when a file errors
// perhaps show a user a message and create a data element to stop form from processing below?
fileUploaded (file, response) {
// do something with a successful file upload. response is the server response
// perhaps add it to your form data?
submitForm () {
// Queue is done processing (or nothing to process), you can now submit your form
// maybe check for errors before doing the below step
// do what ever you need to submit your form this.$ etc.

Angular is showing undefined for the data but it is working in the view

getDataFromApi(formData) {
this.apiService.getWeather(formData.location).subscribe(data => this.weatherData = data)
This is the function to get data and then store it in a local variable weatherData, a JSON file is returned from the API.
To get data in the veiw(HTML) I'm using
<p class="item1">{{ this.weatherData?.request.query }}</p>.
It works fine here but when I need to use the WeatherData for another function then it is showing that the parameters passed is undefined.
The reason is that your code will work asynchronously and the console.log() will be executed before the API call is completed.
The reason that the data is displayed in view is that you subscribed to the data and it will be streamed to the view asynchronously. The view will be updated only after the API call is complete because of subscription. So you can see the data in the view and not in the console.
Try this code and it will work fine.
ngOnInit() {
// getting data for Delhi location
this.apiService.getWeather("Delhi").subscribe(data => {
this.weatherData = data;
The reason behind undefined was code works asynchronously. While you send the request compiler move to the next line which was console.log(this.weatherData). It print the value of weather data which was undefined when declaring the variable. When response arrive compiler than assign data with this.weatherData.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'host' of undefined in Durandal when showing/closing modal dialog

Using Durandal 2.0.1 (can't update to 2.1.0 yet due to restrictions on project development) and I have an intermittent issue with the error shown in this question title.
All I'm doing is defining a custom dialog box then showing it:
var pleaseWaitModal = new modalBusy();;
And when my ajax call is finished I do:
...and then display another modal with the results of my ajax call.
This all works perfectly IF the ajax call takes half a second to a second. If it's a quicker call then I get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'host' of undefined in my console window. The box still closes, it's just that I get a panicky project manager asking what the red error is for...
Is this purely because I'm trying to run "dialog.close()" before "" has properly completed in some circumstances?
The sequence of events is basically:
*user instigates action requiring a detailed modal dialog to appear with data in it
*as it takes several seconds to populate on some occasions, an interim modal dialog is shown with "please wait" in it
*once the ajax request is complete, the "pleasewait" modal is closed and the "detail" modal is shown
*so a bit like:
var pleaseWaitModal = new modalBusy();;
//set up deferred calls for ajax data and call ...
var deferredAjax = callDataFunction(myparams...);
return deferredAjax.then(function(result) {
var detailModal = new detailModal();;
So I don't think I can achieve this using the promise on the call, can I?
Are you using the promise that is returned from the dialog.close function to open your new modal? You might try this:
From your initial dialog: modal()).then(function(responseData) { pleaseWaitModal(responseData));
I think the problem you're running into is async timing related, which is why using the deferred works so well.
EDIT: Related to my comment below, you might look at using only one modal, and putting a loading indicator inside of it, like so:
<div data-bind="visible: isLoading">
<h1>Please wait...</h1>
<i class="icon-spin icon-spinner icon-4x"></i>
var vm = {
isLoading: ko.observable(true)
vm.activate = function() {
makeAjaxCall().then(function(data) {
**Do whatever you need for your ajax return**
return true;
I think that should work for what you need as an alternative.

BusyIndicator not working

Worklight busyindicator not working properly.My isssue is i'm using multipage.On page change i call adapter for webservice and call busy indicator so that it show work in progress while fetching.but what happen is page change and indicator show and hide quickly but adpater still in fetching phase and after sometime data called successfully but during these working no busy indicator shows.
var busyIndicator = null;
function wlCommonInit(){
busyIndicator = new WL.BusyIndicator();
This is the code i call on page change.
var viewPath = "views/add_fund_transfer.html";
onComplete: function() {
function busyIndicatorDemo() {;
its seems like busyindicator doesn't work with adpater when using in multipage.
Please give me the solution or the problem in my code.
It seems like the problem is in the flow of the code. you're running this code basically:
show busy indicator
load page
when page has finished loading: invoke procedure (async call), and hide busyindicator.
So this generates the behavior you've reported - the busyindicator is shown and quickly hidden once the page has finished loading, even though the service is still fetching data (in an async call)
moving the busyindicator.hide to the onSuccess of the invoke procedure should solve the problem (put it also in the onFailure ...)
Hope this helps

How do you recover the dijit registry after destroying it recursively?

I am working on an application and was doing something like this:
function(){ require['dojo/parser','dijit/registry','dojo/on'],function(.....){
//find a dijit and wrap it in event handling code.});
I was getting an error indicating that dojo was trying to register a widget with an id that was already in use. To solve the problem I entered this line of code:
//before finding the dijit destroy the existing registry.
However, logically this prevents the next line from working because now no widget exists to which I can connect an event. How can I recover the dijit ids?
The best solution is to find out why your code is trying to register a widget with an id that is already in use and change it to not to do so.
The #mschr's solution should work, but I would advise again using it, as it can break your code in many other places and you are likely to spend hours investigating strange behavior of your application.
Anyway, if you are willing to do it that way and automatically destroy widgets with the same ID, do not override registry.add() method. You could do it, but it does not mean, you should do it (especially in programming). Employ dojo/aspect instead to call a function that will destroy the widget with the same ID before registry.add() is called:
], function(
) {
aspect.before(registry, "add", function(widget) {
if(registry.byId( {
// this warning can save you hours of debugging:
console.warn("Widget with id==" + + " was destroyed to register a widget with the same id.");
return [widget];
I was myself curious how to accomplish #mschr solution without that override, so I created an jsFiddle to experiment:
What happens once you register a dijit is the following; it is referenced by the dijit.registry._hash:
function (widget) {
if (hash[]) {
throw new Error("Tried to register widget with id==" + + " but that id is already registered");
hash[] = widget;
Now, every now and then you would have a contentpane in which you would put a widget programatically (programatically, hence dojo.parser handles cpane.unload and derefences / destroys parser-instantiated widgets).
When this happens, you need to hook onto some form of 'unload', like, when your call cpane.set('content' foo) or cpane.set('href', bar). Hook is needed to destroy and unregister the instances you keep of widgets - otherwise you would have a memoryleak in your program.
Normally, once an object has no references anywhere - it will get cleaned out of memory however with complex objects such as a widget might be, 'class-variables' often have reference to something _outside _widget scope which flags the widget unsafe to delete to the garbage collector... Once you get this point, you will know to perform proper lifecycles, yet not before the concept is fully understood..
What you could do is to override the dijit.registry with your own handler and have any widgets that are doublets destroyed automatically like so:
// pull in registry in-sync and with global scoped
// accees (aka dijit.registry instead of dj_reg)
}, [
], function(dj_reg) {
dijit.registry.add = function(widget) {
// lets change this bit
if (this._hash[]) {
this._hash[].destroy(); // optinally destroyRecursively
this._hash[] = widget;